// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab #include "tools/rbd/ArgumentTypes.h" #include "tools/rbd/Shell.h" #include "tools/rbd/Utils.h" #include "common/errno.h" #include #include namespace rbd { namespace action { namespace remove { namespace at = argument_types; namespace po = boost::program_options; static int do_delete(librbd::RBD &rbd, librados::IoCtx& io_ctx, const char *imgname, bool no_progress) { utils::ProgressContext pc("Removing image", no_progress); int r = rbd.remove_with_progress(io_ctx, imgname, pc); if (r < 0) { pc.fail(); return r; } pc.finish(); return 0; } void get_arguments(po::options_description *positional, po::options_description *options) { at::add_image_spec_options(positional, options, at::ARGUMENT_MODIFIER_NONE); at::add_no_progress_option(options); } int execute(const po::variables_map &vm) { size_t arg_index = 0; std::string pool_name; std::string image_name; std::string snap_name; int r = utils::get_pool_image_snapshot_names( vm, at::ARGUMENT_MODIFIER_NONE, &arg_index, &pool_name, &image_name, &snap_name, utils::SNAPSHOT_PRESENCE_NONE, utils::SPEC_VALIDATION_NONE); if (r < 0) { return r; } librados::Rados rados; librados::IoCtx io_ctx; r = utils::init(pool_name, &rados, &io_ctx); if (r < 0) { return r; } io_ctx.set_osdmap_full_try(); librbd::RBD rbd; r = do_delete(rbd, io_ctx, image_name.c_str(), vm[at::NO_PROGRESS].as()); if (r < 0) { if (r == -ENOTEMPTY) { std::cerr << "rbd: image has snapshots - these must be deleted" << " with 'rbd snap purge' before the image can be removed." << std::endl; } else if (r == -EBUSY) { std::cerr << "rbd: error: image still has watchers" << std::endl << "This means the image is still open or the client using " << "it crashed. Try again after closing/unmapping it or " << "waiting 30s for the crashed client to timeout." << std::endl; } else { std::cerr << "rbd: delete error: " << cpp_strerror(r) << std::endl; } return r ; } return 0; } Shell::Action action( {"remove"}, {"rm"}, "Delete an image.", "", &get_arguments, &execute); } // namespace remove } // namespace action } // namespace rbd