2020-05-04 Cédric OllivierAdd tempest_telemetry 55/70155/1
2020-05-04 Cédric OllivierFix load_balancer options if ovn 52/70152/1
2020-05-04 Cédric OllivierEnable network_v6 testing in CNTT 46/70146/1
2020-05-03 Cédric OllivierUpdate octavia regexes 41/70141/1
2020-05-03 Cédric OllivierStop overriding tempest_conf.yaml in CNTT 33/70133/1
2020-05-02 Cédric OllivierAvoid useless ssh in juju_epc 25/70125/1
2020-05-01 Cédric OllivierUse official images instead of multiarch 08/70108/1
2020-05-01 Cédric OllivierExclude tests.scenario.test_octavia_lbaas in CNTT regexes 01/70101/1
2020-05-01 Cédric OllivierRename barbican->tempest_barbican & octavia->tempest_oc... 93/70093/1
2020-05-01 Cédric OllivierRemove neutron_trunk 88/70088/1
2020-04-30 Cédric OllivierSkip LoadBalancerTest in Functest Gates 77/70077/1
2020-04-28 Cédric OllivierSelect tag instead of commit id 23/70023/1
2020-04-28 Cédric OllivierRename neutron_tempest_plugin_api to tempest_neutron 20/70020/1
2020-04-28 Cédric OllivierComplete "Skip CfnInitIntegrationTest in tempest_heat" 12/70012/1
2020-04-27 Cédric OllivierMove static data to tempest_conf.yaml 07/70007/1
2020-04-27 Cédric OllivierSkip CfnInitIntegrationTest in tempest_heat 03/70003/1
2020-04-27 Cédric OllivierAdd tempest_heat in CNTT smoke 92/69992/1
2020-04-25 Cédric OllivierUse ujson version asked by OpenStack requirement 80/69980/2
2020-04-20 Cédric OllivierProtect password in juju_epc 68/69968/2
2020-04-19 Cédric OllivierRun sequentially tempest_heat 62/69962/1
2020-04-14 Cédric OllivierDecrease volume size in boot_server_attach_created_volu... 53/69953/1
2020-04-14 Cédric OllivierBackport Fixes-race-condition-in-test_add_remove_fixed_ip 48/69948/3
2020-04-12 Cédric OllivierConform with the upstream create_and_delete_subnets 39/69939/1
2020-04-11 Cédric OllivierAdd OVN tempest_conf.yaml 36/69936/1
2020-04-11 Cédric OllivierSkip VolumeBackupRestoreIntegrationTest in temptest_heat 28/69928/1
2020-04-11 Cédric OllivierAdd tempest_heat (heat-tempest-plugin) 25/69925/1
2020-04-10 Cédric OllivierSet concurrency and containers_per_tenant to 1 22/69922/1
2020-04-05 Cédric OllivierFix the Glance tasks 02/69902/1
2020-04-05 Cédric OllivierUpdate server_kwargs to boot_server_kwargs 97/69897/1
2020-04-04 Cédric OllivierReduce Tempest multi threads 92/69892/1
2020-04-04 Cédric OllivierSkip test_container_synchronization 86/69886/2
2020-04-03 Cédric OllivierFix upper-constraints in tempest-based containers 81/69881/1
2020-04-02 Cédric OllivierKeep the modified tempest 76/69876/2
2020-04-01 Cédric OllivierRename CNTT specific testcases 63/69863/1
2020-03-29 Cédric OllivierApply Accept-custom-registered-endpoints 55/69855/1
2020-03-28 Cédric OllivierIncrease Shaker timeout before init message in console 50/69850/1
2020-03-27 Cédric OllivierCheck the login prompt in console in SingleVm1 44/69844/2
2020-03-24 Cédric OllivierRemove duplicated g++ in vnf/Dockerfile 37/69837/1
2020-03-23 Cédric OllivierDoesn't redirect stderr when getting verifier id 34/69834/3
2020-03-17 Cédric OllivierUpdate xtesting to 0.87.0 11/69811/1
2020-03-17 Cédric OllivierRemove a duplicated package 10/69810/1
2020-03-05 Cédric OllivierAdd oauth1 as optional Keystone features 58/69758/1
2020-03-03 Cédric OllivierBlacklist tests which are not mandatory in CNTT 49/69749/1
2020-02-28 Cédric OllivierClean former dirs 42/69742/1
2020-02-21 Cédric OllivierSkip a few tests in tempest_full and tempest_slow 13/69713/1
2020-02-18 Cédric OllivierBlacklick test_add_subport if OVN 08/69708/1
2020-02-18 Cédric OllivierUpdate test case list in neutron-tempest-plugin-api 99/69699/2
2020-02-16 Cédric OllivierExclude vxlan testing in CNTT 84/69684/1
2020-02-16 Cédric OllivierRun test_agent_management vs OVN 83/69683/1
2020-02-16 Cédric OllivierSet dhcp_agent_scheduler as optional 82/69682/1
2020-02-16 Cédric OllivierOrder regex in neutron-tempest-plugin-api (CNTT) 81/69681/1
2020-02-04 Cédric OllivierAdd Functest CNTT-specific containers in release notes 28/69628/1
2020-01-14 Cédric OllivierUpdate ODL git commit id (python3 migration) 50/69550/1
2020-01-09 Cédric OllivierRevert "Ease overriding tempest_conf.yaml" 30/69530/1
2020-01-02 Cédric OllivierEase overriding tempest_conf.yaml 82/69482/1
2019-12-30 Cédric OllivierRemove test_server_connectivity_cold_migration_revert... 70/69470/1
2019-12-27 Cédric OllivierSet port_security: true in tempest_conf.yaml 63/69463/1
2019-12-27 Cédric OllivierFully remove Quotas.nova_update_and_delete 59/69459/1
2019-12-24 Cédric OllivierRemove former Rally blacklist 45/69445/1
2019-12-22 Cédric OllivierUpdate Xtesting to 0.86 25/69425/1
2019-12-07 Cédric OllivierRun tests sequentially in tempest_slow 80/69280/1
2019-12-07 Cédric OllivierDisable false ansiblelint warnings 76/69276/1
2019-12-03 Cédric OllivierDisable tempest serial_console testing 48/69248/1
2019-12-02 Cédric OllivierVerify Shaker results via json report 42/69242/1
2019-12-02 Cédric OllivierReturn result = 0 if failure in juju_epc 21/69221/1
2019-11-30 Cédric OllivierUpdate Xtesting to 0.85.0 11/69211/1
2019-11-27 Cédric OllivierPropose CNTT Compliance playbook 27/69127/1
2019-11-27 Cédric OllivierUpdate package list before installing in CircleCI 26/69126/1
2019-11-26 Cédric OllivierAdd tempest_scenario and tempest_slow in smoke-cntt 07/69107/1
2019-11-26 Cédric OllivierAdd functest-benchmarking-cntt 06/69106/1
2019-11-26 Cédric OllivierComplete tempest_full for CNTT Compliance 20/69020/2
2019-11-26 Cédric OllivierAdd tempest_full in Compliance 19/69019/1
2019-11-26 Cédric OllivierUpdate scheduler_available_filters 12/69012/1
2019-11-25 Cédric OllivierAdd rally_sanity 06/69006/1
2019-11-25 Cédric OllivierVerify additional Nova features 05/69005/1
2019-11-24 Cédric OllivierSwitch to OPNFV Clearwater repository 62/68962/2
2019-11-22 Cédric OllivierSet manage_volume_ref and manage_snapshot_ref 52/68952/1
2019-11-22 Cédric OllivierConform with latest SUT updates 50/68950/1
2019-11-18 Cédric OllivierAdd tempest_keystone in CNTT API Compliance 35/68935/1
2019-11-18 Cédric OllivierUpdate Xtesting 0.84 31/68931/1
2019-11-17 Cédric OllivierFix details in Rally 21/68921/1
2019-11-16 Cédric OllivierUpdate to Xtesting 0.83 11/68911/1
2019-11-16 Cédric OllivierCorrectly override dir_results and res_dir 99/68899/1
2019-11-16 Cédric OllivierOptimize lxml build if arm 94/68894/1
2019-11-15 Cédric OllivierTest identity project_tags and application_credentials 90/68890/1
2019-11-14 Cédric OllivierUpdate neutron-tempest-plugin-api regex (CNTT) 78/68878/1
2019-11-14 Cédric OllivierFix py version in path 75/68875/1
2019-11-13 Cédric OllivierFix parent container in smoke-cntt/Dockerfile 67/68867/1
2019-11-13 Cédric OllivierSet provider_vlans in tempest Neutron_plugin_options 66/68866/1
2019-11-13 Cédric OllivierAdd tempest_cinder in compliance 63/68863/1
2019-11-13 Cédric OllivierAdd features volume testing 62/68862/1
2019-11-10 Cédric OllivierBuld cntt containers in a specific stage 45/68845/1
2019-11-09 Cédric OllivierPublish functest-cntt-smoke 40/68840/2
2019-11-09 Cédric OllivierUpdate to Xtesting 0.82.0 37/68837/1
2019-11-07 Cédric OllivierUpdate Xtesting to 0.81 03/68803/2
2019-11-02 Cédric OllivierUpdate xtesting to 0.80.0 70/68770/1
2019-11-02 Cédric OllivierPin sphinxcontrib-spelling (4.2.1) 69/68769/1
2019-10-29 Cédric OllivierAdd keystone-tempest-plugin 11/68711/1
2019-10-29 Cédric OllivierAdd cinder-tempest-plugin 10/68710/1
2019-10-29 Cédric OllivierAdd healthcheck Horizon tests 09/68709/1