2022-09-26 Cédric OllivierFix 01/73501/1
2022-09-26 Cédric OllivierPrepare Functest Kubernetes v1.25 99/73499/1
2022-09-15 Cédric OllivierAllow triggering nfvbench jobs by comments 74/73474/1
2022-09-09 Cedric OllivierMerge "Fix mc calls"
2022-09-09 Cédric OllivierFix mc calls 69/73469/1
2022-09-09 Cedric OllivierMerge "Fix url when publishing docx"
2022-09-09 Cédric OllivierFix url when publishing docx 68/73468/1
2022-09-08 Cedric OllivierMerge "Publish docx and single rst to testresults.opnfv...
2022-09-08 Cédric OllivierPublish docx and single rst to 66/73466/1
2022-09-02 Cedric OllivierMerge "[docs] Add moselle to rtd job"
2022-08-31 Emma Foley[docs] Add moselle to rtd job 64/73464/1
2022-08-30 Cedric OllivierMerge "[opnfvdocs] Add moselle jobs"
2022-08-30 Cedric OllivierMerge "[opnfvdocs] Cut moselle branch"
2022-08-30 Cédric OllivierFully disable lf-build5 62/73462/1
2022-08-30 Cédric OllivierFully skip lf-build5 61/73461/1
2022-08-30 Emma Foley[opnfvdocs] Add moselle jobs 60/73460/1
2022-08-30 Emma Foley[opnfvdocs] Cut moselle branch 59/73459/1
2022-08-19 Cédric OllivierFix releases/moselle/thoth.yaml 52/73452/1
2022-08-19 Cédric OllivierGenerate moselle jobs 46/73446/3
2022-08-19 Cédric OllivierSkip lf-build5 to verify jobs 48/73448/1
2022-08-19 Cédric OllivierInstall indirect tox deps 23/73423/2
2022-08-19 Cédric OllivierPin virtualenv 47/73447/1
2022-07-26 Trevor BramwellMerge "[barometer] Add moselle jobs"
2022-07-26 Trevor BramwellMerge "Create Moselle stable branch for Vineperf"
2022-07-26 Trevor BramwellMerge "Create Moselle stable branch for Thoth."
2022-07-26 Trevor BramwellMerge "Cut moselle branch for barometer"
2022-07-26 Trevor BramwellMerge "Create Moselle stable branch for Kuberef"
2022-07-01 Cédric OllivierInstall py3.10 too 22/73422/1
2022-06-14 Sridhar K.... Create Moselle stable branch for Thoth. 13/73413/1
2022-06-14 Sridhar K.... Create Moselle stable branch for Vineperf 12/73412/2
2022-06-09 Emma Foley[barometer] Add moselle jobs 08/73408/1
2022-06-09 Emma FoleyCut moselle branch for barometer 07/73407/1
2022-06-08 Rihab BandayCreate Moselle stable branch for Kuberef 05/73405/2
2022-05-24 Cédric OllivierFix incorrect url 87/73387/1
2022-05-24 Cédric OllivierFix incorrect url 86/73386/1
2022-05-24 Cédric OllivierFix CNTT jjb 85/73385/1
2022-05-24 Cédric OllivierPublish cntt gate jobs 84/73384/2
2022-05-18 Cédric OllivierCreate Functest K8s v1.24 jobs 75/73375/1
2022-05-18 Cédric OllivierCreate Functest K8s v1.24 branch 74/73374/1
2022-05-18 Cédric OllivierPrepare Functest K8s v1.24 73/73373/1
2022-05-12 Cédric OllivierFix parent image names 72/73372/1
2022-05-12 Cédric OllivierFix incorrect parent image 71/73371/2
2022-05-12 Cédric OllivierRun trivy vs latest containers 70/73370/1
2022-05-12 Cédric OllivierFix arm tags 69/73369/1
2022-05-12 Cédric OllivierFix multiarch builder 68/73368/1
2022-05-12 Cédric OllivierBuild other multiarch images 67/73367/2
2022-05-12 Cédric OllivierBuild multiarch images 66/73366/2
2022-05-11 Cédric OllivierPrecise job names 65/73365/1
2022-05-11 Cédric OllivierPublish trivy jobs 64/73364/1
2022-05-11 Cédric OllivierBuild s3www 63/73363/1
2022-05-11 Cédric OllivierFix call orders 62/73362/1
2022-05-11 Cédric OllivierFix docker build calls 60/73360/2
2022-05-11 Cédric OllivierTry none in gitconfig 61/73361/1
2022-05-11 Cédric OllivierPublish Xtesting docker jobs 59/73359/4
2022-04-29 Cédric OllivierSwitch Functest master to lf-pod4 29/73329/1
2022-04-25 Cédric OllivierPublish Functest stable/yoga branch 23/73323/1
2022-04-22 Cédric OllivierPublish Xtesting Yoga jobs 20/73320/1
2022-04-22 Cédric OllivierCreate Xtesting Yoga branch 17/73317/1
2022-04-22 Cédric OllivierPrepare Yoga branches 16/73316/1
2022-04-21 Cédric OllivierFix trivy calls (2) 15/73315/1
2022-04-21 Cédric OllivierFix trivy calls 14/73314/1
2022-04-21 Cédric OllivierClean Airship Jenkins Jobs 13/73313/1
2022-04-15 Cédric OllivierFix .boto location 11/73311/1
2022-04-15 Cédric OllivierFix download campaign builder 10/73310/2
2022-04-15 Cédric OllivierSet uid and gid to 1000 in all jobs 09/73309/1
2022-04-15 Cédric OllivierLeverage non-root user in Xtesting containers 08/73308/1
2022-04-14 Cédric OllivierChown output dirs 07/73307/1
2022-04-13 Cédric OllivierFix grype location 05/73305/1
2022-04-13 Cédric OllivierSwitch from docker scan to grype 04/73304/1
2022-04-12 Cédric OllivierAccept license automatically 02/73302/1
2022-04-12 Cédric OllivierAdd missing sudo calls in Docker scans 01/73301/1
2022-04-12 Cédric OllivierAdd docker-scan in Functest images 00/73300/2
2022-03-04 Cédric OllivierEnable Xtesting MTS back 49/73249/1
2022-03-04 Cédric OllivierTemporarily disable Xtesting MTS 46/73246/1
2022-02-25 Cédric OllivierSet a few email-ext attributes 30/73230/1
2022-02-25 Cédric OllivierRather leverage mail-ext 29/73229/1
2022-02-08 Trevor BramwellMerge "Support CentOS 7 in GoogleStorage Gitlab template"
2022-01-21 Cedric OllivierMerge "Increase timout for apt locks"
2022-01-21 Cédric OllivierIncrease timout for apt locks 87/73187/1
2022-01-07 Cedric OllivierMerge "Patch ansible role for docker creds"
2022-01-07 Cédric OllivierPatch ansible role for docker creds 58/73158/2
2022-01-06 Cedric OllivierMerge "Enable a few CI jobs"
2022-01-06 Cédric OllivierEnable a few CI jobs 56/73156/1
2022-01-06 Cedric OllivierMerge "Temporarily disable a few CI jobs"
2022-01-06 Cédric OllivierTemporarily disable a few CI jobs 55/73155/1
2022-01-05 jenkins-ciCreate Stable Branch Jobs for opnfvdocs 53/73153/2
2022-01-05 Trevor BramwellCreate OPNFVDocs Lakelse Release Branch 52/73152/1
2022-01-05 Trevor BramwellMerge "Adding Lakelse RTD jobs for Kuberef"
2022-01-05 Cédric OllivierFix incorrect in Functest K8S PI jobs 49/73149/1
2022-01-05 Cédric OllivierEnable a few CI job back 48/73148/1
2022-01-05 Rihab BandayAdding Lakelse RTD jobs for Kuberef 47/73147/2
2022-01-05 Cédric OllivierTemporarily disable a few CI jobs 46/73146/1
2021-12-17 Cedric OllivierMerge "Add Functest Kubernetes v1.23 jobs"
2021-12-17 Trevor BramwellMerge "Create Stable Branch Jobs for vineperf"
2021-12-17 Emma FoleyCut lakelse branch for barometer 17/73117/1
2021-12-17 Emma Foley[barometer] Add lakelse jobs 15/73115/1
2021-12-16 Cédric OllivierAdd Functest Kubernetes v1.23 jobs 14/73114/1
2021-12-16 Cedric OllivierMerge "Create v1.23 branch for Functest Kubernetes"
2021-12-15 Cédric OllivierCreate v1.23 branch for Functest Kubernetes 09/73109/1
2021-12-15 Rihab BandayCreate Lakelse stable branch for Kuberef 08/73108/1