#Copyright 2015 Open Platform for NFV Project, Inc. and its contributors # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. class opnfv::external_net_presetup { if $public_gateway == '' { fail('public_gateway is empty') } if $public_dns == '' { fail('public_dns is empty') } if $public_network == '' { fail('public_network is empty') } if $public_subnet == '' { fail('public_subnet is empty') } if $public_allocation_start == '' { fail('public_allocation_start is empty') } if $public_allocation_end == '' { fail('public_allocation_end is empty') } if !$controllers_hostnames_array { fail('controllers_hostnames_array is empty') } $controllers_hostnames_array_str = $controllers_hostnames_array $controllers_hostnames_array = split($controllers_hostnames_array, ',') if ($admin_network != '') and ($admin_network != 'false') { $admin_nic = get_nic_from_network("$admin_network") if $admin_nic == '' { fail('admin_nic was not found') } $admin_ip = get_ip_from_nic("$admin_nic") $admin_netmask = get_netmask_from_nic("$admin_nic") if !$admin_ip { fail("admin_ip was not found $admin_nic") } if !$admin_netmask { fail("admin_netmask was not found on $admin_nic") } #Modify ifcfg Admin network augeas { "main-$admin_nic": context => "/files/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-$admin_nic", changes => [ "set IPADDR $admin_ip", "set NETMASK $admin_netmask", "rm GATEWAY", "rm DNS1", "set DEFROUTE no", "rm IPV6_DEFROUTE", "rm IPV6_PEERDNS", "rm IPV6_PEERROUTES", "rm PEERROUTES", "set PEERDNS no", "set BOOTPROTO static", "set IPV6INIT no", "set IPV6_AUTOCONF no", "set ONBOOT yes", ], notify => Exec['systemctl restart network'], } } if ($private_network != '') and ($private_network != 'false') { $private_nic = get_nic_from_network("$private_network") if $private_nic == '' { fail('private_nic was not found') } notify {"Private nic $private_nic":} $private_ip = get_ip_from_nic("$private_nic") $private_netmask = get_netmask_from_nic("$private_nic") if !$private_ip { fail("private_ip was not found on $private_nic") } if !$private_netmask { fail("private_netmask was not found on $private_nic") } #Modify ifcfg private network augeas { "main-$private_nic": context => "/files/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-$private_nic", changes => [ "set IPADDR $private_ip", "set NETMASK $private_netmask", "rm GATEWAY", "rm DNS1", "set DEFROUTE no", "rm IPV6_DEFROUTE", "rm IPV6_PEERDNS", "rm IPV6_PEERROUTES", "rm PEERROUTES", "set PEERDNS no", "set BOOTPROTO static", "set IPV6INIT no", "set IPV6_AUTOCONF no", "set ONBOOT yes", ], notify => Exec['systemctl restart network'], } } #find public NIC $public_nic = get_nic_from_network("$public_network") $public_nic_ip = get_ip_from_nic("$public_nic") $public_nic_netmask = get_netmask_from_nic("$public_nic") if ($public_nic == '') or ($public_nic_ip == '') or ($public_nic == "br-ex") or ($public_nic == "br_ex") { notify {"Skipping augeas, public_nic ${public_nic}, public_nic_ip ${public_nic_ip}":} exec {'ovs-vsctl -t 10 -- --may-exist add-br br-ex': path => ["/usr/sbin/", "/usr/bin/"], unless => 'ip addr show br-ex | grep "inet "', before => Exec['restart-network-public-nic-ip'], } ~> exec {'systemctl restart network': path => ["/usr/sbin/", "/usr/bin/"], refreshonly => 'true', } exec {'restart-network-public-nic-ip': command => 'systemctl restart network', path => ["/usr/sbin/", "/usr/bin/"], onlyif => 'ip addr show | grep $(ip addr show br-ex | grep -Eo "inet [\.0-9]+" | cut -d " " -f2) | grep -v br-ex', } } else { #reconfigure public interface to be ovsport augeas { "main-$public_nic": context => "/files/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-$public_nic", changes => [ "rm IPADDR", "rm NETMASK", "rm GATEWAY", "rm DNS1", "rm BOOTPROTO", "rm DEFROUTE", "rm IPV6_DEFROUTE", "rm IPV6_PEERDNS", "rm IPV6_PEERROUTES", "rm PEERROUTES", "set PEERDNS no", "set BOOTPROTO static", "set IPV6INIT no", "set IPV6_AUTOCONF no", "set ONBOOT yes", "set TYPE OVSPort", "set OVS_BRIDGE br-ex", "set PROMISC yes" ], before => Class["quickstack::pacemaker::params"], require => Service["openvswitch"], } -> #create br-ex interface file { 'external_bridge': path => '/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-br-ex', owner => 'root', group => 'root', mode => '0644', content => template('opnfv/br_ex.erb'), before => Class["quickstack::pacemaker::params"], } -> exec {'ovs-vsctl -t 10 -- --may-exist add-br br-ex': path => ["/usr/sbin/", "/usr/bin/"], } ~> exec {'systemctl restart network': path => ["/usr/sbin/", "/usr/bin/"], refreshonly => 'true', } } }