from datetime import datetime from threading import Event import json import errno from mgr_module import MgrModule try: from influxdb import InfluxDBClient from influxdb.exceptions import InfluxDBClientError except ImportError: InfluxDBClient = None class Module(MgrModule): COMMANDS = [ { "cmd": "influx self-test", "desc": "debug the module", "perm": "rw" }, ] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Module, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.event = Event() = True def get_latest(self, daemon_type, daemon_name, stat): data = self.get_counter(daemon_type, daemon_name, stat)[stat] if data: return data[-1][1] else: return 0 def get_df_stats(self): df = self.get("df") data = [] df_types = [ 'bytes_used', 'dirty', 'rd_bytes', 'raw_bytes_used', 'wr_bytes', 'objects', 'max_avail' ] for df_type in df_types: for pool in df['pools']: point = { "measurement": "ceph_pool_stats", "tags": { "pool_name" : pool['name'], "pool_id" : pool['id'], "type_instance" : df_type, "mgr_id" : self.get_mgr_id(), }, "time" : datetime.utcnow().isoformat() + 'Z', "fields": { "value" : pool['stats'][df_type], } } data.append(point) return data def get_daemon_stats(self): data = [] for daemon, counters in self.get_all_perf_counters().iteritems(): svc_type, svc_id = daemon.split(".") metadata = self.get_metadata(svc_type, svc_id) for path, counter_info in counters.items(): if counter_info['type'] & self.PERFCOUNTER_HISTOGRAM: continue value = counter_info['value'] data.append({ "measurement": "ceph_daemon_stats", "tags": { "ceph_daemon": daemon, "type_instance": path, "host": metadata['hostname'] }, "time": datetime.utcnow().isoformat() + 'Z', "fields": { "value": value } }) return data def send_to_influx(self): host = self.get_config("hostname") if not host: self.log.error("No InfluxDB server configured, please set" "`hostname` configuration key.") return port = int(self.get_config("port", default="8086")) database = self.get_config("database", default="ceph") # If influx server has authentication turned off then # missing username/password is valid. username = self.get_config("username", default="") password = self.get_config("password", default="") client = InfluxDBClient(host, port, username, password, database) # using influx client get_list_database requires admin privs, instead we'll catch the not found exception and inform the user if db can't be created try: client.write_points(self.get_df_stats(), 'ms') client.write_points(self.get_daemon_stats(), 'ms') except InfluxDBClientError as e: if e.code == 404:"Database '{0}' not found, trying to create (requires admin privs). You can also create manually and grant write privs to user '{1}'".format(database,username)) client.create_database(database) else: raise def shutdown(self):'Stopping influx module') = False self.event.set() def handle_command(self, cmd): if cmd['prefix'] == 'influx self-test': daemon_stats = self.get_daemon_stats() assert len(daemon_stats) df_stats = self.get_df_stats() result = { 'daemon_stats': daemon_stats, 'df_stats': df_stats } return 0, json.dumps(result, indent=2), 'Self-test OK' else: return (-errno.EINVAL, '', "Command not found '{0}'".format(cmd['prefix'])) def serve(self): if InfluxDBClient is None: self.log.error("Cannot transmit statistics: influxdb python " "module not found. Did you install it?") return'Starting influx module') = True while self.send_to_influx() self.log.debug("Running interval loop") interval = self.get_config("interval") if interval is None: interval = 5 self.log.debug("sleeping for %d seconds",interval) self.event.wait(interval)