// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab #include "StupidAllocator.h" #include "bluestore_types.h" #include "common/debug.h" #define dout_context cct #define dout_subsys ceph_subsys_bluestore #undef dout_prefix #define dout_prefix *_dout << "stupidalloc " StupidAllocator::StupidAllocator(CephContext* cct) : cct(cct), num_free(0), num_reserved(0), free(10), last_alloc(0) { } StupidAllocator::~StupidAllocator() { } unsigned StupidAllocator::_choose_bin(uint64_t orig_len) { uint64_t len = orig_len / cct->_conf->bdev_block_size; int bin = std::min((int)cbits(len), (int)free.size() - 1); dout(30) << __func__ << " len 0x" << std::hex << orig_len << std::dec << " -> " << bin << dendl; return bin; } void StupidAllocator::_insert_free(uint64_t off, uint64_t len) { unsigned bin = _choose_bin(len); dout(30) << __func__ << " 0x" << std::hex << off << "~" << len << std::dec << " in bin " << bin << dendl; while (true) { free[bin].insert(off, len, &off, &len); unsigned newbin = _choose_bin(len); if (newbin == bin) break; dout(30) << __func__ << " promoting 0x" << std::hex << off << "~" << len << std::dec << " to bin " << newbin << dendl; free[bin].erase(off, len); bin = newbin; } } int StupidAllocator::reserve(uint64_t need) { std::lock_guard l(lock); dout(10) << __func__ << " need 0x" << std::hex << need << " num_free 0x" << num_free << " num_reserved 0x" << num_reserved << std::dec << dendl; if ((int64_t)need > num_free - num_reserved) return -ENOSPC; num_reserved += need; return 0; } void StupidAllocator::unreserve(uint64_t unused) { std::lock_guard l(lock); dout(10) << __func__ << " unused 0x" << std::hex << unused << " num_free 0x" << num_free << " num_reserved 0x" << num_reserved << std::dec << dendl; assert(num_reserved >= (int64_t)unused); num_reserved -= unused; } /// return the effective length of the extent if we align to alloc_unit uint64_t StupidAllocator::_aligned_len( btree_interval_set::iterator p, uint64_t alloc_unit) { uint64_t skew = p.get_start() % alloc_unit; if (skew) skew = alloc_unit - skew; if (skew > p.get_len()) return 0; else return p.get_len() - skew; } int64_t StupidAllocator::allocate_int( uint64_t want_size, uint64_t alloc_unit, int64_t hint, uint64_t *offset, uint32_t *length) { std::lock_guard l(lock); dout(10) << __func__ << " want_size 0x" << std::hex << want_size << " alloc_unit 0x" << alloc_unit << " hint 0x" << hint << std::dec << dendl; uint64_t want = MAX(alloc_unit, want_size); int bin = _choose_bin(want); int orig_bin = bin; auto p = free[0].begin(); if (!hint) hint = last_alloc; // search up (from hint) if (hint) { for (bin = orig_bin; bin < (int)free.size(); ++bin) { p = free[bin].lower_bound(hint); while (p != free[bin].end()) { if (_aligned_len(p, alloc_unit) >= want_size) { goto found; } ++p; } } } // search up (from origin, and skip searched extents by hint) for (bin = orig_bin; bin < (int)free.size(); ++bin) { p = free[bin].begin(); auto end = hint ? free[bin].lower_bound(hint) : free[bin].end(); while (p != end) { if (_aligned_len(p, alloc_unit) >= want_size) { goto found; } ++p; } } // search down (hint) if (hint) { for (bin = orig_bin; bin >= 0; --bin) { p = free[bin].lower_bound(hint); while (p != free[bin].end()) { if (_aligned_len(p, alloc_unit) >= alloc_unit) { goto found; } ++p; } } } // search down (from origin, and skip searched extents by hint) for (bin = orig_bin; bin >= 0; --bin) { p = free[bin].begin(); auto end = hint ? free[bin].lower_bound(hint) : free[bin].end(); while (p != end) { if (_aligned_len(p, alloc_unit) >= alloc_unit) { goto found; } ++p; } } return -ENOSPC; found: uint64_t skew = p.get_start() % alloc_unit; if (skew) skew = alloc_unit - skew; *offset = p.get_start() + skew; *length = MIN(MAX(alloc_unit, want_size), P2ALIGN((p.get_len() - skew), alloc_unit)); if (cct->_conf->bluestore_debug_small_allocations) { uint64_t max = alloc_unit * (rand() % cct->_conf->bluestore_debug_small_allocations); if (max && *length > max) { dout(10) << __func__ << " shortening allocation of 0x" << std::hex << *length << " -> 0x" << max << " due to debug_small_allocations" << std::dec << dendl; *length = max; } } dout(30) << __func__ << " got 0x" << std::hex << *offset << "~" << *length << " from bin " << std::dec << bin << dendl; free[bin].erase(*offset, *length); uint64_t off, len; if (*offset && free[bin].contains(*offset - skew - 1, &off, &len)) { int newbin = _choose_bin(len); if (newbin != bin) { dout(30) << __func__ << " demoting 0x" << std::hex << off << "~" << len << std::dec << " to bin " << newbin << dendl; free[bin].erase(off, len); _insert_free(off, len); } } if (free[bin].contains(*offset + *length, &off, &len)) { int newbin = _choose_bin(len); if (newbin != bin) { dout(30) << __func__ << " demoting 0x" << std::hex << off << "~" << len << std::dec << " to bin " << newbin << dendl; free[bin].erase(off, len); _insert_free(off, len); } } num_free -= *length; num_reserved -= *length; assert(num_free >= 0); assert(num_reserved >= 0); last_alloc = *offset + *length; return 0; } int64_t StupidAllocator::allocate( uint64_t want_size, uint64_t alloc_unit, uint64_t max_alloc_size, int64_t hint, mempool::bluestore_alloc::vector *extents) { uint64_t allocated_size = 0; uint64_t offset = 0; uint32_t length = 0; int res = 0; if (max_alloc_size == 0) { max_alloc_size = want_size; } ExtentList block_list = ExtentList(extents, 1, max_alloc_size); while (allocated_size < want_size) { res = allocate_int(MIN(max_alloc_size, (want_size - allocated_size)), alloc_unit, hint, &offset, &length); if (res != 0) { /* * Allocation failed. */ break; } block_list.add_extents(offset, length); allocated_size += length; hint = offset + length; } if (allocated_size == 0) { return -ENOSPC; } return allocated_size; } void StupidAllocator::release( uint64_t offset, uint64_t length) { std::lock_guard l(lock); dout(10) << __func__ << " 0x" << std::hex << offset << "~" << length << std::dec << dendl; _insert_free(offset, length); num_free += length; } uint64_t StupidAllocator::get_free() { std::lock_guard l(lock); return num_free; } void StupidAllocator::dump() { std::lock_guard l(lock); for (unsigned bin = 0; bin < free.size(); ++bin) { dout(0) << __func__ << " free bin " << bin << ": " << free[bin].num_intervals() << " extents" << dendl; for (auto p = free[bin].begin(); p != free[bin].end(); ++p) { dout(0) << __func__ << " 0x" << std::hex << p.get_start() << "~" << p.get_len() << std::dec << dendl; } } } void StupidAllocator::init_add_free(uint64_t offset, uint64_t length) { std::lock_guard l(lock); dout(10) << __func__ << " 0x" << std::hex << offset << "~" << length << std::dec << dendl; _insert_free(offset, length); num_free += length; } void StupidAllocator::init_rm_free(uint64_t offset, uint64_t length) { std::lock_guard l(lock); dout(10) << __func__ << " 0x" << std::hex << offset << "~" << length << std::dec << dendl; btree_interval_set rm; rm.insert(offset, length); for (unsigned i = 0; i < free.size() && !rm.empty(); ++i) { btree_interval_set overlap; overlap.intersection_of(rm, free[i]); if (!overlap.empty()) { dout(20) << __func__ << " bin " << i << " rm 0x" << std::hex << overlap << std::dec << dendl; free[i].subtract(overlap); rm.subtract(overlap); } } assert(rm.empty()); num_free -= length; assert(num_free >= 0); } void StupidAllocator::shutdown() { dout(1) << __func__ << dendl; }