// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab /* * Ceph - scalable distributed file system * * Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Sage Weil * Portions Copyright (C) 2013 CohortFS, LLC * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software * Foundation. See file COPYING. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "XioMsg.h" #include "XioMessenger.h" #include "common/address_helper.h" #include "common/code_environment.h" #include "messages/MNop.h" #define dout_subsys ceph_subsys_xio #undef dout_prefix #define dout_prefix *_dout << "xio." Mutex mtx("XioMessenger Package Lock"); std::atomic initialized = { false }; std::atomic XioMessenger::nInstances = { 0 }; struct xio_mempool *xio_msgr_noreg_mpool; static struct xio_session_ops xio_msgr_ops; /* Accelio API callouts */ namespace xio_log { typedef pair level_pair; static const level_pair LEVELS[] = { make_pair("fatal", 0), make_pair("error", 0), make_pair("warn", 1), make_pair("info", 1), make_pair("debug", 2), make_pair("trace", 20) }; static CephContext *context; int get_level() { int level = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(LEVELS); i++) { if (!ldlog_p1(context, dout_subsys, LEVELS[i].second)) break; level++; } return level; } void log_dout(const char *file, unsigned line, const char *function, unsigned level, const char *fmt, ...) { char buffer[2048]; va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); int n = vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fmt, args); va_end(args); if (n > 0) { const char *short_file = strrchr(file, '/'); short_file = (short_file == NULL) ? file : short_file + 1; const level_pair &lvl = LEVELS[level]; ldout(context, lvl.second) << '[' << lvl.first << "] " << short_file << ':' << line << ' ' << function << " - " << buffer << dendl; } } } static int on_session_event(struct xio_session *session, struct xio_session_event_data *event_data, void *cb_user_context) { XioMessenger *msgr = static_cast(cb_user_context); CephContext *cct = msgr->cct; ldout(cct,4) << "session event: " << xio_session_event_str(event_data->event) << ". reason: " << xio_strerror(event_data->reason) << dendl; return msgr->session_event(session, event_data, cb_user_context); } static int on_new_session(struct xio_session *session, struct xio_new_session_req *req, void *cb_user_context) { XioMessenger *msgr = static_cast(cb_user_context); CephContext *cct = msgr->cct; ldout(cct,4) << "new session " << session << " user_context " << cb_user_context << dendl; return (msgr->new_session(session, req, cb_user_context)); } static int on_msg(struct xio_session *session, struct xio_msg *req, int more_in_batch, void *cb_user_context) { XioConnection* xcon __attribute__((unused)) = static_cast(cb_user_context); CephContext *cct = xcon->get_messenger()->cct; ldout(cct,25) << "on_msg session " << session << " xcon " << xcon << dendl; if (unlikely(XioPool::trace_mempool)) { static uint32_t nreqs; if (unlikely((++nreqs % 65536) == 0)) { xp_stats.dump(__func__, nreqs); } } return xcon->on_msg(session, req, more_in_batch, cb_user_context); } static int on_ow_msg_send_complete(struct xio_session *session, struct xio_msg *msg, void *conn_user_context) { XioConnection *xcon = static_cast(conn_user_context); CephContext *cct = xcon->get_messenger()->cct; ldout(cct,25) << "msg delivered session: " << session << " msg: " << msg << " conn_user_context " << conn_user_context << dendl; return xcon->on_ow_msg_send_complete(session, msg, conn_user_context); } static int on_msg_error(struct xio_session *session, enum xio_status error, enum xio_msg_direction dir, struct xio_msg *msg, void *conn_user_context) { /* XIO promises to flush back undelivered messages */ XioConnection *xcon = static_cast(conn_user_context); CephContext *cct = xcon->get_messenger()->cct; ldout(cct,4) << "msg error session: " << session << " error: " << xio_strerror(error) << " msg: " << msg << " conn_user_context " << conn_user_context << dendl; return xcon->on_msg_error(session, error, msg, conn_user_context); } static int on_cancel(struct xio_session *session, struct xio_msg *msg, enum xio_status result, void *conn_user_context) { XioConnection* xcon __attribute__((unused)) = static_cast(conn_user_context); CephContext *cct = xcon->get_messenger()->cct; ldout(cct,25) << "on cancel: session: " << session << " msg: " << msg << " conn_user_context " << conn_user_context << dendl; return 0; } static int on_cancel_request(struct xio_session *session, struct xio_msg *msg, void *conn_user_context) { XioConnection* xcon __attribute__((unused)) = static_cast(conn_user_context); CephContext *cct = xcon->get_messenger()->cct; ldout(cct,25) << "on cancel request: session: " << session << " msg: " << msg << " conn_user_context " << conn_user_context << dendl; return 0; } /* free functions */ static string xio_uri_from_entity(const string &type, const entity_addr_t& addr, bool want_port) { const char *host = NULL; char addr_buf[129]; string xio_uri; switch(addr.get_family()) { case AF_INET: host = inet_ntop(AF_INET, &addr.in4_addr().sin_addr, addr_buf, INET_ADDRSTRLEN); break; case AF_INET6: host = inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &addr.in6_addr().sin6_addr, addr_buf, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN); break; default: abort(); break; }; if (type == "rdma" || type == "tcp") xio_uri = type + "://"; else xio_uri = "rdma://"; /* The following can only succeed if the host is rdma-capable */ xio_uri += host; if (want_port) { xio_uri += ":"; xio_uri += boost::lexical_cast(addr.get_port()); } return xio_uri; } /* xio_uri_from_entity */ void XioInit::package_init(CephContext *cct) { if (! initialized) { mtx.Lock(); if (! initialized) { xio_init(); // claim a reference to the first context we see xio_log::context = cct->get(); int xopt; xopt = xio_log::get_level(); xio_set_opt(NULL, XIO_OPTLEVEL_ACCELIO, XIO_OPTNAME_LOG_LEVEL, &xopt, sizeof(xopt)); xio_set_opt(NULL, XIO_OPTLEVEL_ACCELIO, XIO_OPTNAME_LOG_FN, (const void*)xio_log::log_dout, sizeof(xio_log_fn)); xopt = 1; xio_set_opt(NULL, XIO_OPTLEVEL_ACCELIO, XIO_OPTNAME_DISABLE_HUGETBL, &xopt, sizeof(xopt)); if (g_code_env == CODE_ENVIRONMENT_DAEMON) { xopt = 1; xio_set_opt(NULL, XIO_OPTLEVEL_RDMA, XIO_OPTNAME_ENABLE_FORK_INIT, &xopt, sizeof(xopt)); } xopt = XIO_MSGR_IOVLEN; xio_set_opt(NULL, XIO_OPTLEVEL_ACCELIO, XIO_OPTNAME_MAX_IN_IOVLEN, &xopt, sizeof(xopt)); xio_set_opt(NULL, XIO_OPTLEVEL_ACCELIO, XIO_OPTNAME_MAX_OUT_IOVLEN, &xopt, sizeof(xopt)); /* enable flow-control */ xopt = 1; xio_set_opt(NULL, XIO_OPTLEVEL_ACCELIO, XIO_OPTNAME_ENABLE_FLOW_CONTROL, &xopt, sizeof(xopt)); /* and set threshold for buffer callouts */ xopt = max(cct->_conf->xio_max_send_inline, 512); xio_set_opt(NULL, XIO_OPTLEVEL_ACCELIO, XIO_OPTNAME_MAX_INLINE_XIO_DATA, &xopt, sizeof(xopt)); xopt = XioMsgHdr::get_max_encoded_length(); ldout(cct,2) << "setting accelio max header size " << xopt << dendl; xio_set_opt(NULL, XIO_OPTLEVEL_ACCELIO, XIO_OPTNAME_MAX_INLINE_XIO_HEADER, &xopt, sizeof(xopt)); size_t queue_depth = cct->_conf->xio_queue_depth; struct xio_mempool_config mempool_config = { 6, { {1024, 0, queue_depth, 262144}, {4096, 0, queue_depth, 262144}, {16384, 0, queue_depth, 262144}, {65536, 0, 128, 65536}, {262144, 0, 32, 16384}, {1048576, 0, 8, 8192} } }; xio_set_opt(NULL, XIO_OPTLEVEL_ACCELIO, XIO_OPTNAME_CONFIG_MEMPOOL, &mempool_config, sizeof(mempool_config)); /* and unregisterd one */ #define XMSG_MEMPOOL_QUANTUM 4096 xio_msgr_noreg_mpool = xio_mempool_create(-1 /* nodeid */, XIO_MEMPOOL_FLAG_REGULAR_PAGES_ALLOC); (void) xio_mempool_add_slab(xio_msgr_noreg_mpool, 64, cct->_conf->xio_mp_min, cct->_conf->xio_mp_max_64, XMSG_MEMPOOL_QUANTUM, 0); (void) xio_mempool_add_slab(xio_msgr_noreg_mpool, 256, cct->_conf->xio_mp_min, cct->_conf->xio_mp_max_256, XMSG_MEMPOOL_QUANTUM, 0); (void) xio_mempool_add_slab(xio_msgr_noreg_mpool, 1024, cct->_conf->xio_mp_min, cct->_conf->xio_mp_max_1k, XMSG_MEMPOOL_QUANTUM, 0); (void) xio_mempool_add_slab(xio_msgr_noreg_mpool, getpagesize(), cct->_conf->xio_mp_min, cct->_conf->xio_mp_max_page, XMSG_MEMPOOL_QUANTUM, 0); /* initialize ops singleton */ xio_msgr_ops.on_session_event = on_session_event; xio_msgr_ops.on_new_session = on_new_session; xio_msgr_ops.on_session_established = NULL; xio_msgr_ops.on_msg = on_msg; xio_msgr_ops.on_ow_msg_send_complete = on_ow_msg_send_complete; xio_msgr_ops.on_msg_error = on_msg_error; xio_msgr_ops.on_cancel = on_cancel; xio_msgr_ops.on_cancel_request = on_cancel_request; /* mark initialized */ initialized = true; } mtx.Unlock(); } } /* XioMessenger */ #undef dout_prefix #define dout_prefix _prefix(_dout, this) static ostream& _prefix(std::ostream *_dout, XioMessenger *msgr) { return *_dout << "-- " << msgr->get_myaddr() << " "; } XioMessenger::XioMessenger(CephContext *cct, entity_name_t name, string mname, uint64_t _nonce, uint64_t cflags, DispatchStrategy *ds) : SimplePolicyMessenger(cct, name, mname, _nonce), XioInit(cct), portals(this, get_nportals(cflags), get_nconns_per_portal(cflags)), dispatch_strategy(ds), loop_con(new XioLoopbackConnection(this)), special_handling(0), sh_mtx("XioMessenger session mutex"), sh_cond(), need_addr(true), did_bind(false), nonce(_nonce) { if (cct->_conf->xio_trace_xcon) magic |= MSG_MAGIC_TRACE_XCON; XioPool::trace_mempool = (cct->_conf->xio_trace_mempool); XioPool::trace_msgcnt = (cct->_conf->xio_trace_msgcnt); dispatch_strategy->set_messenger(this); /* update class instance count */ nInstances++; loop_con->set_features(CEPH_FEATURES_ALL); ldout(cct,2) << "Create msgr: " << this << " instance: " << nInstances << " type: " << name.type_str() << " subtype: " << mname << " nportals: " << get_nportals(cflags) << " nconns_per_portal: " << get_nconns_per_portal(cflags) << dendl; } /* ctor */ int XioMessenger::pool_hint(uint32_t dsize) { if (dsize > 1024*1024) return 0; /* if dsize is already present, returns -EEXIST */ return xio_mempool_add_slab(xio_msgr_noreg_mpool, dsize, 0, cct->_conf->xio_mp_max_hint, XMSG_MEMPOOL_QUANTUM, 0); } int XioMessenger::get_nconns_per_portal(uint64_t cflags) { const int XIO_DEFAULT_NUM_CONNS_PER_PORTAL = 8; int nconns = XIO_DEFAULT_NUM_CONNS_PER_PORTAL; if (cflags & Messenger::HAS_MANY_CONNECTIONS) nconns = max(cct->_conf->xio_max_conns_per_portal, XIO_DEFAULT_NUM_CONNS_PER_PORTAL); else if (cflags & Messenger::HEARTBEAT) nconns = max(cct->_conf->osd_heartbeat_min_peers * 4, XIO_DEFAULT_NUM_CONNS_PER_PORTAL); return nconns; } int XioMessenger::get_nportals(uint64_t cflags) { int nportals = 1; if (cflags & Messenger::HAS_HEAVY_TRAFFIC) nportals = max(cct->_conf->xio_portal_threads, 1); return nportals; } void XioMessenger::learned_addr(const entity_addr_t &peer_addr_for_me) { // be careful here: multiple threads may block here, and readers of // my_inst.addr do NOT hold any lock. // this always goes from true -> false under the protection of the // mutex. if it is already false, we need not retake the mutex at // all. if (!need_addr) return; sh_mtx.Lock(); if (need_addr) { entity_addr_t t = peer_addr_for_me; t.set_port(my_inst.addr.get_port()); my_inst.addr.set_sockaddr(t.get_sockaddr()); ldout(cct,2) << "learned my addr " << my_inst.addr << dendl; need_addr = false; // init_local_connection(); } sh_mtx.Unlock(); } int XioMessenger::new_session(struct xio_session *session, struct xio_new_session_req *req, void *cb_user_context) { if (shutdown_called) { return xio_reject( session, XIO_E_SESSION_REFUSED, NULL /* udata */, 0 /* udata len */); } int code = portals.accept(session, req, cb_user_context); if (! code) nsessions++; return code; } /* new_session */ int XioMessenger::session_event(struct xio_session *session, struct xio_session_event_data *event_data, void *cb_user_context) { XioConnection *xcon; switch (event_data->event) { case XIO_SESSION_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHED_EVENT: { struct xio_connection *conn = event_data->conn; struct xio_connection_attr xcona; entity_addr_t peer_addr_for_me, paddr; xcon = static_cast(event_data->conn_user_context); ldout(cct,2) << "connection established " << event_data->conn << " session " << session << " xcon " << xcon << dendl; (void) xio_query_connection(conn, &xcona, XIO_CONNECTION_ATTR_LOCAL_ADDR| XIO_CONNECTION_ATTR_PEER_ADDR); peer_addr_for_me.set_sockaddr((struct sockaddr *)&xcona.local_addr); paddr.set_sockaddr((struct sockaddr *)&xcona.peer_addr); //set_myaddr(peer_addr_for_me); learned_addr(peer_addr_for_me); ldout(cct,2) << "client: connected from " << peer_addr_for_me << " to " << paddr << dendl; /* notify hook */ this->ms_deliver_handle_connect(xcon); this->ms_deliver_handle_fast_connect(xcon); } break; case XIO_SESSION_NEW_CONNECTION_EVENT: { struct xio_connection *conn = event_data->conn; struct xio_connection_attr xcona; entity_inst_t s_inst; entity_addr_t peer_addr_for_me; (void) xio_query_connection(conn, &xcona, XIO_CONNECTION_ATTR_CTX| XIO_CONNECTION_ATTR_PEER_ADDR| XIO_CONNECTION_ATTR_LOCAL_ADDR); /* XXX assumes RDMA */ s_inst.addr.set_sockaddr((struct sockaddr *)&xcona.peer_addr); peer_addr_for_me.set_sockaddr((struct sockaddr *)&xcona.local_addr); xcon = new XioConnection(this, XioConnection::PASSIVE, s_inst); xcon->session = session; struct xio_context_attr xctxa; (void) xio_query_context(xcona.ctx, &xctxa, XIO_CONTEXT_ATTR_USER_CTX); xcon->conn = conn; xcon->portal = static_cast(xctxa.user_context); assert(xcon->portal); xcona.user_context = xcon; (void) xio_modify_connection(conn, &xcona, XIO_CONNECTION_ATTR_USER_CTX); xcon->connected = true; /* sentinel ref */ xcon->get(); /* xcon->nref == 1 */ conns_sp.lock(); conns_list.push_back(*xcon); /* XXX we can't put xcon in conns_entity_map becase we don't yet know * it's peer address */ conns_sp.unlock(); /* XXXX pre-merge of session startup negotiation ONLY! */ xcon->cstate.state_up_ready(XioConnection::CState::OP_FLAG_NONE); ldout(cct,2) << "New connection session " << session << " xcon " << xcon << " on msgr: " << this << " portal: " << xcon->portal << dendl; ldout(cct,2) << "Server: connected from " << s_inst.addr << " to " << peer_addr_for_me << dendl; } break; case XIO_SESSION_CONNECTION_ERROR_EVENT: case XIO_SESSION_CONNECTION_CLOSED_EVENT: /* orderly discon */ case XIO_SESSION_CONNECTION_DISCONNECTED_EVENT: /* unexpected discon */ case XIO_SESSION_CONNECTION_REFUSED_EVENT: xcon = static_cast(event_data->conn_user_context); ldout(cct,2) << xio_session_event_str(event_data->event) << " xcon " << xcon << " session " << session << dendl; if (likely(!!xcon)) { unregister_xcon(xcon); xcon->on_disconnect_event(); } break; case XIO_SESSION_CONNECTION_TEARDOWN_EVENT: xcon = static_cast(event_data->conn_user_context); ldout(cct,2) << xio_session_event_str(event_data->event) << " xcon " << xcon << " session " << session << dendl; /* * There are flows where Accelio sends teardown event without going * through disconnect event. so we make sure we cleaned the connection. */ unregister_xcon(xcon); xcon->on_teardown_event(); break; case XIO_SESSION_TEARDOWN_EVENT: ldout(cct,2) << xio_session_event_str(event_data->event) << " session " << session << dendl; if (unlikely(XioPool::trace_mempool)) { xp_stats.dump("xio session dtor", reinterpret_cast(session)); } xio_session_destroy(session); if (--nsessions == 0) { Mutex::Locker lck(sh_mtx); if (nsessions == 0) sh_cond.Signal(); } break; default: break; }; return 0; } enum bl_type { BUFFER_PAYLOAD, BUFFER_MIDDLE, BUFFER_DATA }; #define MAX_XIO_BUF_SIZE 1044480 static inline int xio_count_buffers(const buffer::list& bl, int& req_size, int& msg_off, int& req_off) { const std::list& buffers = bl.buffers(); list::const_iterator pb; size_t size, off; int result; int first = 1; off = size = 0; result = 0; for (;;) { if (off >= size) { if (first) pb = buffers.begin(); else ++pb; if (pb == buffers.end()) { break; } off = 0; size = pb->length(); first = 0; } size_t count = size - off; if (!count) continue; if (req_size + count > MAX_XIO_BUF_SIZE) { count = MAX_XIO_BUF_SIZE - req_size; } ++result; /* advance iov and perhaps request */ off += count; req_size += count; ++msg_off; if (unlikely(msg_off >= XIO_MSGR_IOVLEN || req_size >= MAX_XIO_BUF_SIZE)) { ++req_off; msg_off = 0; req_size = 0; } } return result; } static inline void xio_place_buffers(const buffer::list& bl, XioMsg *xmsg, struct xio_msg*& req, struct xio_iovec_ex*& msg_iov, int& req_size, int ex_cnt, int& msg_off, int& req_off, bl_type type) { const std::list& buffers = bl.buffers(); list::const_iterator pb; struct xio_iovec_ex* iov; size_t size, off; const char *data = NULL; int first = 1; off = size = 0; for (;;) { if (off >= size) { if (first) pb = buffers.begin(); else ++pb; if (pb == buffers.end()) { break; } off = 0; size = pb->length(); data = pb->c_str(); // is c_str() efficient? first = 0; } size_t count = size - off; if (!count) continue; if (req_size + count > MAX_XIO_BUF_SIZE) { count = MAX_XIO_BUF_SIZE - req_size; } /* assign buffer */ iov = &msg_iov[msg_off]; iov->iov_base = (void *) (&data[off]); iov->iov_len = count; switch (type) { case BUFFER_DATA: //break; default: { struct xio_reg_mem *mp = get_xio_mp(*pb); iov->mr = (mp) ? mp->mr : NULL; } break; } /* advance iov(s) */ off += count; req_size += count; ++msg_off; /* next request if necessary */ if (unlikely(msg_off >= XIO_MSGR_IOVLEN || req_size >= MAX_XIO_BUF_SIZE)) { /* finish this request */ req->out.pdata_iov.nents = msg_off; /* advance to next, and write in it if it's not the last one. */ if (++req_off >= ex_cnt) { req = 0; /* poison. trap if we try to use it. */ msg_iov = NULL; } else { req = &xmsg->req_arr[req_off].msg; msg_iov = req->out.pdata_iov.sglist; } msg_off = 0; req_size = 0; } } } int XioMessenger::bind(const entity_addr_t& addr) { if (addr.is_blank_ip()) { lderr(cct) << "ERROR: need rdma ip for remote use! " << dendl; cout << "Error: xio bind failed. public/cluster ip not specified" << std::endl; return -1; } entity_addr_t shift_addr = addr; string base_uri = xio_uri_from_entity(cct->_conf->xio_transport_type, shift_addr, false /* want_port */); ldout(cct,4) << "XioMessenger " << this << " bind: xio_uri " << base_uri << ':' << shift_addr.get_port() << dendl; uint16_t port0; int r = portals.bind(&xio_msgr_ops, base_uri, shift_addr.get_port(), &port0); if (r == 0) { shift_addr.set_port(port0); shift_addr.nonce = nonce; set_myaddr(shift_addr); need_addr = false; did_bind = true; } return r; } /* bind */ int XioMessenger::rebind(const set& avoid_ports) { ldout(cct,4) << "XioMessenger " << this << " rebind attempt" << dendl; return 0; } /* rebind */ int XioMessenger::start() { portals.start(); dispatch_strategy->start(); if (!did_bind) { my_inst.addr.nonce = nonce; } started = true; return 0; } void XioMessenger::wait() { portals.join(); dispatch_strategy->wait(); } /* wait */ int XioMessenger::_send_message(Message *m, const entity_inst_t& dest) { ConnectionRef conn = get_connection(dest); if (conn) return _send_message(m, &(*conn)); else return EINVAL; } /* send_message(Message *, const entity_inst_t&) */ static inline XioMsg* pool_alloc_xio_msg(Message *m, XioConnection *xcon, int ex_cnt) { struct xio_reg_mem mp_mem; int e = xpool_alloc(xio_msgr_noreg_mpool, sizeof(XioMsg), &mp_mem); if (!!e) return NULL; XioMsg *xmsg = reinterpret_cast(mp_mem.addr); assert(!!xmsg); new (xmsg) XioMsg(m, xcon, mp_mem, ex_cnt, CEPH_FEATURES_ALL); return xmsg; } XioCommand* pool_alloc_xio_command(XioConnection *xcon) { struct xio_reg_mem mp_mem; int e = xpool_alloc(xio_msgr_noreg_mpool, sizeof(XioCommand), &mp_mem); if (!!e) return NULL; XioCommand *xcmd = reinterpret_cast(mp_mem.addr); assert(!!xcmd); new (xcmd) XioCommand(xcon, mp_mem); return xcmd; } int XioMessenger::_send_message(Message *m, Connection *con) { if (con == loop_con.get() /* intrusive_ptr get() */) { m->set_connection(con); m->set_src(get_myinst().name); m->set_seq(loop_con->next_seq()); ds_dispatch(m); return 0; } XioConnection *xcon = static_cast(con); /* If con is not in READY state, we have to enforce policy */ if (xcon->cstate.session_state.read() != XioConnection::UP) { pthread_spin_lock(&xcon->sp); if (xcon->cstate.session_state.read() != XioConnection::UP) { xcon->outgoing.mqueue.push_back(*m); pthread_spin_unlock(&xcon->sp); return 0; } pthread_spin_unlock(&xcon->sp); } return _send_message_impl(m, xcon); } /* send_message(Message* m, Connection *con) */ int XioMessenger::_send_message_impl(Message* m, XioConnection* xcon) { int code = 0; Mutex::Locker l(xcon->lock); if (unlikely(XioPool::trace_mempool)) { static uint32_t nreqs; if (unlikely((++nreqs % 65536) == 0)) { xp_stats.dump(__func__, nreqs); } } m->set_seq(xcon->state.next_out_seq()); m->set_magic(magic); // trace flags and special handling m->encode(xcon->get_features(), this->crcflags); buffer::list &payload = m->get_payload(); buffer::list &middle = m->get_middle(); buffer::list &data = m->get_data(); int msg_off = 0; int req_off = 0; int req_size = 0; int nbuffers = xio_count_buffers(payload, req_size, msg_off, req_off) + xio_count_buffers(middle, req_size, msg_off, req_off) + xio_count_buffers(data, req_size, msg_off, req_off); int ex_cnt = req_off; if (msg_off == 0 && ex_cnt > 0) { // no buffers for last msg ldout(cct,10) << "msg_off 0, ex_cnt " << ex_cnt << " -> " << ex_cnt-1 << dendl; ex_cnt--; } /* get an XioMsg frame */ XioMsg *xmsg = pool_alloc_xio_msg(m, xcon, ex_cnt); if (! xmsg) { /* could happen if Accelio has been shutdown */ return ENOMEM; } ldout(cct,4) << __func__ << " " << m << " new XioMsg " << xmsg << " tag " << (int)xmsg->hdr.tag << " req_0 " << xmsg->get_xio_msg() << " msg type " << m->get_type() << " features: " << xcon->get_features() << " conn " << xcon->conn << " sess " << xcon->session << dendl; if (magic & (MSG_MAGIC_XIO)) { /* XXXX verify */ switch (m->get_type()) { case 43: // case 15: ldout(cct,4) << __func__ << "stop 43 " << m->get_type() << " " << *m << dendl; buffer::list &payload = m->get_payload(); ldout(cct,4) << __func__ << "payload dump:" << dendl; payload.hexdump(cout); } } struct xio_msg *req = xmsg->get_xio_msg(); struct xio_iovec_ex *msg_iov = req->out.pdata_iov.sglist; if (magic & (MSG_MAGIC_XIO)) { ldout(cct,4) << "payload: " << payload.buffers().size() << " middle: " << middle.buffers().size() << " data: " << data.buffers().size() << dendl; } if (unlikely(ex_cnt > 0)) { ldout(cct,4) << __func__ << " buffer cnt > XIO_MSGR_IOVLEN (" << ((XIO_MSGR_IOVLEN-1) + nbuffers) << ")" << dendl; } /* do the invariant part */ msg_off = 0; req_off = -1; /* most often, not used */ req_size = 0; xio_place_buffers(payload, xmsg, req, msg_iov, req_size, ex_cnt, msg_off, req_off, BUFFER_PAYLOAD); xio_place_buffers(middle, xmsg, req, msg_iov, req_size, ex_cnt, msg_off, req_off, BUFFER_MIDDLE); xio_place_buffers(data, xmsg, req, msg_iov, req_size, ex_cnt, msg_off, req_off, BUFFER_DATA); ldout(cct,10) << "ex_cnt " << ex_cnt << ", req_off " << req_off << ", msg_cnt " << xmsg->get_msg_count() << dendl; /* finalize request */ if (msg_off) req->out.pdata_iov.nents = msg_off; /* fixup first msg */ req = xmsg->get_xio_msg(); const std::list& header = xmsg->hdr.get_bl().buffers(); assert(header.size() == 1); /* XXX */ list::const_iterator pb = header.begin(); req->out.header.iov_base = (char*) pb->c_str(); req->out.header.iov_len = pb->length(); /* deliver via xio, preserve ordering */ if (xmsg->get_msg_count() > 1) { struct xio_msg *head = xmsg->get_xio_msg(); struct xio_msg *tail = head; for (req_off = 0; ((unsigned) req_off) < xmsg->get_msg_count()-1; ++req_off) { req = &xmsg->req_arr[req_off].msg; assert(!req->in.pdata_iov.nents); assert(req->out.pdata_iov.nents || !nbuffers); tail->next = req; tail = req; } tail->next = NULL; } xmsg->trace = m->trace; m->trace.event("xio portal enqueue for send"); m->trace.keyval("xio message segments", xmsg->hdr.msg_cnt); xcon->portal->enqueue_for_send(xcon, xmsg); return code; } /* send_message(Message *, Connection *) */ int XioMessenger::shutdown() { shutdown_called = true; conns_sp.lock(); XioConnection::ConnList::iterator iter; iter = conns_list.begin(); for (iter = conns_list.begin(); iter != conns_list.end(); ++iter) { (void) iter->disconnect(); // XXX mark down? } conns_sp.unlock(); while(nsessions > 0) { Mutex::Locker lck(sh_mtx); if (nsessions > 0) sh_cond.Wait(sh_mtx); } portals.shutdown(); dispatch_strategy->shutdown(); did_bind = false; started = false; return 0; } /* shutdown */ ConnectionRef XioMessenger::get_connection(const entity_inst_t& dest) { if (shutdown_called) return NULL; const entity_inst_t& self_inst = get_myinst(); if ((&dest == &self_inst) || (dest == self_inst)) { return get_loopback_connection(); } conns_sp.lock(); XioConnection::EntitySet::iterator conn_iter = conns_entity_map.find(dest, XioConnection::EntityComp()); if (conn_iter != conns_entity_map.end()) { ConnectionRef cref = &(*conn_iter); conns_sp.unlock(); return cref; } else { conns_sp.unlock(); string xio_uri = xio_uri_from_entity(cct->_conf->xio_transport_type, dest.addr, true /* want_port */); ldout(cct,4) << "XioMessenger " << this << " get_connection: xio_uri " << xio_uri << dendl; /* XXX client session creation parameters */ struct xio_session_params params = {}; params.type = XIO_SESSION_CLIENT; params.ses_ops = &xio_msgr_ops; params.user_context = this; params.uri = xio_uri.c_str(); XioConnection *xcon = new XioConnection(this, XioConnection::ACTIVE, dest); xcon->session = xio_session_create(¶ms); if (! xcon->session) { delete xcon; return NULL; } /* this should cause callbacks with user context of conn, but * we can always set it explicitly */ struct xio_connection_params xcp = {}; xcp.session = xcon->session; xcp.ctx = xcon->portal->ctx; xcp.conn_user_context = xcon; xcon->conn = xio_connect(&xcp); if (!xcon->conn) { xio_session_destroy(xcon->session); delete xcon; return NULL; } nsessions++; xcon->connected = true; /* sentinel ref */ xcon->get(); /* xcon->nref == 1 */ conns_sp.lock(); conns_list.push_back(*xcon); conns_entity_map.insert(*xcon); conns_sp.unlock(); /* XXXX pre-merge of session startup negotiation ONLY! */ xcon->cstate.state_up_ready(XioConnection::CState::OP_FLAG_NONE); ldout(cct,2) << "New connection xcon: " << xcon << " up_ready on session " << xcon->session << " on msgr: " << this << " portal: " << xcon->portal << dendl; return xcon->get(); /* nref +1 */ } } /* get_connection */ ConnectionRef XioMessenger::get_loopback_connection() { return (loop_con.get()); } /* get_loopback_connection */ void XioMessenger::unregister_xcon(XioConnection *xcon) { Spinlock::Locker lckr(conns_sp); XioConnection::EntitySet::iterator conn_iter = conns_entity_map.find(xcon->peer, XioConnection::EntityComp()); if (conn_iter != conns_entity_map.end()) { XioConnection *xcon2 = &(*conn_iter); if (xcon == xcon2) { conns_entity_map.erase(conn_iter); } } /* check if citer on conn_list */ if (xcon->conns_hook.is_linked()) { /* now find xcon on conns_list and erase */ XioConnection::ConnList::iterator citer = XioConnection::ConnList::s_iterator_to(*xcon); conns_list.erase(citer); } } void XioMessenger::mark_down(const entity_addr_t& addr) { entity_inst_t inst(entity_name_t(), addr); Spinlock::Locker lckr(conns_sp); XioConnection::EntitySet::iterator conn_iter = conns_entity_map.find(inst, XioConnection::EntityComp()); if (conn_iter != conns_entity_map.end()) { (*conn_iter)._mark_down(XioConnection::CState::OP_FLAG_NONE); } } /* mark_down(const entity_addr_t& */ void XioMessenger::mark_down(Connection* con) { XioConnection *xcon = static_cast(con); xcon->_mark_down(XioConnection::CState::OP_FLAG_NONE); } /* mark_down(Connection*) */ void XioMessenger::mark_down_all() { Spinlock::Locker lckr(conns_sp); XioConnection::EntitySet::iterator conn_iter; for (conn_iter = conns_entity_map.begin(); conn_iter != conns_entity_map.begin(); ++conn_iter) { (*conn_iter)._mark_down(XioConnection::CState::OP_FLAG_NONE); } } /* mark_down_all */ static inline XioMarkDownHook* pool_alloc_markdown_hook( XioConnection *xcon, Message *m) { struct xio_reg_mem mp_mem; int e = xio_mempool_alloc(xio_msgr_noreg_mpool, sizeof(XioMarkDownHook), &mp_mem); if (!!e) return NULL; XioMarkDownHook *hook = static_cast(mp_mem.addr); new (hook) XioMarkDownHook(xcon, m, mp_mem); return hook; } void XioMessenger::mark_down_on_empty(Connection* con) { XioConnection *xcon = static_cast(con); MNop* m = new MNop(); m->tag = XIO_NOP_TAG_MARKDOWN; m->set_completion_hook(pool_alloc_markdown_hook(xcon, m)); // stall new messages xcon->cstate.session_state = XioConnection::session_states::BARRIER; (void) _send_message_impl(m, xcon); } void XioMessenger::mark_disposable(Connection *con) { XioConnection *xcon = static_cast(con); xcon->_mark_disposable(XioConnection::CState::OP_FLAG_NONE); } void XioMessenger::try_insert(XioConnection *xcon) { Spinlock::Locker lckr(conns_sp); /* already resident in conns_list */ conns_entity_map.insert(*xcon); } XioMessenger::~XioMessenger() { delete dispatch_strategy; nInstances--; } /* dtor */