2016-02-16 jose.lausuchCreate vPing instances with dynamic ports created by... 97/10097/1
2016-02-12 Juha KosonenRally live migration case selection 73/9873/1
2016-02-12 Morgan RichommeAdd result overview and onos-nosdn-ha scenario reults 61/9861/1
2016-02-12 Ryota MIBUdocs: add userguide file for the central doc 59/9859/1
2016-02-11 ChristopherPriceAdding a structure for the reporting of test cases... 11/9811/1
2016-02-11 Morgan Richommebug fiw syntax when calling push to db from vIMS 93/9793/1
2016-02-11 Morgan RichommeAdd project in push_to_db function of functests utils... 87/9787/1
2016-02-11 Morgan RichommePush results without extra formating 81/9781/1
2016-02-11 Viktor TikkanenEnadled --serial option for 77/9777/1
2016-02-10 jose.lausuchBugfix add "fi" at the end of the if-else statement... 55/9755/1
2016-02-10 jose.lausuchAdd -n|--no-clean flag to vPing,Tempest,Rally,vIMS... 43/9743/1
2016-02-10 jose.lausuchRename the vPing scripts proplery and adapt documentation 33/9733/1
2016-02-10 jose.lausuchDoc updates 21/9721/1
2016-02-10 jose.lausuchCreate Rally summary report also for verbose mode 13/9713/1
2016-02-10 Morgan RichommePush rally summary results into DB 09/9709/1
2016-02-09 Juha KosonenRemove obsolete public network definitions 43/9643/1
2016-02-09 jose.lausuchCreate Rally output summary at the end of the tests 41/9641/1
2016-02-09 Ryota MIBUdoctor: adds logger 13/9613/1
2016-02-09 Morgan Richommeupdate doc 11/9611/1
2016-02-09 Viktor TikkanenUsed sed instead of crudini for updating regex 89/9589/1
2016-02-08 Morgan RichommeMerge "enable doctor test scenario" into stable/brahmaputra
2016-02-08 Ryota MIBUenable doctor test scenario 09/9509/1
2016-02-08 Viktor TikkanenAdded configuration of ssh_user_regex parameter 07/9507/1
2016-02-05 Juha KosonenReduce the number of iterations to ten in rally scenarios 27/9427/1
2016-02-05 Morgan Richommeupdate user guide 99/9399/1
2016-02-04 jose.lausuchImport request python module for promise test case 75/9275/1
2016-02-04 Juha KosonenFix success status parsing of rally results 53/9253/1
2016-02-04 jose.lausuchUse python json parser to get the results form the... 37/9237/1
2016-02-03 Morgan Richommebug fix: get installer using functest_utils 87/9187/1
2016-02-03 grakissFIX:use 'info' after sourcing the 21/9121/2
2016-02-03 grakissFIX: sleep 3 second to release from... 29/9129/1
2016-02-03 jose.lausuchShow Promise results output and push results to DB 25/9125/1
2016-02-03 jose.lausuchConsider volumes and floatingips as defaults in clean_o... 23/9123/1
2016-02-02 jose.lausuchCreate security groups with ICMP and SSH rules for... 71/9071/1
2016-02-02 Morgan Richommebug fix to run tempest and minor display error in run_t... 69/9069/1
2016-02-02 jose.lausuchReport vPing timeouts to the DB with duration = 0 and... 37/9037/1
2016-02-02 jose.lausuchRemove error message if instance is not found 29/9029/1
2016-02-02 jose.lausuchSmall improvements with output messages 21/9021/1
2016-02-02 jose.lausuchUse openstack client to avoid keystone deprecation... 17/9017/1
2016-02-02 jose.lausuchUse generate_defaults instead of os_defaults fixed... 09/9009/1
2016-02-01 jose.lausuchUse promise-flavor if exists and don't try to create... 31/8931/1
2016-02-01 jose.lausuchAdd script to generate the OpenStack defaults 25/8925/1
2016-02-01 Juha KosonenEnable all rally outputs in verbose mode 09/8909/1
2016-02-01 ChristopherPriceAdding structure to pull content into central docs. 85/8885/1
2016-02-01 Morgan Richommeuse scenario instead of git info in version field of... 83/8883/1
2016-02-01 Morgan RichommeMerge "Add aodh default user for apex" into stable...
2016-02-01 lanqinglongAdd testcases results to DB 81/8881/1
2016-02-01 jose.lausuchReplace openstack single clients by python-openstackcclient 79/8879/1
2016-02-01 jose.lausuchExport private net OS_TEST_NETWORK for Promise tests 77/8877/1
2016-02-01 jose.lausuchAdd aodh default user for apex 47/8847/1
2016-01-30 lanqinglongfix the bug of onos test report 87/8787/1
2016-01-30 jose.lausuchCopy tempest.conf to results dir to be uploaded to... 71/8771/1
2016-01-29 jose.lausuchCreate stdout and stderr files for Tempest results 97/8597/1
2016-01-29 Morgan RichommeAdd promise section from patch 8361 of Gerald 95/8595/1
2016-01-29 Gerald KunzmannEditorials 91/8591/1
2016-01-29 bouchervbugfix: self.logger 79/8579/1
2016-01-29 bouchervMerge "Add some error result in result db api" into...
2016-01-29 Juha KosonenChange scenario start/result messages in run_rally... 61/8461/1
2016-01-29 bouchervAdd some error result in result db api 57/8457/1
2016-01-29 Juha KosonenAdd scenario name to Rally result message 11/8411/1
2016-01-29 Stuart MackieChanged to use $(repos_dir) and removed # 09/8409/1
2016-01-29 Morgan RichommeUpdate doc 07/8407/1
2016-01-28 jose.lausuchSmall typos fixes in 51/8351/1
2016-01-28 jose.lausuchChange to logger.error when there is an error in clean_... 41/8341/1
2016-01-28 Juha KosonenRefactor 13/8313/1
2016-01-28 lanqinglongchange for get joid onos ip 75/8275/1
2016-01-28 Morgan RichommeFollow change in joid use SDN_CONTROLLER_IP env var... 69/8269/1
2016-01-28 jose.lausuchMerge "Fix promise test output" into stable/brahmaputra
2016-01-28 jose.lausuchReduce Rally output 51/8251/1
2016-01-28 Juha KosonenVolume type management moved from to run_r... 49/8249/1
2016-01-27 jose.lausuchFix promise test output 07/8207/1
2016-01-27 jose.lausuchBugfix print arguments in 01/8201/1
2016-01-27 jose.lausuchPrint json result file of Promise testcase 85/8185/1
2016-01-27 jose.lausuchRemove possible message "No handlers could be found... 81/8181/1
2016-01-27 jose.lausuchOption to redirect stderr output to a file for Tempest... 79/8179/1
2016-01-27 jose.lausuchRefactor script 77/8177/1
2016-01-27 CNlukaiFUNCTEST-128 39/8139/1
2016-01-27 Morgan RichommeMerge "bug fix bad var affection when running ODL"...
2016-01-27 CNlukaiFUNCTEST-127 25/8125/1
2016-01-27 Morgan Richommebug fix bad var affection when running ODL 21/8121/1
2016-01-27 Morgan Richommetypo fix on odl 17/8117/1
2016-01-26 jose.lausuchAdd timeout in paramiko ssh command 65/8065/1
2016-01-26 Morgan RichommeAdd bgpvpn and odl_vpnservice in config_yaml 59/8059/1
2016-01-26 jose.lausuchAdd more OS defaults for Fuel 8.0 51/8051/1
2016-01-26 Morgan RichommePatch ODL scenario to support joid (different keystone... 47/8047/1
2016-01-26 jose.lausuchAdd function for Promise libraries pre-install 45/8045/1
2016-01-26 Morgan RichommeMerge "Replace 'No vPing detected' by a better understa...
2016-01-26 jose.lausuchAllow executing ODL test as many times as wanted on... 37/8037/1
2016-01-26 jose.lausuchReplace 'No vPing detected' by a better understandable... 35/8035/1
2016-01-26 jose.lausuchAdd whitespace in the vPing2 command 25/8025/1
2016-01-26 jose.lausuchAdd missing directories env variables in 23/8023/1
2016-01-26 jose.lausuchFix typo in requirements.pip 09/8009/1
2016-01-26 jose.lausuchUse paramiko library to SSH and SCP the instances in... 03/8003/1
2016-01-26 Morgan RichommeRemove vPing_userdata and vIMS from onos scenario 01/8001/1
2016-01-26 jose.lausuchAdd copy of packages.json to the features path before... 91/7991/1
2016-01-26 jose.lausuchUse rally cert script 89/7989/1
2016-01-26 meimeibugfix: syntax error 55/7955/1
2016-01-25 Nikolas HermannsAdding BGPVPN and VPNSERVICE testcases 03/7903/1
2016-01-25 jose.lausuchAdd support for Promise test cases 67/7867/1
2016-01-25 Morgan Richommetest db migration 55/7855/1