2017-05-27 Jun LiMerge "Bugfix: Dovetail CI fail because of no env varia...
2017-05-27 xudanBugfix: Dovetail CI fail because of no env variable... 25/35425/1
2017-05-26 Tim RozetApex: fixes downloading artifacts for rpms/iso 19/35419/1
2017-05-26 Tim RozetApex: variablize concurrent builds per node 15/35415/1
2017-05-26 mei meiMerge "Add auto-report to MongoDB"
2017-05-26 Jun LiMerge "Bugfix: Permission denied when generate openrc...
2017-05-26 xudanBugfix: Permission denied when generate openrc file 91/35391/1
2017-05-26 Jun LiMerge "Change the directories of results and some files...
2017-05-26 Serena FengMerge "define default parameters for daisy"
2017-05-26 Serena FengMerge "update blocked jobs"
2017-05-26 xudanChange the directories of results and some files to... 31/35331/2
2017-05-25 Tim RozetMerge "Apex: increase build timeout"
2017-05-25 Tim RozetMerge "Trigger cperf not functest from apex-cperf-runner"
2017-05-25 Tim RozetApex: increase build timeout 75/35375/1
2017-05-25 Jamo LuhrsenTrigger cperf not functest from apex-cperf-runner 15/34915/6
2017-05-25 Jamo LuhrsenDeploy 2 Computes if triggered by promote jobs 13/34913/3
2017-05-25 Tim RozetApex: temporarily disable functest smoke on verify 59/35359/1
2017-05-25 Juliendefine default parameters for daisy 41/35341/3
2017-05-25 Julienupdate blocked jobs 55/35355/2
2017-05-25 yuyangAdd auto-report to MongoDB 23/35323/1
2017-05-25 Serena FengMerge "Fix verify job without patchset"
2017-05-24 jose.lausuch[Functest] Push results for functest suite 73/35273/1
2017-05-24 Jun LiMerge "dovetail: conditional steps added to armpod"
2017-05-24 Tim RozetFunctest: Adds failure checking + fixes fetch os creds 71/35271/1
2017-05-24 Tim RozetFunctest: removes redundant exit 0 from fetch creds 53/35253/1
2017-05-23 Tim RozetFunctest: fixes fetching os creds 43/35243/4
2017-05-23 Tim RozetMerge "Apex: remove downloading ISO for deploy"
2017-05-23 Tim RozetApex: remove downloading ISO for deploy 23/35223/1
2017-05-23 Tim RozetFunctest: fixes downloading images for danube branch 21/35221/1
2017-05-23 Tim RozetMerge "[Functest] Provide credentials to Functest as...
2017-05-23 Tim RozetApex: fix deploy and test run job to pass empty refspec 09/35209/2
2017-05-23 Fatih DegirmenciMerge "barometer jjb: update for nightly RPM Build"
2017-05-23 Jose LausuchMerge "[Functest] Redirect output when downloading...
2017-05-23 jose.lausuch[Functest] Provide credentials to Functest as a volume 99/35199/1
2017-05-23 JulienFix verify job without patchset 97/35197/1
2017-05-23 Serena FengMerge "[qtip]refactor"
2017-05-23 Maryam Tahhanbarometer jjb: update for nightly RPM Build 41/33941/2
2017-05-23 Serena FengMerge "support cancel operation while signing in"
2017-05-22 Trevor BramwellMerge "Remove old GS-Cleanup Job from Apex"
2017-05-22 Tim RozetApex: fixes blocking with daily 63/35163/1
2017-05-22 Tim RozetApex: fix iso verify build dir to absolute path 59/35159/1
2017-05-22 Tim RozetRevert "Apex: fixes build directory passing for iso... 57/35157/1
2017-05-22 Tim RozetApex: fixes build directory passing for iso upload 51/35151/1
2017-05-22 Trevor BramwellMerge "Yamllint on Pharos, Octopus, and SecuredLab...
2017-05-22 Trevor BramwellYamllint on Pharos, Octopus, and SecuredLab Repos 49/35149/1
2017-05-22 Feng PanAPEX: fix permission for rm in iso verify 47/35147/1
2017-05-22 Jose LausuchMerge "Update functest jjobs to run tox"
2017-05-22 jose.lausuch[Functest] Redirect output when downloading images 55/35055/2
2017-05-22 Tim RozetMerge "APEX: iso verify fixes"
2017-05-22 zhihui wu[qtip]refactor 37/35137/1
2017-05-22 Jun LiMerge "dovetail: conditional steps added to fuel-bgpvpn...
2017-05-22 Jun LiMerge "dovetail: offline support by making users to...
2017-05-22 MatthewLidovetail: conditional steps added to armpod 15/35115/2
2017-05-22 MatthewLidovetail: conditional steps added to fuel-bgpvpn scenario 17/35117/1
2017-05-21 Feng PanAPEX: iso verify fixes 13/35113/1
2017-05-20 Cédric OllivierUpdate functest jjobs to run tox 89/35089/2
2017-05-20 Jun LiMerge "fix conditional step label"
2017-05-20 SerenaFengsupport cancel operation while signing in 45/35045/3
2017-05-20 Serena FengMerge "add signout funcationality"
2017-05-20 MatthewLifix conditional step label 75/35075/3
2017-05-19 agardnerpod configs are not going to live in directories 67/35067/1
2017-05-19 Jose LausuchMerge "Download images and map the folder to container"
2017-05-19 SerenaFengbugfix: extra fields are added when push results 35/35035/1
2017-05-19 helenyaoDownload images and map the folder to container 21/34421/4
2017-05-19 SerenaFengadd signout funcationality 31/35031/1
2017-05-18 Tim RozetApex: fix daily scm gerrit refspec to null 11/35011/1
2017-05-18 Tim RozetApex: fix daily scm passing and yardstick deploy blocking 09/35009/1
2017-05-18 Tim RozetApex: fix daily scm and functest job blocking with... 07/35007/2
2017-05-18 Trevor BramwellBuild Timeout Wrapper for Yardstick 97/34997/2
2017-05-18 SerenaFengsupport showing user's specified contents after signin 81/34981/1
2017-05-18 MatthewLidovetail: offline support by making users to download... 39/34939/1
2017-05-18 SerenaFengadd signin web to TestAPI 89/34889/4
2017-05-18 Serena FengMerge "add missing dist files ignored by .gitignore"
2017-05-18 Serena FengMerge "refactor static_path to accomodate web portal"
2017-05-18 Jun LiMerge "dovetail: conditional steps to run against speci...
2017-05-17 Tim RozetApex: remove blocking verify jobs per node 23/34923/1
2017-05-17 Tim RozetApex: fixes missing blocking from j2 21/34921/1
2017-05-17 Tim RozetApex: allow 3 simultaneous builds per node 19/34919/1
2017-05-17 Trevor BramwellRemove old GS-Cleanup Job from Apex 71/34571/2
2017-05-17 Cédric OllivierSet again's report flag 87/34887/1
2017-05-17 SerenaFengadd missing dist files ignored by .gitignore 71/34671/4
2017-05-17 SerenaFengrefactor static_path to accomodate web portal 65/34665/8
2017-05-17 Morgan RichommeMerge "bugfix: /resources.json and /APIs cannot be...
2017-05-16 Markos ChandrasMerge "jjb: xci: bifrost: Clone git repositories to...
2017-05-16 Markos ChandrasMerge "jjb: xci: Run the deployment...
2017-05-16 Markos ChandrasMerge "prototypes: xci: Look for SSH keys in $HOME...
2017-05-16 Markos ChandrasMerge "prototypes: xci: Move host keys away from /...
2017-05-16 Markos ChandrasMerge "prototypes: xci: Add ability to use local reposi...
2017-05-16 Fatih DegirmenciMerge "prototypes: bifrost: Remove OPNFV specific group...
2017-05-16 Markos ChandrasMerge "prototypes: xci: configure-localhost: Use 'conne...
2017-05-16 Markos ChandrasMerge "prototypes: xci: provision-vm-nodes: Do not...
2017-05-16 Markos ChandrasMerge "prototypes: xci: user-vars: Move root directory...
2017-05-16 Markos ChandrasMerge "prototypes: xci: xci-deploy: Do not use sudo...
2017-05-16 Markos ChandrasMerge "prototypes: xci: Do not require root privileges...
2017-05-16 Tim RozetApex: add ramdisk and kernel to upload 45/34845/1
2017-05-16 Serena FengMerge "refactor config parser to facilitate adding...
2017-05-16 SerenaFengbugfix: /resources.json and /APIs cannot be accessed 35/34835/2
2017-05-16 MatthewLidovetail: conditional steps to run against specific... 13/34813/2
2017-05-16 Tim RozetApex: fix clean cmds in deploy 15/34815/1
2017-05-16 Tim RozetApex: add gerrit to deploy 11/34811/1