2017-05-31 Deepak SMerge "acl_lib: remove unused dualstack code from acl...
2017-05-31 Deepak SMerge "vFW: remove unused dualstack support code"
2017-05-31 Deepak SMerge "vFW: Clear the pkt drop count for unsupported...
2017-05-30 Deepak SIf port configuration fails. Try again after disabling... 39/35539/1
2017-05-30 Vishwesh M... [SAMPLEVNF] Adding UDP Replay VNF 07/35407/3
2017-05-19 Deepak SAdding http proxy setup for non-intractive build 27/35027/1
2017-05-19 Deepak SAdding support to build the vnfs without user intervention 23/35023/2
2017-05-12 Deepak SChange PMD link down to warning instead of panic error 67/34667/1
2017-05-12 Anand B Jyotiacl_lib: remove unused dualstack code from acl library 63/34663/1
2017-05-12 Anand B JyotivFW: remove unused dualstack support code 61/34661/1
2017-05-12 Anand B JyotivFW: Clear the pkt drop count for unsupported type... 59/34659/1
2017-05-11 Deepak SAllow enable/disable of checksum for cgnapt 83/34583/3
2017-05-11 Deepak SDefault enable only NAPT features 81/34581/2
2017-04-20 Deepak SBUGFix: Allow the vCGNAPT compile without FTP/SIP funct... 17/33617/1
2017-04-20 Deepak SBugFix: Correct the path while checking for dpdk instal... 15/33615/1
2017-04-19 Anand B JyotivFW: Adding Virtual Firewall VNF 97/33497/7
2017-04-19 Bindya NarayanvACL VNF initial check-in 65/33465/7
2017-04-19 Deepak SvCGNAPT VNF initial check-in 95/33495/6
2017-04-19 Deepak SAdding script to auto build VNFs 93/33493/5
2017-04-18 Vishwesh M... common: Adding common library for sample vnf 91/33491/1
2017-04-18 agardnerAdding INFO and LICENSE for review 91/32091/2
2017-03-28 Aric GardnerInitial empty repository