Merge "add k8s capacity test case"
[bottlenecks.git] / test-scheduler / ui / src / components / testcase.vue
1 <template>
2   <div class="wrapper wrapper-content animated fadeIn">
3     <div class="row" style="margin-bottom: 20px;">
4       <div class="col-md-8">
5         <ol class="breadcrumb" style="padding-left: 20px; font-size: 17px;">
6           <li>
7             <router-link to="/" >root</router-link>
8           </li>
9           <li>
10             <router-link :to="{ path: '/testcase', query: { name: sname }}"><b>{{this.$}}</b></router-link>
11           </li>
12         </ol>
13       </div>
14     </div>
15     <div id="page-content" style="" class="row">
16         <div class="col-lg-8">
17             <div class="ibox">
18                 <div class="ibox-title">
19                     <h5 style="font-size:26px;margin-top: -3px;">Test Case</h5>
20                     <div class="ibox-tools">
21                     <button class="btn btn-info btn-sm my-button-sm" type="button" v-on:click="runMultiTestcase()">Run</button>
22                     <button class="btn btn-success btn-sm my-button-sm" type="button" v-on:click="create()">Create</button>
23                     <button class="btn btn-danger btn-sm my-button-sm" v-on:click="deleteCases()" type="button">Delete</button>
24                     <a class="collapse-link">
25                         <i class="fa fa-chevron-up"></i>
26                     </a>
27                     <a class="fullscreen-link">
28                         <i class="fa fa-expand"></i>
29                     </a>
30                     </div>
31                 </div>
32                 <div class="ibox-content" style="text-align:center;">
33                 <table class="my-table table table-bordered" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="text-align: center;">
34                     <thead>
35                         <tr>
36                               <td class="checkbox1" style="width:20px"><input type="checkbox" v-model="selectAll"> All</td>
37                               <td class="smallbox" style="with:250px;">TestCase Name</td>
38                         </tr>
39                     </thead>
40                     <tbody>
41                         <tr v-for="testcase in testcases">
42                           <td><input class="checkbox1" style="width:20px" type="checkbox" v-model="selected" :value="testcase.testcase"> </td>
43                           <td class="smallbox" style="with:250px;"><router-link :to="{ path: '/content', query: { suiteName: sname, caseName: testcase.testcase } }">{{testcase.testcase}}</router-link></td>
44                         </tr>
45                     </tbody>
46                     <tfoot id="create-box" style="display: none">
47                         <tr>
48                             <td class="checkbox1" style="width:20px"><input type="checkbox"> </td>
49                             <td class="smallbox" style="with:250px;"><input type="text" v-model="newCase" @keydown.enter="additem" ></td>
50                         </tr>
51                     </tfoot>
52                   </table>
53                 </div>
54             </div>
55         </div>
56     </div>
57     <hr />
58     <div class="row">
59       <div class="col-lg-12">
60           <div class="ibox">
61               <div class="ibox-title">
62                   <h5 style="font-size:26px;margin-top: -3px;">Workflow</h5>
63                   <div class="ibox-tools">
64                       <a class="collapse-link">
65                           <i class="fa fa-chevron-up"></i>
66                       </a>
67                       <a class="fullscreen-link">
68                           <i class="fa fa-expand"></i>
69                       </a>
70                   </div>
71               </div>
72               <div class="ibox-content" style="padding-top: 30px;">
73                 <div id="executing" class="row" style="padding: 0 30px 60px;">
74                     <div class="col-md-offset-2 col-md-8">
75                       <div class="table-responsive">
76                         <table class="table text-center" style="margin-top: 30px;">
77                           <thead>
78                             <tr>
79                               <th class="text-center">#</th>
80                               <th class="text-center">testcase</th>
81                               <th class="text-center">status</th>
82                               <th class="text-center">operation</th>
83                             </tr>
84                           </thead>
85                           <tbody>
86                             <tr v-for="testcase in runTestcases">
87                               <td>{{ }}</td>
88                               <td>{{ testcase.testcase }}</td>
89                               <td><span class="badge" v-bind:class="'badge-' + statusClass(testcase.status)">{{ testcase.status }}</span></td>
90                               <td>
91                                 <div style="display: inline-block;min-width: 130px;">
92                                   <button class="btn btn-primary btn-outline btn-xs fadeIn" v-on:click="runTestcase()" v-show="testcase.status == 'failed'">rerun</button>
93                                   <button class="btn btn-primary btn-outline btn-xs fadeIn" v-on:click="runNextCase($" v-show="testcase.status == 'failed'">run next one</button>
94                                 </div>
95                               </td>
96                             </tr>
97                           </tbody>
98                         </table>
99                       </div>
100                     </div>
101                 </div>
102                 <hr class="hr-line-solid">
103                 <div class="row" style="margin-top: 60px;">
104                   <wfresult v-bind:workflowId="workflowId" v-bind:wfloading='wfloading' v-bind:wfJson='wfJson' v-on:wfComplete="wfComplete = $event"></wfresult>
105                 </div>
106               </div>
107           </div>
108       </div>
109     </div>
110   </div>
111 </template>
112 <script>
113 import wfresult from './workflow_graph/wfresult.vue'
114 import showMessage from './message/showMessage.js'
115 export default {
116   name: 'testcase',
117   data () {
118     return {
119       testcases: [],
120       sname: this.$,
121       newCase:'',
122       addstory:'',
123       workflowId: '',
124       wfloading: false,
125       wfJson: '',
126       selected: [],
127       curRunningId: 0,
128       runTestcases: [],
129       wfComplete: false
130     }
131   },
132   created: function() {
133     var self = this;
134     var msgTitle = "GET -- TESTCASES";
135     var errorInfo = "Failed to get testcase list.";
136     $.ajax({
137       url: + "testsuite/content",
138       method:"GET",
139       data:{
140         suiteName:  this.$
141       },
142       success:function (data) {
143         if(data['code'] == 200) {
144           self.testcases = data['result'];
145         } else {
146           showMessage(data['code'], msgTitle, errorInfo, data['error']);
147         }
148       },
149       error: function(obj, status, msg) {
150         showMessage(status, msgTitle, errorInfo, msg);
151       }
152     });
153   },
154   computed: {
155     selectAll: {
156       get: function () {
157         return this.testcases ? this.selected.length == this.testcases.length : false;
158       },
159       set: function (value) {
160         var selected = [];
161         if (value) {
162           this.testcases.forEach(function (testcase) {
163             selected.push(testcase.testcase);
164           });
165         }
166         this.selected = selected;
167       }
168     }
169   },
170   methods:{
171     create: function () {
172       var cbox = document.getElementById("create-box");
173 = "table-footer-group";
174     },
175     additem: function () {
176       var self = this;
177       var msgTitle = "CREATE -- TESTCASE";
178       const caseName = self.newCase.trim();
179       if(caseName)
180       {
181         $.ajax({
182           url: + "testcase/new",
183           method:"POST",
184           data:{
185             suiteName: self.sname,
186             caseName: caseName
187           },
188           success:function (data) {
189             if(data['code'] == 200){
190               self.testcases.push({
191                 id: self.testcases.length + 1 ,
192                 testcase: caseName,
193               });
194               showMessage(data['code'], msgTitle, "Create <strong>" + caseName + "</strong> succesfully!");
195             } else {
196               showMessage(data['code'], msgTitle, "Failed to create <strong>" + caseName + "</strong>!", data['error']);
197             }
198           },
199           error: function(obj, status, msg) {
200             showMessage(status, msgTitle, "Failed to create <strong>" + caseName + "</strong>!", msg);
201           }
202         });
203       }
204       var cbox = document.getElementById("create-box");
205 = "none";
206       this.newCase = '';
207     },
208     deleteCases:function () {
209       var self = this;
210       var msgTitle = "DELETE -- TESTCASE";
211       var deleteArr = self.selected.slice(0);
212       self.testcases = self.testcases.filter(item => {
213           for(var i in deleteArr) {
214             if(item.testcase == deleteArr[i]) {
215               return false;
216             }
217           }
218           return true;
219       });
220       self.selected = [];
221       for(var i in deleteArr)
222       {
223         $.ajax({
224           url: + "testcase/delete",
225           method: "POST",
226           data: {
227             suiteName: self.sname,
228             caseName: deleteArr[i]
229           },
230           success: function(data) {
231             if(data['code'] == 200){
232               showMessage(data['code'], msgTitle, "Delete <strong>" + deleteArr[i] + "</strong> succesfully!");
233             } else {
234               showMessage(data['code'], msgTitle, "Failed to delete <strong>" + deleteArr[i] + "</strong>!", data['error']);
235             }
236           },
237           error: function(obj, status, msg) {
238             showMessage(status, msgTitle, "Failed to delete <strong>" + deleteArr[i] + "</strong>!", msg);
239           }
240         });
241       }
242     },
243     runMultiTestcase: function() {
244       var self = this;
245       var msgTitle = "RUN -- TESTCASES";
246       self.runTestcases = [];
247       if(self.selected.length == 0) {
248         showMessage("warning", msgTitle, "please select one!");
249         return;
250       }
251       for(var i=0; i < self.selected.length; i++) {
252         var testcaseItem = {'id': i, 'testcase': '', 'status': "waiting"};
253         testcaseItem['testcase'] = self.selected[i];
254         self.runTestcases.push(testcaseItem);
255       }
256       self.curRunningId = 0;
257       showMessage("info", msgTitle, "start to run <strong>testcases</strong>");
258       self.runOneTestcase();
259     },
260     runOneTestcase: function() {
261       var self = this;
262       var msgTitle = "RUN -- TESTCASE";
263       if (self.curRunningId == self.runTestcases.length) {
264         self.curRunningId = 0;
265         return;
266       }
267       self.wfComplete = false;
268       var i = self.curRunningId;
269       self.runTestcases[i]['status'] = "running";
270       $.ajax({
271           url: + "execute/testcase",
272           method: "POST",
273           data: {
274               "suiteName": self.sname,
275               "caseName": self.runTestcases[self.curRunningId]['testcase']
276           },
277           beforeSend: function(XHR) {
278               self.wfloading = true;
279           },
280           success: function(data) {
281               if(data['code'] == 200) {
282                   self.workflowId = data['result']['workflowId'];
283                   $.ajax({
284                       url: + "story-content",
285                       method: "GET",
286                       data: {
287                           "service":  self.sname,
288                           "story": self.runTestcases[self.curRunningId]['testcase']
289                       },
290                       success: function(data) {
291                           if(data['code'] == 200) {
292                               self.wfJson = data['result']['content'];
293                           } else {
294                             showMessage(data['code'], msgTitle, "workflow.json get failed!");
295                           }
296                       },
297                       error: function(obj, status, msg) {
298                         showMessage(status, msgTitle, msg);
299                       }
300                   });
301               } else {
302                 var i = self.curRunningId;
303                 self.runTestcases[i]['status'] = "failed";
304                 self.wfloading = false;
305                 showMessage(data['code'], msgTitle, "Failed to run <strong>" + self.runTestcases[i]['testcase'] + "</strong>", data['error']);
306               }
307           },
308           error: function(obj, status, msg) {
309             var i = self.curRunningId;
310             self.runTestcases[i]['status'] = "failed";
311             self.wfloading = false;
312             showMessage(status, msgTitle, "Failed to run <strong>" + self.runTestcases[i]['testcase'] + "</strong>", msg);
313           }
314       });
315     },
316     statusClass: function(status) {
317       if(status == "waiting") {
318         return "success";
319       }
320       if(status == "running") {
321         return "warning";
322       }
323       if(status == "pass") {
324         return "primary";
325       }
326       if(status == "failed") {
327         return "danger";
328       }
329     },
330     runNextCase: function(obj) {
331       $(obj).parent().css({"display": "none"});
332       var i = this.curRunningId++;
333       this.runOneTestcase();
334     }
335   },
336   watch: {
337     wfComplete: function(val) {
338       if(val == false) return;
339       this.wfloading = false;
340       var i = this.curRunningId++;
341       this.runTestcases[i]['status'] = "pass";
342       this.runOneTestcase();
343     }
344   },
345   components: {
346     wfresult
347   }
348 }
349 </script>