// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab /* * Ceph - scalable distributed file system * * Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Sage Weil * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software * Foundation. See file COPYING. * */ #include "MDSRank.h" #include "MDCache.h" #include "CInode.h" #include "CDir.h" #include "CDentry.h" #include "Migrator.h" #include "Locker.h" #include "Server.h" #include "MDBalancer.h" #include "MDLog.h" #include "MDSMap.h" #include "Mutation.h" #include "include/filepath.h" #include "events/EExport.h" #include "events/EImportStart.h" #include "events/EImportFinish.h" #include "events/ESessions.h" #include "msg/Messenger.h" #include "messages/MClientCaps.h" #include "messages/MExportDirDiscover.h" #include "messages/MExportDirDiscoverAck.h" #include "messages/MExportDirCancel.h" #include "messages/MExportDirPrep.h" #include "messages/MExportDirPrepAck.h" #include "messages/MExportDir.h" #include "messages/MExportDirAck.h" #include "messages/MExportDirNotify.h" #include "messages/MExportDirNotifyAck.h" #include "messages/MExportDirFinish.h" #include "messages/MExportCaps.h" #include "messages/MExportCapsAck.h" #include "messages/MGatherCaps.h" /* * this is what the dir->dir_auth values look like * * dir_auth authbits * export * me me - before * me, me me - still me, but preparing for export * me, them me - send MExportDir (peer is preparing) * them, me me - journaled EExport * them them - done * * import: * them them - before * me, them me - journaled EImportStart * me me - done * * which implies: * - auth bit is set if i am listed as first _or_ second dir_auth. */ #include "common/config.h" #define dout_context g_ceph_context #define dout_subsys ceph_subsys_mds #undef dout_prefix #define dout_prefix *_dout << "mds." << mds->get_nodeid() << ".migrator " class MigratorContext : public MDSInternalContextBase { protected: Migrator *mig; MDSRank *get_mds() override { return mig->mds; } public: explicit MigratorContext(Migrator *mig_) : mig(mig_) { assert(mig != NULL); } }; class MigratorLogContext : public MDSLogContextBase { protected: Migrator *mig; MDSRank *get_mds() override { return mig->mds; } public: explicit MigratorLogContext(Migrator *mig_) : mig(mig_) { assert(mig != NULL); } }; /* This function DOES put the passed message before returning*/ void Migrator::dispatch(Message *m) { switch (m->get_type()) { // import case MSG_MDS_EXPORTDIRDISCOVER: handle_export_discover(static_cast(m)); break; case MSG_MDS_EXPORTDIRPREP: handle_export_prep(static_cast(m)); break; case MSG_MDS_EXPORTDIR: handle_export_dir(static_cast(m)); break; case MSG_MDS_EXPORTDIRFINISH: handle_export_finish(static_cast(m)); break; case MSG_MDS_EXPORTDIRCANCEL: handle_export_cancel(static_cast(m)); break; // export case MSG_MDS_EXPORTDIRDISCOVERACK: handle_export_discover_ack(static_cast(m)); break; case MSG_MDS_EXPORTDIRPREPACK: handle_export_prep_ack(static_cast(m)); break; case MSG_MDS_EXPORTDIRACK: handle_export_ack(static_cast(m)); break; case MSG_MDS_EXPORTDIRNOTIFYACK: handle_export_notify_ack(static_cast(m)); break; // export 3rd party (dir_auth adjustments) case MSG_MDS_EXPORTDIRNOTIFY: handle_export_notify(static_cast(m)); break; // caps case MSG_MDS_EXPORTCAPS: handle_export_caps(static_cast(m)); break; case MSG_MDS_GATHERCAPS: handle_gather_caps(static_cast(m)); break; default: derr << "migrator unknown message " << m->get_type() << dendl; assert(0 == "migrator unknown message"); } } class C_MDC_EmptyImport : public MigratorContext { CDir *dir; public: C_MDC_EmptyImport(Migrator *m, CDir *d) : MigratorContext(m), dir(d) {} void finish(int r) override { mig->export_empty_import(dir); } }; void Migrator::export_empty_import(CDir *dir) { dout(7) << "export_empty_import " << *dir << dendl; assert(dir->is_subtree_root()); if (dir->inode->is_auth()) { dout(7) << " inode is auth" << dendl; return; } if (!dir->is_auth()) { dout(7) << " not auth" << dendl; return; } if (dir->is_freezing() || dir->is_frozen()) { dout(7) << " freezing or frozen" << dendl; return; } if (dir->get_num_head_items() > 0) { dout(7) << " not actually empty" << dendl; return; } if (dir->inode->is_root()) { dout(7) << " root" << dendl; return; } mds_rank_t dest = dir->inode->authority().first; //if (mds->is_shutting_down()) dest = 0; // this is more efficient. dout(7) << " really empty, exporting to " << dest << dendl; assert (dest != mds->get_nodeid()); dout(7) << "exporting to mds." << dest << " empty import " << *dir << dendl; export_dir( dir, dest ); } void Migrator::find_stale_export_freeze() { utime_t now = ceph_clock_now(); utime_t cutoff = now; cutoff -= g_conf->mds_freeze_tree_timeout; /* * We could have situations like: * * - mds.0 authpins an item in subtree A * - mds.0 sends request to mds.1 to authpin an item in subtree B * - mds.0 freezes subtree A * - mds.1 authpins an item in subtree B * - mds.1 sends request to mds.0 to authpin an item in subtree A * - mds.1 freezes subtree B * - mds.1 receives the remote authpin request from mds.0 * (wait because subtree B is freezing) * - mds.0 receives the remote authpin request from mds.1 * (wait because subtree A is freezing) * * * - client request authpins items in subtree B * - freeze subtree B * - import subtree A which is parent of subtree B * (authpins parent inode of subtree B, see CDir::set_dir_auth()) * - freeze subtree A * - client request tries authpinning items in subtree A * (wait because subtree A is freezing) */ for (map::iterator p = export_state.begin(); p != export_state.end(); ) { CDir* dir = p->first; export_state_t& stat = p->second; ++p; if (stat.state != EXPORT_DISCOVERING && stat.state != EXPORT_FREEZING) continue; if (stat.last_cum_auth_pins != dir->get_cum_auth_pins()) { stat.last_cum_auth_pins = dir->get_cum_auth_pins(); stat.last_cum_auth_pins_change = now; continue; } if (stat.last_cum_auth_pins_change >= cutoff) continue; if (stat.num_remote_waiters > 0 || (!dir->inode->is_root() && dir->get_parent_dir()->is_freezing())) { export_try_cancel(dir); } } } void Migrator::export_try_cancel(CDir *dir, bool notify_peer) { dout(10) << "export_try_cancel " << *dir << dendl; map::iterator it = export_state.find(dir); assert(it != export_state.end()); int state = it->second.state; switch (state) { case EXPORT_LOCKING: dout(10) << "export state=locking : dropping locks and removing auth_pin" << dendl; it->second.state = EXPORT_CANCELLED; dir->auth_unpin(this); break; case EXPORT_DISCOVERING: dout(10) << "export state=discovering : canceling freeze and removing auth_pin" << dendl; it->second.state = EXPORT_CANCELLED; dir->unfreeze_tree(); // cancel the freeze dir->auth_unpin(this); if (notify_peer && (!mds->is_cluster_degraded() || mds->mdsmap->is_clientreplay_or_active_or_stopping(it->second.peer))) // tell them. mds->send_message_mds(new MExportDirCancel(dir->dirfrag(), it->second.tid), it->second.peer); break; case EXPORT_FREEZING: dout(10) << "export state=freezing : canceling freeze" << dendl; it->second.state = EXPORT_CANCELLED; dir->unfreeze_tree(); // cancel the freeze if (dir->is_subtree_root()) cache->try_subtree_merge(dir); if (notify_peer && (!mds->is_cluster_degraded() || mds->mdsmap->is_clientreplay_or_active_or_stopping(it->second.peer))) // tell them. mds->send_message_mds(new MExportDirCancel(dir->dirfrag(), it->second.tid), it->second.peer); break; // NOTE: state order reversal, warning comes after prepping case EXPORT_WARNING: dout(10) << "export state=warning : unpinning bounds, unfreezing, notifying" << dendl; it->second.state = EXPORT_CANCELLING; // fall-thru case EXPORT_PREPPING: if (state != EXPORT_WARNING) { dout(10) << "export state=prepping : unpinning bounds, unfreezing" << dendl; it->second.state = EXPORT_CANCELLED; } { // unpin bounds set bounds; cache->get_subtree_bounds(dir, bounds); for (set::iterator q = bounds.begin(); q != bounds.end(); ++q) { CDir *bd = *q; bd->put(CDir::PIN_EXPORTBOUND); bd->state_clear(CDir::STATE_EXPORTBOUND); } if (state == EXPORT_WARNING) { // notify bystanders export_notify_abort(dir, bounds); // process delayed expires cache->process_delayed_expire(dir); } } dir->unfreeze_tree(); cache->try_subtree_merge(dir); if (notify_peer && (!mds->is_cluster_degraded() || mds->mdsmap->is_clientreplay_or_active_or_stopping(it->second.peer))) // tell them. mds->send_message_mds(new MExportDirCancel(dir->dirfrag(), it->second.tid), it->second.peer); break; case EXPORT_EXPORTING: dout(10) << "export state=exporting : reversing, and unfreezing" << dendl; it->second.state = EXPORT_CANCELLING; export_reverse(dir); break; case EXPORT_LOGGINGFINISH: case EXPORT_NOTIFYING: dout(10) << "export state=loggingfinish|notifying : ignoring dest failure, we were successful." << dendl; // leave export_state, don't clean up now. break; case EXPORT_CANCELLING: break; default: ceph_abort(); } // finish clean-up? if (it->second.state == EXPORT_CANCELLING || it->second.state == EXPORT_CANCELLED) { MutationRef mut; mut.swap(it->second.mut); if (it->second.state == EXPORT_CANCELLED) { export_state.erase(it); dir->state_clear(CDir::STATE_EXPORTING); // send pending import_maps? cache->maybe_send_pending_resolves(); } // drop locks if (state == EXPORT_LOCKING || state == EXPORT_DISCOVERING) { MDRequestRef mdr = static_cast(mut.get()); assert(mdr); if (mdr->more()->waiting_on_slave.empty()) mds->mdcache->request_finish(mdr); } else if (mut) { mds->locker->drop_locks(mut.get()); mut->cleanup(); } cache->show_subtrees(); maybe_do_queued_export(); } } void Migrator::export_cancel_finish(CDir *dir) { assert(dir->state_test(CDir::STATE_EXPORTING)); dir->state_clear(CDir::STATE_EXPORTING); // pinned by Migrator::export_notify_abort() dir->auth_unpin(this); // send pending import_maps? (these need to go out when all exports have finished.) cache->maybe_send_pending_resolves(); } // ========================================================== // mds failure handling void Migrator::handle_mds_failure_or_stop(mds_rank_t who) { dout(5) << "handle_mds_failure_or_stop mds." << who << dendl; // check my exports // first add an extra auth_pin on any freezes, so that canceling a // nested freeze doesn't complete one further up the hierarchy and // confuse the shit out of us. we'll remove it after canceling the // freeze. this way no freeze completions run before we want them // to. list pinned_dirs; for (map::iterator p = export_state.begin(); p != export_state.end(); ++p) { if (p->second.state == EXPORT_FREEZING) { CDir *dir = p->first; dout(10) << "adding temp auth_pin on freezing " << *dir << dendl; dir->auth_pin(this); pinned_dirs.push_back(dir); } } map::iterator p = export_state.begin(); while (p != export_state.end()) { map::iterator next = p; ++next; CDir *dir = p->first; // abort exports: // - that are going to the failed node // - that aren't frozen yet (to avoid auth_pin deadlock) // - they havne't prepped yet (they may need to discover bounds to do that) if ((p->second.peer == who && p->second.state != EXPORT_CANCELLING) || p->second.state == EXPORT_LOCKING || p->second.state == EXPORT_DISCOVERING || p->second.state == EXPORT_FREEZING || p->second.state == EXPORT_PREPPING) { // the guy i'm exporting to failed, or we're just freezing. dout(10) << "cleaning up export state (" << p->second.state << ")" << get_export_statename(p->second.state) << " of " << *dir << dendl; export_try_cancel(dir); } else if (p->second.peer != who) { // bystander failed. if (p->second.warning_ack_waiting.erase(who)) { if (p->second.state == EXPORT_WARNING) { p->second.notify_ack_waiting.erase(who); // they won't get a notify either. // exporter waiting for warning acks, let's fake theirs. dout(10) << "faking export_warning_ack from mds." << who << " on " << *dir << " to mds." << p->second.peer << dendl; if (p->second.warning_ack_waiting.empty()) export_go(dir); } } if (p->second.notify_ack_waiting.erase(who)) { // exporter is waiting for notify acks, fake it dout(10) << "faking export_notify_ack from mds." << who << " on " << *dir << " to mds." << p->second.peer << dendl; if (p->second.state == EXPORT_NOTIFYING) { if (p->second.notify_ack_waiting.empty()) export_finish(dir); } else if (p->second.state == EXPORT_CANCELLING) { if (p->second.notify_ack_waiting.empty()) { export_state.erase(p); export_cancel_finish(dir); } } } } // next! p = next; } // check my imports map::iterator q = import_state.begin(); while (q != import_state.end()) { map::iterator next = q; ++next; dirfrag_t df = q->first; CInode *diri = mds->mdcache->get_inode(df.ino); CDir *dir = mds->mdcache->get_dirfrag(df); if (q->second.peer == who) { if (dir) dout(10) << "cleaning up import state (" << q->second.state << ")" << get_import_statename(q->second.state) << " of " << *dir << dendl; else dout(10) << "cleaning up import state (" << q->second.state << ")" << get_import_statename(q->second.state) << " of " << df << dendl; switch (q->second.state) { case IMPORT_DISCOVERING: dout(10) << "import state=discovering : clearing state" << dendl; import_reverse_discovering(df); break; case IMPORT_DISCOVERED: assert(diri); dout(10) << "import state=discovered : unpinning inode " << *diri << dendl; import_reverse_discovered(df, diri); break; case IMPORT_PREPPING: assert(dir); dout(10) << "import state=prepping : unpinning base+bounds " << *dir << dendl; import_reverse_prepping(dir); break; case IMPORT_PREPPED: assert(dir); dout(10) << "import state=prepped : unpinning base+bounds, unfreezing " << *dir << dendl; { set bounds; cache->get_subtree_bounds(dir, bounds); import_remove_pins(dir, bounds); // adjust auth back to the exporter cache->adjust_subtree_auth(dir, q->second.peer); // notify bystanders ; wait in aborting state import_state[df].state = IMPORT_ABORTING; import_notify_abort(dir, bounds); assert(g_conf->mds_kill_import_at != 10); } break; case IMPORT_LOGGINGSTART: assert(dir); dout(10) << "import state=loggingstart : reversing import on " << *dir << dendl; import_reverse(dir); break; case IMPORT_ACKING: assert(dir); // hrm. make this an ambiguous import, and wait for exporter recovery to disambiguate dout(10) << "import state=acking : noting ambiguous import " << *dir << dendl; { set bounds; cache->get_subtree_bounds(dir, bounds); cache->add_ambiguous_import(dir, bounds); } break; case IMPORT_FINISHING: assert(dir); dout(10) << "import state=finishing : finishing import on " << *dir << dendl; import_finish(dir, true); break; case IMPORT_ABORTING: assert(dir); dout(10) << "import state=aborting : ignoring repeat failure " << *dir << dendl; break; } } else { auto bystanders_entry = q->second.bystanders.find(who); if (bystanders_entry != q->second.bystanders.end()) { q->second.bystanders.erase(bystanders_entry); if (q->second.state == IMPORT_ABORTING) { assert(dir); dout(10) << "faking export_notify_ack from mds." << who << " on aborting import " << *dir << " from mds." << q->second.peer << dendl; if (q->second.bystanders.empty()) import_reverse_unfreeze(dir); } } } // next! q = next; } while (!pinned_dirs.empty()) { CDir *dir = pinned_dirs.front(); dout(10) << "removing temp auth_pin on " << *dir << dendl; dir->auth_unpin(this); pinned_dirs.pop_front(); } } void Migrator::show_importing() { dout(10) << "show_importing" << dendl; for (map::iterator p = import_state.begin(); p != import_state.end(); ++p) { CDir *dir = mds->mdcache->get_dirfrag(p->first); if (dir) { dout(10) << " importing from " << p->second.peer << ": (" << p->second.state << ") " << get_import_statename(p->second.state) << " " << p->first << " " << *dir << dendl; } else { dout(10) << " importing from " << p->second.peer << ": (" << p->second.state << ") " << get_import_statename(p->second.state) << " " << p->first << dendl; } } } void Migrator::show_exporting() { dout(10) << "show_exporting" << dendl; for (map::iterator p = export_state.begin(); p != export_state.end(); ++p) dout(10) << " exporting to " << p->second.peer << ": (" << p->second.state << ") " << get_export_statename(p->second.state) << " " << p->first->dirfrag() << " " << *p->first << dendl; } void Migrator::audit() { if (!g_conf->subsys.should_gather(ceph_subsys_mds, 5)) return; // hrm. // import_state show_importing(); for (map::iterator p = import_state.begin(); p != import_state.end(); ++p) { if (p->second.state == IMPORT_DISCOVERING) continue; if (p->second.state == IMPORT_DISCOVERED) { CInode *in = cache->get_inode(p->first.ino); assert(in); continue; } CDir *dir = cache->get_dirfrag(p->first); assert(dir); if (p->second.state == IMPORT_PREPPING) continue; if (p->second.state == IMPORT_ABORTING) { assert(!dir->is_ambiguous_dir_auth()); assert(dir->get_dir_auth().first != mds->get_nodeid()); continue; } assert(dir->is_ambiguous_dir_auth()); assert(dir->authority().first == mds->get_nodeid() || dir->authority().second == mds->get_nodeid()); } // export_state show_exporting(); for (map::iterator p = export_state.begin(); p != export_state.end(); ++p) { CDir *dir = p->first; if (p->second.state == EXPORT_LOCKING || p->second.state == EXPORT_DISCOVERING || p->second.state == EXPORT_FREEZING || p->second.state == EXPORT_CANCELLING) continue; assert(dir->is_ambiguous_dir_auth()); assert(dir->authority().first == mds->get_nodeid() || dir->authority().second == mds->get_nodeid()); } // ambiguous+me subtrees should be importing|exporting // write me } // ========================================================== // EXPORT void Migrator::export_dir_nicely(CDir *dir, mds_rank_t dest) { // enqueue dout(7) << "export_dir_nicely " << *dir << " to " << dest << dendl; export_queue.push_back(pair(dir->dirfrag(), dest)); maybe_do_queued_export(); } void Migrator::maybe_do_queued_export() { static bool running; if (running) return; running = true; while (!export_queue.empty() && export_state.size() <= 4) { dirfrag_t df = export_queue.front().first; mds_rank_t dest = export_queue.front().second; export_queue.pop_front(); CDir *dir = mds->mdcache->get_dirfrag(df); if (!dir) continue; if (!dir->is_auth()) continue; dout(0) << "nicely exporting to mds." << dest << " " << *dir << dendl; export_dir(dir, dest); } running = false; } class C_MDC_ExportFreeze : public MigratorContext { CDir *ex; // dir i'm exporting uint64_t tid; public: C_MDC_ExportFreeze(Migrator *m, CDir *e, uint64_t t) : MigratorContext(m), ex(e), tid(t) { assert(ex != NULL); } void finish(int r) override { if (r >= 0) mig->export_frozen(ex, tid); } }; void Migrator::get_export_lock_set(CDir *dir, set& locks) { // path vector trace; cache->make_trace(trace, dir->inode); for (vector::iterator it = trace.begin(); it != trace.end(); ++it) locks.insert(&(*it)->lock); // prevent scatter gather race locks.insert(&dir->get_inode()->dirfragtreelock); // bound dftlocks: // NOTE: We need to take an rdlock on bounding dirfrags during // migration for a rather irritating reason: when we export the // bound inode, we need to send scatterlock state for the dirfrags // as well, so that the new auth also gets the correct info. If we // race with a refragment, this info is useless, as we can't // redivvy it up. And it's needed for the scatterlocks to work // properly: when the auth is in a sync/lock state it keeps each // dirfrag's portion in the local (auth OR replica) dirfrag. set wouldbe_bounds; cache->get_wouldbe_subtree_bounds(dir, wouldbe_bounds); for (set::iterator p = wouldbe_bounds.begin(); p != wouldbe_bounds.end(); ++p) locks.insert(&(*p)->get_inode()->dirfragtreelock); } class C_M_ExportDirWait : public MigratorContext { MDRequestRef mdr; int count; public: C_M_ExportDirWait(Migrator *m, MDRequestRef mdr, int count) : MigratorContext(m), mdr(mdr), count(count) {} void finish(int r) override { mig->dispatch_export_dir(mdr, count); } }; /** export_dir(dir, dest) * public method to initiate an export. * will fail if the directory is freezing, frozen, unpinnable, or root. */ void Migrator::export_dir(CDir *dir, mds_rank_t dest) { dout(7) << "export_dir " << *dir << " to " << dest << dendl; assert(dir->is_auth()); assert(dest != mds->get_nodeid()); if (!(mds->is_active() || mds->is_stopping())) { dout(7) << "i'm not active, no exports for now" << dendl; return; } if (mds->mdcache->is_readonly()) { dout(7) << "read-only FS, no exports for now" << dendl; return; } if (!mds->mdsmap->is_active(dest)) { dout(7) << "dest not active, no exports for now" << dendl; return; } if (mds->is_cluster_degraded()) { dout(7) << "cluster degraded, no exports for now" << dendl; return; } if (dir->inode->is_system()) { dout(7) << "i won't export system dirs (root, mdsdirs, stray, /.ceph, etc.)" << dendl; //ceph_abort(); return; } if (!dir->inode->is_base() && dir->inode->get_projected_parent_dir()->inode->is_stray() && dir->inode->get_projected_parent_dir()->get_parent_dir()->ino() != MDS_INO_MDSDIR(dest)) { dout(7) << "i won't export anything in stray" << dendl; return; } if (dir->is_frozen() || dir->is_freezing()) { dout(7) << " can't export, freezing|frozen. wait for other exports to finish first." << dendl; return; } if (dir->state_test(CDir::STATE_EXPORTING)) { dout(7) << "already exporting" << dendl; return; } if (!mds->is_stopping() && !dir->inode->is_exportable(dest)) { dout(7) << "dir is export pinned" << dendl; return; } if (dest == mds->get_nodeid() || !mds->mdsmap->is_up(dest)) { dout(7) << "cannot export: dest " << dest << " is me or is not active" << dendl; return; } if (g_conf->mds_thrash_exports) { // create random subtree bound (which will not be exported) list ls; for (auto p = dir->begin(); p != dir->end(); ++p) { auto dn = p->second; CDentry::linkage_t *dnl= dn->get_linkage(); if (dnl->is_primary()) { CInode *in = dnl->get_inode(); if (in->is_dir()) in->get_nested_dirfrags(ls); } } if (ls.size() > 0) { int n = rand() % ls.size(); auto p = ls.begin(); while (n--) ++p; CDir *bd = *p; if (!(bd->is_frozen() || bd->is_freezing())) { assert(bd->is_auth()); dir->state_set(CDir::STATE_AUXSUBTREE); mds->mdcache->adjust_subtree_auth(dir, mds->get_nodeid()); dout(0) << "export_dir: create aux subtree " << *bd << " under " << *dir << dendl; } } } mds->hit_export_target(ceph_clock_now(), dest, -1); dir->auth_pin(this); dir->state_set(CDir::STATE_EXPORTING); MDRequestRef mdr = mds->mdcache->request_start_internal(CEPH_MDS_OP_EXPORTDIR); mdr->more()->export_dir = dir; assert(export_state.count(dir) == 0); export_state_t& stat = export_state[dir]; stat.state = EXPORT_LOCKING; stat.peer = dest; stat.tid = mdr->reqid.tid; stat.mut = mdr; return mds->mdcache->dispatch_request(mdr); } void Migrator::dispatch_export_dir(MDRequestRef& mdr, int count) { dout(7) << "dispatch_export_dir " << *mdr << dendl; CDir *dir = mdr->more()->export_dir; map::iterator it = export_state.find(dir); if (it == export_state.end() || it->second.tid != mdr->reqid.tid) { // export must have aborted. dout(7) << "export must have aborted " << *mdr << dendl; mds->mdcache->request_finish(mdr); return; } assert(it->second.state == EXPORT_LOCKING); mds_rank_t dest = it->second.peer; if (!mds->is_export_target(dest)) { dout(7) << "dest is not yet an export target" << dendl; if (count > 3) { dout(5) << "dest has not been added as export target after three MDSMap epochs, canceling export" << dendl; export_try_cancel(dir); return; } mds->locker->drop_locks(mdr.get()); mdr->drop_local_auth_pins(); mds->wait_for_mdsmap(mds->mdsmap->get_epoch(), new C_M_ExportDirWait(this, mdr, count+1)); return; } if (!dir->inode->get_parent_dn()) { dout(7) << "waiting for dir to become stable before export: " << *dir << dendl; dir->add_waiter(CDir::WAIT_CREATED, new C_M_ExportDirWait(this, mdr, 1)); return; } if (mdr->aborted || dir->is_frozen() || dir->is_freezing()) { dout(7) << "wouldblock|freezing|frozen, canceling export" << dendl; export_try_cancel(dir); return; } // locks? set rdlocks; set xlocks; set wrlocks; get_export_lock_set(dir, rdlocks); // If auth MDS of the subtree root inode is neither the exporter MDS // nor the importer MDS and it gathers subtree root's fragstat/neststat // while the subtree is exporting. It's possible that the exporter MDS // and the importer MDS both are auth MDS of the subtree root or both // are not auth MDS of the subtree root at the time they receive the // lock messages. So the auth MDS of the subtree root inode may get no // or duplicated fragstat/neststat for the subtree root dirfrag. wrlocks.insert(&dir->get_inode()->filelock); wrlocks.insert(&dir->get_inode()->nestlock); if (dir->get_inode()->is_auth()) { dir->get_inode()->filelock.set_scatter_wanted(); dir->get_inode()->nestlock.set_scatter_wanted(); } if (!mds->locker->acquire_locks(mdr, rdlocks, wrlocks, xlocks, NULL, NULL, true)) { if (mdr->aborted) export_try_cancel(dir); return; } assert(g_conf->mds_kill_export_at != 1); it->second.state = EXPORT_DISCOVERING; // send ExportDirDiscover (ask target) filepath path; dir->inode->make_path(path); MExportDirDiscover *discover = new MExportDirDiscover(dir->dirfrag(), path, mds->get_nodeid(), it->second.tid); mds->send_message_mds(discover, dest); assert(g_conf->mds_kill_export_at != 2); it->second.last_cum_auth_pins_change = ceph_clock_now(); // start the freeze, but hold it up with an auth_pin. dir->freeze_tree(); assert(dir->is_freezing_tree()); dir->add_waiter(CDir::WAIT_FROZEN, new C_MDC_ExportFreeze(this, dir, it->second.tid)); } /* * called on receipt of MExportDirDiscoverAck * the importer now has the directory's _inode_ in memory, and pinned. * * This function DOES put the passed message before returning */ void Migrator::handle_export_discover_ack(MExportDirDiscoverAck *m) { CDir *dir = cache->get_dirfrag(m->get_dirfrag()); mds_rank_t dest(m->get_source().num()); utime_t now = ceph_clock_now(); assert(dir); dout(7) << "export_discover_ack from " << m->get_source() << " on " << *dir << dendl; mds->hit_export_target(now, dest, -1); map::iterator it = export_state.find(dir); if (it == export_state.end() || it->second.tid != m->get_tid() || it->second.peer != dest) { dout(7) << "must have aborted" << dendl; } else { assert(it->second.state == EXPORT_DISCOVERING); if (m->is_success()) { // release locks to avoid deadlock MDRequestRef mdr = static_cast(it->second.mut.get()); assert(mdr); mds->mdcache->request_finish(mdr); it->second.mut.reset(); // freeze the subtree it->second.state = EXPORT_FREEZING; dir->auth_unpin(this); assert(g_conf->mds_kill_export_at != 3); } else { dout(7) << "peer failed to discover (not active?), canceling" << dendl; export_try_cancel(dir, false); } } m->put(); // done } class C_M_ExportSessionsFlushed : public MigratorContext { CDir *dir; uint64_t tid; public: C_M_ExportSessionsFlushed(Migrator *m, CDir *d, uint64_t t) : MigratorContext(m), dir(d), tid(t) { assert(dir != NULL); } void finish(int r) override { mig->export_sessions_flushed(dir, tid); } }; void Migrator::export_sessions_flushed(CDir *dir, uint64_t tid) { dout(7) << "export_sessions_flushed " << *dir << dendl; map::iterator it = export_state.find(dir); if (it == export_state.end() || it->second.state == EXPORT_CANCELLING || it->second.tid != tid) { // export must have aborted. dout(7) << "export must have aborted on " << dir << dendl; return; } assert(it->second.state == EXPORT_PREPPING || it->second.state == EXPORT_WARNING); assert(it->second.warning_ack_waiting.count(MDS_RANK_NONE) > 0); it->second.warning_ack_waiting.erase(MDS_RANK_NONE); if (it->second.state == EXPORT_WARNING && it->second.warning_ack_waiting.empty()) export_go(dir); // start export. } void Migrator::export_frozen(CDir *dir, uint64_t tid) { dout(7) << "export_frozen on " << *dir << dendl; map::iterator it = export_state.find(dir); if (it == export_state.end() || it->second.tid != tid) { dout(7) << "export must have aborted" << dendl; return; } assert(it->second.state == EXPORT_FREEZING); assert(dir->is_frozen_tree_root()); assert(dir->get_cum_auth_pins() == 0); CInode *diri = dir->get_inode(); // ok, try to grab all my locks. set rdlocks; get_export_lock_set(dir, rdlocks); if ((diri->is_auth() && diri->is_frozen()) || !mds->locker->can_rdlock_set(rdlocks) || !diri->filelock.can_wrlock(-1) || !diri->nestlock.can_wrlock(-1)) { dout(7) << "export_dir couldn't acquire all needed locks, failing. " << *dir << dendl; // .. unwind .. dir->unfreeze_tree(); cache->try_subtree_merge(dir); mds->send_message_mds(new MExportDirCancel(dir->dirfrag(), it->second.tid), it->second.peer); export_state.erase(it); dir->state_clear(CDir::STATE_EXPORTING); cache->maybe_send_pending_resolves(); return; } it->second.mut = new MutationImpl(); if (diri->is_auth()) it->second.mut->auth_pin(diri); mds->locker->rdlock_take_set(rdlocks, it->second.mut); mds->locker->wrlock_force(&diri->filelock, it->second.mut); mds->locker->wrlock_force(&diri->nestlock, it->second.mut); cache->show_subtrees(); // CDir::_freeze_tree() should have forced it into subtree. assert(dir->get_dir_auth() == mds_authority_t(mds->get_nodeid(), mds->get_nodeid())); // note the bounds. set bounds; cache->get_subtree_bounds(dir, bounds); // generate prep message, log entry. MExportDirPrep *prep = new MExportDirPrep(dir->dirfrag(), it->second.tid); // include list of bystanders for (const auto &p : dir->get_replicas()) { if (p.first != it->second.peer) { dout(10) << "bystander mds." << p.first << dendl; prep->add_bystander(p.first); } } // include base dirfrag cache->replicate_dir(dir, it->second.peer, prep->basedir); /* * include spanning tree for all nested exports. * these need to be on the destination _before_ the final export so that * dir_auth updates on any nested exports are properly absorbed. * this includes inodes and dirfrags included in the subtree, but * only the inodes at the bounds. * * each trace is: df ('-' | ('f' dir | 'd') dentry inode (dir dentry inode)*) */ set inodes_added; set dirfrags_added; // check bounds for (set::iterator p = bounds.begin(); p != bounds.end(); ++p) { CDir *bound = *p; // pin it. bound->get(CDir::PIN_EXPORTBOUND); bound->state_set(CDir::STATE_EXPORTBOUND); dout(7) << " export bound " << *bound << dendl; prep->add_bound( bound->dirfrag() ); // trace to bound bufferlist tracebl; CDir *cur = bound; char start = '-'; while (1) { // don't repeat inodes if (inodes_added.count(cur->inode->ino())) break; inodes_added.insert(cur->inode->ino()); // prepend dentry + inode assert(cur->inode->is_auth()); bufferlist bl; cache->replicate_dentry(cur->inode->parent, it->second.peer, bl); dout(7) << " added " << *cur->inode->parent << dendl; cache->replicate_inode(cur->inode, it->second.peer, bl, mds->mdsmap->get_up_features()); dout(7) << " added " << *cur->inode << dendl; bl.claim_append(tracebl); tracebl.claim(bl); cur = cur->get_parent_dir(); // don't repeat dirfrags if (dirfrags_added.count(cur->dirfrag()) || cur == dir) { start = 'd'; // start with dentry break; } dirfrags_added.insert(cur->dirfrag()); // prepend dir cache->replicate_dir(cur, it->second.peer, bl); dout(7) << " added " << *cur << dendl; bl.claim_append(tracebl); tracebl.claim(bl); start = 'f'; // start with dirfrag } bufferlist final_bl; dirfrag_t df = cur->dirfrag(); ::encode(df, final_bl); ::encode(start, final_bl); final_bl.claim_append(tracebl); prep->add_trace(final_bl); } // send. it->second.state = EXPORT_PREPPING; mds->send_message_mds(prep, it->second.peer); assert (g_conf->mds_kill_export_at != 4); // make sure any new instantiations of caps are flushed out assert(it->second.warning_ack_waiting.empty()); set export_client_set; get_export_client_set(dir, export_client_set); MDSGatherBuilder gather(g_ceph_context); mds->server->flush_client_sessions(export_client_set, gather); if (gather.has_subs()) { it->second.warning_ack_waiting.insert(MDS_RANK_NONE); gather.set_finisher(new C_M_ExportSessionsFlushed(this, dir, it->second.tid)); gather.activate(); } } void Migrator::get_export_client_set(CDir *dir, set& client_set) { list dfs; dfs.push_back(dir); while (!dfs.empty()) { CDir *dir = dfs.front(); dfs.pop_front(); for (CDir::map_t::iterator p = dir->begin(); p != dir->end(); ++p) { CDentry *dn = p->second; if (!dn->get_linkage()->is_primary()) continue; CInode *in = dn->get_linkage()->get_inode(); if (in->is_dir()) { // directory? list ls; in->get_dirfrags(ls); for (list::iterator q = ls.begin(); q != ls.end(); ++q) { if (!(*q)->state_test(CDir::STATE_EXPORTBOUND)) { // include nested dirfrag assert((*q)->get_dir_auth().first == CDIR_AUTH_PARENT); dfs.push_back(*q); // it's ours, recurse (later) } } } for (map::iterator q = in->client_caps.begin(); q != in->client_caps.end(); ++q) client_set.insert(q->first); } } } void Migrator::get_export_client_set(CInode *in, set& client_set) { for (map::iterator q = in->client_caps.begin(); q != in->client_caps.end(); ++q) client_set.insert(q->first); } /* This function DOES put the passed message before returning*/ void Migrator::handle_export_prep_ack(MExportDirPrepAck *m) { CDir *dir = cache->get_dirfrag(m->get_dirfrag()); mds_rank_t dest(m->get_source().num()); utime_t now = ceph_clock_now(); assert(dir); dout(7) << "export_prep_ack " << *dir << dendl; mds->hit_export_target(now, dest, -1); map::iterator it = export_state.find(dir); if (it == export_state.end() || it->second.tid != m->get_tid() || it->second.peer != mds_rank_t(m->get_source().num())) { // export must have aborted. dout(7) << "export must have aborted" << dendl; m->put(); return; } assert(it->second.state == EXPORT_PREPPING); if (!m->is_success()) { dout(7) << "peer couldn't acquire all needed locks or wasn't active, canceling" << dendl; export_try_cancel(dir, false); m->put(); return; } assert (g_conf->mds_kill_export_at != 5); // send warnings set bounds; cache->get_subtree_bounds(dir, bounds); assert(it->second.warning_ack_waiting.empty() || (it->second.warning_ack_waiting.size() == 1 && it->second.warning_ack_waiting.count(MDS_RANK_NONE) > 0)); assert(it->second.notify_ack_waiting.empty()); for (const auto &p : dir->get_replicas()) { if (p.first == it->second.peer) continue; if (mds->is_cluster_degraded() && !mds->mdsmap->is_clientreplay_or_active_or_stopping(p.first)) continue; // only if active it->second.warning_ack_waiting.insert(p.first); it->second.notify_ack_waiting.insert(p.first); // we'll eventually get a notifyack, too! MExportDirNotify *notify = new MExportDirNotify(dir->dirfrag(), it->second.tid, true, mds_authority_t(mds->get_nodeid(),CDIR_AUTH_UNKNOWN), mds_authority_t(mds->get_nodeid(),it->second.peer)); for (set::iterator q = bounds.begin(); q != bounds.end(); ++q) notify->get_bounds().push_back((*q)->dirfrag()); mds->send_message_mds(notify, p.first); } it->second.state = EXPORT_WARNING; assert(g_conf->mds_kill_export_at != 6); // nobody to warn? if (it->second.warning_ack_waiting.empty()) export_go(dir); // start export. // done. m->put(); } class C_M_ExportGo : public MigratorContext { CDir *dir; uint64_t tid; public: C_M_ExportGo(Migrator *m, CDir *d, uint64_t t) : MigratorContext(m), dir(d), tid(t) { assert(dir != NULL); } void finish(int r) override { mig->export_go_synced(dir, tid); } }; void Migrator::export_go(CDir *dir) { assert(export_state.count(dir)); dout(7) << "export_go " << *dir << " to " << export_state[dir].peer << dendl; // first sync log to flush out e.g. any cap imports mds->mdlog->wait_for_safe(new C_M_ExportGo(this, dir, export_state[dir].tid)); mds->mdlog->flush(); } void Migrator::export_go_synced(CDir *dir, uint64_t tid) { map::iterator it = export_state.find(dir); if (it == export_state.end() || it->second.state == EXPORT_CANCELLING || it->second.tid != tid) { // export must have aborted. dout(7) << "export must have aborted on " << dir << dendl; return; } assert(it->second.state == EXPORT_WARNING); mds_rank_t dest = it->second.peer; dout(7) << "export_go_synced " << *dir << " to " << dest << dendl; cache->show_subtrees(); it->second.state = EXPORT_EXPORTING; assert(g_conf->mds_kill_export_at != 7); assert(dir->is_frozen_tree_root()); assert(dir->get_cum_auth_pins() == 0); // set ambiguous auth cache->adjust_subtree_auth(dir, mds->get_nodeid(), dest); // take away the popularity we're sending. utime_t now = ceph_clock_now(); mds->balancer->subtract_export(dir, now); // fill export message with cache data MExportDir *req = new MExportDir(dir->dirfrag(), it->second.tid); map exported_client_map; uint64_t num_exported_inodes = encode_export_dir(req->export_data, dir, // recur start point exported_client_map, now); ::encode(exported_client_map, req->client_map, mds->mdsmap->get_up_features()); // add bounds to message set bounds; cache->get_subtree_bounds(dir, bounds); for (set::iterator p = bounds.begin(); p != bounds.end(); ++p) req->add_export((*p)->dirfrag()); // send mds->send_message_mds(req, dest); assert(g_conf->mds_kill_export_at != 8); mds->hit_export_target(now, dest, num_exported_inodes+1); // stats if (mds->logger) mds->logger->inc(l_mds_exported); if (mds->logger) mds->logger->inc(l_mds_exported_inodes, num_exported_inodes); cache->show_subtrees(); } /** encode_export_inode * update our local state for this inode to export. * encode relevant state to be sent over the wire. * used by: encode_export_dir, file_rename (if foreign) * * FIXME: the separation between CInode.encode_export and these methods * is pretty arbitrary and dumb. */ void Migrator::encode_export_inode(CInode *in, bufferlist& enc_state, map& exported_client_map) { dout(7) << "encode_export_inode " << *in << dendl; assert(!in->is_replica(mds->get_nodeid())); // relax locks? if (!in->is_replicated()) { in->replicate_relax_locks(); dout(20) << " did replicate_relax_locks, now " << *in << dendl; } ::encode(in->inode.ino, enc_state); ::encode(in->last, enc_state); in->encode_export(enc_state); // caps encode_export_inode_caps(in, true, enc_state, exported_client_map); } void Migrator::encode_export_inode_caps(CInode *in, bool auth_cap, bufferlist& bl, map& exported_client_map) { dout(20) << "encode_export_inode_caps " << *in << dendl; // encode caps map cap_map; in->export_client_caps(cap_map); ::encode(cap_map, bl); if (auth_cap) { ::encode(in->get_mds_caps_wanted(), bl); in->state_set(CInode::STATE_EXPORTINGCAPS); in->get(CInode::PIN_EXPORTINGCAPS); } // make note of clients named by exported capabilities for (map::iterator it = in->client_caps.begin(); it != in->client_caps.end(); ++it) exported_client_map[it->first] = mds->sessionmap.get_inst(entity_name_t::CLIENT(it->first.v)); } void Migrator::finish_export_inode_caps(CInode *in, mds_rank_t peer, map& peer_imported) { dout(20) << "finish_export_inode_caps " << *in << dendl; in->state_clear(CInode::STATE_EXPORTINGCAPS); in->put(CInode::PIN_EXPORTINGCAPS); // tell (all) clients about migrating caps.. for (map::iterator it = in->client_caps.begin(); it != in->client_caps.end(); ++it) { Capability *cap = it->second; dout(7) << "finish_export_inode_caps telling client." << it->first << " exported caps on " << *in << dendl; MClientCaps *m = new MClientCaps(CEPH_CAP_OP_EXPORT, in->ino(), 0, cap->get_cap_id(), cap->get_mseq(), mds->get_osd_epoch_barrier()); map::iterator q = peer_imported.find(it->first); assert(q != peer_imported.end()); m->set_cap_peer(q->second.cap_id, q->second.issue_seq, q->second.mseq, peer, 0); mds->send_message_client_counted(m, it->first); } in->clear_client_caps_after_export(); mds->locker->eval(in, CEPH_CAP_LOCKS); } void Migrator::finish_export_inode(CInode *in, utime_t now, mds_rank_t peer, map& peer_imported, list& finished) { dout(12) << "finish_export_inode " << *in << dendl; // clean if (in->is_dirty()) in->mark_clean(); // clear/unpin cached_by (we're no longer the authority) in->clear_replica_map(); // twiddle lock states for auth -> replica transition in->authlock.export_twiddle(); in->linklock.export_twiddle(); in->dirfragtreelock.export_twiddle(); in->filelock.export_twiddle(); in->nestlock.export_twiddle(); in->xattrlock.export_twiddle(); in->snaplock.export_twiddle(); in->flocklock.export_twiddle(); in->policylock.export_twiddle(); // mark auth assert(in->is_auth()); in->state_clear(CInode::STATE_AUTH); in->replica_nonce = CInode::EXPORT_NONCE; in->clear_dirty_rstat(); // no more auth subtree? clear scatter dirty if (!in->has_subtree_root_dirfrag(mds->get_nodeid())) in->clear_scatter_dirty(); in->item_open_file.remove_myself(); in->clear_dirty_parent(); in->clear_file_locks(); // waiters in->take_waiting(CInode::WAIT_ANY_MASK, finished); in->finish_export(now); finish_export_inode_caps(in, peer, peer_imported); } uint64_t Migrator::encode_export_dir(bufferlist& exportbl, CDir *dir, map& exported_client_map, utime_t now) { uint64_t num_exported = 0; dout(7) << "encode_export_dir " << *dir << " " << dir->get_num_head_items() << " head items" << dendl; assert(dir->get_projected_version() == dir->get_version()); #ifdef MDS_VERIFY_FRAGSTAT if (dir->is_complete()) dir->verify_fragstat(); #endif // dir dirfrag_t df = dir->dirfrag(); ::encode(df, exportbl); dir->encode_export(exportbl); __u32 nden = dir->items.size(); ::encode(nden, exportbl); // dentries list subdirs; CDir::map_t::iterator it; for (it = dir->begin(); it != dir->end(); ++it) { CDentry *dn = it->second; CInode *in = dn->get_linkage()->get_inode(); if (!dn->is_replicated()) dn->lock.replicate_relax(); num_exported++; // -- dentry dout(7) << "encode_export_dir exporting " << *dn << dendl; // dn name ::encode(dn->name, exportbl); ::encode(dn->last, exportbl); // state dn->encode_export(exportbl); // points to... // null dentry? if (dn->get_linkage()->is_null()) { exportbl.append("N", 1); // null dentry continue; } if (dn->get_linkage()->is_remote()) { // remote link exportbl.append("L", 1); // remote link inodeno_t ino = dn->get_linkage()->get_remote_ino(); unsigned char d_type = dn->get_linkage()->get_remote_d_type(); ::encode(ino, exportbl); ::encode(d_type, exportbl); continue; } // primary link // -- inode exportbl.append("I", 1); // inode dentry encode_export_inode(in, exportbl, exported_client_map); // encode, and (update state for) export // directory? list dfs; in->get_dirfrags(dfs); for (list::iterator p = dfs.begin(); p != dfs.end(); ++p) { CDir *t = *p; if (!t->state_test(CDir::STATE_EXPORTBOUND)) { // include nested dirfrag assert(t->get_dir_auth().first == CDIR_AUTH_PARENT); subdirs.push_back(t); // it's ours, recurse (later) } } } // subdirs for (list::iterator it = subdirs.begin(); it != subdirs.end(); ++it) num_exported += encode_export_dir(exportbl, *it, exported_client_map, now); return num_exported; } void Migrator::finish_export_dir(CDir *dir, utime_t now, mds_rank_t peer, map >& peer_imported, list& finished, int *num_dentries) { dout(10) << "finish_export_dir " << *dir << dendl; // release open_by dir->clear_replica_map(); // mark assert(dir->is_auth()); dir->state_clear(CDir::STATE_AUTH); dir->remove_bloom(); dir->replica_nonce = CDir::EXPORT_NONCE; if (dir->is_dirty()) dir->mark_clean(); // suck up all waiters dir->take_waiting(CDir::WAIT_ANY_MASK, finished); // all dir waiters // pop dir->finish_export(now); // dentries list subdirs; CDir::map_t::iterator it; for (it = dir->begin(); it != dir->end(); ++it) { CDentry *dn = it->second; CInode *in = dn->get_linkage()->get_inode(); // dentry dn->finish_export(); // inode? if (dn->get_linkage()->is_primary()) { finish_export_inode(in, now, peer, peer_imported[in->ino()], finished); // subdirs? in->get_nested_dirfrags(subdirs); } cache->touch_dentry_bottom(dn); // move dentry to tail of LRU ++(*num_dentries); } // subdirs for (list::iterator it = subdirs.begin(); it != subdirs.end(); ++it) finish_export_dir(*it, now, peer, peer_imported, finished, num_dentries); } class C_MDS_ExportFinishLogged : public MigratorLogContext { CDir *dir; public: C_MDS_ExportFinishLogged(Migrator *m, CDir *d) : MigratorLogContext(m), dir(d) {} void finish(int r) override { mig->export_logged_finish(dir); } }; /* * i should get an export_ack from the export target. * * This function DOES put the passed message before returning */ void Migrator::handle_export_ack(MExportDirAck *m) { CDir *dir = cache->get_dirfrag(m->get_dirfrag()); mds_rank_t dest(m->get_source().num()); utime_t now = ceph_clock_now(); assert(dir); assert(dir->is_frozen_tree_root()); // i'm exporting! // yay! dout(7) << "handle_export_ack " << *dir << dendl; mds->hit_export_target(now, dest, -1); map::iterator it = export_state.find(dir); assert(it != export_state.end()); assert(it->second.state == EXPORT_EXPORTING); assert(it->second.tid == m->get_tid()); bufferlist::iterator bp = m->imported_caps.begin(); ::decode(it->second.peer_imported, bp); it->second.state = EXPORT_LOGGINGFINISH; assert (g_conf->mds_kill_export_at != 9); set bounds; cache->get_subtree_bounds(dir, bounds); // log completion. // include export bounds, to ensure they're in the journal. EExport *le = new EExport(mds->mdlog, dir, it->second.peer);; mds->mdlog->start_entry(le); le->metablob.add_dir_context(dir, EMetaBlob::TO_ROOT); le->metablob.add_dir(dir, false); for (set::iterator p = bounds.begin(); p != bounds.end(); ++p) { CDir *bound = *p; le->get_bounds().insert(bound->dirfrag()); le->metablob.add_dir_context(bound); le->metablob.add_dir(bound, false); } // list us second, them first. // this keeps authority().first in sync with subtree auth state in the journal. cache->adjust_subtree_auth(dir, it->second.peer, mds->get_nodeid()); // log export completion, then finish (unfreeze, trigger finish context, etc.) mds->mdlog->submit_entry(le, new C_MDS_ExportFinishLogged(this, dir)); mds->mdlog->flush(); assert (g_conf->mds_kill_export_at != 10); m->put(); } void Migrator::export_notify_abort(CDir *dir, set& bounds) { dout(7) << "export_notify_abort " << *dir << dendl; export_state_t& stat = export_state[dir]; assert(stat.state == EXPORT_CANCELLING); if (stat.notify_ack_waiting.empty()) { stat.state = EXPORT_CANCELLED; return; } dir->auth_pin(this); for (set::iterator p = stat.notify_ack_waiting.begin(); p != stat.notify_ack_waiting.end(); ++p) { MExportDirNotify *notify = new MExportDirNotify(dir->dirfrag(),stat.tid, true, pair(mds->get_nodeid(),stat.peer), pair(mds->get_nodeid(),CDIR_AUTH_UNKNOWN)); for (set::iterator i = bounds.begin(); i != bounds.end(); ++i) notify->get_bounds().push_back((*i)->dirfrag()); mds->send_message_mds(notify, *p); } } /* * this happens if hte dest failes after i send teh export data but before it is acked * that is, we don't know they safely received and logged it, so we reverse our changes * and go on. */ void Migrator::export_reverse(CDir *dir) { dout(7) << "export_reverse " << *dir << dendl; set to_eval; set bounds; cache->get_subtree_bounds(dir, bounds); // remove exporting pins list rq; rq.push_back(dir); while (!rq.empty()) { CDir *t = rq.front(); rq.pop_front(); t->abort_export(); for (CDir::map_t::iterator p = t->items.begin(); p != t->items.end(); ++p) { p->second->abort_export(); if (!p->second->get_linkage()->is_primary()) continue; CInode *in = p->second->get_linkage()->get_inode(); in->abort_export(); if (in->state_test(CInode::STATE_EVALSTALECAPS)) { in->state_clear(CInode::STATE_EVALSTALECAPS); to_eval.insert(in); } if (in->is_dir()) in->get_nested_dirfrags(rq); } } // unpin bounds for (const auto &bd : bounds) { bd->put(CDir::PIN_EXPORTBOUND); bd->state_clear(CDir::STATE_EXPORTBOUND); } // notify bystanders export_notify_abort(dir, bounds); // unfreeze tree, with possible subtree merge. cache->adjust_subtree_auth(dir, mds->get_nodeid(), mds->get_nodeid()); // process delayed expires cache->process_delayed_expire(dir); dir->unfreeze_tree(); cache->try_subtree_merge(dir); // revoke/resume stale caps for (auto in : to_eval) { bool need_issue = false; for (auto& p : in->get_client_caps()) { Capability *cap = p.second; if (cap->is_stale()) { mds->locker->revoke_stale_caps(cap); } else { need_issue = true; } } if (need_issue && (!in->is_auth() || !mds->locker->eval(in, CEPH_CAP_LOCKS))) mds->locker->issue_caps(in); } cache->show_cache(); } /* * once i get the ack, and logged the EExportFinish(true), * send notifies (if any), otherwise go straight to finish. * */ void Migrator::export_logged_finish(CDir *dir) { dout(7) << "export_logged_finish " << *dir << dendl; export_state_t& stat = export_state[dir]; // send notifies set bounds; cache->get_subtree_bounds(dir, bounds); for (set::iterator p = stat.notify_ack_waiting.begin(); p != stat.notify_ack_waiting.end(); ++p) { MExportDirNotify *notify = new MExportDirNotify(dir->dirfrag(), stat.tid, true, pair(mds->get_nodeid(), stat.peer), pair(stat.peer, CDIR_AUTH_UNKNOWN)); for (set::iterator i = bounds.begin(); i != bounds.end(); ++i) notify->get_bounds().push_back((*i)->dirfrag()); mds->send_message_mds(notify, *p); } // wait for notifyacks stat.state = EXPORT_NOTIFYING; assert (g_conf->mds_kill_export_at != 11); // no notifies to wait for? if (stat.notify_ack_waiting.empty()) { export_finish(dir); // skip notify/notify_ack stage. } else { // notify peer to send cap import messages to clients if (!mds->is_cluster_degraded() || mds->mdsmap->is_clientreplay_or_active_or_stopping(stat.peer)) { mds->send_message_mds(new MExportDirFinish(dir->dirfrag(), false, stat.tid), stat.peer); } else { dout(7) << "not sending MExportDirFinish, dest has failed" << dendl; } } } /* * warning: * i'll get an ack from each bystander. * when i get them all, do the export. * notify: * i'll get an ack from each bystander. * when i get them all, unfreeze and send the finish. * * This function DOES put the passed message before returning */ void Migrator::handle_export_notify_ack(MExportDirNotifyAck *m) { CDir *dir = cache->get_dirfrag(m->get_dirfrag()); mds_rank_t dest(m->get_source().num()); utime_t now = ceph_clock_now(); assert(dir); mds_rank_t from = mds_rank_t(m->get_source().num()); mds->hit_export_target(now, dest, -1); auto export_state_entry = export_state.find(dir); if (export_state_entry != export_state.end()) { export_state_t& stat = export_state_entry->second; if (stat.state == EXPORT_WARNING && stat.warning_ack_waiting.erase(from)) { // exporting. process warning. dout(7) << "handle_export_notify_ack from " << m->get_source() << ": exporting, processing warning on " << *dir << dendl; if (stat.warning_ack_waiting.empty()) export_go(dir); // start export. } else if (stat.state == EXPORT_NOTIFYING && stat.notify_ack_waiting.erase(from)) { // exporting. process notify. dout(7) << "handle_export_notify_ack from " << m->get_source() << ": exporting, processing notify on " << *dir << dendl; if (stat.notify_ack_waiting.empty()) export_finish(dir); } else if (stat.state == EXPORT_CANCELLING && m->get_new_auth().second == CDIR_AUTH_UNKNOWN && // not warning ack stat.notify_ack_waiting.erase(from)) { dout(7) << "handle_export_notify_ack from " << m->get_source() << ": cancelling export, processing notify on " << *dir << dendl; if (stat.notify_ack_waiting.empty()) { export_state.erase(export_state_entry); export_cancel_finish(dir); } } } else { auto import_state_entry = import_state.find(dir->dirfrag()); if (import_state_entry != import_state.end()) { import_state_t& stat = import_state_entry->second; if (stat.state == IMPORT_ABORTING) { // reversing import dout(7) << "handle_export_notify_ack from " << m->get_source() << ": aborting import on " << *dir << dendl; assert(stat.bystanders.count(from)); stat.bystanders.erase(from); if (stat.bystanders.empty()) import_reverse_unfreeze(dir); } } } m->put(); } void Migrator::export_finish(CDir *dir) { dout(5) << "export_finish " << *dir << dendl; assert (g_conf->mds_kill_export_at != 12); map::iterator it = export_state.find(dir); if (it == export_state.end()) { dout(7) << "target must have failed, not sending final commit message. export succeeded anyway." << dendl; return; } // send finish/commit to new auth if (!mds->is_cluster_degraded() || mds->mdsmap->is_clientreplay_or_active_or_stopping(it->second.peer)) { mds->send_message_mds(new MExportDirFinish(dir->dirfrag(), true, it->second.tid), it->second.peer); } else { dout(7) << "not sending MExportDirFinish last, dest has failed" << dendl; } assert(g_conf->mds_kill_export_at != 13); // finish export (adjust local cache state) int num_dentries = 0; list finished; finish_export_dir(dir, ceph_clock_now(), it->second.peer, it->second.peer_imported, finished, &num_dentries); assert(!dir->is_auth()); cache->adjust_subtree_auth(dir, it->second.peer); // unpin bounds set bounds; cache->get_subtree_bounds(dir, bounds); for (set::iterator p = bounds.begin(); p != bounds.end(); ++p) { CDir *bd = *p; bd->put(CDir::PIN_EXPORTBOUND); bd->state_clear(CDir::STATE_EXPORTBOUND); } if (dir->state_test(CDir::STATE_AUXSUBTREE)) dir->state_clear(CDir::STATE_AUXSUBTREE); // discard delayed expires cache->discard_delayed_expire(dir); dout(7) << "export_finish unfreezing" << dendl; // unfreeze tree, with possible subtree merge. // (we do this _after_ removing EXPORTBOUND pins, to allow merges) dir->unfreeze_tree(); cache->try_subtree_merge(dir); // no more auth subtree? clear scatter dirty if (!dir->get_inode()->is_auth() && !dir->get_inode()->has_subtree_root_dirfrag(mds->get_nodeid())) { dir->get_inode()->clear_scatter_dirty(); // wake up scatter_nudge waiters dir->get_inode()->take_waiting(CInode::WAIT_ANY_MASK, finished); } if (!finished.empty()) mds->queue_waiters(finished); MutationRef mut = it->second.mut; // remove from exporting list, clean up state export_state.erase(it); dir->state_clear(CDir::STATE_EXPORTING); cache->show_subtrees(); audit(); cache->trim(num_dentries); // try trimming exported dentries // send pending import_maps? mds->mdcache->maybe_send_pending_resolves(); // drop locks, unpin path if (mut) { mds->locker->drop_locks(mut.get()); mut->cleanup(); } maybe_do_queued_export(); } // ========================================================== // IMPORT void Migrator::handle_export_discover(MExportDirDiscover *m) { mds_rank_t from = m->get_source_mds(); assert(from != mds->get_nodeid()); dout(7) << "handle_export_discover on " << m->get_path() << dendl; // note import state dirfrag_t df = m->get_dirfrag(); if (!mds->is_active()) { dout(7) << " not active, send NACK " << dendl; mds->send_message_mds(new MExportDirDiscoverAck(df, m->get_tid(), false), from); m->put(); return; } // only start discovering on this message once. map::iterator it = import_state.find(df); if (!m->started) { assert(it == import_state.end()); m->started = true; import_state[df].state = IMPORT_DISCOVERING; import_state[df].peer = from; import_state[df].tid = m->get_tid(); } else { // am i retrying after ancient path_traverse results? if (it == import_state.end() || it->second.peer != from || it->second.tid != m->get_tid()) { dout(7) << " dropping obsolete message" << dendl; m->put(); return; } assert(it->second.state == IMPORT_DISCOVERING); } if (!mds->mdcache->is_open()) { dout(5) << " waiting for root" << dendl; mds->mdcache->wait_for_open(new C_MDS_RetryMessage(mds, m)); return; } assert (g_conf->mds_kill_import_at != 1); // do we have it? CInode *in = cache->get_inode(m->get_dirfrag().ino); if (!in) { // must discover it! filepath fpath(m->get_path()); vector trace; MDRequestRef null_ref; int r = cache->path_traverse(null_ref, m, NULL, fpath, &trace, NULL, MDS_TRAVERSE_DISCOVER); if (r > 0) return; if (r < 0) { dout(7) << "handle_export_discover_2 failed to discover or not dir " << m->get_path() << ", NAK" << dendl; ceph_abort(); // this shouldn't happen if the auth pins its path properly!!!! } ceph_abort(); // this shouldn't happen; the get_inode above would have succeeded. } // yay dout(7) << "handle_export_discover have " << df << " inode " << *in << dendl; import_state[df].state = IMPORT_DISCOVERED; // pin inode in the cache (for now) assert(in->is_dir()); in->get(CInode::PIN_IMPORTING); // reply dout(7) << " sending export_discover_ack on " << *in << dendl; mds->send_message_mds(new MExportDirDiscoverAck(df, m->get_tid()), import_state[df].peer); m->put(); assert (g_conf->mds_kill_import_at != 2); } void Migrator::import_reverse_discovering(dirfrag_t df) { import_state.erase(df); } void Migrator::import_reverse_discovered(dirfrag_t df, CInode *diri) { // unpin base diri->put(CInode::PIN_IMPORTING); import_state.erase(df); } void Migrator::import_reverse_prepping(CDir *dir) { set bounds; cache->map_dirfrag_set(import_state[dir->dirfrag()].bound_ls, bounds); import_remove_pins(dir, bounds); import_reverse_final(dir); } /* This function DOES put the passed message before returning*/ void Migrator::handle_export_cancel(MExportDirCancel *m) { dout(7) << "handle_export_cancel on " << m->get_dirfrag() << dendl; dirfrag_t df = m->get_dirfrag(); map::iterator it = import_state.find(df); if (it == import_state.end()) { assert(0 == "got export_cancel in weird state"); } else if (it->second.state == IMPORT_DISCOVERING) { import_reverse_discovering(df); } else if (it->second.state == IMPORT_DISCOVERED) { CInode *in = cache->get_inode(df.ino); assert(in); import_reverse_discovered(df, in); } else if (it->second.state == IMPORT_PREPPING) { CDir *dir = mds->mdcache->get_dirfrag(df); assert(dir); import_reverse_prepping(dir); } else if (it->second.state == IMPORT_PREPPED) { CDir *dir = mds->mdcache->get_dirfrag(df); assert(dir); set bounds; cache->get_subtree_bounds(dir, bounds); import_remove_pins(dir, bounds); // adjust auth back to the exportor cache->adjust_subtree_auth(dir, it->second.peer); import_reverse_unfreeze(dir); } else { assert(0 == "got export_cancel in weird state"); } m->put(); } /* This function DOES put the passed message before returning*/ void Migrator::handle_export_prep(MExportDirPrep *m) { mds_rank_t oldauth = mds_rank_t(m->get_source().num()); assert(oldauth != mds->get_nodeid()); CDir *dir; CInode *diri; list finished; // assimilate root dir. map::iterator it = import_state.find(m->get_dirfrag()); if (!m->did_assim()) { assert(it != import_state.end()); assert(it->second.state == IMPORT_DISCOVERED); assert(it->second.peer == oldauth); diri = cache->get_inode(m->get_dirfrag().ino); assert(diri); bufferlist::iterator p = m->basedir.begin(); dir = cache->add_replica_dir(p, diri, oldauth, finished); dout(7) << "handle_export_prep on " << *dir << " (first pass)" << dendl; } else { if (it == import_state.end() || it->second.peer != oldauth || it->second.tid != m->get_tid()) { dout(7) << "handle_export_prep obsolete message, dropping" << dendl; m->put(); return; } assert(it->second.state == IMPORT_PREPPING); assert(it->second.peer == oldauth); dir = cache->get_dirfrag(m->get_dirfrag()); assert(dir); dout(7) << "handle_export_prep on " << *dir << " (subsequent pass)" << dendl; diri = dir->get_inode(); } assert(dir->is_auth() == false); cache->show_subtrees(); // build import bound map map import_bound_fragset; for (list::iterator p = m->get_bounds().begin(); p != m->get_bounds().end(); ++p) { dout(10) << " bound " << *p << dendl; import_bound_fragset[p->ino].insert(p->frag); } // assimilate contents? if (!m->did_assim()) { dout(7) << "doing assim on " << *dir << dendl; m->mark_assim(); // only do this the first time! // change import state it->second.state = IMPORT_PREPPING; it->second.bound_ls = m->get_bounds(); it->second.bystanders = m->get_bystanders(); assert(g_conf->mds_kill_import_at != 3); // bystander list dout(7) << "bystanders are " << it->second.bystanders << dendl; // move pin to dir diri->put(CInode::PIN_IMPORTING); dir->get(CDir::PIN_IMPORTING); dir->state_set(CDir::STATE_IMPORTING); // assimilate traces to exports // each trace is: df ('-' | ('f' dir | 'd') dentry inode (dir dentry inode)*) for (list::iterator p = m->traces.begin(); p != m->traces.end(); ++p) { bufferlist::iterator q = p->begin(); dirfrag_t df; ::decode(df, q); char start; ::decode(start, q); dout(10) << " trace from " << df << " start " << start << " len " << p->length() << dendl; CDir *cur = 0; if (start == 'd') { cur = cache->get_dirfrag(df); assert(cur); dout(10) << " had " << *cur << dendl; } else if (start == 'f') { CInode *in = cache->get_inode(df.ino); assert(in); dout(10) << " had " << *in << dendl; cur = cache->add_replica_dir(q, in, oldauth, finished); dout(10) << " added " << *cur << dendl; } else if (start == '-') { // nothing } else assert(0 == "unrecognized start char"); while (start != '-') { CDentry *dn = cache->add_replica_dentry(q, cur, finished); dout(10) << " added " << *dn << dendl; CInode *in = cache->add_replica_inode(q, dn, finished); dout(10) << " added " << *in << dendl; if (q.end()) break; cur = cache->add_replica_dir(q, in, oldauth, finished); dout(10) << " added " << *cur << dendl; } } // make bound sticky for (map::iterator p = import_bound_fragset.begin(); p != import_bound_fragset.end(); ++p) { CInode *in = cache->get_inode(p->first); assert(in); in->get_stickydirs(); dout(7) << " set stickydirs on bound inode " << *in << dendl; } } else { dout(7) << " not doing assim on " << *dir << dendl; } if (!finished.empty()) mds->queue_waiters(finished); bool success = true; if (mds->is_active()) { // open all bounds set import_bounds; for (map::iterator p = import_bound_fragset.begin(); p != import_bound_fragset.end(); ++p) { CInode *in = cache->get_inode(p->first); assert(in); // map fragset into a frag_t list, based on the inode fragtree list fglist; for (set::iterator q = p->second.begin(); q != p->second.end(); ++q) in->dirfragtree.get_leaves_under(*q, fglist); dout(10) << " bound inode " << p->first << " fragset " << p->second << " maps to " << fglist << dendl; for (list::iterator q = fglist.begin(); q != fglist.end(); ++q) { CDir *bound = cache->get_dirfrag(dirfrag_t(p->first, *q)); if (!bound) { dout(7) << " opening bounding dirfrag " << *q << " on " << *in << dendl; cache->open_remote_dirfrag(in, *q, new C_MDS_RetryMessage(mds, m)); return; } if (!bound->state_test(CDir::STATE_IMPORTBOUND)) { dout(7) << " pinning import bound " << *bound << dendl; bound->get(CDir::PIN_IMPORTBOUND); bound->state_set(CDir::STATE_IMPORTBOUND); } else { dout(7) << " already pinned import bound " << *bound << dendl; } import_bounds.insert(bound); } } dout(7) << " all ready, noting auth and freezing import region" << dendl; if (!mds->mdcache->is_readonly() && dir->get_inode()->filelock.can_wrlock(-1) && dir->get_inode()->nestlock.can_wrlock(-1)) { it->second.mut = new MutationImpl(); // force some locks. hacky. mds->locker->wrlock_force(&dir->inode->filelock, it->second.mut); mds->locker->wrlock_force(&dir->inode->nestlock, it->second.mut); // note that i am an ambiguous auth for this subtree. // specify bounds, since the exporter explicitly defines the region. cache->adjust_bounded_subtree_auth(dir, import_bounds, pair(oldauth, mds->get_nodeid())); cache->verify_subtree_bounds(dir, import_bounds); // freeze. dir->_freeze_tree(); // note new state it->second.state = IMPORT_PREPPED; } else { dout(7) << " couldn't acquire all needed locks, failing. " << *dir << dendl; success = false; } } else { dout(7) << " not active, failing. " << *dir << dendl; success = false; } if (!success) import_reverse_prepping(dir); // ok! dout(7) << " sending export_prep_ack on " << *dir << dendl; mds->send_message(new MExportDirPrepAck(dir->dirfrag(), success, m->get_tid()), m->get_connection()); assert(g_conf->mds_kill_import_at != 4); // done m->put(); } class C_MDS_ImportDirLoggedStart : public MigratorLogContext { dirfrag_t df; CDir *dir; mds_rank_t from; public: map imported_client_map; map sseqmap; C_MDS_ImportDirLoggedStart(Migrator *m, CDir *d, mds_rank_t f) : MigratorLogContext(m), df(d->dirfrag()), dir(d), from(f) { } void finish(int r) override { mig->import_logged_start(df, dir, from, imported_client_map, sseqmap); } }; /* This function DOES put the passed message before returning*/ void Migrator::handle_export_dir(MExportDir *m) { assert (g_conf->mds_kill_import_at != 5); CDir *dir = cache->get_dirfrag(m->dirfrag); assert(dir); mds_rank_t oldauth = mds_rank_t(m->get_source().num()); dout(7) << "handle_export_dir importing " << *dir << " from " << oldauth << dendl; assert(!dir->is_auth()); map::iterator it = import_state.find(m->dirfrag); assert(it != import_state.end()); assert(it->second.state == IMPORT_PREPPED); assert(it->second.tid == m->get_tid()); assert(it->second.peer == oldauth); utime_t now = ceph_clock_now(); if (!dir->get_inode()->dirfragtree.is_leaf(dir->get_frag())) dir->get_inode()->dirfragtree.force_to_leaf(g_ceph_context, dir->get_frag()); cache->show_subtrees(); C_MDS_ImportDirLoggedStart *onlogged = new C_MDS_ImportDirLoggedStart(this, dir, oldauth); // start the journal entry EImportStart *le = new EImportStart(mds->mdlog, dir->dirfrag(), m->bounds, oldauth); mds->mdlog->start_entry(le); le->metablob.add_dir_context(dir); // adjust auth (list us _first_) cache->adjust_subtree_auth(dir, mds->get_nodeid(), oldauth); // new client sessions, open these after we journal // include imported sessions in EImportStart bufferlist::iterator cmp = m->client_map.begin(); ::decode(onlogged->imported_client_map, cmp); assert(cmp.end()); le->cmapv = mds->server->prepare_force_open_sessions(onlogged->imported_client_map, onlogged->sseqmap); le->client_map.claim(m->client_map); bufferlist::iterator blp = m->export_data.begin(); int num_imported_inodes = 0; while (!blp.end()) { num_imported_inodes += decode_import_dir(blp, oldauth, dir, // import root le, mds->mdlog->get_current_segment(), it->second.peer_exports, it->second.updated_scatterlocks, now); } dout(10) << " " << m->bounds.size() << " imported bounds" << dendl; // include bounds in EImportStart set import_bounds; for (vector::iterator p = m->bounds.begin(); p != m->bounds.end(); ++p) { CDir *bd = cache->get_dirfrag(*p); assert(bd); le->metablob.add_dir(bd, false); // note that parent metadata is already in the event import_bounds.insert(bd); } cache->verify_subtree_bounds(dir, import_bounds); // adjust popularity mds->balancer->add_import(dir, now); dout(7) << "handle_export_dir did " << *dir << dendl; // note state it->second.state = IMPORT_LOGGINGSTART; assert (g_conf->mds_kill_import_at != 6); // log it mds->mdlog->submit_entry(le, onlogged); mds->mdlog->flush(); // some stats if (mds->logger) { mds->logger->inc(l_mds_imported); mds->logger->inc(l_mds_imported_inodes, num_imported_inodes); } m->put(); } /* * this is an import helper * called by import_finish, and import_reverse and friends. */ void Migrator::import_remove_pins(CDir *dir, set& bounds) { import_state_t& stat = import_state[dir->dirfrag()]; // root dir->put(CDir::PIN_IMPORTING); dir->state_clear(CDir::STATE_IMPORTING); // bounding inodes set did; for (list::iterator p = stat.bound_ls.begin(); p != stat.bound_ls.end(); ++p) { if (did.count(p->ino)) continue; did.insert(p->ino); CInode *in = cache->get_inode(p->ino); assert(in); in->put_stickydirs(); } if (stat.state == IMPORT_PREPPING) { for (auto bd : bounds) { if (bd->state_test(CDir::STATE_IMPORTBOUND)) { bd->put(CDir::PIN_IMPORTBOUND); bd->state_clear(CDir::STATE_IMPORTBOUND); } } } else if (stat.state >= IMPORT_PREPPED) { // bounding dirfrags for (auto bd : bounds) { assert(bd->state_test(CDir::STATE_IMPORTBOUND)); bd->put(CDir::PIN_IMPORTBOUND); bd->state_clear(CDir::STATE_IMPORTBOUND); } } } /* * note: this does teh full work of reversing and import and cleaning up * state. * called by both handle_mds_failure and by handle_resolve (if we are * a survivor coping with an exporter failure+recovery). */ void Migrator::import_reverse(CDir *dir) { dout(7) << "import_reverse " << *dir << dendl; import_state_t& stat = import_state[dir->dirfrag()]; stat.state = IMPORT_ABORTING; set bounds; cache->get_subtree_bounds(dir, bounds); // remove pins import_remove_pins(dir, bounds); // update auth, with possible subtree merge. assert(dir->is_subtree_root()); if (mds->is_resolve()) cache->trim_non_auth_subtree(dir); cache->adjust_subtree_auth(dir, stat.peer); C_ContextsBase *fin = new C_ContextsBase(g_ceph_context); if (!dir->get_inode()->is_auth() && !dir->get_inode()->has_subtree_root_dirfrag(mds->get_nodeid())) { dir->get_inode()->clear_scatter_dirty(); // wake up scatter_nudge waiters dir->get_inode()->take_waiting(CInode::WAIT_ANY_MASK, fin->contexts); } int num_dentries = 0; // adjust auth bits. list q; q.push_back(dir); while (!q.empty()) { CDir *cur = q.front(); q.pop_front(); // dir assert(cur->is_auth()); cur->state_clear(CDir::STATE_AUTH); cur->remove_bloom(); cur->clear_replica_map(); cur->set_replica_nonce(CDir::EXPORT_NONCE); if (cur->is_dirty()) cur->mark_clean(); CDir::map_t::iterator it; for (it = cur->begin(); it != cur->end(); ++it) { CDentry *dn = it->second; // dentry dn->state_clear(CDentry::STATE_AUTH); dn->clear_replica_map(); dn->set_replica_nonce(CDentry::EXPORT_NONCE); if (dn->is_dirty()) dn->mark_clean(); // inode? if (dn->get_linkage()->is_primary()) { CInode *in = dn->get_linkage()->get_inode(); in->state_clear(CDentry::STATE_AUTH); in->clear_replica_map(); in->set_replica_nonce(CInode::EXPORT_NONCE); if (in->is_dirty()) in->mark_clean(); in->clear_dirty_rstat(); if (!in->has_subtree_root_dirfrag(mds->get_nodeid())) { in->clear_scatter_dirty(); in->take_waiting(CInode::WAIT_ANY_MASK, fin->contexts); } in->clear_dirty_parent(); in->authlock.clear_gather(); in->linklock.clear_gather(); in->dirfragtreelock.clear_gather(); in->filelock.clear_gather(); in->clear_file_locks(); // non-bounding dir? list dfs; in->get_dirfrags(dfs); for (list::iterator p = dfs.begin(); p != dfs.end(); ++p) if (bounds.count(*p) == 0) q.push_back(*p); } cache->touch_dentry_bottom(dn); // move dentry to tail of LRU ++num_dentries; } } dir->add_waiter(CDir::WAIT_UNFREEZE, fin); if (stat.state == IMPORT_ACKING) { // remove imported caps for (map >::iterator p = stat.peer_exports.begin(); p != stat.peer_exports.end(); ++p) { CInode *in = p->first; for (map::iterator q = p->second.begin(); q != p->second.end(); ++q) { Capability *cap = in->get_client_cap(q->first); assert(cap); if (cap->is_importing()) in->remove_client_cap(q->first); } in->put(CInode::PIN_IMPORTINGCAPS); } for (map::iterator p = stat.client_map.begin(); p != stat.client_map.end(); ++p) { Session *session = mds->sessionmap.get_session(entity_name_t::CLIENT(p->first.v)); assert(session); session->dec_importing(); } } // log our failure mds->mdlog->start_submit_entry(new EImportFinish(dir, false)); // log failure cache->trim(num_dentries); // try trimming dentries // notify bystanders; wait in aborting state import_notify_abort(dir, bounds); } void Migrator::import_notify_finish(CDir *dir, set& bounds) { dout(7) << "import_notify_finish " << *dir << dendl; import_state_t& stat = import_state[dir->dirfrag()]; for (set::iterator p = stat.bystanders.begin(); p != stat.bystanders.end(); ++p) { MExportDirNotify *notify = new MExportDirNotify(dir->dirfrag(), stat.tid, false, pair(stat.peer, mds->get_nodeid()), pair(mds->get_nodeid(), CDIR_AUTH_UNKNOWN)); for (set::iterator i = bounds.begin(); i != bounds.end(); ++i) notify->get_bounds().push_back((*i)->dirfrag()); mds->send_message_mds(notify, *p); } } void Migrator::import_notify_abort(CDir *dir, set& bounds) { dout(7) << "import_notify_abort " << *dir << dendl; import_state_t& stat = import_state[dir->dirfrag()]; for (set::iterator p = stat.bystanders.begin(); p != stat.bystanders.end(); ) { if (mds->is_cluster_degraded() && !mds->mdsmap->is_clientreplay_or_active_or_stopping(*p)) { // this can happen if both exporter and bystander fail in the same mdsmap epoch stat.bystanders.erase(p++); continue; } MExportDirNotify *notify = new MExportDirNotify(dir->dirfrag(), stat.tid, true, mds_authority_t(stat.peer, mds->get_nodeid()), mds_authority_t(stat.peer, CDIR_AUTH_UNKNOWN)); for (set::iterator i = bounds.begin(); i != bounds.end(); ++i) notify->get_bounds().push_back((*i)->dirfrag()); mds->send_message_mds(notify, *p); ++p; } if (stat.bystanders.empty()) { dout(7) << "no bystanders, finishing reverse now" << dendl; import_reverse_unfreeze(dir); } else { assert (g_conf->mds_kill_import_at != 10); } } void Migrator::import_reverse_unfreeze(CDir *dir) { dout(7) << "import_reverse_unfreeze " << *dir << dendl; assert(!dir->is_auth()); cache->discard_delayed_expire(dir); dir->unfreeze_tree(); if (dir->is_subtree_root()) cache->try_subtree_merge(dir); import_reverse_final(dir); } void Migrator::import_reverse_final(CDir *dir) { dout(7) << "import_reverse_final " << *dir << dendl; // clean up map::iterator it = import_state.find(dir->dirfrag()); assert(it != import_state.end()); MutationRef mut = it->second.mut; import_state.erase(it); // send pending import_maps? mds->mdcache->maybe_send_pending_resolves(); if (mut) { mds->locker->drop_locks(mut.get()); mut->cleanup(); } cache->show_subtrees(); //audit(); // this fails, bc we munge up the subtree map during handle_import_map (resolve phase) } void Migrator::import_logged_start(dirfrag_t df, CDir *dir, mds_rank_t from, map& imported_client_map, map& sseqmap) { map::iterator it = import_state.find(dir->dirfrag()); if (it == import_state.end() || it->second.state != IMPORT_LOGGINGSTART) { dout(7) << "import " << df << " must have aborted" << dendl; mds->server->finish_force_open_sessions(imported_client_map, sseqmap); return; } dout(7) << "import_logged " << *dir << dendl; // note state it->second.state = IMPORT_ACKING; assert (g_conf->mds_kill_import_at != 7); // force open client sessions and finish cap import mds->server->finish_force_open_sessions(imported_client_map, sseqmap, false); it->second.client_map.swap(imported_client_map); map > imported_caps; for (map >::iterator p = it->second.peer_exports.begin(); p != it->second.peer_exports.end(); ++p) { // parameter 'peer' is NONE, delay sending cap import messages to client finish_import_inode_caps(p->first, MDS_RANK_NONE, true, p->second, imported_caps[p->first->ino()]); } // send notify's etc. dout(7) << "sending ack for " << *dir << " to old auth mds." << from << dendl; // test surviving observer of a failed migration that did not complete //assert(dir->replica_map.size() < 2 || mds->get_nodeid() != 0); MExportDirAck *ack = new MExportDirAck(dir->dirfrag(), it->second.tid); ::encode(imported_caps, ack->imported_caps); mds->send_message_mds(ack, from); assert (g_conf->mds_kill_import_at != 8); cache->show_subtrees(); } /* This function DOES put the passed message before returning*/ void Migrator::handle_export_finish(MExportDirFinish *m) { CDir *dir = cache->get_dirfrag(m->get_dirfrag()); assert(dir); dout(7) << "handle_export_finish on " << *dir << (m->is_last() ? " last" : "") << dendl; map::iterator it = import_state.find(m->get_dirfrag()); assert(it != import_state.end()); assert(it->second.tid == m->get_tid()); import_finish(dir, false, m->is_last()); m->put(); } void Migrator::import_finish(CDir *dir, bool notify, bool last) { dout(7) << "import_finish on " << *dir << dendl; map::iterator it = import_state.find(dir->dirfrag()); assert(it != import_state.end()); assert(it->second.state == IMPORT_ACKING || it->second.state == IMPORT_FINISHING); if (it->second.state == IMPORT_ACKING) { assert(dir->is_auth()); cache->adjust_subtree_auth(dir, mds->get_nodeid(), mds->get_nodeid()); } // log finish assert(g_conf->mds_kill_import_at != 9); if (it->second.state == IMPORT_ACKING) { for (map >::iterator p = it->second.peer_exports.begin(); p != it->second.peer_exports.end(); ++p) { CInode *in = p->first; assert(in->is_auth()); for (map::iterator q = p->second.begin(); q != p->second.end(); ++q) { Session *session = mds->sessionmap.get_session(entity_name_t::CLIENT(q->first.v)); assert(session); Capability *cap = in->get_client_cap(q->first); assert(cap); cap->merge(q->second, true); cap->clear_importing(); mds->mdcache->do_cap_import(session, in, cap, q->second.cap_id, q->second.seq, q->second.mseq - 1, it->second.peer, CEPH_CAP_FLAG_AUTH); } p->second.clear(); in->replica_caps_wanted = 0; } for (map::iterator p = it->second.client_map.begin(); p != it->second.client_map.end(); ++p) { Session *session = mds->sessionmap.get_session(entity_name_t::CLIENT(p->first.v)); assert(session); session->dec_importing(); } } if (!last) { assert(it->second.state == IMPORT_ACKING); it->second.state = IMPORT_FINISHING; return; } // remove pins set bounds; cache->get_subtree_bounds(dir, bounds); if (notify) import_notify_finish(dir, bounds); import_remove_pins(dir, bounds); map > peer_exports; it->second.peer_exports.swap(peer_exports); // clear import state (we're done!) MutationRef mut = it->second.mut; import_state.erase(it); mds->mdlog->start_submit_entry(new EImportFinish(dir, true)); // process delayed expires cache->process_delayed_expire(dir); // unfreeze tree, with possible subtree merge. dir->unfreeze_tree(); cache->try_subtree_merge(dir); cache->show_subtrees(); //audit(); // this fails, bc we munge up the subtree map during handle_import_map (resolve phase) if (mut) { mds->locker->drop_locks(mut.get()); mut->cleanup(); } // re-eval imported caps for (map >::iterator p = peer_exports.begin(); p != peer_exports.end(); ++p) { if (p->first->is_auth()) mds->locker->eval(p->first, CEPH_CAP_LOCKS, true); p->first->put(CInode::PIN_IMPORTINGCAPS); } // send pending import_maps? mds->mdcache->maybe_send_pending_resolves(); // did i just import mydir? if (dir->ino() == MDS_INO_MDSDIR(mds->get_nodeid())) cache->populate_mydir(); // is it empty? if (dir->get_num_head_items() == 0 && !dir->inode->is_auth()) { // reexport! export_empty_import(dir); } } void Migrator::decode_import_inode(CDentry *dn, bufferlist::iterator& blp, mds_rank_t oldauth, LogSegment *ls, map >& peer_exports, list& updated_scatterlocks) { dout(15) << "decode_import_inode on " << *dn << dendl; inodeno_t ino; snapid_t last; ::decode(ino, blp); ::decode(last, blp); bool added = false; CInode *in = cache->get_inode(ino, last); if (!in) { in = new CInode(mds->mdcache, true, 1, last); added = true; } // state after link -- or not! -sage in->decode_import(blp, ls); // cap imports are noted for later action // caps decode_import_inode_caps(in, true, blp, peer_exports); // link before state -- or not! -sage if (dn->get_linkage()->get_inode() != in) { assert(!dn->get_linkage()->get_inode()); dn->dir->link_primary_inode(dn, in); } // add inode? if (added) { cache->add_inode(in); dout(10) << "added " << *in << dendl; } else { dout(10) << " had " << *in << dendl; } if (in->inode.is_dirty_rstat()) in->mark_dirty_rstat(); // clear if dirtyscattered, since we're going to journal this // but not until we _actually_ finish the import... if (in->filelock.is_dirty()) { updated_scatterlocks.push_back(&in->filelock); mds->locker->mark_updated_scatterlock(&in->filelock); } if (in->dirfragtreelock.is_dirty()) { updated_scatterlocks.push_back(&in->dirfragtreelock); mds->locker->mark_updated_scatterlock(&in->dirfragtreelock); } // adjust replica list //assert(!in->is_replica(oldauth)); // not true on failed export in->add_replica(oldauth, CInode::EXPORT_NONCE); if (in->is_replica(mds->get_nodeid())) in->remove_replica(mds->get_nodeid()); } void Migrator::decode_import_inode_caps(CInode *in, bool auth_cap, bufferlist::iterator &blp, map >& peer_exports) { map cap_map; ::decode(cap_map, blp); if (auth_cap) ::decode(in->get_mds_caps_wanted(), blp); if (!cap_map.empty() || (auth_cap && !in->get_mds_caps_wanted().empty())) { peer_exports[in].swap(cap_map); in->get(CInode::PIN_IMPORTINGCAPS); } } void Migrator::finish_import_inode_caps(CInode *in, mds_rank_t peer, bool auth_cap, map &export_map, map &import_map) { for (map::iterator it = export_map.begin(); it != export_map.end(); ++it) { dout(10) << "finish_import_inode_caps for client." << it->first << " on " << *in << dendl; Session *session = mds->sessionmap.get_session(entity_name_t::CLIENT(it->first.v)); assert(session); Capability *cap = in->get_client_cap(it->first); if (!cap) { cap = in->add_client_cap(it->first, session); if (peer < 0) cap->mark_importing(); } Capability::Import& im = import_map[it->first]; im.cap_id = cap->get_cap_id(); im.mseq = auth_cap ? it->second.mseq : cap->get_mseq(); im.issue_seq = cap->get_last_seq() + 1; if (peer >= 0) { cap->merge(it->second, auth_cap); mds->mdcache->do_cap_import(session, in, cap, it->second.cap_id, it->second.seq, it->second.mseq - 1, peer, auth_cap ? CEPH_CAP_FLAG_AUTH : CEPH_CAP_FLAG_RELEASE); } } if (peer >= 0) { in->replica_caps_wanted = 0; in->put(CInode::PIN_IMPORTINGCAPS); } } int Migrator::decode_import_dir(bufferlist::iterator& blp, mds_rank_t oldauth, CDir *import_root, EImportStart *le, LogSegment *ls, map >& peer_exports, list& updated_scatterlocks, utime_t now) { // set up dir dirfrag_t df; ::decode(df, blp); CInode *diri = cache->get_inode(df.ino); assert(diri); CDir *dir = diri->get_or_open_dirfrag(mds->mdcache, df.frag); assert(dir); dout(7) << "decode_import_dir " << *dir << dendl; // assimilate state dir->decode_import(blp, now, ls); // adjust replica list //assert(!dir->is_replica(oldauth)); // not true on failed export dir->add_replica(oldauth, CDir::EXPORT_NONCE); if (dir->is_replica(mds->get_nodeid())) dir->remove_replica(mds->get_nodeid()); // add to journal entry if (le) le->metablob.add_import_dir(dir); int num_imported = 0; // take all waiters on this dir // NOTE: a pass of imported data is guaranteed to get all of my waiters because // a replica's presense in my cache implies/forces it's presense in authority's. list waiters; dir->take_waiting(CDir::WAIT_ANY_MASK, waiters); for (list::iterator it = waiters.begin(); it != waiters.end(); ++it) import_root->add_waiter(CDir::WAIT_UNFREEZE, *it); // UNFREEZE will get kicked both on success or failure dout(15) << "doing contents" << dendl; // contents __u32 nden; ::decode(nden, blp); for (; nden>0; nden--) { num_imported++; // dentry string dname; snapid_t last; ::decode(dname, blp); ::decode(last, blp); CDentry *dn = dir->lookup_exact_snap(dname, last); if (!dn) dn = dir->add_null_dentry(dname, 1, last); dn->decode_import(blp, ls); dn->add_replica(oldauth, CDentry::EXPORT_NONCE); if (dn->is_replica(mds->get_nodeid())) dn->remove_replica(mds->get_nodeid()); // dentry lock in unreadable state can block path traverse if (dn->lock.get_state() != LOCK_SYNC) mds->locker->try_eval(&dn->lock, NULL); dout(15) << "decode_import_dir got " << *dn << dendl; // points to... char icode; ::decode(icode, blp); if (icode == 'N') { // null dentry assert(dn->get_linkage()->is_null()); // fall thru } else if (icode == 'L') { // remote link inodeno_t ino; unsigned char d_type; ::decode(ino, blp); ::decode(d_type, blp); if (dn->get_linkage()->is_remote()) { assert(dn->get_linkage()->get_remote_ino() == ino); } else { dir->link_remote_inode(dn, ino, d_type); } } else if (icode == 'I') { // inode assert(le); decode_import_inode(dn, blp, oldauth, ls, peer_exports, updated_scatterlocks); } // add dentry to journal entry if (le) le->metablob.add_import_dentry(dn); } #ifdef MDS_VERIFY_FRAGSTAT if (dir->is_complete()) dir->verify_fragstat(); #endif dir->inode->maybe_export_pin(); dout(7) << "decode_import_dir done " << *dir << dendl; return num_imported; } // authority bystander /* This function DOES put the passed message before returning*/ void Migrator::handle_export_notify(MExportDirNotify *m) { if (!(mds->is_clientreplay() || mds->is_active() || mds->is_stopping())) { m->put(); return; } CDir *dir = cache->get_dirfrag(m->get_dirfrag()); mds_rank_t from = mds_rank_t(m->get_source().num()); mds_authority_t old_auth = m->get_old_auth(); mds_authority_t new_auth = m->get_new_auth(); if (!dir) { dout(7) << "handle_export_notify " << old_auth << " -> " << new_auth << " on missing dir " << m->get_dirfrag() << dendl; } else if (dir->authority() != old_auth) { dout(7) << "handle_export_notify old_auth was " << dir->authority() << " != " << old_auth << " -> " << new_auth << " on " << *dir << dendl; } else { dout(7) << "handle_export_notify " << old_auth << " -> " << new_auth << " on " << *dir << dendl; // adjust auth set have; cache->map_dirfrag_set(m->get_bounds(), have); cache->adjust_bounded_subtree_auth(dir, have, new_auth); // induce a merge? cache->try_subtree_merge(dir); } // send ack if (m->wants_ack()) { mds->send_message_mds(new MExportDirNotifyAck(m->get_dirfrag(), m->get_tid(), m->get_new_auth()), from); } else { // aborted. no ack. dout(7) << "handle_export_notify no ack requested" << dendl; } m->put(); } /** cap exports **/ void Migrator::export_caps(CInode *in) { mds_rank_t dest = in->authority().first; dout(7) << "export_caps to mds." << dest << " " << *in << dendl; assert(in->is_any_caps()); assert(!in->is_auth()); assert(!in->is_ambiguous_auth()); assert(!in->state_test(CInode::STATE_EXPORTINGCAPS)); MExportCaps *ex = new MExportCaps; ex->ino = in->ino(); encode_export_inode_caps(in, false, ex->cap_bl, ex->client_map); mds->send_message_mds(ex, dest); } void Migrator::handle_gather_caps(MGatherCaps *m) { CInode *in = cache->get_inode(m->ino); if (!in) goto out; dout(10) << "handle_gather_caps " << *m << " from " << m->get_source() << " on " << *in << dendl; if (in->is_any_caps() && !in->is_auth() && !in->is_ambiguous_auth() && !in->state_test(CInode::STATE_EXPORTINGCAPS)) export_caps(in); out: m->put(); } class C_M_LoggedImportCaps : public MigratorLogContext { CInode *in; mds_rank_t from; public: map > peer_exports; map client_map; map sseqmap; C_M_LoggedImportCaps(Migrator *m, CInode *i, mds_rank_t f) : MigratorLogContext(m), in(i), from(f) {} void finish(int r) override { mig->logged_import_caps(in, from, peer_exports, client_map, sseqmap); } }; /* This function DOES put the passed message before returning*/ void Migrator::handle_export_caps(MExportCaps *ex) { dout(10) << "handle_export_caps " << *ex << " from " << ex->get_source() << dendl; CInode *in = cache->get_inode(ex->ino); assert(in); assert(in->is_auth()); // FIXME if (!in->can_auth_pin()) return; in->auth_pin(this); C_M_LoggedImportCaps *finish = new C_M_LoggedImportCaps( this, in, mds_rank_t(ex->get_source().num())); finish->client_map = ex->client_map; // decode new caps bufferlist::iterator blp = ex->cap_bl.begin(); decode_import_inode_caps(in, false, blp, finish->peer_exports); assert(!finish->peer_exports.empty()); // thus, inode is pinned. // journal open client sessions version_t pv = mds->server->prepare_force_open_sessions(finish->client_map, finish->sseqmap); ESessions *le = new ESessions(pv, ex->client_map); mds->mdlog->start_submit_entry(le, finish); mds->mdlog->flush(); ex->put(); } void Migrator::logged_import_caps(CInode *in, mds_rank_t from, map >& peer_exports, map& client_map, map& sseqmap) { dout(10) << "logged_import_caps on " << *in << dendl; // see export_go() vs export_go_synced() assert(in->is_auth()); // force open client sessions and finish cap import mds->server->finish_force_open_sessions(client_map, sseqmap); map imported_caps; assert(peer_exports.count(in)); // clients will release caps from the exporter when they receive the cap import message. finish_import_inode_caps(in, from, false, peer_exports[in], imported_caps); mds->locker->eval(in, CEPH_CAP_LOCKS, true); in->auth_unpin(this); }