#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "sm750.h" #include "sm750_help.h" #include "sm750_cursor.h" #define PEEK32(addr) \ readl(cursor->mmio + (addr)) #define POKE32(addr,data) \ writel((data),cursor->mmio + (addr)) /* cursor control for voyager and 718/750*/ #define HWC_ADDRESS 0x0 #define HWC_ADDRESS_ENABLE 31:31 #define HWC_ADDRESS_ENABLE_DISABLE 0 #define HWC_ADDRESS_ENABLE_ENABLE 1 #define HWC_ADDRESS_EXT 27:27 #define HWC_ADDRESS_EXT_LOCAL 0 #define HWC_ADDRESS_EXT_EXTERNAL 1 #define HWC_ADDRESS_CS 26:26 #define HWC_ADDRESS_CS_0 0 #define HWC_ADDRESS_CS_1 1 #define HWC_ADDRESS_ADDRESS 25:0 #define HWC_LOCATION 0x4 #define HWC_LOCATION_TOP 27:27 #define HWC_LOCATION_TOP_INSIDE 0 #define HWC_LOCATION_TOP_OUTSIDE 1 #define HWC_LOCATION_Y 26:16 #define HWC_LOCATION_LEFT 11:11 #define HWC_LOCATION_LEFT_INSIDE 0 #define HWC_LOCATION_LEFT_OUTSIDE 1 #define HWC_LOCATION_X 10:0 #define HWC_COLOR_12 0x8 #define HWC_COLOR_12_2_RGB565 31:16 #define HWC_COLOR_12_1_RGB565 15:0 #define HWC_COLOR_3 0xC #define HWC_COLOR_3_RGB565 15:0 /* hw_cursor_xxx works for voyager,718 and 750 */ void hw_cursor_enable(struct lynx_cursor * cursor) { u32 reg; reg = FIELD_VALUE(0,HWC_ADDRESS,ADDRESS,cursor->offset)| FIELD_SET(0,HWC_ADDRESS,EXT,LOCAL)| FIELD_SET(0,HWC_ADDRESS,ENABLE,ENABLE); POKE32(HWC_ADDRESS,reg); } void hw_cursor_disable(struct lynx_cursor * cursor) { POKE32(HWC_ADDRESS,0); } void hw_cursor_setSize(struct lynx_cursor * cursor, int w,int h) { cursor->w = w; cursor->h = h; } void hw_cursor_setPos(struct lynx_cursor * cursor, int x,int y) { u32 reg; reg = FIELD_VALUE(0,HWC_LOCATION,Y,y)| FIELD_VALUE(0,HWC_LOCATION,X,x); POKE32(HWC_LOCATION,reg); } void hw_cursor_setColor(struct lynx_cursor * cursor, u32 fg,u32 bg) { POKE32(HWC_COLOR_12,(fg<<16)|(bg&0xffff)); POKE32(HWC_COLOR_3,0xffe0); } void hw_cursor_setData(struct lynx_cursor * cursor, u16 rop,const u8* pcol,const u8* pmsk) { int i,j,count,pitch,offset; u8 color,mask,opr; u16 data; void __iomem *pbuffer, *pstart; /* in byte*/ pitch = cursor->w >> 3; /* in byte */ count = pitch * cursor->h; /* in byte */ offset = cursor->maxW * 2 / 8; data = 0; pstart = cursor->vstart; pbuffer = pstart; /* if(odd &1){ hw_cursor_setData2(cursor,rop,pcol,pmsk); } odd++; if(odd > 0xfffffff0) odd=0; */ for(i=0;i> j)) { //use fg color,id = 2 data |= 2 << (j*2); }else{ //use bg color,id = 1 data |= 1 << (j*2); } } #else for(j=0;j<8;j++){ if(mask & (0x80>>j)){ if(rop == ROP_XOR) opr = mask ^ color; else opr = mask & color; /* 2 stands for forecolor and 1 for backcolor */ data |= ((opr & (0x80>>j))?2:1)<<(j*2); } } #endif iowrite16(data, pbuffer); /* assume pitch is 1,2,4,8,...*/ #if 0 if(!((i+1)&(pitch-1))) /* below line equal to is line */ #else if((i+1) % pitch == 0) #endif { /* need a return */ pstart += offset; pbuffer = pstart; }else{ pbuffer += sizeof(u16); } } } void hw_cursor_setData2(struct lynx_cursor * cursor, u16 rop,const u8* pcol,const u8* pmsk) { int i,j,count,pitch,offset; u8 color, mask; u16 data; void __iomem *pbuffer, *pstart; /* in byte*/ pitch = cursor->w >> 3; /* in byte */ count = pitch * cursor->h; /* in byte */ offset = cursor->maxW * 2 / 8; data = 0; pstart = cursor->vstart; pbuffer = pstart; for(i=0;i> j)) { //use fg color,id = 2 data |= 2 << (j*2); }else{ //use bg color,id = 1 data |= 1 << (j*2); } } #else for(j=0;j<8;j++){ if(mask & (1<