2017-08-10 Narinder GuptaMerge "on aarch64, libvirt failed to undefine a guest...
2017-08-10 Narinder GuptaMerge "fix some typos"
2017-08-10 Narinder Guptamodfiied to correct API and osdomain name 29/39029/1
2017-08-10 Di Xufix some typos 25/39025/1
2017-08-10 Di Xuon aarch64, libvirt failed to undefine a guest with... 17/39017/1
2017-08-10 Narinder Guptamodified to correct deployment 11/39011/1
2017-08-09 Narinder GuptaMerge "Download OCL container packages from OPNFV artif...
2017-08-09 Narinder GuptaMerge "Rename juju run --service flag to --application"
2017-08-09 Stuart MackieDownload OCL container packages from OPNFV artifact... 01/39001/1
2017-08-09 Narinder GuptaAdded architecture specific code as enabling for power. 67/38967/2
2017-08-08 narinderguptamodfified to support Power architecture. 35/38935/2
2017-08-08 Martin KulhavyRename juju run --service flag to --application 39/38939/1
2017-08-08 Narinder GuptaMerge "Improve and highlight logging to console"
2017-08-08 Martin KulhavyImprove and highlight logging to console 09/38909/1
2017-08-08 Narinder Guptaadding openbaton requirement for relationship. and... 05/38905/1
2017-08-08 Narinder GuptaMerge "Check that nodes have not failed commissioning...
2017-08-08 Martin KulhavyCheck that nodes have not failed commissioning or testing 93/38893/1
2017-08-07 AakashKTUpdate in OVN charm revision 45/38845/1
2017-08-07 Narinder GuptaMerge "Check that nodes have not failed commissioning"
2017-08-07 Martin KulhavyCheck that nodes have not failed commissioning 11/38811/2
2017-08-05 AakashKTScaling of worker nodes working, update OVN bundle... 01/38801/1
2017-08-04 Martin KulhavyAutomatically add the virsh IP to known hosts 71/38771/1
2017-08-03 Narinder Guptatrying the latest version of openstack charm. 07/38707/1
2017-08-03 Narinder Guptamodfieid to pass user_domain_id as well. 53/38653/1
2017-08-02 Narinder Guptamodfied the mod of the scripts in executing mode. 51/38651/1
2017-08-02 AakashKTScripts for deploying clearwater on kubernetes-cluster... 43/38643/4
2017-08-02 Narinder GuptaAdding the OS_DOMAIN_PROJECT_ID 33/38633/1
2017-07-28 Narinder GuptaMerge "Added keys into bundle for ocl"
2017-07-28 Stuart MackieAdded keys into bundle for ocl 35/38335/1
2017-07-27 Narinder Guptamodified the bundle for HA. 95/38295/1
2017-07-27 Stuart MackieChange Contrail repo and key 89/38289/1
2017-07-27 Narinder Guptachanging the bundle which works for OCL. 79/38279/1
2017-07-26 Narinder Guptamodified to remove gateway as not needed with OCL 19/38119/2
2017-07-26 Narinder Guptamodified to fix deployment error 17/38117/1
2017-07-25 Narinder Guptamodfied to take care of OCL deployment 07/38107/1
2017-07-25 Narinder Guptamodified to accomodate OCL 99/38099/4
2017-07-25 AakashKTWorking bundle, will work on getting etcd getting up 51/38051/1
2017-07-23 AakashKTUpdated ovn charm revision (ovn-8 -> ovn-11) 55/37955/1
2017-07-21 AakashKTMofifications for OVN-Kubernetes 27/37927/1
2017-07-14 Narinder Guptamodfied to use public IP for keystone. 23/37523/4
2017-07-14 Narinder Guptaby default moving to public End point. 19/37519/2
2017-07-14 Narinder GuptaMerge "Fix pip warnings"
2017-07-14 Narinder Guptathis patch will try to fix envuronment paramters needed for 19/37419/4
2017-07-11 Martin KulhavyFix pip warnings 93/37193/1
2017-07-11 AakashKTsegregrate the flannel and ovn whoch is controlled... 79/37179/1
2017-07-02 Narinder Guptamodified to accomodate latest intel pod changes from... 35/36835/1
2017-06-23 Narinder GuptaMerge "move k8s command from jumphost to kubernetes...
2017-06-20 Narinder Guptamodified to enable the virtual install. 37/36237/6
2017-06-02 narinderguptalibvirtd and libvirt both needed. 87/35687/2
2017-05-31 Guo Ruijingmove k8s command from jumphost to kubernetes-master 07/35607/1
2017-05-31 Narinder Guptaanother bug fix. 57/35557/4
2017-05-30 Narinder Guptamodify openstack commands to use openstack tools. 55/35555/1
2017-05-30 Narinder GuptaCArbon release of ODL integrated. 37/35537/1
2017-05-30 Narinder GuptaRevert "modified to use latest Carbon build release." 35/35535/1
2017-05-30 Narinder Guptamodified to use latest Carbon build release. 13/35513/2
2017-05-25 Dave UrschatzUpdated to CENGN Skywalker addressing. 77/35377/1
2017-05-25 narinderguptaclean the vm which is defined as per the labconfig... 71/35371/2
2017-05-18 Narinder GuptaMerge "fix the k8 core bundle and deployment failed."
2017-05-18 Narinder GuptaMerge "add define for virsh"
2017-05-18 Narinder Guptafix the k8 core bundle and deployment failed. 37/34937/1
2017-05-17 narinderguptafixed syntax error. 91/34891/1
2017-05-14 Guo Ruijingadd define for virsh 39/34739/1
2017-05-13 Narinder Guptatypo corrected. 11/34711/4
2017-05-13 Narinder Guptamodified to accomodate new naming convention for data... 99/34699/1
2017-05-12 Narinder Guptamodfied to support intel lab. 97/34697/1
2017-05-12 Narinder Guptafix for virshurl in case of bootstrap. 95/34695/1
2017-05-12 Narinder Guptafix kubernetes bundle. 89/34689/1
2017-05-12 Narinder Guptacorrect and update few corner cases. 87/34687/3
2017-05-12 Narinder Guptacorrect kube-control relationship 75/34675/1
2017-05-11 Narinder GuptaMerge "modified to change the logic to create fabric...
2017-05-11 Narinder GuptaMerge "add remote virsh support for bootstrap"
2017-05-11 Blaisonneau... add remote virsh support for bootstrap 17/34517/2
2017-05-11 Narinder Guptamodified to change the logic to create fabric and vlan... 75/34575/4
2017-05-08 Narinder GuptaMerge "enable new fabric and network creation"
2017-05-08 Blaisonneau... enable new fabric and network creation 51/34151/2
2017-05-04 Narinder Guptamodified to remove dns for K8 relationship. 17/34317/1
2017-05-04 Narinder GuptaMerge "Fix adding cloud-archive:newton issue in Ubuntu...
2017-05-02 Narinder Guptaadded support for install from git repository. please... 23/34023/15
2017-05-01 Guo RuijingFix adding cloud-archive:newton issue in Ubuntu 16.04 29/34029/1
2017-04-28 narinderguptamodfiied the mac address also reimport the iamges. 93/33993/1
2017-04-28 narinderguptamodified to correct the error ID failed in case of... 89/33989/1
2017-04-26 Blaisonneau... add function to delete existing netw 87/33887/1
2017-04-26 Blaisonneau... add fabric generation function 83/33883/1
2017-04-26 narinderguptamodify the maas to use the interface name as per yaml... 75/33875/3
2017-04-26 Narinder Guptaadding the snapd install before running snap command 07/33807/1
2017-04-25 Narinder Guptamodfied to install kubectl snap and create softlink... 39/33739/2
2017-04-20 Narinder GuptaMerge "modified not to use the extra server on the...
2017-04-19 Narinder Guptamodified not to use the extra server on the openstack. 55/33555/1
2017-04-19 Guo RuijingFix clean maas issue 57/33557/1
2017-04-18 Narinder Guptamodified to remove the errors. 83/33083/3
2017-04-06 Narinder GuptaMerge "modfiied to support openbaton during the dpeloym...
2017-04-06 Narinder Guptamodfiied to support openbaton during the dpeloyment. 79/33079/1
2017-03-31 Blaisonneau... change default network gateway on containers with a... 11/32811/3
2017-03-30 Narinder GuptaMerge "adding new scenraio documentation and updated...
2017-03-30 Narinder Guptaadding new scenraio documentation and updated the curre... 43/32543/2
2017-03-28 Sofia WallinUpdated release name and release date 85/32085/1
2017-03-24 Narinder GuptaMerge "changing the user guide draft version."
2017-03-24 Narinder Guptachanging the user guide draft version. 03/31703/4
2017-03-23 Blaisonneau... Add interface renaming on maas for heterogeneous hardwa... 81/31581/1
2017-03-21 Narinder GuptaMerge "correct of maas deploy and orange pod2 update"