2017-03-17 Morgan RichommeMerge "Adds cronjob for filling vnf table row entries"
2017-03-17 Morgan RichommeMerge "Add vnf, tag create & Associate Plugins"
2017-03-17 Jun LiMerge "utils: fix yamllint issues"
2017-03-17 Jun LiMerge "utils: fix yamllint issues"
2017-03-16 Morgan RichommeMerge "Add jobs to use the aarch64 jenkins slave"
2017-03-16 ShubhamRathiAdd stable-danube to doc job 43/30743/1
2017-03-16 Tim RozetMerge "Change cperf apex deploy to use odl_l3-nofeature...
2017-03-16 Morgan RichommeMerge "Add support for enum & expand vnf_catalogue...
2017-03-16 Jamo LuhrsenChange cperf apex deploy to use odl_l3-nofeature-noha 03/30603/3
2017-03-16 Cristina PaunaAdd jobs to use the aarch64 jenkins slave 95/30695/1
2017-03-16 Fatih DegirmenciMerge "[compass] adaption for danube"
2017-03-16 meimei[compass] adaption for danube 59/30659/1
2017-03-16 Kumar RishabhAdd vnf, tag create & Associate Plugins 61/30461/7
2017-03-15 Jamo LuhrsenUse odl_l3-csit-noha scenario for apex cperf runner 95/30595/1
2017-03-15 Markos Chandrasjjb: infra: bifrost-cleanup-job: Do not trigger on... 69/30569/3
2017-03-15 Markos Chandrasjjb: Set disable-strict-forbidden-file-verification... 19/30219/3
2017-03-15 Aric GardnerTrigger docs verify for all changes under docs/ 43/30443/2
2017-03-15 Kumar RishabhAdds cronjob for filling vnf table row entries 67/30467/4
2017-03-15 Cristina PaunaModify triggers for armband danube jobs 55/30555/1
2017-03-15 Fatih DegirmenciMerge "Allow creation of Dockerfile.aarch64 through...
2017-03-15 Martin Klozikvswitchperf: Fix Danube VERIFY and MERGE jobs 37/30537/1
2017-03-15 Morgan RichommeMerge "Update reporting page for Danube"
2017-03-14 Kumar RishabhAdd support for enum & expand vnf_catalogue schema 65/30465/1
2017-03-14 Jessica Wagantallutils: fix yamllint issues 79/30479/1
2017-03-14 Jessica Wagantallutils: fix yamllint issues 77/30477/1
2017-03-14 Aric GardnerMerge "Enable Danube Jobs"
2017-03-14 Aric GardnerEnable Danube Jobs 61/30361/10
2017-03-14 Fatih DegirmenciEnable docker build jobs for stable/danube 37/30437/1
2017-03-14 helenyaoFix the RELEASE_VERSION unbound issue 11/30411/1
2017-03-14 Serena FengMerge "[qtip]execute compute qpi in qtip daily job"
2017-03-14 wu.zhihui[qtip]execute compute qpi in qtip daily job 23/30323/4
2017-03-13 Tim RozetMerge "Add logic to allow ODL Cbench suite to run from...
2017-03-13 Tim RozetApex,Functest: Create correct danube functest jobs... 49/30349/1
2017-03-13 Morgan RichommeUpdate reporting page for Danube 45/30345/1
2017-03-13 Cristina PaunaAllow creation of Dockerfile.aarch64 through patch 81/30181/4
2017-03-13 wu.zhihui[qtip]enable danube verify/validate job for qtip 33/30333/1
2017-03-13 QiLiang[compass] BugFix: job to verify k8s deploy 11/30311/1
2017-03-13 mei meiMerge "[compass] add job to verify k8s deploy"
2017-03-13 QiLiang[compass] add job to verify k8s deploy 29/30129/3
2017-03-11 Fatih DegirmenciMerge "Removing SELINUX class from server manifest"
2017-03-10 Tim RozetApex: Enable danube branch,kvm daily 87/30287/1
2017-03-10 Jamo LuhrsenAdd logic to allow ODL Cbench suite to run from docker... 09/29609/7
2017-03-10 Markos ChandrasMerge changes from topic 'prototypes/bifrost/scripts...
2017-03-10 Jun LiMerge "dovetail: add dovetail debug testsuite into...
2017-03-09 Markos Chandrasprototypes: bifrost: Fix ELEMENTS_PATH for latest diski... 93/30193/9
2017-03-09 Markos Chandrasprototypes: bifrost: Switch to JSON for inventory 07/30207/3
2017-03-09 wutianweiwrong network configuration file. 21/30121/1
2017-03-08 Dan RadezDisabling onos for danube release 85/30085/1
2017-03-08 wutianweiAdd scripts and playbook to deploy OSA 89/28189/6
2017-03-07 Morgan RichommeMerge "bug fix: last 4 run reporting for storperf"
2017-03-07 Fatih Degirmencimultisite: Use known/working version of fuel 39/29739/2
2017-03-07 Morgan Richommebug fix: last 4 run reporting for storperf 57/29857/2
2017-03-07 Serena FengMerge "Use local bin file for daisy deploy job"
2017-03-06 Jun LiMerge "change the name of open-o scenario to os-nosdn...
2017-03-06 Fatih Degirmencifuel: Fix build blockers between daily and weekly jobs 35/29835/1
2017-03-06 meimeichange the name of open-o scenario to os-nosdn-openo-ha 25/29825/1
2017-03-06 Jun LiMerge "[compass] add new scenario of os-nosdn-openo...
2017-03-04 Ryota MIBU[doctor] make symbolic link of directory instead of... 81/29781/1
2017-03-04 Ryota MIBU[doctor] fix file path to functest results 73/29773/1
2017-03-03 Ryota MIBU[doctor] create symbolic link to capture functest log 57/29757/1
2017-03-03 Ryota MIBU[doctor] add postbuildscript for functest log 51/29751/1
2017-03-03 chenjiankunCreate Test Reporting landing page 39/29039/5
2017-03-03 Tim RozetMerge "dovetail: adjust apex pod"
2017-03-03 meimei[compass] add new scenario of os-nosdn-openo-noha 83/29683/1
2017-03-02 Fatih DegirmenciMerge "snaps: Create job for patchset verification"
2017-03-02 Morgan RichommeMerge "functest: Create functest-weekly prototype jobs"
2017-03-02 Aric GardnerAdd trevor 69/29669/1
2017-03-02 Fatih Degirmencisnaps: Create job for patchset verification 67/29667/1
2017-03-02 Aric GardnerMerge "Made new doc job voting"
2017-03-02 Fatih Degirmencifunctest: Create functest-weekly prototype jobs 55/29655/3
2017-03-02 ShubhamRathiMade new doc job voting 65/29565/14
2017-03-02 SerenaFengProblem with rally_sanity results 53/29553/3
2017-03-02 Morgan RichommeMerge "bugfix unittest test_queryProject occasionally...
2017-03-02 Serena FengMerge "Fix the wrong pod and job name of Daisy"
2017-03-02 Serena FengMerge "Update the ignore patterns for Parser"
2017-03-02 JulienUpdate the ignore patterns for Parser 23/29623/1
2017-03-02 Ryota MIBU[doctor] archive functest log file regardless result 15/29615/1
2017-03-02 JulienFix the wrong pod and job name of Daisy 11/29611/1
2017-03-02 MatthewLidovetail: adjust apex pod 05/29605/1
2017-03-02 Alex YangUse local bin file for daisy deploy job 07/29607/1
2017-03-02 Tim RozetMerge "dovetail: add dovetail debug testsuite into...
2017-03-01 Ciprian Barbu[deployment_handler] Fix apt-cache to get installed... 61/29561/1
2017-03-01 Fatih DegirmenciMerge "[yamllint] move yamllint into verify phases"
2017-03-01 Fatih DegirmenciMerge "jjb: infra: bifrost-cleanup-job: Ignore jjb...
2017-03-01 SerenaFengbugfix unittest test_queryProject occasionally failed... 41/29541/6
2017-03-01 MatthewLidovetail: add dovetail debug testsuite into joid daily... 45/29545/1
2017-03-01 MatthewLidovetail: add dovetail debug testsuite into apex daily... 43/29543/1
2017-03-01 Morgan RichommeMerge "add openrc fetching for daisy installer"
2017-03-01 meimei[yamllint] move yamllint into verify phases 11/29511/1
2017-02-28 Jamo LuhrsenAdd odl_netvirt as a suite choice for FUNCTEST_SUITE_NA... 01/29501/1
2017-02-28 Jose LausuchMerge "Move from snaps_healthcheck to connection_check...
2017-02-28 SerenaFengadd openrc fetching for daisy installer 65/29465/2
2017-02-28 Aric GardnerSource is a bash built in 91/29491/1
2017-02-28 Morgan RichommeMove from snaps_healthcheck to connection_check 87/29487/1
2017-02-28 Morgan RichommeMerge "Move case base from tempest_smoke_serial to...
2017-02-28 Morgan RichommeMove case base from tempest_smoke_serial to snaps_healt... 79/29479/2
2017-02-28 JulienRemove auto update bars 69/29469/1
2017-02-27 Aimee UkasickComment out shellcheck job 57/29457/1
2017-02-27 Markos Chandrasjjb: infra: bifrost-cleanup-job: Do not trigger on... 43/29243/3
2017-02-27 jose.lausuch[Functest] Add Tempest Defcore test to the dashboard 45/29445/1