// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab /* * Ceph - scalable distributed file system * * Copyright (C) 2011 New Dream Network * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software * Foundation. See file COPYING. * */ #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "include/cephfs/libcephfs.h" #include "include/stat.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __linux__ #include #endif #include #include TEST(LibCephFS, OpenEmptyComponent) { pid_t mypid = getpid(); struct ceph_mount_info *cmount; ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_create(&cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_read_file(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_parse_env(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_mount(cmount, "/")); char c_dir[1024]; sprintf(c_dir, "/open_test_%d", mypid); struct ceph_dir_result *dirp; ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_mkdirs(cmount, c_dir, 0777)); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_opendir(cmount, c_dir, &dirp)); char c_path[1024]; sprintf(c_path, "/open_test_%d//created_file_%d", mypid, mypid); int fd = ceph_open(cmount, c_path, O_RDONLY|O_CREAT, 0666); ASSERT_LT(0, fd); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_close(cmount, fd)); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_closedir(cmount, dirp)); ceph_shutdown(cmount); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_create(&cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_read_file(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_parse_env(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_mount(cmount, "/")); fd = ceph_open(cmount, c_path, O_RDONLY, 0666); ASSERT_LT(0, fd); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_close(cmount, fd)); ceph_shutdown(cmount); } TEST(LibCephFS, OpenReadWrite) { struct ceph_mount_info *cmount; ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_create(&cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_read_file(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_parse_env(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_mount(cmount, "/")); char c_path[1024]; sprintf(c_path, "test_open_rdwr_%d", getpid()); int fd = ceph_open(cmount, c_path, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 0666); ASSERT_LT(0, fd); const char *out_buf = "hello world"; size_t size = strlen(out_buf); char in_buf[100]; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_write(cmount, fd, out_buf, size, 0), (int)size); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_read(cmount, fd, in_buf, sizeof(in_buf), 0), -EBADF); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_close(cmount, fd)); fd = ceph_open(cmount, c_path, O_RDONLY, 0); ASSERT_LT(0, fd); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_write(cmount, fd, out_buf, size, 0), -EBADF); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_read(cmount, fd, in_buf, sizeof(in_buf), 0), (int)size); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_close(cmount, fd)); fd = ceph_open(cmount, c_path, O_RDWR, 0); ASSERT_LT(0, fd); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_write(cmount, fd, out_buf, size, 0), (int)size); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_read(cmount, fd, in_buf, sizeof(in_buf), 0), (int)size); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_close(cmount, fd)); ceph_shutdown(cmount); } TEST(LibCephFS, MountNonExist) { struct ceph_mount_info *cmount; ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_create(&cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_read_file(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_parse_env(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_NE(0, ceph_mount(cmount, "/non-exist")); ceph_shutdown(cmount); } TEST(LibCephFS, MountDouble) { struct ceph_mount_info *cmount; ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_create(&cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_read_file(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_parse_env(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_mount(cmount, "/")); ASSERT_EQ(-EISCONN, ceph_mount(cmount, "/")); ceph_shutdown(cmount); } TEST(LibCephFS, MountRemount) { struct ceph_mount_info *cmount; ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_create(&cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_read_file(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_parse_env(cmount, NULL)); CephContext *cct = ceph_get_mount_context(cmount); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_mount(cmount, "/")); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_unmount(cmount)); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_mount(cmount, "/")); ASSERT_EQ(cct, ceph_get_mount_context(cmount)); ceph_shutdown(cmount); } TEST(LibCephFS, UnmountUnmounted) { struct ceph_mount_info *cmount; ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_create(&cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_read_file(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_parse_env(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_unmount(cmount)); ceph_shutdown(cmount); } TEST(LibCephFS, ReleaseUnmounted) { struct ceph_mount_info *cmount; ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_create(&cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_read_file(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_parse_env(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_release(cmount)); } TEST(LibCephFS, ReleaseMounted) { struct ceph_mount_info *cmount; ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_create(&cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_read_file(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_parse_env(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_mount(cmount, "/")); ASSERT_EQ(-EISCONN, ceph_release(cmount)); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_unmount(cmount)); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_release(cmount)); } TEST(LibCephFS, UnmountRelease) { struct ceph_mount_info *cmount; ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_create(&cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_read_file(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_parse_env(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_mount(cmount, "/")); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_unmount(cmount)); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_release(cmount)); } TEST(LibCephFS, Mount) { struct ceph_mount_info *cmount; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_create(&cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_conf_read_file(cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_parse_env(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_mount(cmount, NULL), 0); ceph_shutdown(cmount); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_create(&cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_conf_read_file(cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_parse_env(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_mount(cmount, NULL), 0); ceph_shutdown(cmount); } TEST(LibCephFS, OpenLayout) { struct ceph_mount_info *cmount; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_create(&cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_conf_read_file(cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_parse_env(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_mount(cmount, NULL), 0); /* valid layout */ char test_layout_file[256]; sprintf(test_layout_file, "test_layout_%d_b", getpid()); int fd = ceph_open_layout(cmount, test_layout_file, O_CREAT|O_WRONLY, 0666, (1<<20), 7, (1<<20), NULL); ASSERT_GT(fd, 0); char poolname[80]; ASSERT_LT(0, ceph_get_file_pool_name(cmount, fd, poolname, sizeof(poolname))); ASSERT_LT(0, ceph_get_file_pool_name(cmount, fd, poolname, 0)); /* on already-written file (ENOTEMPTY) */ ceph_write(cmount, fd, "hello world", 11, 0); ceph_close(cmount, fd); char xattrk[128]; char xattrv[128]; sprintf(xattrk, "ceph.file.layout.stripe_unit"); sprintf(xattrv, "65536"); ASSERT_EQ(-ENOTEMPTY, ceph_setxattr(cmount, test_layout_file, xattrk, (void *)xattrv, 5, 0)); /* invalid layout */ sprintf(test_layout_file, "test_layout_%d_c", getpid()); fd = ceph_open_layout(cmount, test_layout_file, O_CREAT, 0666, (1<<20), 1, 19, NULL); ASSERT_EQ(fd, -EINVAL); /* with data pool */ sprintf(test_layout_file, "test_layout_%d_d", getpid()); fd = ceph_open_layout(cmount, test_layout_file, O_CREAT, 0666, (1<<20), 7, (1<<20), poolname); ASSERT_GT(fd, 0); ceph_close(cmount, fd); /* with metadata pool (invalid) */ sprintf(test_layout_file, "test_layout_%d_e", getpid()); fd = ceph_open_layout(cmount, test_layout_file, O_CREAT, 0666, (1<<20), 7, (1<<20), "metadata"); ASSERT_EQ(fd, -EINVAL); /* with metadata pool (does not exist) */ sprintf(test_layout_file, "test_layout_%d_f", getpid()); fd = ceph_open_layout(cmount, test_layout_file, O_CREAT, 0666, (1<<20), 7, (1<<20), "asdfjasdfjasdf"); ASSERT_EQ(fd, -EINVAL); ceph_shutdown(cmount); } TEST(LibCephFS, DirLs) { pid_t mypid = getpid(); struct ceph_mount_info *cmount; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_create(&cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_conf_read_file(cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_parse_env(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_mount(cmount, "/"), 0); struct ceph_dir_result *ls_dir = NULL; char foostr[256]; sprintf(foostr, "dir_ls%d", mypid); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_opendir(cmount, foostr, &ls_dir), -ENOENT); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_mkdir(cmount, foostr, 0777), 0); struct ceph_statx stx; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_statx(cmount, foostr, &stx, 0, 0), 0); ASSERT_NE(S_ISDIR(stx.stx_mode), 0); char barstr[256]; sprintf(barstr, "dir_ls2%d", mypid); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_statx(cmount, barstr, &stx, 0, AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW), -ENOENT); // insert files into directory and test open char bazstr[256]; int i = 0, r = rand() % 4096; if (getenv("LIBCEPHFS_RAND")) { r = atoi(getenv("LIBCEPHFS_RAND")); } printf("rand: %d\n", r); for(; i < r; ++i) { sprintf(bazstr, "dir_ls%d/dirf%d", mypid, i); int fd = ceph_open(cmount, bazstr, O_CREAT|O_RDONLY, 0666); ASSERT_GT(fd, 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_close(cmount, fd), 0); // set file sizes for readdirplus ceph_truncate(cmount, bazstr, i); } ASSERT_EQ(ceph_opendir(cmount, foostr, &ls_dir), 0); // not guaranteed to get . and .. first, but its a safe assumption in this case struct dirent *result = ceph_readdir(cmount, ls_dir); ASSERT_TRUE(result != NULL); ASSERT_STREQ(result->d_name, "."); result = ceph_readdir(cmount, ls_dir); ASSERT_TRUE(result != NULL); ASSERT_STREQ(result->d_name, ".."); std::vector entries; std::map offset_map; int64_t offset = ceph_telldir(cmount, ls_dir); for(i = 0; i < r; ++i) { result = ceph_readdir(cmount, ls_dir); ASSERT_TRUE(result != NULL); entries.push_back(result->d_name); offset_map[result->d_name] = offset; offset = ceph_telldir(cmount, ls_dir); } ASSERT_TRUE(ceph_readdir(cmount, ls_dir) == NULL); offset = ceph_telldir(cmount, ls_dir); ASSERT_EQ(offset_map.size(), entries.size()); for(i = 0; i < r; ++i) { sprintf(bazstr, "dirf%d", i); ASSERT_TRUE(offset_map.count(bazstr) == 1); } // test seekdir ceph_seekdir(cmount, ls_dir, offset); ASSERT_TRUE(ceph_readdir(cmount, ls_dir) == NULL); for (auto p = offset_map.begin(); p != offset_map.end(); ++p) { ceph_seekdir(cmount, ls_dir, p->second); result = ceph_readdir(cmount, ls_dir); ASSERT_TRUE(result != NULL); std::string d_name(result->d_name); ASSERT_EQ(p->first, d_name); } // test rewinddir ceph_rewinddir(cmount, ls_dir); result = ceph_readdir(cmount, ls_dir); ASSERT_TRUE(result != NULL); ASSERT_STREQ(result->d_name, "."); result = ceph_readdir(cmount, ls_dir); ASSERT_TRUE(result != NULL); ASSERT_STREQ(result->d_name, ".."); ceph_rewinddir(cmount, ls_dir); int t = ceph_telldir(cmount, ls_dir); ASSERT_GT(t, -1); ASSERT_TRUE(ceph_readdir(cmount, ls_dir) != NULL); // test seekdir - move back to the beginning ceph_seekdir(cmount, ls_dir, t); // test getdents struct dirent *getdents_entries; getdents_entries = (struct dirent *)malloc((r + 2) * sizeof(*getdents_entries)); int count = 0; std::vector found; while (true) { int len = ceph_getdents(cmount, ls_dir, (char *)getdents_entries, r * sizeof(*getdents_entries)); if (len == 0) break; ASSERT_GT(len, 0); ASSERT_TRUE((len % sizeof(*getdents_entries)) == 0); int n = len / sizeof(*getdents_entries); int j; if (count == 0) { ASSERT_STREQ(getdents_entries[0].d_name, "."); ASSERT_STREQ(getdents_entries[1].d_name, ".."); j = 2; } else { j = 0; } count += n; for(; j < n; ++i, ++j) { const char *name = getdents_entries[j].d_name; found.push_back(name); } } ASSERT_EQ(found, entries); free(getdents_entries); // test readdir_r ceph_rewinddir(cmount, ls_dir); result = ceph_readdir(cmount, ls_dir); ASSERT_TRUE(result != NULL); ASSERT_STREQ(result->d_name, "."); result = ceph_readdir(cmount, ls_dir); ASSERT_TRUE(result != NULL); ASSERT_STREQ(result->d_name, ".."); found.clear(); while (true) { struct dirent rdent; int len = ceph_readdir_r(cmount, ls_dir, &rdent); if (len == 0) break; ASSERT_EQ(len, 1); found.push_back(rdent.d_name); } ASSERT_EQ(found, entries); // test readdirplus ceph_rewinddir(cmount, ls_dir); result = ceph_readdir(cmount, ls_dir); ASSERT_TRUE(result != NULL); ASSERT_STREQ(result->d_name, "."); result = ceph_readdir(cmount, ls_dir); ASSERT_TRUE(result != NULL); ASSERT_STREQ(result->d_name, ".."); found.clear(); while (true) { struct dirent rdent; struct ceph_statx stx; int len = ceph_readdirplus_r(cmount, ls_dir, &rdent, &stx, CEPH_STATX_SIZE, AT_NO_ATTR_SYNC, NULL); if (len == 0) break; ASSERT_EQ(len, 1); const char *name = rdent.d_name; found.push_back(name); int size; sscanf(name, "dirf%d", &size); ASSERT_TRUE(stx.stx_mask & CEPH_STATX_SIZE); ASSERT_EQ(stx.stx_size, (size_t)size); ASSERT_EQ(stx.stx_ino, rdent.d_ino); //ASSERT_EQ(st.st_mode, (mode_t)0666); } ASSERT_EQ(found, entries); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_closedir(cmount, ls_dir), 0); ceph_shutdown(cmount); } TEST(LibCephFS, ManyNestedDirs) { struct ceph_mount_info *cmount; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_create(&cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_conf_read_file(cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_parse_env(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_mount(cmount, NULL), 0); const char *many_path = "a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a"; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_mkdirs(cmount, many_path, 0755), 0); int i = 0; for(; i < 39; ++i) { ASSERT_EQ(ceph_chdir(cmount, "a"), 0); struct ceph_dir_result *dirp; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_opendir(cmount, "a", &dirp), 0); struct dirent *dent = ceph_readdir(cmount, dirp); ASSERT_TRUE(dent != NULL); ASSERT_STREQ(dent->d_name, "."); dent = ceph_readdir(cmount, dirp); ASSERT_TRUE(dent != NULL); ASSERT_STREQ(dent->d_name, ".."); dent = ceph_readdir(cmount, dirp); ASSERT_TRUE(dent != NULL); ASSERT_STREQ(dent->d_name, "a"); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_closedir(cmount, dirp), 0); } ASSERT_STREQ(ceph_getcwd(cmount), "/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a"); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_chdir(cmount, "a/a/a"), 0); for(i = 0; i < 39; ++i) { ASSERT_EQ(ceph_chdir(cmount, ".."), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_rmdir(cmount, "a"), 0); } ASSERT_EQ(ceph_chdir(cmount, "/"), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_rmdir(cmount, "a/a/a"), 0); ceph_shutdown(cmount); } TEST(LibCephFS, Xattrs) { struct ceph_mount_info *cmount; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_create(&cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_conf_read_file(cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_parse_env(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_mount(cmount, NULL), 0); char test_xattr_file[256]; sprintf(test_xattr_file, "test_xattr_%d", getpid()); int fd = ceph_open(cmount, test_xattr_file, O_CREAT, 0666); ASSERT_GT(fd, 0); char i = 'a'; char xattrk[128]; char xattrv[128]; for(; i < 'a'+26; ++i) { sprintf(xattrk, "user.test_xattr_%c", i); int len = sprintf(xattrv, "testxattr%c", i); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_setxattr(cmount, test_xattr_file, xattrk, (void *) xattrv, len, XATTR_CREATE), 0); } char xattrlist[128*26]; int len = ceph_listxattr(cmount, test_xattr_file, xattrlist, sizeof(xattrlist)); char *p = xattrlist; char *n; i = 'a'; while (len > 0) { // skip/ignore the dir layout if (strcmp(p, "ceph.dir.layout") == 0 || strcmp(p, "ceph.file.layout") == 0) { len -= strlen(p) + 1; p += strlen(p) + 1; continue; } sprintf(xattrk, "user.test_xattr_%c", i); ASSERT_STREQ(p, xattrk); char gxattrv[128]; std::cout << "getting attr " << p << std::endl; int alen = ceph_getxattr(cmount, test_xattr_file, p, (void *) gxattrv, 128); ASSERT_GT(alen, 0); sprintf(xattrv, "testxattr%c", i); ASSERT_TRUE(!strncmp(xattrv, gxattrv, alen)); n = index(p, '\0'); n++; len -= (n - p); p = n; ++i; } i = 'a'; for(i = 'a'; i < 'a'+26; ++i) { sprintf(xattrk, "user.test_xattr_%c", i); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_removexattr(cmount, test_xattr_file, xattrk), 0); } ceph_close(cmount, fd); ceph_shutdown(cmount); } TEST(LibCephFS, Xattrs_ll) { struct ceph_mount_info *cmount; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_create(&cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_conf_read_file(cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_parse_env(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_mount(cmount, NULL), 0); char test_xattr_file[256]; sprintf(test_xattr_file, "test_xattr_%d", getpid()); int fd = ceph_open(cmount, test_xattr_file, O_CREAT, 0666); ASSERT_GT(fd, 0); ceph_close(cmount, fd); Inode *root = NULL; Inode *existent_file_handle = NULL; int res = ceph_ll_lookup_root(cmount, &root); ASSERT_EQ(res, 0); UserPerm *perms = ceph_mount_perms(cmount); struct ceph_statx stx; res = ceph_ll_lookup(cmount, root, test_xattr_file, &existent_file_handle, &stx, 0, 0, perms); ASSERT_EQ(res, 0); const char *valid_name = "user.attrname"; const char *value = "attrvalue"; char value_buf[256] = { 0 }; res = ceph_ll_setxattr(cmount, existent_file_handle, valid_name, value, strlen(value), 0, perms); ASSERT_EQ(res, 0); res = ceph_ll_getxattr(cmount, existent_file_handle, valid_name, value_buf, 256, perms); ASSERT_EQ(res, (int)strlen(value)); value_buf[res] = '\0'; ASSERT_STREQ(value_buf, value); ceph_shutdown(cmount); } TEST(LibCephFS, LstatSlashdot) { struct ceph_mount_info *cmount; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_create(&cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_conf_read_file(cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_parse_env(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_mount(cmount, NULL), 0); struct ceph_statx stx; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_statx(cmount, "/.", &stx, 0, AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_statx(cmount, ".", &stx, 0, AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW), 0); ceph_shutdown(cmount); } TEST(LibCephFS, DoubleChmod) { struct ceph_mount_info *cmount; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_create(&cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_conf_read_file(cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_parse_env(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_mount(cmount, NULL), 0); char test_file[256]; sprintf(test_file, "test_perms_%d", getpid()); int fd = ceph_open(cmount, test_file, O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0666); ASSERT_GT(fd, 0); // write some stuff const char *bytes = "foobarbaz"; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_write(cmount, fd, bytes, strlen(bytes), 0), (int)strlen(bytes)); ceph_close(cmount, fd); // set perms to read but can't write ASSERT_EQ(ceph_chmod(cmount, test_file, 0400), 0); fd = ceph_open(cmount, test_file, O_RDWR, 0); ASSERT_EQ(fd, -EACCES); fd = ceph_open(cmount, test_file, O_RDONLY, 0); ASSERT_GT(fd, -1); char buf[100]; int ret = ceph_read(cmount, fd, buf, 100, 0); ASSERT_EQ(ret, (int)strlen(bytes)); buf[ret] = '\0'; ASSERT_STREQ(buf, bytes); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_write(cmount, fd, bytes, strlen(bytes), 0), -EBADF); ceph_close(cmount, fd); // reset back to writeable ASSERT_EQ(ceph_chmod(cmount, test_file, 0600), 0); // ensure perms are correct struct ceph_statx stx; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_statx(cmount, test_file, &stx, CEPH_STATX_MODE, AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW), 0); ASSERT_EQ(stx.stx_mode, 0100600U); fd = ceph_open(cmount, test_file, O_RDWR, 0); ASSERT_GT(fd, 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_write(cmount, fd, bytes, strlen(bytes), 0), (int)strlen(bytes)); ceph_close(cmount, fd); ceph_shutdown(cmount); } TEST(LibCephFS, Fchmod) { struct ceph_mount_info *cmount; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_create(&cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_conf_read_file(cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_parse_env(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_mount(cmount, NULL), 0); char test_file[256]; sprintf(test_file, "test_perms_%d", getpid()); int fd = ceph_open(cmount, test_file, O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0666); ASSERT_GT(fd, 0); // write some stuff const char *bytes = "foobarbaz"; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_write(cmount, fd, bytes, strlen(bytes), 0), (int)strlen(bytes)); // set perms to read but can't write ASSERT_EQ(ceph_fchmod(cmount, fd, 0400), 0); char buf[100]; int ret = ceph_read(cmount, fd, buf, 100, 0); ASSERT_EQ(ret, (int)strlen(bytes)); buf[ret] = '\0'; ASSERT_STREQ(buf, bytes); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_write(cmount, fd, bytes, strlen(bytes), 0), (int)strlen(bytes)); ceph_close(cmount, fd); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_open(cmount, test_file, O_RDWR, 0), -EACCES); // reset back to writeable ASSERT_EQ(ceph_chmod(cmount, test_file, 0600), 0); fd = ceph_open(cmount, test_file, O_RDWR, 0); ASSERT_GT(fd, 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_write(cmount, fd, bytes, strlen(bytes), 0), (int)strlen(bytes)); ceph_close(cmount, fd); ceph_shutdown(cmount); } TEST(LibCephFS, Fchown) { struct ceph_mount_info *cmount; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_create(&cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_conf_read_file(cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_parse_env(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_mount(cmount, NULL), 0); char test_file[256]; sprintf(test_file, "test_fchown_%d", getpid()); int fd = ceph_open(cmount, test_file, O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0666); ASSERT_GT(fd, 0); // set perms to readable and writeable only by owner ASSERT_EQ(ceph_fchmod(cmount, fd, 0600), 0); // change ownership to nobody -- we assume nobody exists and id is always 65534 ASSERT_EQ(ceph_conf_set(cmount, "client_permissions", "0"), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_fchown(cmount, fd, 65534, 65534), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_conf_set(cmount, "client_permissions", "1"), 0); ceph_close(cmount, fd); fd = ceph_open(cmount, test_file, O_RDWR, 0); ASSERT_EQ(fd, -EACCES); ceph_shutdown(cmount); } #if defined(__linux__) && defined(O_PATH) TEST(LibCephFS, FlagO_PATH) { struct ceph_mount_info *cmount; ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_create(&cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_read_file(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_parse_env(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_mount(cmount, NULL)); char test_file[PATH_MAX]; sprintf(test_file, "test_oflag_%d", getpid()); int fd = ceph_open(cmount, test_file, O_CREAT|O_RDWR|O_PATH, 0666); ASSERT_EQ(-ENOENT, fd); fd = ceph_open(cmount, test_file, O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0666); ASSERT_GT(fd, 0); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_close(cmount, fd)); // ok, the file has been created. perform real checks now fd = ceph_open(cmount, test_file, O_CREAT|O_RDWR|O_PATH, 0666); ASSERT_GT(fd, 0); char buf[128]; ASSERT_EQ(-EBADF, ceph_read(cmount, fd, buf, sizeof(buf), 0)); ASSERT_EQ(-EBADF, ceph_write(cmount, fd, buf, sizeof(buf), 0)); // set perms to readable and writeable only by owner ASSERT_EQ(-EBADF, ceph_fchmod(cmount, fd, 0600)); // change ownership to nobody -- we assume nobody exists and id is always 65534 ASSERT_EQ(-EBADF, ceph_fchown(cmount, fd, 65534, 65534)); // try to sync ASSERT_EQ(-EBADF, ceph_fsync(cmount, fd, false)); struct ceph_statx stx; ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_fstatx(cmount, fd, &stx, 0, 0)); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_close(cmount, fd)); ceph_shutdown(cmount); } #endif /* __linux */ TEST(LibCephFS, Symlinks) { struct ceph_mount_info *cmount; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_create(&cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_conf_read_file(cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_parse_env(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_mount(cmount, NULL), 0); char test_file[256]; sprintf(test_file, "test_symlinks_%d", getpid()); int fd = ceph_open(cmount, test_file, O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0666); ASSERT_GT(fd, 0); ceph_close(cmount, fd); char test_symlink[256]; sprintf(test_symlink, "test_symlinks_sym_%d", getpid()); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_symlink(cmount, test_file, test_symlink), 0); // test the O_NOFOLLOW case fd = ceph_open(cmount, test_symlink, O_NOFOLLOW, 0); ASSERT_EQ(fd, -ELOOP); // stat the original file struct ceph_statx stx_orig; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_statx(cmount, test_file, &stx_orig, CEPH_STATX_ALL_STATS, 0), 0); // stat the symlink struct ceph_statx stx_symlink_orig; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_statx(cmount, test_symlink, &stx_symlink_orig, CEPH_STATX_ALL_STATS, 0), 0); // ensure the statx bufs are equal ASSERT_EQ(memcmp(&stx_orig, &stx_symlink_orig, sizeof(stx_orig)), 0); sprintf(test_file, "/test_symlinks_abs_%d", getpid()); fd = ceph_open(cmount, test_file, O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0666); ASSERT_GT(fd, 0); ceph_close(cmount, fd); sprintf(test_symlink, "/test_symlinks_abs_sym_%d", getpid()); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_symlink(cmount, test_file, test_symlink), 0); // stat the original file ASSERT_EQ(ceph_statx(cmount, test_file, &stx_orig, CEPH_STATX_ALL_STATS, 0), 0); // stat the symlink ASSERT_EQ(ceph_statx(cmount, test_symlink, &stx_symlink_orig, CEPH_STATX_ALL_STATS, 0), 0); // ensure the statx bufs are equal ASSERT_TRUE(!memcmp(&stx_orig, &stx_symlink_orig, sizeof(stx_orig))); // test lstat ASSERT_EQ(ceph_statx(cmount, test_symlink, &stx_orig, CEPH_STATX_ALL_STATS, AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW), 0); ASSERT_TRUE(S_ISLNK(stx_orig.stx_mode)); ceph_shutdown(cmount); } TEST(LibCephFS, DirSyms) { struct ceph_mount_info *cmount; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_create(&cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_conf_read_file(cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_parse_env(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_mount(cmount, NULL), 0); char test_dir1[256]; sprintf(test_dir1, "dir1_symlinks_%d", getpid()); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_mkdir(cmount, test_dir1, 0700), 0); char test_symdir[256]; sprintf(test_symdir, "symdir_symlinks_%d", getpid()); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_symlink(cmount, test_dir1, test_symdir), 0); char test_file[256]; sprintf(test_file, "/symdir_symlinks_%d/test_symdir_file", getpid()); int fd = ceph_open(cmount, test_file, O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0600); ASSERT_GT(fd, 0); ceph_close(cmount, fd); struct ceph_statx stx; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_statx(cmount, test_file, &stx, 0, AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW), 0); // ensure that its a file not a directory we get back ASSERT_TRUE(S_ISREG(stx.stx_mode)); ceph_shutdown(cmount); } TEST(LibCephFS, LoopSyms) { struct ceph_mount_info *cmount; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_create(&cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_conf_read_file(cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_parse_env(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_mount(cmount, NULL), 0); char test_dir1[256]; sprintf(test_dir1, "dir1_loopsym_%d", getpid()); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_mkdir(cmount, test_dir1, 0700), 0); char test_dir2[256]; sprintf(test_dir2, "/dir1_loopsym_%d/loop_dir", getpid()); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_mkdir(cmount, test_dir2, 0700), 0); // symlink it itself: /path/to/mysym -> /path/to/mysym char test_symdir[256]; sprintf(test_symdir, "/dir1_loopsym_%d/loop_dir/symdir", getpid()); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_symlink(cmount, test_symdir, test_symdir), 0); char test_file[256]; sprintf(test_file, "/dir1_loopsym_%d/loop_dir/symdir/test_loopsym_file", getpid()); int fd = ceph_open(cmount, test_file, O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0600); ASSERT_EQ(fd, -ELOOP); // loop: /a -> /b, /b -> /c, /c -> /a char a[256], b[256], c[256]; sprintf(a, "/%s/a", test_dir1); sprintf(b, "/%s/b", test_dir1); sprintf(c, "/%s/c", test_dir1); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_symlink(cmount, a, b), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_symlink(cmount, b, c), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_symlink(cmount, c, a), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_open(cmount, a, O_RDWR, 0), -ELOOP); ceph_shutdown(cmount); } TEST(LibCephFS, HardlinkNoOriginal) { int mypid = getpid(); struct ceph_mount_info *cmount; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_create(&cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_conf_read_file(cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_parse_env(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_mount(cmount, NULL), 0); char dir[256]; sprintf(dir, "/test_rmdirfail%d", mypid); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_mkdir(cmount, dir, 0777), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_chdir(cmount, dir), 0); int fd = ceph_open(cmount, "f1", O_CREAT, 0644); ASSERT_GT(fd, 0); ceph_close(cmount, fd); // create hard link ASSERT_EQ(ceph_link(cmount, "f1", "hardl1"), 0); // remove file link points to ASSERT_EQ(ceph_unlink(cmount, "f1"), 0); ceph_shutdown(cmount); // now cleanup ASSERT_EQ(ceph_create(&cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_conf_read_file(cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_parse_env(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_mount(cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_chdir(cmount, dir), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_unlink(cmount, "hardl1"), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_rmdir(cmount, dir), 0); ceph_shutdown(cmount); } TEST(LibCephFS, BadArgument) { struct ceph_mount_info *cmount; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_create(&cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_conf_read_file(cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_parse_env(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_mount(cmount, NULL), 0); int fd = ceph_open(cmount, "test_file", O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0666); ASSERT_GT(fd, 0); char buf[100]; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_write(cmount, fd, buf, sizeof(buf), 0), (int)sizeof(buf)); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_read(cmount, fd, buf, 0, 5), 0); ceph_close(cmount, fd); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_unlink(cmount, "test_file"), 0); ceph_shutdown(cmount); } TEST(LibCephFS, BadFileDesc) { struct ceph_mount_info *cmount; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_create(&cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_conf_read_file(cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_parse_env(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_mount(cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_fchmod(cmount, -1, 0655), -EBADF); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_close(cmount, -1), -EBADF); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_lseek(cmount, -1, 0, SEEK_SET), -EBADF); char buf[0]; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_read(cmount, -1, buf, 0, 0), -EBADF); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_write(cmount, -1, buf, 0, 0), -EBADF); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_ftruncate(cmount, -1, 0), -EBADF); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_fsync(cmount, -1, 0), -EBADF); struct ceph_statx stx; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_fstatx(cmount, -1, &stx, 0, 0), -EBADF); struct sockaddr_storage addr; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_get_file_stripe_address(cmount, -1, 0, &addr, 1), -EBADF); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_get_file_stripe_unit(cmount, -1), -EBADF); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_get_file_pool(cmount, -1), -EBADF); char poolname[80]; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_get_file_pool_name(cmount, -1, poolname, sizeof(poolname)), -EBADF); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_get_file_replication(cmount, -1), -EBADF); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_get_file_object_size(cmount, -1), -EBADF); int stripe_unit, stripe_count, object_size, pg_pool; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_get_file_layout(cmount, -1, &stripe_unit, &stripe_count, &object_size, &pg_pool), -EBADF); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_get_file_stripe_count(cmount, -1), -EBADF); ceph_shutdown(cmount); } TEST(LibCephFS, ReadEmptyFile) { struct ceph_mount_info *cmount; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_create(&cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_conf_read_file(cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_parse_env(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_mount(cmount, NULL), 0); // test the read_sync path in the client for zero files ASSERT_EQ(ceph_conf_set(cmount, "client_debug_force_sync_read", "true"), 0); int mypid = getpid(); char testf[256]; sprintf(testf, "test_reademptyfile%d", mypid); int fd = ceph_open(cmount, testf, O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY, 0644); ASSERT_GT(fd, 0); ceph_close(cmount, fd); fd = ceph_open(cmount, testf, O_RDONLY, 0); ASSERT_GT(fd, 0); char buf[4096]; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_read(cmount, fd, buf, 4096, 0), 0); ceph_close(cmount, fd); ceph_shutdown(cmount); } TEST(LibCephFS, PreadvPwritev) { struct ceph_mount_info *cmount; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_create(&cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_conf_read_file(cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_parse_env(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_mount(cmount, NULL), 0); int mypid = getpid(); char testf[256]; sprintf(testf, "test_preadvpwritevfile%d", mypid); int fd = ceph_open(cmount, testf, O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0666); ASSERT_GT(fd, 0); char out0[] = "hello "; char out1[] = "world\n"; struct iovec iov_out[2] = { {out0, sizeof(out0)}, {out1, sizeof(out1)}, }; char in0[sizeof(out0)]; char in1[sizeof(out1)]; struct iovec iov_in[2] = { {in0, sizeof(in0)}, {in1, sizeof(in1)}, }; ssize_t nwritten = iov_out[0].iov_len + iov_out[1].iov_len; ssize_t nread = iov_in[0].iov_len + iov_in[1].iov_len; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_pwritev(cmount, fd, iov_out, 2, 0), nwritten); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_preadv(cmount, fd, iov_in, 2, 0), nread); ASSERT_EQ(0, strncmp((const char*)iov_in[0].iov_base, (const char*)iov_out[0].iov_base, iov_out[0].iov_len)); ASSERT_EQ(0, strncmp((const char*)iov_in[1].iov_base, (const char*)iov_out[1].iov_base, iov_out[1].iov_len)); ceph_close(cmount, fd); ceph_shutdown(cmount); } TEST(LibCephFS, StripeUnitGran) { struct ceph_mount_info *cmount; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_create(&cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_conf_read_file(cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_parse_env(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_mount(cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_GT(ceph_get_stripe_unit_granularity(cmount), 0); ceph_shutdown(cmount); } TEST(LibCephFS, Rename) { struct ceph_mount_info *cmount; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_create(&cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_conf_read_file(cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_parse_env(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_mount(cmount, NULL), 0); int mypid = getpid(); char path_src[256]; char path_dst[256]; /* make a source file */ sprintf(path_src, "test_rename_src%d", mypid); int fd = ceph_open(cmount, path_src, O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY, 0777); ASSERT_GT(fd, 0); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_close(cmount, fd)); /* rename to a new dest path */ sprintf(path_dst, "test_rename_dst%d", mypid); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_rename(cmount, path_src, path_dst)); /* test that dest path exists */ struct ceph_statx stx; ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_statx(cmount, path_dst, &stx, 0, 0)); /* test that src path doesn't exist */ ASSERT_EQ(-ENOENT, ceph_statx(cmount, path_src, &stx, 0, AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW)); /* rename with non-existent source path */ ASSERT_EQ(-ENOENT, ceph_rename(cmount, path_src, path_dst)); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_unlink(cmount, path_dst)); ceph_shutdown(cmount); } TEST(LibCephFS, UseUnmounted) { struct ceph_mount_info *cmount; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_create(&cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_conf_read_file(cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_parse_env(cmount, NULL)); struct statvfs stvfs; EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_statfs(cmount, "/", &stvfs)); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_get_local_osd(cmount)); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_chdir(cmount, "/")); struct ceph_dir_result *dirp; EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_opendir(cmount, "/", &dirp)); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_closedir(cmount, dirp)); ceph_readdir(cmount, dirp); EXPECT_EQ(ENOTCONN, errno); struct dirent rdent; EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_readdir_r(cmount, dirp, &rdent)); struct ceph_statx stx; EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_readdirplus_r(cmount, dirp, &rdent, &stx, 0, 0, NULL)); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_getdents(cmount, dirp, NULL, 0)); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_getdnames(cmount, dirp, NULL, 0)); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_telldir(cmount, dirp)); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_link(cmount, "/", "/link")); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_unlink(cmount, "/path")); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_rename(cmount, "/path", "/path")); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_mkdir(cmount, "/", 0655)); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_mkdirs(cmount, "/", 0655)); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_rmdir(cmount, "/path")); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_readlink(cmount, "/path", NULL, 0)); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_symlink(cmount, "/path", "/path")); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_statx(cmount, "/path", &stx, 0, 0)); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_setattrx(cmount, "/path", &stx, 0, 0)); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_getxattr(cmount, "/path", "name", NULL, 0)); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_lgetxattr(cmount, "/path", "name", NULL, 0)); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_listxattr(cmount, "/path", NULL, 0)); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_llistxattr(cmount, "/path", NULL, 0)); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_removexattr(cmount, "/path", "name")); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_lremovexattr(cmount, "/path", "name")); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_setxattr(cmount, "/path", "name", NULL, 0, 0)); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_lsetxattr(cmount, "/path", "name", NULL, 0, 0)); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_fsetattrx(cmount, 0, &stx, 0)); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_chmod(cmount, "/path", 0)); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_fchmod(cmount, 0, 0)); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_chown(cmount, "/path", 0, 0)); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_lchown(cmount, "/path", 0, 0)); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_fchown(cmount, 0, 0, 0)); struct utimbuf utb; EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_utime(cmount, "/path", &utb)); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_truncate(cmount, "/path", 0)); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_mknod(cmount, "/path", 0, 0)); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_open(cmount, "/path", 0, 0)); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_open_layout(cmount, "/path", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "pool")); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_close(cmount, 0)); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_lseek(cmount, 0, 0, SEEK_SET)); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_read(cmount, 0, NULL, 0, 0)); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_write(cmount, 0, NULL, 0, 0)); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_ftruncate(cmount, 0, 0)); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_fsync(cmount, 0, 0)); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_fstatx(cmount, 0, &stx, 0, 0)); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_sync_fs(cmount)); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_get_file_stripe_unit(cmount, 0)); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_get_file_stripe_count(cmount, 0)); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_get_file_layout(cmount, 0, NULL, NULL ,NULL ,NULL)); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_get_file_object_size(cmount, 0)); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_get_file_pool(cmount, 0)); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_get_file_pool_name(cmount, 0, NULL, 0)); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_get_file_replication(cmount, 0)); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_get_path_replication(cmount, "/path")); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_get_path_layout(cmount, "/path", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_get_path_object_size(cmount, "/path")); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_get_path_stripe_count(cmount, "/path")); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_get_path_stripe_unit(cmount, "/path")); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_get_path_pool(cmount, "/path")); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_get_path_pool_name(cmount, "/path", NULL, 0)); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_get_pool_name(cmount, 0, NULL, 0)); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_get_file_stripe_address(cmount, 0, 0, NULL, 0)); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_localize_reads(cmount, 0)); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_debug_get_fd_caps(cmount, 0)); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_debug_get_file_caps(cmount, "/path")); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_get_stripe_unit_granularity(cmount)); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_get_pool_id(cmount, "data")); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_get_pool_replication(cmount, 1)); ceph_release(cmount); } TEST(LibCephFS, GetPoolId) { struct ceph_mount_info *cmount; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_create(&cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_conf_read_file(cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_parse_env(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_mount(cmount, NULL), 0); char name[80]; memset(name, 0, sizeof(name)); ASSERT_LE(0, ceph_get_path_pool_name(cmount, "/", name, sizeof(name))); ASSERT_GE(ceph_get_pool_id(cmount, name), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_get_pool_id(cmount, "weflkjwelfjwlkejf"), -ENOENT); ceph_shutdown(cmount); } TEST(LibCephFS, GetPoolReplication) { struct ceph_mount_info *cmount; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_create(&cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_conf_read_file(cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_parse_env(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_mount(cmount, NULL), 0); /* negative pools */ ASSERT_EQ(ceph_get_pool_replication(cmount, -10), -ENOENT); /* valid pool */ int pool_id; int stripe_unit, stripe_count, object_size; ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_get_path_layout(cmount, "/", &stripe_unit, &stripe_count, &object_size, &pool_id)); ASSERT_GE(pool_id, 0); ASSERT_GT(ceph_get_pool_replication(cmount, pool_id), 0); ceph_shutdown(cmount); } TEST(LibCephFS, GetExtentOsds) { struct ceph_mount_info *cmount; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_create(&cmount, NULL), 0); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_get_file_extent_osds(cmount, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, 0)); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_conf_read_file(cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_parse_env(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_mount(cmount, NULL), 0); int stripe_unit = (1<<18); /* make a file! */ char test_file[256]; sprintf(test_file, "test_extent_osds_%d", getpid()); int fd = ceph_open_layout(cmount, test_file, O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0666, stripe_unit, 2, stripe_unit*2, NULL); ASSERT_GT(fd, 0); /* get back how many osds > 0 */ int ret = ceph_get_file_extent_osds(cmount, fd, 0, NULL, NULL, 0); EXPECT_GT(ret, 0); int64_t len; int osds[ret]; /* full stripe extent */ EXPECT_EQ(ret, ceph_get_file_extent_osds(cmount, fd, 0, &len, osds, ret)); EXPECT_EQ(len, (int64_t)stripe_unit); /* half stripe extent */ EXPECT_EQ(ret, ceph_get_file_extent_osds(cmount, fd, stripe_unit/2, &len, osds, ret)); EXPECT_EQ(len, (int64_t)stripe_unit/2); /* 1.5 stripe unit offset -1 byte */ EXPECT_EQ(ret, ceph_get_file_extent_osds(cmount, fd, 3*stripe_unit/2-1, &len, osds, ret)); EXPECT_EQ(len, (int64_t)stripe_unit/2+1); /* 1.5 stripe unit offset +1 byte */ EXPECT_EQ(ret, ceph_get_file_extent_osds(cmount, fd, 3*stripe_unit/2+1, &len, osds, ret)); EXPECT_EQ(len, (int64_t)stripe_unit/2-1); /* only when more than 1 osd */ if (ret > 1) { EXPECT_EQ(-ERANGE, ceph_get_file_extent_osds(cmount, fd, 0, NULL, osds, 1)); } ceph_close(cmount, fd); ceph_shutdown(cmount); } TEST(LibCephFS, GetOsdCrushLocation) { struct ceph_mount_info *cmount; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_create(&cmount, NULL), 0); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_get_osd_crush_location(cmount, 0, NULL, 0)); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_conf_read_file(cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_parse_env(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_mount(cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_get_osd_crush_location(cmount, 0, NULL, 1), -EINVAL); char path[256]; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_get_osd_crush_location(cmount, 9999999, path, 0), -ENOENT); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_get_osd_crush_location(cmount, -1, path, 0), -EINVAL); char test_file[256]; sprintf(test_file, "test_osds_loc_%d", getpid()); int fd = ceph_open(cmount, test_file, O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0666); ASSERT_GT(fd, 0); /* get back how many osds > 0 */ int ret = ceph_get_file_extent_osds(cmount, fd, 0, NULL, NULL, 0); EXPECT_GT(ret, 0); /* full stripe extent */ int osds[ret]; EXPECT_EQ(ret, ceph_get_file_extent_osds(cmount, fd, 0, NULL, osds, ret)); ASSERT_GT(ceph_get_osd_crush_location(cmount, 0, path, 0), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_get_osd_crush_location(cmount, 0, path, 1), -ERANGE); for (int i = 0; i < ret; i++) { int len = ceph_get_osd_crush_location(cmount, osds[i], path, sizeof(path)); ASSERT_GT(len, 0); int pos = 0; while (pos < len) { std::string type(path + pos); ASSERT_GT((int)type.size(), 0); pos += type.size() + 1; std::string name(path + pos); ASSERT_GT((int)name.size(), 0); pos += name.size() + 1; } } ceph_close(cmount, fd); ceph_shutdown(cmount); } TEST(LibCephFS, GetOsdAddr) { struct ceph_mount_info *cmount; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_create(&cmount, NULL), 0); EXPECT_EQ(-ENOTCONN, ceph_get_osd_addr(cmount, 0, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_conf_read_file(cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_parse_env(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_mount(cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(-EINVAL, ceph_get_osd_addr(cmount, 0, NULL)); struct sockaddr_storage addr; ASSERT_EQ(-ENOENT, ceph_get_osd_addr(cmount, -1, &addr)); ASSERT_EQ(-ENOENT, ceph_get_osd_addr(cmount, 9999999, &addr)); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_get_osd_addr(cmount, 0, &addr)); ceph_shutdown(cmount); } TEST(LibCephFS, OpenNoClose) { struct ceph_mount_info *cmount; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_create(&cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_conf_read_file(cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_parse_env(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_mount(cmount, "/"), 0); pid_t mypid = getpid(); char str_buf[256]; sprintf(str_buf, "open_no_close_dir%d", mypid); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_mkdirs(cmount, str_buf, 0777)); struct ceph_dir_result *ls_dir = NULL; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_opendir(cmount, str_buf, &ls_dir), 0); sprintf(str_buf, "open_no_close_file%d", mypid); int fd = ceph_open(cmount, str_buf, O_RDONLY|O_CREAT, 0666); ASSERT_LT(0, fd); // shutdown should force close opened file/dir ceph_shutdown(cmount); } TEST(LibCephFS, Nlink) { struct ceph_mount_info *cmount; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_create(&cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_conf_read_file(cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_parse_env(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_mount(cmount, "/"), 0); Inode *root, *dir, *file; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_ll_lookup_root(cmount, &root), 0); char dirname[32], filename[32], linkname[32]; sprintf(dirname, "nlinkdir%x", getpid()); sprintf(filename, "nlinkorig%x", getpid()); sprintf(linkname, "nlinklink%x", getpid()); struct ceph_statx stx; Fh *fh; UserPerm *perms = ceph_mount_perms(cmount); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_ll_mkdir(cmount, root, dirname, 0755, &dir, &stx, 0, 0, perms), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_ll_create(cmount, dir, filename, 0666, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_EXCL, &file, &fh, &stx, CEPH_STATX_NLINK, 0, perms), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_ll_close(cmount, fh), 0); ASSERT_EQ(stx.stx_nlink, (nlink_t)1); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_ll_link(cmount, file, dir, linkname, perms), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_ll_getattr(cmount, file, &stx, CEPH_STATX_NLINK, 0, perms), 0); ASSERT_EQ(stx.stx_nlink, (nlink_t)2); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_ll_unlink(cmount, dir, linkname, perms), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_ll_lookup(cmount, dir, filename, &file, &stx, CEPH_STATX_NLINK, 0, perms), 0); ASSERT_EQ(stx.stx_nlink, (nlink_t)1); ceph_shutdown(cmount); } TEST(LibCephFS, SlashDotDot) { struct ceph_mount_info *cmount; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_create(&cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_conf_read_file(cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_parse_env(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_mount(cmount, "/"), 0); struct ceph_statx stx; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_statx(cmount, "/.", &stx, CEPH_STATX_INO, 0), 0); ino_t ino = stx.stx_ino; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_statx(cmount, "/..", &stx, CEPH_STATX_INO, 0), 0); /* At root, "." and ".." should be the same inode */ ASSERT_EQ(ino, stx.stx_ino); /* Test accessing the parent of an unlinked directory */ char dir1[32], dir2[32]; sprintf(dir1, "/sldotdot%x", getpid()); sprintf(dir2, "%s/sub%x", dir1, getpid()); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_mkdir(cmount, dir1, 0755), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_mkdir(cmount, dir2, 0755), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_chdir(cmount, dir2), 0); /* Test behavior when unlinking cwd */ struct ceph_dir_result *rdir; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_opendir(cmount, ".", &rdir), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_rmdir(cmount, dir2), 0); /* get "." entry */ struct dirent *result = ceph_readdir(cmount, rdir); ino = result->d_ino; /* get ".." entry */ result = ceph_readdir(cmount, rdir); ASSERT_EQ(ino, result->d_ino); ceph_closedir(cmount, rdir); /* Make sure it works same way when mounting subtree */ ASSERT_EQ(ceph_unmount(cmount), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_mount(cmount, dir1), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_statx(cmount, "/..", &stx, CEPH_STATX_INO, 0), 0); /* Test readdir behavior */ ASSERT_EQ(ceph_opendir(cmount, "/", &rdir), 0); result = ceph_readdir(cmount, rdir); ASSERT_TRUE(result != NULL); ASSERT_STREQ(result->d_name, "."); ino = result->d_ino; result = ceph_readdir(cmount, rdir); ASSERT_TRUE(result != NULL); ASSERT_STREQ(result->d_name, ".."); ASSERT_EQ(ino, result->d_ino); ceph_shutdown(cmount); } static inline bool timespec_eq(timespec const& lhs, timespec const& rhs) { return lhs.tv_sec == rhs.tv_sec && lhs.tv_nsec == rhs.tv_nsec; } TEST(LibCephFS, Btime) { struct ceph_mount_info *cmount; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_create(&cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_conf_read_file(cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_parse_env(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_mount(cmount, "/"), 0); char filename[32]; sprintf(filename, "/getattrx%x", getpid()); ceph_unlink(cmount, filename); int fd = ceph_open(cmount, filename, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_EXCL, 0666); ASSERT_LT(0, fd); /* make sure fstatx works */ struct ceph_statx stx; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_fstatx(cmount, fd, &stx, CEPH_STATX_CTIME|CEPH_STATX_BTIME, 0), 0); ASSERT_TRUE(stx.stx_mask & (CEPH_STATX_CTIME|CEPH_STATX_BTIME)); ASSERT_TRUE(timespec_eq(stx.stx_ctime, stx.stx_btime)); ceph_close(cmount, fd); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_statx(cmount, filename, &stx, CEPH_STATX_CTIME|CEPH_STATX_BTIME, 0), 0); ASSERT_TRUE(timespec_eq(stx.stx_ctime, stx.stx_btime)); ASSERT_TRUE(stx.stx_mask & (CEPH_STATX_CTIME|CEPH_STATX_BTIME)); struct timespec old_btime = stx.stx_btime; /* Now sleep, do a chmod and verify that the ctime changed, but btime didn't */ sleep(1); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_chmod(cmount, filename, 0644), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_statx(cmount, filename, &stx, CEPH_STATX_CTIME|CEPH_STATX_BTIME, 0), 0); ASSERT_TRUE(stx.stx_mask & CEPH_STATX_BTIME); ASSERT_TRUE(timespec_eq(stx.stx_btime, old_btime)); ASSERT_FALSE(timespec_eq(stx.stx_ctime, stx.stx_btime)); ceph_shutdown(cmount); } TEST(LibCephFS, SetBtime) { struct ceph_mount_info *cmount; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_create(&cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_conf_read_file(cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_parse_env(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_mount(cmount, "/"), 0); char filename[32]; sprintf(filename, "/setbtime%x", getpid()); ceph_unlink(cmount, filename); int fd = ceph_open(cmount, filename, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_EXCL, 0666); ASSERT_LT(0, fd); ceph_close(cmount, fd); struct ceph_statx stx; struct timespec old_btime = { 1, 2 }; stx.stx_btime = old_btime; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_setattrx(cmount, filename, &stx, CEPH_SETATTR_BTIME, 0), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_statx(cmount, filename, &stx, CEPH_STATX_BTIME, 0), 0); ASSERT_TRUE(stx.stx_mask & CEPH_STATX_BTIME); ASSERT_TRUE(timespec_eq(stx.stx_btime, old_btime)); ceph_shutdown(cmount); } TEST(LibCephFS, LazyStatx) { struct ceph_mount_info *cmount1, *cmount2; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_create(&cmount1, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_create(&cmount2, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_conf_read_file(cmount1, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_conf_read_file(cmount2, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_parse_env(cmount1, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_parse_env(cmount2, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_mount(cmount1, "/"), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_mount(cmount2, "/"), 0); char filename[32]; sprintf(filename, "lazystatx%x", getpid()); Inode *root1, *file1, *root2, *file2; struct ceph_statx stx; Fh *fh; UserPerm *perms1 = ceph_mount_perms(cmount1); UserPerm *perms2 = ceph_mount_perms(cmount2); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_ll_lookup_root(cmount1, &root1), 0); ceph_ll_unlink(cmount1, root1, filename, perms1); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_ll_create(cmount1, root1, filename, 0666, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_EXCL, &file1, &fh, &stx, 0, 0, perms1), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_ll_close(cmount1, fh), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_ll_lookup_root(cmount2, &root2), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_ll_lookup(cmount2, root2, filename, &file2, &stx, CEPH_STATX_CTIME, 0, perms2), 0); struct timespec old_ctime = stx.stx_ctime; /* * Now sleep, do a chmod on the first client and the see whether we get a * different ctime with a statx that uses AT_NO_ATTR_SYNC */ sleep(1); stx.stx_mode = 0644; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_ll_setattr(cmount1, file1, &stx, CEPH_SETATTR_MODE, perms1), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_ll_getattr(cmount2, file2, &stx, CEPH_STATX_CTIME, AT_NO_ATTR_SYNC, perms2), 0); ASSERT_TRUE(stx.stx_mask & CEPH_STATX_CTIME); ASSERT_TRUE(stx.stx_ctime.tv_sec == old_ctime.tv_sec && stx.stx_ctime.tv_nsec == old_ctime.tv_nsec); ceph_shutdown(cmount1); ceph_shutdown(cmount2); } TEST(LibCephFS, ChangeAttr) { struct ceph_mount_info *cmount; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_create(&cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_conf_read_file(cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_parse_env(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_mount(cmount, "/"), 0); char filename[32]; sprintf(filename, "/changeattr%x", getpid()); ceph_unlink(cmount, filename); int fd = ceph_open(cmount, filename, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_EXCL, 0666); ASSERT_LT(0, fd); struct ceph_statx stx; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_statx(cmount, filename, &stx, CEPH_STATX_VERSION, 0), 0); ASSERT_TRUE(stx.stx_mask & CEPH_STATX_VERSION); uint64_t old_change_attr = stx.stx_version; /* do chmod, and check whether change_attr changed */ ASSERT_EQ(ceph_chmod(cmount, filename, 0644), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_statx(cmount, filename, &stx, CEPH_STATX_VERSION, 0), 0); ASSERT_TRUE(stx.stx_mask & CEPH_STATX_VERSION); ASSERT_NE(stx.stx_version, old_change_attr); old_change_attr = stx.stx_version; /* now do a write and see if it changed again */ ASSERT_EQ(3, ceph_write(cmount, fd, "foo", 3, 0)); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_statx(cmount, filename, &stx, CEPH_STATX_VERSION, 0), 0); ASSERT_TRUE(stx.stx_mask & CEPH_STATX_VERSION); ASSERT_NE(stx.stx_version, old_change_attr); old_change_attr = stx.stx_version; /* Now truncate and check again */ ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_ftruncate(cmount, fd, 0)); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_statx(cmount, filename, &stx, CEPH_STATX_VERSION, 0), 0); ASSERT_TRUE(stx.stx_mask & CEPH_STATX_VERSION); ASSERT_NE(stx.stx_version, old_change_attr); ceph_close(cmount, fd); ceph_shutdown(cmount); } TEST(LibCephFS, DirChangeAttr) { struct ceph_mount_info *cmount; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_create(&cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_conf_read_file(cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_parse_env(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_mount(cmount, "/"), 0); char dirname[32], filename[32]; sprintf(dirname, "/dirchange%x", getpid()); sprintf(filename, "%s/foo", dirname); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_mkdir(cmount, dirname, 0755), 0); struct ceph_statx stx; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_statx(cmount, dirname, &stx, CEPH_STATX_VERSION, 0), 0); ASSERT_TRUE(stx.stx_mask & CEPH_STATX_VERSION); uint64_t old_change_attr = stx.stx_version; int fd = ceph_open(cmount, filename, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_EXCL, 0666); ASSERT_LT(0, fd); ceph_close(cmount, fd); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_statx(cmount, dirname, &stx, CEPH_STATX_VERSION, 0), 0); ASSERT_TRUE(stx.stx_mask & CEPH_STATX_VERSION); ASSERT_NE(stx.stx_version, old_change_attr); old_change_attr = stx.stx_version; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_unlink(cmount, filename), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_statx(cmount, dirname, &stx, CEPH_STATX_VERSION, 0), 0); ASSERT_TRUE(stx.stx_mask & CEPH_STATX_VERSION); ASSERT_NE(stx.stx_version, old_change_attr); ceph_shutdown(cmount); } TEST(LibCephFS, SetSize) { struct ceph_mount_info *cmount; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_create(&cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_conf_read_file(cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_parse_env(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_mount(cmount, "/"), 0); char filename[32]; sprintf(filename, "/setsize%x", getpid()); ceph_unlink(cmount, filename); int fd = ceph_open(cmount, filename, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_EXCL, 0666); ASSERT_LT(0, fd); struct ceph_statx stx; uint64_t size = 8388608; stx.stx_size = size; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_fsetattrx(cmount, fd, &stx, CEPH_SETATTR_SIZE), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_fstatx(cmount, fd, &stx, CEPH_STATX_SIZE, 0), 0); ASSERT_EQ(stx.stx_size, size); ceph_close(cmount, fd); ceph_shutdown(cmount); } TEST(LibCephFS, ClearSetuid) { struct ceph_mount_info *cmount; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_create(&cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_conf_read_file(cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_parse_env(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_mount(cmount, "/"), 0); Inode *root; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_ll_lookup_root(cmount, &root), 0); char filename[32]; sprintf(filename, "clearsetuid%x", getpid()); Fh *fh; Inode *in; struct ceph_statx stx; const mode_t after_mode = S_IRWXU; const mode_t before_mode = S_IRWXU | S_ISUID | S_ISGID; const unsigned want = CEPH_STATX_UID|CEPH_STATX_GID|CEPH_STATX_MODE; UserPerm *usercred = ceph_mount_perms(cmount); ceph_ll_unlink(cmount, root, filename, usercred); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_ll_create(cmount, root, filename, before_mode, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_EXCL, &in, &fh, &stx, want, 0, usercred), 0); ASSERT_EQ(stx.stx_mode & (mode_t)ALLPERMS, before_mode); // write ASSERT_EQ(ceph_ll_write(cmount, fh, 0, 3, "foo"), 3); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_ll_getattr(cmount, in, &stx, CEPH_STATX_MODE, 0, usercred), 0); ASSERT_TRUE(stx.stx_mask & CEPH_STATX_MODE); ASSERT_EQ(stx.stx_mode & (mode_t)ALLPERMS, after_mode); // reset mode stx.stx_mode = before_mode; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_ll_setattr(cmount, in, &stx, CEPH_STATX_MODE, usercred), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_ll_getattr(cmount, in, &stx, CEPH_STATX_MODE, 0, usercred), 0); ASSERT_TRUE(stx.stx_mask & CEPH_STATX_MODE); ASSERT_EQ(stx.stx_mode & (mode_t)ALLPERMS, before_mode); // truncate stx.stx_size = 1; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_ll_setattr(cmount, in, &stx, CEPH_SETATTR_SIZE, usercred), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_ll_getattr(cmount, in, &stx, CEPH_STATX_MODE, 0, usercred), 0); ASSERT_TRUE(stx.stx_mask & CEPH_STATX_MODE); ASSERT_EQ(stx.stx_mode & (mode_t)ALLPERMS, after_mode); // reset mode stx.stx_mode = before_mode; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_ll_setattr(cmount, in, &stx, CEPH_STATX_MODE, usercred), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_ll_getattr(cmount, in, &stx, CEPH_STATX_MODE, 0, usercred), 0); ASSERT_TRUE(stx.stx_mask & CEPH_STATX_MODE); ASSERT_EQ(stx.stx_mode & (mode_t)ALLPERMS, before_mode); // chown -- for this we need to be "root" UserPerm *rootcred = ceph_userperm_new(0, 0, 0, NULL); ASSERT_TRUE(rootcred); stx.stx_uid++; stx.stx_gid++; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_ll_setattr(cmount, in, &stx, CEPH_SETATTR_UID|CEPH_SETATTR_GID, rootcred), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_ll_getattr(cmount, in, &stx, CEPH_STATX_MODE, 0, usercred), 0); ASSERT_TRUE(stx.stx_mask & CEPH_STATX_MODE); ASSERT_EQ(stx.stx_mode & (mode_t)ALLPERMS, after_mode); /* test chown with supplementary groups, and chown with/without exe bit */ uid_t u = 65534; gid_t g = 65534; gid_t gids[] = {65533,65532}; UserPerm *altcred = ceph_userperm_new(u, g, sizeof gids / sizeof gids[0], gids); stx.stx_uid = u; stx.stx_gid = g; mode_t m = S_ISGID|S_ISUID|S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR; stx.stx_mode = m; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_ll_setattr(cmount, in, &stx, CEPH_STATX_MODE|CEPH_SETATTR_UID|CEPH_SETATTR_GID, rootcred), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_ll_getattr(cmount, in, &stx, CEPH_STATX_MODE, 0, altcred), 0); ASSERT_EQ(stx.stx_mode&(mode_t)ALLPERMS, m); /* not dropped without exe bit */ stx.stx_gid = gids[0]; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_ll_setattr(cmount, in, &stx, CEPH_SETATTR_GID, altcred), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_ll_getattr(cmount, in, &stx, CEPH_STATX_MODE, 0, altcred), 0); ASSERT_EQ(stx.stx_mode&(mode_t)ALLPERMS, m); /* now check dropped with exe bit */ m = S_ISGID|S_ISUID|S_IRWXU; stx.stx_mode = m; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_ll_setattr(cmount, in, &stx, CEPH_STATX_MODE, altcred), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_ll_getattr(cmount, in, &stx, CEPH_STATX_MODE, 0, altcred), 0); ASSERT_EQ(stx.stx_mode&(mode_t)ALLPERMS, m); stx.stx_gid = gids[1]; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_ll_setattr(cmount, in, &stx, CEPH_SETATTR_GID, altcred), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_ll_getattr(cmount, in, &stx, CEPH_STATX_MODE, 0, altcred), 0); ASSERT_EQ(stx.stx_mode&(mode_t)ALLPERMS, m&(S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO)); ceph_userperm_destroy(altcred); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_ll_close(cmount, fh), 0); ceph_shutdown(cmount); } TEST(LibCephFS, OperationsOnRoot) { struct ceph_mount_info *cmount; ASSERT_EQ(ceph_create(&cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_conf_read_file(cmount, NULL), 0); ASSERT_EQ(0, ceph_conf_parse_env(cmount, NULL)); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_mount(cmount, "/"), 0); char dirname[32]; sprintf(dirname, "/somedir%x", getpid()); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_mkdir(cmount, dirname, 0755), 0); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_rmdir(cmount, "/"), -EBUSY); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_link(cmount, "/", "/"), -EEXIST); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_link(cmount, dirname, "/"), -EEXIST); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_link(cmount, "nonExisitingDir", "/"), -ENOENT); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_unlink(cmount, "/"), -EISDIR); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_rename(cmount, "/", "/"), -EBUSY); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_rename(cmount, dirname, "/"), -EBUSY); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_rename(cmount, "nonExistingDir", "/"), -EBUSY); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_rename(cmount, "/", dirname), -EBUSY); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_rename(cmount, "/", "nonExistingDir"), -EBUSY); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_mkdir(cmount, "/", 0777), -EEXIST); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_mknod(cmount, "/", 0, 0), -EEXIST); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_symlink(cmount, "/", "/"), -EEXIST); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_symlink(cmount, dirname, "/"), -EEXIST); ASSERT_EQ(ceph_symlink(cmount, "nonExistingDir", "/"), -EEXIST); ceph_shutdown(cmount); }