# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """Executing test of plugins""" import requests from keystoneclient.v3 import client import os import sys import time import logging import config_server import tests from opnfv.deployment import factory AODH_NAME = 'aodh' GNOCCHI_NAME = 'gnocchi' ID_RSA_SRC = '/root/.ssh/id_rsa' ID_RSA_DST_DIR = '/root/.ssh' ID_RSA_DST = ID_RSA_DST_DIR + '/id_rsa' APEX_IP = os.getenv("INSTALLER_IP").rstrip('\n') APEX_USER = 'root' APEX_USER_STACK = 'stack' APEX_PKEY = '/root/.ssh/id_rsa' PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) class KeystoneException(Exception): """Keystone exception class""" def __init__(self, message, exc=None, response=None): """ Keyword arguments: message -- error message exc -- exception response -- response """ if exc: message += "\nReason: %s" % exc super(KeystoneException, self).__init__(message) self.response = response self.exception = exc class InvalidResponse(KeystoneException): """Invalid Keystone exception class""" def __init__(self, exc, response): """ Keyword arguments: exc -- exception response -- response """ super(InvalidResponse, self).__init__( "Invalid response", exc, response) def get_apex_nodes(): handler = factory.Factory.get_handler('apex', APEX_IP, APEX_USER_STACK, APEX_PKEY) nodes = handler.get_nodes() return nodes class GnocchiClient(object): # Gnocchi Client to authenticate and request meters def __init__(self): self._auth_token = None self._gnocchi_url = None self._meter_list = None def auth_token(self): # Get auth token self._auth_server() return self._auth_token def get_gnocchi_url(self): # Get Gnocchi URL return self._gnocchi_url def get_gnocchi_metrics(self, criteria=None): # Subject to change if metric gathering is different for gnocchi self._request_meters(criteria) return self._meter_list def _auth_server(self): # Request token in authentication server logger.debug('Connecting to the auth server {}'.format( os.environ['OS_AUTH_URL'])) keystone = client.Client(username=os.environ['OS_USERNAME'], password=os.environ['OS_PASSWORD'], tenant_name=os.environ['OS_USERNAME'], auth_url=os.environ['OS_AUTH_URL']) self._auth_token = keystone.auth_token for service in keystone.service_catalog.get_data(): if service['name'] == GNOCCHI_NAME: for service_type in service['endpoints']: if service_type['interface'] == 'internal': self._gnocchi_url = service_type['url'] if self._gnocchi_url is None: logger.warning('Gnocchi is not registered in service catalog') def _request_meters(self, criteria): """Request meter list values from ceilometer Keyword arguments: criteria -- criteria for ceilometer meter list """ if criteria is None: url = self._gnocchi_url + ('/v2/metric?limit=400') else: url = self._gnocchi_url \ + ('/v3/metric/%s?q.field=metric&limit=400' % criteria) headers = {'X-Auth-Token': self._auth_token} resp = requests.get(url, headers=headers) try: resp.raise_for_status() self._meter_list = resp.json() except (KeyError, ValueError, requests.exceptions.HTTPError) as err: raise InvalidResponse(err, resp) class AodhClient(object): # Gnocchi Client to authenticate and request meters def __init__(self): self._auth_token = None self._aodh_url = None self._meter_list = None def auth_token(self): # Get auth token self._auth_server() return self._auth_token def get_aodh_url(self): # Get Gnocchi URL return self._gnocchi_url def get_aodh_metrics(self, criteria=None): # Subject to change if metric gathering is different for gnocchi self._request_meters(criteria) return self._meter_list def _auth_server(self): # Request token in authentication server logger.debug('Connecting to the AODH auth server {}'.format( os.environ['OS_AUTH_URL'])) keystone = client.Client(username=os.environ['OS_USERNAME'], password=os.environ['OS_PASSWORD'], tenant_name=os.environ['OS_USERNAME'], auth_url=os.environ['OS_AUTH_URL']) self._auth_token = keystone.auth_token for service in keystone.service_catalog.get_data(): if service['name'] == AODH_NAME: for service_type in service['endpoints']: if service_type['interface'] == 'internal': self._gnocchi_url = service_type['url'] if self._aodh_url is None: logger.warning('Aodh is not registered in service catalog') class CSVClient(object): """Client to request CSV meters""" def __init__(self, conf): """ Keyword arguments: conf -- ConfigServer instance """ self.conf = conf def get_csv_metrics( self, compute_node, plugin_subdirectories, meter_categories): """Get CSV metrics. Keyword arguments: compute_node -- compute node instance plugin_subdirectories -- list of subdirectories of plug-in meter_categories -- categories which will be tested Return list of metrics. """ compute_name = compute_node.get_name() nodes = get_apex_nodes() for node in nodes: if compute_name == node.get_dict()['name']: date = node.run_cmd( "date '+%Y-%m-%d'") hostname = node.run_cmd('hostname -A') hostname = hostname.split()[0] metrics = [] for plugin_subdir in plugin_subdirectories: for meter_category in meter_categories: stdout1 = node.run_cmd( "tail -2 /var/lib/collectd/csv/" + "{0}/{1}/{2}-{3}".format( hostname, plugin_subdir, meter_category, date)) stdout2 = node.run_cmd( "tail -1 /var/lib/collectd/csv/" + "{0}.jf.intel.com/{1}/{2}-{3}".format( compute_node.get_name(), plugin_subdir, meter_category, date)) # Storing last two values values = stdout1 if values is None: logger.error( 'Getting last two CSV entries of meter category' + ' {0} in {1} subdir failed'.format( meter_category, plugin_subdir)) else: values = values.split(',') old_value = float(values[0]) stdout2 = stdout2.split(',') new_value = float(stdout2[0]) metrics.append(( plugin_subdir, meter_category, old_value, new_value)) return metrics def get_csv_categories_for_ipmi(conf, compute_node): """Get CSV metrics. Keyword arguments: compute_node -- compute node instance Return list of categories. """ stdout = conf.execute_command( "date '+%Y-%m-%d'", compute_node.get_ip()) date = stdout[0].strip() categories = conf.execute_command( "ls /var/lib/collectd/csv/{0}.jf.intel.com/ipmi | grep {1}".format( compute_node.get_name(), date), compute_node.get_ip()) return [category.strip()[:-11] for category in categories] def _process_result(compute_node, out_plugin, test, result, results_list): """Print test result and append it to results list. Keyword arguments: test -- testcase name result -- boolean test result results_list -- results list """ if result: logger.info( 'Test case {0} PASSED with {1}.'.format( test, out_plugin)) else: logger.error( 'Test case {0} FAILED with {1}.'.format( test, out_plugin)) results_list.append((compute_node, out_plugin, test, result)) def _print_label(label): """Print label on the screen Keyword arguments: label -- label string """ label = label.strip() length = 70 if label != '': label = ' ' + label + ' ' length_label = len(label) length1 = (length - length_label) / 2 length2 = length - length_label - length1 length1 = max(3, length1) length2 = max(3, length2) logger.info(('=' * length1) + label + ('=' * length2)) def _print_plugin_label(plugin, node_name): """Print plug-in label. Keyword arguments: plugin -- plug-in name node_id -- node ID """ _print_label( 'Node {0}: Plug-in {1} Test case execution'.format(node_name, plugin)) def _print_final_result_of_plugin( plugin, compute_ids, results, out_plugins, out_plugin): """Print final results of plug-in. Keyword arguments: plugin -- plug-in name compute_ids -- list of compute node IDs results -- results list out_plugins -- list of out plug-ins out_plugin -- used out plug-in """ print_line = '' for id in compute_ids: if out_plugin == 'Gnocchi': if (id, out_plugin, plugin, True) in results: print_line += ' PASS |' elif (id, out_plugin, plugin, False) in results: print_line += ' FAIL |' else: print_line += ' NOT EX |' elif out_plugin == 'AODH': if (id, out_plugin, plugin, True) in results: print_line += ' PASS |' elif (id, out_plugin, plugin, False) in results: print_line += ' FAIL |' else: print_line += ' FAIL |' elif out_plugin == 'SNMP': if (id, out_plugin, plugin, True) in results: print_line += ' PASS |' elif (id, out_plugin, plugin, False) in results: print_line += ' FAIL |' else: print_line += ' FAIL |' elif out_plugin == 'CSV': if (id, out_plugin, plugin, True) in results: print_line += ' PASS |' elif (id, out_plugin, plugin, False) in results: print_line += ' FAIL |' else: print_line += ' NOT EX |' else: print_line += ' SKIP |' return print_line def print_overall_summary( compute_ids, tested_plugins, aodh_plugins, results, out_plugins): """Print overall summary table. Keyword arguments: compute_ids -- list of compute IDs tested_plugins -- list of plug-ins results -- results list out_plugins -- list of used out plug-ins """ compute_node_names = ['Node-{}'.format(i) for i in range( len((compute_ids)))] all_computes_in_line = '' for compute in compute_node_names: all_computes_in_line += '| ' + compute + (' ' * (7 - len(compute))) line_of_nodes = '| Test ' + all_computes_in_line + '|' logger.info('=' * 70) logger.info('+' + ('-' * ((9 * len(compute_node_names))+16)) + '+') logger.info( '|' + ' ' * ((9*len(compute_node_names))/2) + ' OVERALL SUMMARY' + ' ' * ( 9*len(compute_node_names) - (9*len(compute_node_names))/2) + '|') logger.info( '+' + ('-' * 16) + '+' + (('-' * 8) + '+') * len(compute_node_names)) logger.info(line_of_nodes) logger.info( '+' + ('-' * 16) + '+' + (('-' * 8) + '+') * len(compute_node_names)) out_plugins_print = [] out_plugins_print1 = [] for key in out_plugins.keys(): if 'Gnocchi' in out_plugins[key]: out_plugins_print1.append('Gnocchi') if 'AODH' in out_plugins[key]: out_plugins_print1.append('AODH') if 'SNMP' in out_plugins[key]: out_plugins_print1.append('SNMP') if 'CSV' in out_plugins[key]: out_plugins_print1.append('CSV') for i in out_plugins_print1: if i not in out_plugins_print: out_plugins_print.append(i) for out_plugin in out_plugins_print: output_plugins_line = '' for id in compute_ids: out_plugin_result = '----' if out_plugin == 'Gnocchi': out_plugin_result = \ 'PASS' elif out_plugin == 'AODH': out_plugin_result = \ 'PASS' elif out_plugin == 'SNMP': out_plugin_result = \ 'PASS' elif out_plugin == 'CSV': out_plugin_result = \ 'PASS' if [ plugin for comp_id, out_pl, plugin, res in results if comp_id == id and res] else 'FAIL' else: out_plugin_result = \ 'FAIL' output_plugins_line += '| ' + out_plugin_result + ' ' logger.info( '| OUT:{}'.format(out_plugin) + (' ' * (11 - len(out_plugin))) + output_plugins_line + '|') if out_plugin == 'AODH': for plugin in sorted(aodh_plugins.values()): line_plugin = _print_final_result_of_plugin( plugin, compute_ids, results, out_plugins, out_plugin) logger.info( '| IN:{}'.format(plugin) + (' ' * (11-len(plugin))) + '|' + line_plugin) else: for plugin in sorted(tested_plugins.values()): line_plugin = _print_final_result_of_plugin( plugin, compute_ids, results, out_plugins, out_plugin) logger.info( '| IN:{}'.format(plugin) + (' ' * (11-len(plugin))) + '|' + line_plugin) logger.info( '+' + ('-' * 16) + '+' + (('-' * 8) + '+') * len(compute_node_names)) logger.info('=' * 70) def _exec_testcase( test_labels, name, out_plugin, controllers, compute_node, conf, results, error_plugins, out_plugins): """Execute the testcase. Keyword arguments: test_labels -- dictionary of plug-in IDs and their display names name -- plug-in ID, key of test_labels dictionary ceilometer_running -- boolean indicating whether Ceilometer is running compute_node -- compute node ID conf -- ConfigServer instance results -- results list error_plugins -- list of tuples with plug-in errors (plugin, error_description, is_critical): plugin -- plug-in ID, key of test_labels dictionary error_decription -- description of the error is_critical -- boolean value indicating whether error is critical """ ovs_interfaces = conf.get_ovs_interfaces(compute_node) ovs_configured_interfaces = conf.get_plugin_config_values( compute_node, 'ovs_events', 'Interfaces') ovs_configured_bridges = conf.get_plugin_config_values( compute_node, 'ovs_stats', 'Bridges') ovs_existing_configured_int = [ interface for interface in ovs_interfaces if interface in ovs_configured_interfaces] ovs_existing_configured_bridges = [ bridge for bridge in ovs_interfaces if bridge in ovs_configured_bridges] plugin_prerequisites = { 'mcelog': [( conf.is_mcelog_installed(compute_node, 'mcelog'), 'mcelog must be installed.')], 'ovs_events': [( len(ovs_existing_configured_int) > 0 or len(ovs_interfaces) > 0, 'Interfaces must be configured.')], 'ovs_stats': [( len(ovs_existing_configured_bridges) > 0, 'Bridges must be configured.')]} gnocchi_criteria_lists = { 'hugepages': 'hugepages', 'intel_rdt': 'rdt', 'mcelog': 'mcelog', 'ovs_events': 'interface-ovs-system', 'ovs_stats': 'ovs_stats-br0.br0'} aodh_criteria_lists = { 'mcelog': 'mcelog', 'ovs_events': 'ovs_events'} snmp_mib_files = { 'intel_rdt': '/usr/share/snmp/mibs/Intel-Rdt.txt', 'hugepages': '/usr/share/snmp/mibs/Intel-Hugepages.txt', 'mcelog': '/usr/share/snmp/mibs/Intel-Mcelog.txt'} snmp_mib_strings = { 'intel_rdt': 'INTEL-RDT-MIB::rdtLlc.1', 'hugepages': 'INTEL-HUGEPAGES-MIB::hugepagesPageFree', 'mcelog': 'INTEL-MCELOG-MIB::memoryCorrectedErrors.1'} nr_hugepages = int(time.time()) % 10000 snmp_in_commands = { 'intel_rdt': None, 'hugepages': 'echo {} > /sys/kernel/'.format(nr_hugepages) + 'mm/hugepages/hugepages-2048kB/nr_hugepages', 'mcelog': '/root/mce-inject_df < /root/corrected'} csv_subdirs = { 'intel_rdt': [ 'intel_rdt-0-2'], 'hugepages': [ 'hugepages-mm-2048Kb', 'hugepages-node0-2048Kb', 'hugepages-node1-2048Kb'], # 'ipmi': ['ipmi'], 'mcelog': [ 'mcelog-SOCKET_0_CHANNEL_0_DIMM_any', 'mcelog-SOCKET_0_CHANNEL_any_DIMM_any'], 'ovs_stats': [ 'ovs_stats-br0.br0'], 'ovs_events': [ 'ovs_events-br0']} # csv_meter_categories_ipmi = get_csv_categories_for_ipmi(conf, # compute_node) csv_meter_categories = { 'intel_rdt': [ 'bytes-llc', 'ipc'], 'hugepages': ['vmpage_number-free', 'vmpage_number-used'], # 'ipmi': csv_meter_categories_ipmi, 'mcelog': [ 'errors-corrected_memory_errors', 'errors-uncorrected_memory_errors'], 'ovs_stats': [ 'if_dropped', 'if_errors', 'if_packets'], 'ovs_events': ['gauge-link_status']} _print_plugin_label( test_labels[name] if name in test_labels else name, compute_node.get_name()) plugin_critical_errors = [ error for plugin, error, critical in error_plugins if plugin == name and critical] if plugin_critical_errors: logger.error('Following critical errors occurred:'.format(name)) for error in plugin_critical_errors: logger.error(' * ' + error) _process_result( compute_node.get_id(), out_plugin, test_labels[name], False, results) else: plugin_errors = [ error for plugin, error, critical in error_plugins if plugin == name and not critical] if plugin_errors: logger.warning('Following non-critical errors occured:') for error in plugin_errors: logger.warning(' * ' + error) failed_prerequisites = [] if name in plugin_prerequisites: failed_prerequisites = [ prerequisite_name for prerequisite_passed, prerequisite_name in plugin_prerequisites[name] if not prerequisite_passed] if failed_prerequisites: logger.error( '{} test will not be executed, '.format(name) + 'following prerequisites failed:') for prerequisite in failed_prerequisites: logger.error(' * {}'.format(prerequisite)) else: plugin_interval = conf.get_plugin_interval(compute_node, name) if out_plugin == 'Gnocchi': res = conf.test_plugins_with_gnocchi( compute_node.get_name(), plugin_interval, logger, criteria_list=gnocchi_criteria_lists[name]) if out_plugin == 'AODH': res = conf.test_plugins_with_aodh( compute_node.get_name(), plugin_interval, logger, criteria_list=aodh_criteria_lists[name]) if out_plugin == 'SNMP': res = \ name in snmp_mib_files and name in snmp_mib_strings \ and conf.test_plugins_with_snmp( compute_node.get_name(), plugin_interval, logger, name, snmp_mib_files[name], snmp_mib_strings[name], snmp_in_commands[name]) if out_plugin == 'CSV': res = tests.test_csv_handles_plugin_data( compute_node, conf.get_plugin_interval(compute_node, name), name, csv_subdirs[name], csv_meter_categories[name], logger, CSVClient(conf)) if res and plugin_errors: logger.info( 'Test works, but will be reported as failure,' + 'because of non-critical errors.') res = False _process_result( compute_node.get_id(), out_plugin, test_labels[name], res, results) def get_results_for_ovs_events( plugin_labels, plugin_name, gnocchi_running, compute_node, conf, results, error_plugins): """ Testing OVS Events with python plugin """ plugin_label = 'OVS events' res = conf.enable_ovs_events( compute_node, plugin_label, error_plugins, create_backup=False) _process_result( compute_node.get_id(), plugin_label, res, results) logger.info("Results for OVS Events = {}" .format(results)) def create_ovs_bridge(): """Create OVS brides on compute nodes""" handler = factory.Factory.get_handler('apex', APEX_IP, APEX_USER_STACK, APEX_PKEY) nodes = handler.get_nodes() logger.info("Creating OVS bridges on computes nodes") for node in nodes: if node.is_compute(): node.run_cmd('sudo ovs-vsctl add-br br0') node.run_cmd('sudo ovs-vsctl set-manager ptcp:6640') logger.info('OVS Bridges created on compute nodes') def mcelog_install(): """Install mcelog on compute nodes.""" _print_label('Enabling mcelog and OVS bridges on compute nodes') handler = factory.Factory.get_handler('apex', APEX_IP, APEX_USER_STACK, APEX_PKEY) nodes = handler.get_nodes() for node in nodes: if node.is_compute(): centos_release = node.run_cmd('uname -r') if '3.10.0-514.26.2.el7.x86_64' not in centos_release: logger.info( 'Mcelog will not be enabled ' + 'on node-{0}, '.format(node.get_dict()['name']) + 'unsupported CentOS release found ({1}).'.format( centos_release)) else: logger.info( 'Checking if mcelog is enabled' + ' on node-{}...'.format(node.get_dict()['name'])) res = node.run_cmd('ls') if 'mce-inject_ea' and 'corrected' in res: logger.info( 'Mcelog seems to be already installed ' + 'on node-{}.'.format(node.get_dict()['name'])) node.run_cmd('sudo modprobe mce-inject') node.run_cmd('sudo ./mce-inject_ea < corrected') else: logger.info( 'Mcelog will be enabled on node-{}...'.format( node.get_dict()['id'])) node.put_file( 'PATH/' + 'mce-inject_ea', 'mce-inject_ea') node.run_cmd('chmod a+x mce-inject_ea') node.run_cmd('echo "CPU 0 BANK 0" > corrected') node.run_cmd( 'echo "STATUS 0xcc00008000010090" >>' + ' corrected') node.run_cmd( 'echo "ADDR 0x0010FFFFFFF" >> corrected') node.run_cmd('sudo modprobe mce-inject') node.run_cmd('sudo ./mce-inject_ea < corrected') logger.info('Mcelog is installed on all compute nodes') def mcelog_delete(): """Uninstall mcelog from compute nodes.""" handler = factory.Factory.get_handler( 'apex', APEX_IP, APEX_USER, APEX_PKEY) nodes = handler.get_nodes() for node in nodes: if node.is_compute(): output = node.run_cmd('ls') if 'mce-inject_ea' in output: node.run_cmd('rm mce-inject_ea') if 'corrected' in output: node.run_cmd('rm corrected') node.run_cmd('sudo systemctl restart mcelog') logger.info('Mcelog is deleted from all compute nodes') def get_ssh_keys(): if not os.path.isdir(ID_RSA_DST_DIR): os.makedirs(ID_RSA_DST_DIR) if not os.path.isfile(ID_RSA_DST): logger.info( "RSA key file {} doesn't exist".format(ID_RSA_DST) + ", it will be downloaded from installer node.") handler = factory.Factory.get_handler( 'apex', APEX_IP, APEX_USER, APEX_PKEY) apex = handler.get_installer_node() apex.get_file(ID_RSA_SRC, ID_RSA_DST) else: logger.info("RSA key file {} exists.".format(ID_RSA_DST)) def _check_logger(): """Check whether there is global logger available and if not, define one.""" if 'logger' not in globals(): global logger logger = logger.Logger("barometercollectd").getLogger() def main(bt_logger=None): """Check each compute node sends gnocchi metrics. Keyword arguments: bt_logger -- logger instance """ logging.getLogger("paramiko").setLevel(logging.WARNING) logging.getLogger("stevedore").setLevel(logging.WARNING) logging.getLogger("opnfv.deployment.manager").setLevel(logging.WARNING) if bt_logger is None: _check_logger() else: global logger logger = bt_logger _print_label("Starting barometer tests suite") get_ssh_keys() conf = config_server.ConfigServer(APEX_IP, APEX_USER, logger) controllers = conf.get_controllers() if len(controllers) == 0: logger.error('No controller nodes found!') return 1 computes = conf.get_computes() if len(computes) == 0: logger.error('No compute nodes found!') return 1 _print_label( 'Display of Control and Compute nodes available in the set up') logger.info('controllers: {}'.format([('{0}: {1}'.format( node.get_name(), node.get_ip())) for node in controllers])) logger.info('computes: {}'.format([('{0}: {1}'.format( node.get_name(), node.get_ip())) for node in computes])) mcelog_install() create_ovs_bridge() gnocchi_running_on_con = False aodh_running_on_con = False snmp_running = True _print_label('Testing Gnocchi, AODH and SNMP on nodes') for controller in controllers: gnocchi_running = ( gnocchi_running_on_con or conf.is_gnocchi_running(controller)) aodh_running = ( aodh_running_on_con or conf.is_aodh_running(controller)) compute_ids = [] compute_node_names = [] results = [] plugin_labels = { 'intel_rdt': 'Intel RDT', 'hugepages': 'Hugepages', # 'ipmi': 'IPMI', 'mcelog': 'Mcelog', 'ovs_stats': 'OVS stats', 'ovs_events': 'OVS events'} aodh_plugin_labels = { 'mcelog': 'Mcelog', 'ovs_events': 'OVS events'} out_plugins = {} for compute_node in computes: node_id = compute_node.get_id() node_name = compute_node.get_name() out_plugins[node_id] = [] compute_ids.append(node_id) compute_node_names.append(node_name) plugins_to_enable = [] error_plugins = [] gnocchi_running = ( gnocchi_running and conf.check_gnocchi_plugin_included( compute_node)) aodh_running = ( aodh_running and conf.check_aodh_plugin_included(compute_node)) logger.info("SNMP enabled on {}" .format(node_name)) if gnocchi_running: out_plugins[node_id].append("Gnocchi") if aodh_running: out_plugins[node_id].append("AODH") if snmp_running: out_plugins[node_id].append("SNMP") if 'Gnocchi' in out_plugins[node_id]: logger.info("CSV will be enabled for verification") plugins_to_enable.append('csv') out_plugins[node_id].append("CSV") if plugins_to_enable: _print_label( 'NODE {}: Enabling Test Plug-in '.format(node_name) + 'and Test case execution') if plugins_to_enable and not conf.enable_plugins( compute_node, plugins_to_enable, error_plugins, create_backup=False): logger.error( 'Failed to test plugins on node {}.'.format(node_id)) logger.info( 'Testcases on node {} will not be executed'.format( node_id)) else: if plugins_to_enable: collectd_restarted, collectd_warnings = \ conf.restart_collectd(compute_node) sleep_time = 10 logger.info( 'Sleeping for {} seconds'.format(sleep_time) + ' after collectd restart...') time.sleep(sleep_time) if plugins_to_enable and not collectd_restarted: for warning in collectd_warnings: logger.warning(warning) logger.error( 'Restart of collectd on node {} failed'.format( node_id)) logger.info( 'Testcases on node {}'.format(node_id) + ' will not be executed.') else: if collectd_warnings: for warning in collectd_warnings: logger.warning(warning) for i in out_plugins[node_id]: if i == 'AODH': for plugin_name in sorted(aodh_plugin_labels.keys()): _exec_testcase( aodh_plugin_labels, plugin_name, i, controllers, compute_node, conf, results, error_plugins, out_plugins[node_id]) else: for plugin_name in sorted(plugin_labels.keys()): _exec_testcase( plugin_labels, plugin_name, i, controllers, compute_node, conf, results, error_plugins, out_plugins[node_id]) mcelog_delete() print_overall_summary( compute_ids, plugin_labels, aodh_plugin_labels, results, out_plugins) if ((len([res for res in results if not res[2]]) > 0) or (len(results) < len(computes) * len(plugin_labels))): logger.error('Some tests have failed or have not been executed') return 1 return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())