#ifndef CEPH_CLS_RGW_TYPES_H #define CEPH_CLS_RGW_TYPES_H #include "common/ceph_time.h" #include "common/Formatter.h" #include "rgw/rgw_basic_types.h" #define CEPH_RGW_REMOVE 'r' #define CEPH_RGW_UPDATE 'u' #define CEPH_RGW_TAG_TIMEOUT 120 #define CEPH_RGW_DIR_SUGGEST_LOG_OP 0x80 #define CEPH_RGW_DIR_SUGGEST_OP_MASK 0x7f class JSONObj; namespace ceph { class Formatter; } using rgw_zone_set = std::set; enum RGWPendingState { CLS_RGW_STATE_PENDING_MODIFY = 0, CLS_RGW_STATE_COMPLETE = 1, CLS_RGW_STATE_UNKNOWN = 2, }; enum RGWModifyOp { CLS_RGW_OP_ADD = 0, CLS_RGW_OP_DEL = 1, CLS_RGW_OP_CANCEL = 2, CLS_RGW_OP_UNKNOWN = 3, CLS_RGW_OP_LINK_OLH = 4, CLS_RGW_OP_LINK_OLH_DM = 5, /* creation of delete marker */ CLS_RGW_OP_UNLINK_INSTANCE = 6, CLS_RGW_OP_SYNCSTOP = 7, CLS_RGW_OP_RESYNC = 8, }; enum RGWBILogFlags { RGW_BILOG_FLAG_VERSIONED_OP = 0x1, }; enum RGWCheckMTimeType { CLS_RGW_CHECK_TIME_MTIME_EQ = 0, CLS_RGW_CHECK_TIME_MTIME_LT = 1, CLS_RGW_CHECK_TIME_MTIME_LE = 2, CLS_RGW_CHECK_TIME_MTIME_GT = 3, CLS_RGW_CHECK_TIME_MTIME_GE = 4, }; #define ROUND_BLOCK_SIZE 4096 static inline uint64_t cls_rgw_get_rounded_size(uint64_t size) { return (size + ROUND_BLOCK_SIZE - 1) & ~(ROUND_BLOCK_SIZE - 1); } struct rgw_bucket_pending_info { RGWPendingState state; ceph::real_time timestamp; uint8_t op; rgw_bucket_pending_info() : state(CLS_RGW_STATE_PENDING_MODIFY), op(0) {} void encode(bufferlist &bl) const { ENCODE_START(2, 2, bl); uint8_t s = (uint8_t)state; ::encode(s, bl); ::encode(timestamp, bl); ::encode(op, bl); ENCODE_FINISH(bl); } void decode(bufferlist::iterator &bl) { DECODE_START_LEGACY_COMPAT_LEN(2, 2, 2, bl); uint8_t s; ::decode(s, bl); state = (RGWPendingState)s; ::decode(timestamp, bl); ::decode(op, bl); DECODE_FINISH(bl); } void dump(Formatter *f) const; void decode_json(JSONObj *obj); static void generate_test_instances(list& o); }; WRITE_CLASS_ENCODER(rgw_bucket_pending_info) struct rgw_bucket_dir_entry_meta { uint8_t category; uint64_t size; ceph::real_time mtime; string etag; string owner; string owner_display_name; string content_type; uint64_t accounted_size; string user_data; rgw_bucket_dir_entry_meta() : category(0), size(0), accounted_size(0) { } void encode(bufferlist &bl) const { ENCODE_START(5, 3, bl); ::encode(category, bl); ::encode(size, bl); ::encode(mtime, bl); ::encode(etag, bl); ::encode(owner, bl); ::encode(owner_display_name, bl); ::encode(content_type, bl); ::encode(accounted_size, bl); ::encode(user_data, bl); ENCODE_FINISH(bl); } void decode(bufferlist::iterator &bl) { DECODE_START_LEGACY_COMPAT_LEN(5, 3, 3, bl); ::decode(category, bl); ::decode(size, bl); ::decode(mtime, bl); ::decode(etag, bl); ::decode(owner, bl); ::decode(owner_display_name, bl); if (struct_v >= 2) ::decode(content_type, bl); if (struct_v >= 4) ::decode(accounted_size, bl); else accounted_size = size; if (struct_v >= 5) ::decode(user_data, bl); DECODE_FINISH(bl); } void dump(Formatter *f) const; void decode_json(JSONObj *obj); static void generate_test_instances(list& o); }; WRITE_CLASS_ENCODER(rgw_bucket_dir_entry_meta) template void encode_packed_val(T val, bufferlist& bl) { if ((uint64_t)val < 0x80) { ::encode((uint8_t)val, bl); } else { unsigned char c = 0x80; if ((uint64_t)val < 0x100) { c |= 1; ::encode(c, bl); ::encode((uint8_t)val, bl); } else if ((uint64_t)val <= 0x10000) { c |= 2; ::encode(c, bl); ::encode((uint16_t)val, bl); } else if ((uint64_t)val <= 0x1000000) { c |= 4; ::encode(c, bl); ::encode((uint32_t)val, bl); } else { c |= 8; ::encode(c, bl); ::encode((uint64_t)val, bl); } } } template void decode_packed_val(T& val, bufferlist::iterator& bl) { unsigned char c; ::decode(c, bl); if (c < 0x80) { val = c; return; } c &= ~0x80; switch (c) { case 1: { uint8_t v; ::decode(v, bl); val = v; } break; case 2: { uint16_t v; ::decode(v, bl); val = v; } break; case 4: { uint32_t v; ::decode(v, bl); val = v; } break; case 8: { uint64_t v; ::decode(v, bl); val = v; } break; default: throw buffer::error(); } } struct rgw_bucket_entry_ver { int64_t pool; uint64_t epoch; rgw_bucket_entry_ver() : pool(-1), epoch(0) {} void encode(bufferlist &bl) const { ENCODE_START(1, 1, bl); ::encode_packed_val(pool, bl); ::encode_packed_val(epoch, bl); ENCODE_FINISH(bl); } void decode(bufferlist::iterator &bl) { DECODE_START(1, bl); ::decode_packed_val(pool, bl); ::decode_packed_val(epoch, bl); DECODE_FINISH(bl); } void dump(Formatter *f) const; void decode_json(JSONObj *obj); static void generate_test_instances(list& o); }; WRITE_CLASS_ENCODER(rgw_bucket_entry_ver) struct cls_rgw_obj_key { string name; string instance; cls_rgw_obj_key() {} cls_rgw_obj_key(const string &_name) : name(_name) {} cls_rgw_obj_key(const string& n, const string& i) : name(n), instance(i) {} void set(const string& _name) { name = _name; } bool operator==(const cls_rgw_obj_key& k) const { return (name.compare(k.name) == 0) && (instance.compare(k.instance) == 0); } bool operator<(const cls_rgw_obj_key& k) const { int r = name.compare(k.name); if (r == 0) { r = instance.compare(k.instance); } return (r < 0); } bool operator<=(const cls_rgw_obj_key& k) const { return !(k < *this); } bool empty() { return name.empty(); } void encode(bufferlist &bl) const { ENCODE_START(1, 1, bl); ::encode(name, bl); ::encode(instance, bl); ENCODE_FINISH(bl); } void decode(bufferlist::iterator &bl) { DECODE_START(1, bl); ::decode(name, bl); ::decode(instance, bl); DECODE_FINISH(bl); } void dump(Formatter *f) const { f->dump_string("name", name); f->dump_string("instance", instance); } void decode_json(JSONObj *obj); static void generate_test_instances(list& ls) { ls.push_back(new cls_rgw_obj_key); ls.push_back(new cls_rgw_obj_key); ls.back()->name = "name"; ls.back()->instance = "instance"; } }; WRITE_CLASS_ENCODER(cls_rgw_obj_key) #define RGW_BUCKET_DIRENT_FLAG_VER 0x1 /* a versioned object instance */ #define RGW_BUCKET_DIRENT_FLAG_CURRENT 0x2 /* the last object instance of a versioned object */ #define RGW_BUCKET_DIRENT_FLAG_DELETE_MARKER 0x4 /* delete marker */ #define RGW_BUCKET_DIRENT_FLAG_VER_MARKER 0x8 /* object is versioned, a placeholder for the plain entry */ struct rgw_bucket_dir_entry { cls_rgw_obj_key key; rgw_bucket_entry_ver ver; std::string locator; bool exists; struct rgw_bucket_dir_entry_meta meta; multimap pending_map; uint64_t index_ver; string tag; uint16_t flags; uint64_t versioned_epoch; rgw_bucket_dir_entry() : exists(false), index_ver(0), flags(0), versioned_epoch(0) {} void encode(bufferlist &bl) const { ENCODE_START(8, 3, bl); ::encode(key.name, bl); ::encode(ver.epoch, bl); ::encode(exists, bl); ::encode(meta, bl); ::encode(pending_map, bl); ::encode(locator, bl); ::encode(ver, bl); ::encode_packed_val(index_ver, bl); ::encode(tag, bl); ::encode(key.instance, bl); ::encode(flags, bl); ::encode(versioned_epoch, bl); ENCODE_FINISH(bl); } void decode(bufferlist::iterator &bl) { DECODE_START_LEGACY_COMPAT_LEN(8, 3, 3, bl); ::decode(key.name, bl); ::decode(ver.epoch, bl); ::decode(exists, bl); ::decode(meta, bl); ::decode(pending_map, bl); if (struct_v >= 2) { ::decode(locator, bl); } if (struct_v >= 4) { ::decode(ver, bl); } else { ver.pool = -1; } if (struct_v >= 5) { ::decode_packed_val(index_ver, bl); ::decode(tag, bl); } if (struct_v >= 6) { ::decode(key.instance, bl); } if (struct_v >= 7) { ::decode(flags, bl); } if (struct_v >= 8) { ::decode(versioned_epoch, bl); } DECODE_FINISH(bl); } bool is_current() { int test_flags = RGW_BUCKET_DIRENT_FLAG_VER | RGW_BUCKET_DIRENT_FLAG_CURRENT; return (flags & RGW_BUCKET_DIRENT_FLAG_VER) == 0 || (flags & test_flags) == test_flags; } bool is_delete_marker() { return (flags & RGW_BUCKET_DIRENT_FLAG_DELETE_MARKER) != 0; } bool is_visible() { return is_current() && !is_delete_marker(); } bool is_valid() { return (flags & RGW_BUCKET_DIRENT_FLAG_VER_MARKER) == 0; } void dump(Formatter *f) const; void decode_json(JSONObj *obj); static void generate_test_instances(list& o); }; WRITE_CLASS_ENCODER(rgw_bucket_dir_entry) enum BIIndexType { InvalidIdx = 0, PlainIdx = 1, InstanceIdx = 2, OLHIdx = 3, }; struct rgw_bucket_category_stats; struct rgw_cls_bi_entry { BIIndexType type; string idx; bufferlist data; rgw_cls_bi_entry() : type(InvalidIdx) {} void encode(bufferlist& bl) const { ENCODE_START(1, 1, bl); ::encode((uint8_t)type, bl); ::encode(idx, bl); ::encode(data, bl); ENCODE_FINISH(bl); } void decode(bufferlist::iterator& bl) { DECODE_START(1, bl); uint8_t c; ::decode(c, bl); type = (BIIndexType)c; ::decode(idx, bl); ::decode(data, bl); DECODE_FINISH(bl); } void dump(Formatter *f) const; void decode_json(JSONObj *obj, cls_rgw_obj_key *effective_key = NULL); bool get_info(cls_rgw_obj_key *key, uint8_t *category, rgw_bucket_category_stats *accounted_stats); }; WRITE_CLASS_ENCODER(rgw_cls_bi_entry) enum OLHLogOp { CLS_RGW_OLH_OP_UNKNOWN = 0, CLS_RGW_OLH_OP_LINK_OLH = 1, CLS_RGW_OLH_OP_UNLINK_OLH = 2, /* object does not exist */ CLS_RGW_OLH_OP_REMOVE_INSTANCE = 3, }; struct rgw_bucket_olh_log_entry { uint64_t epoch; OLHLogOp op; string op_tag; cls_rgw_obj_key key; bool delete_marker; rgw_bucket_olh_log_entry() : epoch(0), op(CLS_RGW_OLH_OP_UNKNOWN), delete_marker(false) {} void encode(bufferlist &bl) const { ENCODE_START(1, 1, bl); ::encode(epoch, bl); ::encode((__u8)op, bl); ::encode(op_tag, bl); ::encode(key, bl); ::encode(delete_marker, bl); ENCODE_FINISH(bl); } void decode(bufferlist::iterator &bl) { DECODE_START(1, bl); ::decode(epoch, bl); uint8_t c; ::decode(c, bl); op = (OLHLogOp)c; ::decode(op_tag, bl); ::decode(key, bl); ::decode(delete_marker, bl); DECODE_FINISH(bl); } static void generate_test_instances(list& o); void dump(Formatter *f) const; void decode_json(JSONObj *obj); }; WRITE_CLASS_ENCODER(rgw_bucket_olh_log_entry) struct rgw_bucket_olh_entry { cls_rgw_obj_key key; bool delete_marker; uint64_t epoch; map > pending_log; string tag; bool exists; bool pending_removal; rgw_bucket_olh_entry() : delete_marker(false), epoch(0), exists(false), pending_removal(false) {} void encode(bufferlist &bl) const { ENCODE_START(1, 1, bl); ::encode(key, bl); ::encode(delete_marker, bl); ::encode(epoch, bl); ::encode(pending_log, bl); ::encode(tag, bl); ::encode(exists, bl); ::encode(pending_removal, bl); ENCODE_FINISH(bl); } void decode(bufferlist::iterator &bl) { DECODE_START(1, bl); ::decode(key, bl); ::decode(delete_marker, bl); ::decode(epoch, bl); ::decode(pending_log, bl); ::decode(tag, bl); ::decode(exists, bl); ::decode(pending_removal, bl); DECODE_FINISH(bl); } void dump(Formatter *f) const; void decode_json(JSONObj *obj); }; WRITE_CLASS_ENCODER(rgw_bucket_olh_entry) struct rgw_bi_log_entry { string id; string object; string instance; ceph::real_time timestamp; rgw_bucket_entry_ver ver; RGWModifyOp op; RGWPendingState state; uint64_t index_ver; string tag; uint16_t bilog_flags; string owner; /* only being set if it's a delete marker */ string owner_display_name; /* only being set if it's a delete marker */ rgw_zone_set zones_trace; rgw_bi_log_entry() : op(CLS_RGW_OP_UNKNOWN), state(CLS_RGW_STATE_PENDING_MODIFY), index_ver(0), bilog_flags(0) {} void encode(bufferlist &bl) const { ENCODE_START(4, 1, bl); ::encode(id, bl); ::encode(object, bl); ::encode(timestamp, bl); ::encode(ver, bl); ::encode(tag, bl); uint8_t c = (uint8_t)op; ::encode(c, bl); c = (uint8_t)state; ::encode(c, bl); encode_packed_val(index_ver, bl); ::encode(instance, bl); ::encode(bilog_flags, bl); ::encode(owner, bl); ::encode(owner_display_name, bl); ::encode(zones_trace, bl); ENCODE_FINISH(bl); } void decode(bufferlist::iterator &bl) { DECODE_START(4, bl); ::decode(id, bl); ::decode(object, bl); ::decode(timestamp, bl); ::decode(ver, bl); ::decode(tag, bl); uint8_t c; ::decode(c, bl); op = (RGWModifyOp)c; ::decode(c, bl); state = (RGWPendingState)c; decode_packed_val(index_ver, bl); if (struct_v >= 2) { ::decode(instance, bl); ::decode(bilog_flags, bl); } if (struct_v >= 3) { ::decode(owner, bl); ::decode(owner_display_name, bl); } if (struct_v >= 4) { ::decode(zones_trace, bl); } DECODE_FINISH(bl); } void dump(Formatter *f) const; void decode_json(JSONObj *obj); static void generate_test_instances(list& o); bool is_versioned() { return ((bilog_flags & RGW_BILOG_FLAG_VERSIONED_OP) != 0); } }; WRITE_CLASS_ENCODER(rgw_bi_log_entry) struct rgw_bucket_category_stats { uint64_t total_size; uint64_t total_size_rounded; uint64_t num_entries; uint64_t actual_size{0}; //< account for compression, encryption rgw_bucket_category_stats() : total_size(0), total_size_rounded(0), num_entries(0) {} void encode(bufferlist &bl) const { ENCODE_START(3, 2, bl); ::encode(total_size, bl); ::encode(total_size_rounded, bl); ::encode(num_entries, bl); ::encode(actual_size, bl); ENCODE_FINISH(bl); } void decode(bufferlist::iterator &bl) { DECODE_START_LEGACY_COMPAT_LEN(3, 2, 2, bl); ::decode(total_size, bl); ::decode(total_size_rounded, bl); ::decode(num_entries, bl); if (struct_v >= 3) { ::decode(actual_size, bl); } else { actual_size = total_size; } DECODE_FINISH(bl); } void dump(Formatter *f) const; static void generate_test_instances(list& o); }; WRITE_CLASS_ENCODER(rgw_bucket_category_stats) enum cls_rgw_reshard_status { CLS_RGW_RESHARD_NONE = 0, CLS_RGW_RESHARD_IN_PROGRESS = 1, CLS_RGW_RESHARD_DONE = 2, }; struct cls_rgw_bucket_instance_entry { cls_rgw_reshard_status reshard_status{CLS_RGW_RESHARD_NONE}; string new_bucket_instance_id; int32_t num_shards{-1}; void encode(bufferlist& bl) const { ENCODE_START(1, 1, bl); ::encode((uint8_t)reshard_status, bl); ::encode(new_bucket_instance_id, bl); ::encode(num_shards, bl); ENCODE_FINISH(bl); } void decode(bufferlist::iterator& bl) { DECODE_START(1, bl); uint8_t s; ::decode(s, bl); reshard_status = (cls_rgw_reshard_status)s; ::decode(new_bucket_instance_id, bl); ::decode(num_shards, bl); DECODE_FINISH(bl); } void dump(Formatter *f) const; static void generate_test_instances(list& o); void clear() { reshard_status = CLS_RGW_RESHARD_NONE; new_bucket_instance_id.clear(); } void set_status(const string& new_instance_id, int32_t new_num_shards, cls_rgw_reshard_status s) { reshard_status = s; new_bucket_instance_id = new_instance_id; num_shards = new_num_shards; } bool resharding() const { return reshard_status != CLS_RGW_RESHARD_NONE; } bool resharding_in_progress() const { return reshard_status == CLS_RGW_RESHARD_IN_PROGRESS; } }; WRITE_CLASS_ENCODER(cls_rgw_bucket_instance_entry) struct rgw_bucket_dir_header { map stats; uint64_t tag_timeout; uint64_t ver; uint64_t master_ver; string max_marker; cls_rgw_bucket_instance_entry new_instance; bool syncstopped; rgw_bucket_dir_header() : tag_timeout(0), ver(0), master_ver(0), syncstopped(false) {} void encode(bufferlist &bl) const { ENCODE_START(7, 2, bl); ::encode(stats, bl); ::encode(tag_timeout, bl); ::encode(ver, bl); ::encode(master_ver, bl); ::encode(max_marker, bl); ::encode(new_instance, bl); ::encode(syncstopped,bl); ENCODE_FINISH(bl); } void decode(bufferlist::iterator &bl) { DECODE_START_LEGACY_COMPAT_LEN(6, 2, 2, bl); ::decode(stats, bl); if (struct_v > 2) { ::decode(tag_timeout, bl); } else { tag_timeout = 0; } if (struct_v >= 4) { ::decode(ver, bl); ::decode(master_ver, bl); } else { ver = 0; } if (struct_v >= 5) { ::decode(max_marker, bl); } if (struct_v >= 6) { ::decode(new_instance, bl); } else { new_instance = cls_rgw_bucket_instance_entry(); } if (struct_v >= 7) { ::decode(syncstopped,bl); } DECODE_FINISH(bl); } void dump(Formatter *f) const; static void generate_test_instances(list& o); bool resharding() const { return new_instance.resharding(); } bool resharding_in_progress() const { return new_instance.resharding_in_progress(); } }; WRITE_CLASS_ENCODER(rgw_bucket_dir_header) struct rgw_bucket_dir { struct rgw_bucket_dir_header header; std::map m; void encode(bufferlist &bl) const { ENCODE_START(2, 2, bl); ::encode(header, bl); ::encode(m, bl); ENCODE_FINISH(bl); } void decode(bufferlist::iterator &bl) { DECODE_START_LEGACY_COMPAT_LEN(2, 2, 2, bl); ::decode(header, bl); ::decode(m, bl); DECODE_FINISH(bl); } void dump(Formatter *f) const; static void generate_test_instances(list& o); }; WRITE_CLASS_ENCODER(rgw_bucket_dir) struct rgw_usage_data { uint64_t bytes_sent; uint64_t bytes_received; uint64_t ops; uint64_t successful_ops; rgw_usage_data() : bytes_sent(0), bytes_received(0), ops(0), successful_ops(0) {} rgw_usage_data(uint64_t sent, uint64_t received) : bytes_sent(sent), bytes_received(received), ops(0), successful_ops(0) {} void encode(bufferlist& bl) const { ENCODE_START(1, 1, bl); ::encode(bytes_sent, bl); ::encode(bytes_received, bl); ::encode(ops, bl); ::encode(successful_ops, bl); ENCODE_FINISH(bl); } void decode(bufferlist::iterator& bl) { DECODE_START(1, bl); ::decode(bytes_sent, bl); ::decode(bytes_received, bl); ::decode(ops, bl); ::decode(successful_ops, bl); DECODE_FINISH(bl); } void aggregate(const rgw_usage_data& usage) { bytes_sent += usage.bytes_sent; bytes_received += usage.bytes_received; ops += usage.ops; successful_ops += usage.successful_ops; } }; WRITE_CLASS_ENCODER(rgw_usage_data) struct rgw_usage_log_entry { rgw_user owner; rgw_user payer; /* if empty, same as owner */ string bucket; uint64_t epoch; rgw_usage_data total_usage; /* this one is kept for backwards compatibility */ map usage_map; rgw_usage_log_entry() : epoch(0) {} rgw_usage_log_entry(string& o, string& b) : owner(o), bucket(b), epoch(0) {} rgw_usage_log_entry(string& o, string& p, string& b) : owner(o), payer(p), bucket(b), epoch(0) {} void encode(bufferlist& bl) const { ENCODE_START(3, 1, bl); ::encode(owner.to_str(), bl); ::encode(bucket, bl); ::encode(epoch, bl); ::encode(total_usage.bytes_sent, bl); ::encode(total_usage.bytes_received, bl); ::encode(total_usage.ops, bl); ::encode(total_usage.successful_ops, bl); ::encode(usage_map, bl); ::encode(payer.to_str(), bl); ENCODE_FINISH(bl); } void decode(bufferlist::iterator& bl) { DECODE_START(3, bl); string s; ::decode(s, bl); owner.from_str(s); ::decode(bucket, bl); ::decode(epoch, bl); ::decode(total_usage.bytes_sent, bl); ::decode(total_usage.bytes_received, bl); ::decode(total_usage.ops, bl); ::decode(total_usage.successful_ops, bl); if (struct_v < 2) { usage_map[""] = total_usage; } else { ::decode(usage_map, bl); } if (struct_v >= 3) { string p; ::decode(p, bl); payer.from_str(p); } DECODE_FINISH(bl); } void aggregate(const rgw_usage_log_entry& e, map *categories = NULL) { if (owner.empty()) { owner = e.owner; bucket = e.bucket; epoch = e.epoch; payer = e.payer; } map::const_iterator iter; for (iter = e.usage_map.begin(); iter != e.usage_map.end(); ++iter) { if (!categories || !categories->size() || categories->count(iter->first)) { add(iter->first, iter->second); } } } void sum(rgw_usage_data& usage, map& categories) const { usage = rgw_usage_data(); for (map::const_iterator iter = usage_map.begin(); iter != usage_map.end(); ++iter) { if (!categories.size() || categories.count(iter->first)) { usage.aggregate(iter->second); } } } void add(const string& category, const rgw_usage_data& data) { usage_map[category].aggregate(data); total_usage.aggregate(data); } }; WRITE_CLASS_ENCODER(rgw_usage_log_entry) struct rgw_usage_log_info { vector entries; void encode(bufferlist& bl) const { ENCODE_START(1, 1, bl); ::encode(entries, bl); ENCODE_FINISH(bl); } void decode(bufferlist::iterator& bl) { DECODE_START(1, bl); ::decode(entries, bl); DECODE_FINISH(bl); } rgw_usage_log_info() {} }; WRITE_CLASS_ENCODER(rgw_usage_log_info) struct rgw_user_bucket { string user; string bucket; rgw_user_bucket() {} rgw_user_bucket(const string& u, const string& b) : user(u), bucket(b) {} void encode(bufferlist& bl) const { ENCODE_START(1, 1, bl); ::encode(user, bl); ::encode(bucket, bl); ENCODE_FINISH(bl); } void decode(bufferlist::iterator& bl) { DECODE_START(1, bl); ::decode(user, bl); ::decode(bucket, bl); DECODE_FINISH(bl); } bool operator<(const rgw_user_bucket& ub2) const { int comp = user.compare(ub2.user); if (comp < 0) return true; else if (!comp) return bucket.compare(ub2.bucket) < 0; return false; } }; WRITE_CLASS_ENCODER(rgw_user_bucket) enum cls_rgw_gc_op { CLS_RGW_GC_DEL_OBJ, CLS_RGW_GC_DEL_BUCKET, }; struct cls_rgw_obj { string pool; cls_rgw_obj_key key; string loc; cls_rgw_obj() {} cls_rgw_obj(string& _p, cls_rgw_obj_key& _k) : pool(_p), key(_k) {} void encode(bufferlist& bl) const { ENCODE_START(2, 1, bl); ::encode(pool, bl); ::encode(key.name, bl); ::encode(loc, bl); ::encode(key, bl); ENCODE_FINISH(bl); } void decode(bufferlist::iterator& bl) { DECODE_START(2, bl); ::decode(pool, bl); ::decode(key.name, bl); ::decode(loc, bl); if (struct_v >= 2) { ::decode(key, bl); } DECODE_FINISH(bl); } void dump(Formatter *f) const { f->dump_string("pool", pool); f->dump_string("oid", key.name); f->dump_string("key", loc); f->dump_string("instance", key.instance); } static void generate_test_instances(list& ls) { ls.push_back(new cls_rgw_obj); ls.push_back(new cls_rgw_obj); ls.back()->pool = "mypool"; ls.back()->key.name = "myoid"; ls.back()->loc = "mykey"; } }; WRITE_CLASS_ENCODER(cls_rgw_obj) struct cls_rgw_obj_chain { list objs; cls_rgw_obj_chain() {} void push_obj(const string& pool, const cls_rgw_obj_key& key, const string& loc) { cls_rgw_obj obj; obj.pool = pool; obj.key = key; obj.loc = loc; objs.push_back(obj); } void encode(bufferlist& bl) const { ENCODE_START(1, 1, bl); ::encode(objs, bl); ENCODE_FINISH(bl); } void decode(bufferlist::iterator& bl) { DECODE_START(1, bl); ::decode(objs, bl); DECODE_FINISH(bl); } void dump(Formatter *f) const { f->open_array_section("objs"); for (list::const_iterator p = objs.begin(); p != objs.end(); ++p) { f->open_object_section("obj"); p->dump(f); f->close_section(); } f->close_section(); } static void generate_test_instances(list& ls) { ls.push_back(new cls_rgw_obj_chain); } bool empty() { return objs.empty(); } }; WRITE_CLASS_ENCODER(cls_rgw_obj_chain) struct cls_rgw_gc_obj_info { string tag; cls_rgw_obj_chain chain; ceph::real_time time; cls_rgw_gc_obj_info() {} void encode(bufferlist& bl) const { ENCODE_START(1, 1, bl); ::encode(tag, bl); ::encode(chain, bl); ::encode(time, bl); ENCODE_FINISH(bl); } void decode(bufferlist::iterator& bl) { DECODE_START(1, bl); ::decode(tag, bl); ::decode(chain, bl); ::decode(time, bl); DECODE_FINISH(bl); } void dump(Formatter *f) const { f->dump_string("tag", tag); f->open_object_section("chain"); chain.dump(f); f->close_section(); f->dump_stream("time") << time; } static void generate_test_instances(list& ls) { ls.push_back(new cls_rgw_gc_obj_info); ls.push_back(new cls_rgw_gc_obj_info); ls.back()->tag = "footag"; ceph_timespec ts{21, 32}; ls.back()->time = ceph::real_clock::from_ceph_timespec(ts); } }; WRITE_CLASS_ENCODER(cls_rgw_gc_obj_info) struct cls_rgw_lc_obj_head { time_t start_date; string marker; cls_rgw_lc_obj_head() {} void encode(bufferlist& bl) const { ENCODE_START(1, 1, bl); uint64_t t = start_date; ::encode(t, bl); ::encode(marker, bl); ENCODE_FINISH(bl); } void decode(bufferlist::iterator& bl) { DECODE_START(1, bl); uint64_t t; ::decode(t, bl); start_date = static_cast(t); ::decode(marker, bl); DECODE_FINISH(bl); } }; WRITE_CLASS_ENCODER(cls_rgw_lc_obj_head) struct cls_rgw_reshard_entry { ceph::real_time time; string tenant; string bucket_name; string bucket_id; string new_instance_id; uint32_t old_num_shards{0}; uint32_t new_num_shards{0}; cls_rgw_reshard_entry() {} void encode(bufferlist& bl) const { ENCODE_START(1, 1, bl); ::encode(time, bl); ::encode(tenant, bl); ::encode(bucket_name, bl); ::encode(bucket_id, bl); ::encode(new_instance_id, bl); ::encode(old_num_shards, bl); ::encode(new_num_shards, bl); ENCODE_FINISH(bl); } void decode(bufferlist::iterator& bl) { DECODE_START(1, bl); ::decode(time, bl); ::decode(tenant, bl); ::decode(bucket_name, bl); ::decode(bucket_id, bl); ::decode(new_instance_id, bl); ::decode(old_num_shards, bl); ::decode(new_num_shards, bl); DECODE_FINISH(bl); } void dump(Formatter *f) const; static void generate_test_instances(list& o); static void generate_key(const string& tenant, const string& bucket_name, string *key); void get_key(string *key) const; }; WRITE_CLASS_ENCODER(cls_rgw_reshard_entry) #endif