2017-10-02 Markos ChandrasMerge "docs: Fix env var OPNFV_RELENG_DEV_PATH"
2017-10-02 Markos ChandrasMerge "Add the name for CentOS NFS server package"
2017-10-02 Markos ChandrasMerge "xci: Fix variable names for bifro...
2017-10-02 Fatih Degirmencidocs: Fix env var OPNFV_RELENG_DEV_PATH 47/43947/1
2017-10-02 Markos Chandrasxci: Fix variable names for bifrost... 09/43909/1
2017-10-02 Markos ChandrasMerge "Install python-openstackclient by default"
2017-10-02 Markos ChandrasMerge "xci: Fix distribution detection"
2017-10-02 Markos ChandrasMerge "xci: scripts: Fix default test...
2017-10-02 Tapio TallgrenAdd the name for CentOS NFS server package 53/43853/1
2017-10-02 Fatih DegirmenciInstall python-openstackclient by default 65/43665/4
2017-10-02 Markos Chandrasxci: scripts: Fix default test case 19/43819/1
2017-10-02 Fatih DegirmenciMerge "Update .gitignore for documentation"
2017-10-02 Markos ChandrasMerge "Add documentation for user guide and sandbox"
2017-10-02 Markos Chandrasxci: Fix distribution detection 09/43809/2
2017-10-01 Markos Chandrasxci: file: ansible-role-requirements: Bump SHA for... 97/43797/1
2017-09-30 Fatih DegirmenciAdd documentation for user guide and sandbox 75/43675/3
2017-09-29 Fatih DegirmenciUpdate .gitignore for documentation 61/43661/1
2017-09-29 Markos ChandrasMerge "Check if /etc/ssl/certs exists before creating it"
2017-09-29 Fatih DegirmenciCreate the structure for the documentation 33/40533/2
2017-09-29 Tapio TallgrenCheck if /etc/ssl/certs exists before creating it 81/42481/5
2017-09-29 Markos ChandrasMerge changes from topic 'fix-vm-on-jenkins'
2017-09-28 Markos Chandrasxci: Apply workaround for checking db... 63/43463/1
2017-09-28 Markos Chandrasxci: playbooks: synchronize-time: Fix service name... 23/43423/1
2017-09-28 Fatih DegirmenciEnsure the pinned versions of components match to the... 65/42165/3
2017-09-28 Markos Chandrasxci: configure-opnfvhost: Do not run 'remove-folders' 09/43409/1
2017-09-28 Markos Chandrasxci: scripts: Pin diskimage-builder 03/43403/2
2017-09-28 Markos Chandrasxci: configure-opnfvhost: Do not check /etc/ssl/certs... 97/43397/3
2017-09-28 Markos ChandrasMerge changes from topic 'fix-vm-on-jenkins'
2017-09-27 Markos Chandrasxci: scripts: Fix paths for default... 17/43317/8
2017-09-27 Markos Chandrasxci: Replace ANSIBLE_VERBOSITY with XCI_ANSIBLE_VERBOSITY 03/43203/10
2017-09-27 Markos Chandrasxci: scripts: Print dib output when... 63/43163/16
2017-09-27 Markos Chandrasxci: scripts: Use 'unsafe' cache for... 81/43281/9
2017-09-27 Markos Chandrasxci: Make sure all local Ansible install... 75/42975/11
2017-09-27 Markos Chandrasxci: scripts: Do not allow multiple... 51/43351/7
2017-09-27 Manuel BuilRemove the quotes from the IP 41/43341/1
2017-09-27 Fatih DegirmenciMerge "xci: scripts: Fix script to run on Jenkins CI"
2017-09-27 Manuel BuilCreate a role which prepares xci for functest 69/42069/11
2017-09-26 Markos Chandrasxci: scripts: Fix script to run on Jenkins CI 35/43035/18
2017-09-25 Markos Chandrasxci: file: Update package metadata before installing... 57/43057/1
2017-09-25 Markos ChandrasMerge "xci: scripts: Add script to use clean virtual...
2017-09-25 Markos ChandrasMerge "bugfix: Correct the role in aio configure-opnfvh...
2017-09-25 Markos Chandrasxci: scripts: Add script to use clean virtual machines... 43/42743/6
2017-09-25 Fatih Degirmencibugfix: Correct the role in aio configure-opnfvhost.yml 87/42987/1
2017-09-23 Taseer AhmedLog Horizon URL, admin username and password on console. 57/40557/16
2017-09-22 Fatih DegirmenciMerge "Install docker and shade on opnfv host"
2017-09-22 Markos ChandrasMerge "Reduce no of cpus allocated per node"
2017-09-22 Markos ChandrasMerge changes from topic 'split-variable-creation-to...
2017-09-22 Markos ChandrasMerge changes from topic 'split-variable-creation-to...
2017-09-22 Markos ChandrasMerge "Override ansible role versions only if OSA versi...
2017-09-22 Markos ChandrasMerge changes from topic 'split-variable-creation-to...
2017-09-22 Fatih DegirmenciReduce no of cpus allocated per node 41/42741/2
2017-09-22 Fatih DegirmenciInstall docker and shade on opnfv host 55/42755/2
2017-09-22 wutianweiAdd the internal_vip( to used_ip 17/41517/3
2017-09-21 Markos Chandrasxci: configure-localhost: Do not check /etc/ssl/certs... 95/42695/7
2017-09-21 Markos Chandrasxci: Move the script to 97/42397/8
2017-09-21 Markos Chandrasxci: playbooks: Include distribution var files dynamically 87/42287/10
2017-09-21 Markos Chandrasxci: Ensure env_reset is not present 07/42407/8
2017-09-21 Markos Chandrasxci: provision-vm-nodes.yml: Merge plays 05/42405/8
2017-09-21 Markos Chandrasbifrost: scripts: Look for virtualbmc on bifrost virtualenv 79/42279/9
2017-09-21 Markos Chandrasxci: Gain elevated privileges to remove the XCI_DEVEL_R... 93/42693/7
2017-09-21 Markos Chandrasxci: Move VM provisioning to 37/42337/9
2017-09-19 Markos ChandrasMerge "xci: provision-vm-nodes: Use sudo to remove...
2017-09-18 Markos ChandrasMerge "bifrost: scripts: Do not run env-setup twice"
2017-09-18 Markos Chandrasxci: provision-vm-nodes: Use sudo to remove the XCI... 95/42395/1
2017-09-18 Fatih DegirmenciMerge "Ensure XCI_DEVEL_ROOT is removed"
2017-09-18 Markos Chandrasbifrost: scripts: Do not run env-setup twice 53/42253/1
2017-09-18 Fatih DegirmenciEnsure XCI_DEVEL_ROOT is removed 91/42191/1
2017-09-17 Markos Chandrasxci: synchronize-time: Install the chrony package and... 31/41631/4
2017-09-17 Markos Chandrasxci: configure-nfs: Install the NFS server package 29/41629/4
2017-09-17 Markos Chandrasxci: configure-nfs: Add SUSE support 27/41627/4
2017-09-17 Markos Chandrasxci: configure-network: Add ability to configure networ... 23/41623/4
2017-09-17 Fatih DegirmenciOverride ansible role versions only if OSA version... 63/42163/1
2017-09-16 Markos Chandrasxci: Allow to run on SUSE... 21/41621/2
2017-09-16 Markos Chandrasxci: Configure dib so VMs match the... 19/41619/2
2017-09-16 Markos ChandrasVagrantfile: Update base OS before installing XCI 17/41617/2
2017-09-16 Markos ChandrasVagrantfile: Bump memory requirements to 16G 15/41615/2
2017-09-16 Markos ChandrasVagrantfile: Add workaround for empty /etc/hosts 13/41613/2
2017-09-16 Markos Chandrasxci: Move Vagrantfile to root directory 11/41611/2
2017-09-16 Markos Chandrasxci: Vagrantfile: Set $HOME/.local/bin to path 09/41609/2
2017-09-16 Markos Chandrasxci: Vagrantfile: Switch off privilege mode 07/41607/2
2017-09-15 Markos Chandrasxci: playbooks: Add task for loading distribution variables 83/41783/19
2017-09-15 Markos Chandrasxci: env-vars: Bump Ansible version to 77/42077/8
2017-09-15 Markos Chandrasbifrost: Use virtual environment for bifrost 11/42011/2
2017-09-15 Fatih DegirmenciDisable strict host key checking for galera cluster... 05/42005/3
2017-09-15 Fatih DegirmenciMerge "Generate and use certificates for OSA"
2017-09-14 Fatih DegirmenciMerge "synchronize-time: Retry if chrony failed due...
2017-09-14 Yolanda RoblaGenerate and use certificates for OSA 35/39435/16
2017-09-14 Markos Chandrassynchronize-time: Retry if chrony failed due to NTP... 07/42007/1
2017-09-14 Markos ChandrasMerge "xci: Do not 'tee' ssh output"
2017-09-14 Markos Chandrasxci: Do not 'tee' ssh output 21/41721/9
2017-09-13 Markos ChandrasMerge "xci: SHA bump as of September 5th 2017"
2017-09-13 Markos ChandrasMerge "xci: scripts: Update wording for comments"
2017-09-08 Tapio TallgrenAdd ~/.local/bin to PATH if it is not there already 29/39729/5
2017-09-06 Markos Chandrasxci: SHA bump as of September 5th 2017 05/41605/1
2017-09-06 Markos Chandrasxci: scripts: Update wording for comments 03/41603/1
2017-09-04 Fatih Degirmencibugfix: Add symlinks for interface files for additional... 75/40975/2
2017-08-31 Fatih DegirmenciMerge "cinder: Bring in the fix for cinder online migra...
2017-08-31 Fatih DegirmenciMerge "keepalived: Bring in the fix for iteritems for...
2017-08-31 Markos ChandrasMerge changes from topic 'initial-multi-distro-support'
2017-08-31 Markos ChandrasMerge "xci: Vagrantfile: Add openSUSE Leap 42.2 and...