[bottlenecks.git] / testing-scheduler / ui / src / components / env_component / service_modal.vue
1 <template>\r
2     <div class="modal inmodal fade" id="myModal">\r
3         <div class="modal-dialog modal-lg">\r
4             <div class="modal-content animated">\r
5                 <div class="modal-header">\r
6                     <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal">\r
7                         <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span><span class="sr-only">Close</span>\r
8                     </button>\r
9                     <h3 class="modal-title">{{type.service}}</h3>\r
10                 </div>\r
11                 <div class="modal-body">\r
12                     <div class="row">\r
13                         <form method="get" class="form-horizontal">\r
14                             <div id="service-address">\r
15                                 <button class="btn btn-default">Basic</button>\r
16                                 <div class="form-group">\r
17                                     <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">name</label>\r
18                                     <div class="col-sm-7">\r
19                                         <input  type="text" class="form-control service-title" v-model="type.service" placeholder="please input service name.">\r
20                                     </div>\r
21                                 </div>\r
22                                 <div class="form-group">\r
23                                     <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">ip</label>\r
24                                     <div class="col-sm-7"><input type="text" class="form-control" v-model="ip"></div>\r
25                                 </div>\r
26                                 <div class="form-group">\r
27                                     <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">port</label>\r
28                                     <div class="col-sm-7"><input type="text" class="form-control" v-model="port"></div>\r
29                                 </div>\r
30                             </div>\r
31                             <div class="hr-line-dashed"></div>\r
32                             <div id="service-apis">\r
33                                 <div id="apis-nav">\r
34                                     <button class="btn btn-default">Apis</button>\r
35                                 </div>\r
36                                 <br />\r
37                                 <div id="api-panels" class="api col-sm-offset-1 col-sm-10">\r
38                                     <div class="panel-group" id="accordion">\r
39                                         <service-api v-for="api in apis" panel-parent="#accordion" v-bind="api" v-on:name="api.name = $event" v-on:method="api.method = $event" v-on:baseuri="api.baseuri = $event" v-on:params="api.params = $event" v-on:template="api.template = $event" v-on:delete="removeApi"></service-api>\r
40                                     </div>\r
41                                     <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary pull-right" v-on:click="addNewApi()">New</button>\r
42                                 </div>\r
43                             </div>\r
44                         </form>\r
45                     </div>\r
46                 </div>\r
47                 <div class="modal-footer">\r
48                     <button type="button" class="btn btn-white" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button>\r
49                     <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" v-on:click="save()">Save changes</button>\r
50                 </div>\r
51             </div>\r
52         </div>\r
53     </div>\r
54 </template>\r
55 <script>\r
56 import service_api from "./service_api.vue";\r
57 import showMessage from '../message/showMessage.js'\r
58 export default {\r
59     props: ['type'],\r
60     data: function() {\r
61         return {\r
62             typeTag: this.type.tag,\r
63             ip: "",\r
64             port: "",\r
65             apis: []\r
66         }\r
67     },\r
68     created: function() {\r
69     },\r
70     watch: {\r
71         type: {\r
72             handler: function(newVal, oldVal) {\r
73                 console.log("###########type is changed!");\r
74                 if(newVal.content) {\r
75                    var content = newVal.content;\r
76                    this.ip =  content.ip;\r
77                    this.port = content.port;\r
78                    this.apis = content.apis;\r
79                    console.log(this.apis);\r
80                 } else {\r
81                     this.resetModalData();\r
82                 }\r
83                 console.log("end!");\r
84             },\r
85             deep: true\r
86         }\r
87     },\r
88     methods: {\r
89         addNewApi: function() {\r
90             var newApi = {'name': 'new', 'method': 'GET', 'baseuri': '', 'params': [], 'template': {"uri": "((baseuri))"}};\r
91             this.apis.push(newApi);\r
92         },\r
93         removeApi: function(name) {\r
94             for(var i = 0; i < this.apis.length; i++) {\r
95                 if(name == this.apis[i]['name']) {\r
96                     this.apis.splice(i, 1);\r
97                 }\r
98             }\r
99         },\r
100         save: function() {\r
101             if(this.ip == "") {\r
102                 showMessage("warning", "SERVICE", "ip is not filled!");\r
103                 return;\r
104             } else if (this.port == "") {\r
105                 showMessage("warning", "SERVICE", "port is not filled!");\r
106                 return;\r
107             } else if (this.type.service == "") {\r
108                 showMessage("warning", "SERVICE", "service name is not filled!");\r
109                 return;\r
110             }\r
111             if(this.type.edit == true) {\r
112                 this.saveEdition();\r
113             } else {\r
114                 this.saveCreation();\r
115             }\r
116             this.resetModalData();\r
117             $("#myModal").modal("hide");\r
118         },\r
119         saveEdition: function() {\r
120             var self = this;\r
121             var msgTitle = "SAVE -- SERVICE";\r
122             $.ajax({\r
123                 url: this.global.SERVER_ADDR + "env/editService",\r
124                 method: "post",\r
125                 data: {\r
126                     "oldName":     self.type.originName,\r
127                     "newName":     self.type.service,\r
128                     "ip":         self.ip,\r
129                     "port":     self.port,\r
130                     "apis":     JSON.stringify(self.apis),\r
131                 },\r
132                 success: function(data) {\r
133                     if(data['code'] == 200) {\r
134                         showMessage("success", msgTitle, "Save service <strong>" + self.type.service + "</strong> successfully!");\r
135                     } else {\r
136                         showMessage(data['code'], msgTitle, "Failed to save service <strong>" + self.type.service + "</strong>!", data['error']);\r
137                     }\r
138                 },\r
139                 error: function() {\r
140                     showMessage("error", msgTitle, "Failed to save service <strong>" + self.type.service + "</strong>!", msg);\r
141                 }\r
142             });\r
143             var edition = {\r
144                 'oldName': this.type.originName,\r
145                 'newName': this.type.service\r
146             };\r
147             this.$emit("service-edition", edition);\r
148         },\r
149         saveCreation: function() {\r
150             console.log("save creation!!!");\r
151             var self = this;\r
152             var msgTitle = "CREATE -- SERVICE";\r
153             $.ajax({\r
154                 url: this.global.SERVER_ADDR + "env/createService",\r
155                 method: "post",\r
156                 data: {\r
157                     "name": self.type.service,\r
158                     "ip":     self.ip,\r
159                     "port": self.port,\r
160                     "apis": JSON.stringify(self.apis)\r
161                 },\r
162                 success: function(data) {\r
163                     if(data['code'] == 200) {\r
164                         showMessage("success", msgTitle, "Create <strong>"+ self.type.service + "</strong> successfully!");\r
165                     } else {\r
166                         showMessage(data['code'], msgTitle, "Failed to create service <strong>" + self.type.service + "</strong>!", data['error']);\r
167                         self.$emit("creation-fail", self.type.service);\r
168                     }\r
169                 },\r
170                 error: function() {\r
171                     showMessage("error", msgTitle, "Failed to create service <strong>" + self.type.service + "</strong>!", msg);\r
172                     self.$emit("creation-fail", self.type.service);\r
173                 }\r
174             });\r
175             this.$emit("service-creation", this.type.service);\r
176         },\r
177         resetModalData: function() {\r
178             this.ip = "";\r
179             this.port = "";\r
180             this.apis = [];\r
181         },\r
182         getData: function() {\r
183             console.log("apis:");\r
184             for(i in this.apis) {\r
185                 console.log(this.apis[i]);\r
186             }\r
187         }\r
188     },\r
189     components: {\r
190         'service-api': service_api\r
191     }\r
192 }\r
193 </script>