import contextlib import logging import os import textwrap import yaml from cStringIO import StringIO from teuthology import contextutil from teuthology import misc from teuthology import packaging from teuthology.orchestra import run log = logging.getLogger(__name__) # extra stuff we need to do our job here EXTRA_PKGS = [ 'git', ] # stuff that would be in a devmode install, but should be # installed in the system for running nosetests against # a production install. EXTRA_NOSETEST_PKGS = [ 'python-psutil', 'python-mock', ] def find_client0(cluster): ''' Find remote that has client.0 role, or None ''' for rem, roles in cluster.remotes.iteritems(): if 'client.0' in roles: return rem return None def pip(remote, package, venv=None, uninstall=False, force=False): ''' {un}install a package with pip, possibly in a virtualenv ''' if venv: pip = os.path.join(venv, 'bin', 'pip') args = ['sudo', pip] else: args = ['sudo', 'pip'] if uninstall: args.extend(['uninstall', '-y']) else: args.append('install') if force: args.append('-I') args.append(package) @contextlib.contextmanager def install_epel(remote): ''' install a disabled-by-default epel repo config file ''' remove = False try: if remote.os.package_type == 'deb': yield else: remove = True distromajor = remote.os.version.split('.')[0] repofiledata = textwrap.dedent(''' [epel] name=epel{version} metalink={version}&arch=$basearch enabled=0 gpgcheck=0 ''').format(version=distromajor) misc.create_file(remote, '/etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo', data=repofiledata, sudo=True)'sudo yum clean all') yield finally: if remove: misc.delete_file(remote, '/etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo', sudo=True) def enable_epel(remote, enable=True): ''' enable/disable the epel repo ''' args = 'sudo sed -i'.split() if enable: args.extend(['s/enabled=0/enabled=1/']) else: args.extend(['s/enabled=1/enabled=0/']) args.extend(['/etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo'])'sudo yum clean all') @contextlib.contextmanager def install_extra_pkgs(client): ''' Install EXTRA_PKGS ''' try: for pkg in EXTRA_PKGS: packaging.install_package(pkg, client) yield finally: for pkg in EXTRA_PKGS: packaging.remove_package(pkg, client) @contextlib.contextmanager def clone_calamari(config, client): ''' clone calamari source into current directory on remote ''' branch = config.get('calamari_branch', 'master') url = config.get('calamari_giturl', 'git://') try: out = StringIO() # ensure branch is present (clone -b will succeed even if # the branch doesn't exist, falling back to master) args='git ls-remote %s %s' % (url, branch), stdout=out, label='check for calamari branch %s existence' % branch ) if len(out.getvalue()) == 0: raise RuntimeError("Calamari branch %s doesn't exist" % branch)'git clone -b %s %s' % (branch, url)) yield finally: # sudo python develop may have left some root files around'sudo rm -rf calamari') @contextlib.contextmanager def write_info_yaml(cluster, client): ''' write info.yaml to client for nosetests ''' try: info = { 'cluster': { {'roles': roles} for rem, roles in cluster.remotes.iteritems() } } misc.create_file(client, 'calamari/info.yaml', data=yaml.safe_dump(info, default_flow_style=False)) yield finally: misc.delete_file(client, 'calamari/info.yaml') @contextlib.contextmanager def write_test_conf(client): ''' write calamari/tests/test.conf to client for nosetests ''' try: testconf = textwrap.dedent(''' [testing] calamari_control = external ceph_control = external bootstrap = False api_username = admin api_password = admin embedded_timeout_factor = 1 external_timeout_factor = 3 external_cluster_path = info.yaml ''') misc.create_file(client, 'calamari/tests/test.conf', data=testconf) yield finally: misc.delete_file(client, 'calamari/tests/test.conf') @contextlib.contextmanager def prepare_nosetest_env(client): try: # extra dependencies that would be in the devmode venv if client.os.package_type == 'rpm': enable_epel(client, enable=True) for package in EXTRA_NOSETEST_PKGS: packaging.install_package(package, client) if client.os.package_type == 'rpm': enable_epel(client, enable=False) # install nose itself into the calamari venv, force it in case it's # already installed in the system, so we can invoke it by path without # fear that it's not present pip(client, 'nose', venv='/opt/calamari/venv', force=True) # install a later version of requests into the venv as well # (for precise) pip(client, 'requests', venv='/opt/calamari/venv', force=True) # link ( develop) calamari/rest-api into the production venv # because production does not include, needed # for's ApiIntrospection args = 'cd calamari/rest-api'.split() + [run.Raw(';')] + \ 'sudo /opt/calamari/venv/bin/python develop'.split() # because, at least in Python 2.6/Centos, uses # 'os.path.exists()' to process .pth file entries, and exists() uses # access(2) to check for existence, all the paths leading up to # $HOME/calamari/rest-api need to be searchable by all users of # the package, which will include the WSGI/Django app, running # as the Apache user. So make them all world-read-and-execute. args = 'sudo chmod a+x'.split() + \ ['.', './calamari', './calamari/rest-api'] # make one dummy request just to get the WSGI app to do # all its log creation here, before the chmod below (I'm # looking at you, graphite -- /var/log/calamari/info.log and # /var/log/calamari/exception.log)'wget -q -O /dev/null http://localhost') # /var/log/calamari/* is root-or-apache write-only'sudo chmod a+w /var/log/calamari/*') yield finally: args = 'cd calamari/rest-api'.split() + [run.Raw(';')] + \ 'sudo /opt/calamari/venv/bin/python develop -u'.split() for pkg in ('nose', 'requests'): pip(client, pkg, venv='/opt/calamari/venv', uninstall=True) for package in EXTRA_NOSETEST_PKGS: packaging.remove_package(package, client) @contextlib.contextmanager def run_nosetests(client): ''' Actually run the tests ''' args = [ 'cd', 'calamari', run.Raw(';'), 'CALAMARI_CONFIG=/etc/calamari/calamari.conf', '/opt/calamari/venv/bin/nosetests', '-v', 'tests/', ] yield @contextlib.contextmanager def task(ctx, config): """ Run Calamari tests against an instance set up by 'calamari_server'. -- clone the Calamari source into $HOME (see options) -- write calamari/info.yaml describing the cluster -- write calamari/tests/test.conf containing 'external' for calamari_control and ceph_control 'bootstrap = False' to disable test bootstrapping (installing minions) no api_url necessary (inferred from client.0) 'external_cluster_path = info.yaml' -- modify the production Calamari install to allow test runs: install nose in the venv install EXTRA_NOSETEST_PKGS link in, with develop, calamari_rest (for ApiIntrospection) -- set CALAMARI_CONFIG to point to /etc/calamari/calamari.conf -- nosetests -v tests/ Options are: calamari_giturl: url from which to git clone calamari (default: git:// calamari_branch: git branch of calamari to check out (default: master) Note: the tests must find a clean cluster, so don't forget to set the crush default type appropriately, or install min_size OSD hosts """ client0 = find_client0(ctx.cluster) if client0 is None: raise RuntimeError("must have client.0 role") with contextutil.nested( lambda: install_epel(client0), lambda: install_extra_pkgs(client0), lambda: clone_calamari(config, client0), lambda: write_info_yaml(ctx.cluster, client0), lambda: write_test_conf(client0), lambda: prepare_nosetest_env(client0), lambda: run_nosetests(client0), ): yield