2017-02-24 Jose LausuchMerge "WIP: Cirros TestVM: Allow config of username...
2017-02-24 Morgan RichommeMerge "Use new-style classes which inherit from object"
2017-02-23 Jose LausuchMerge "Prepare env will exit when an error is raised"
2017-02-23 Jose LausuchMerge "[odl-sfc] Fix wait_for_vnf returning vnf_id...
2017-02-23 Linda WangUse new-style classes which inherit from object 51/27351/2
2017-02-22 Alexandru AvadaniiWIP: Cirros TestVM: Allow config of username/password 57/29257/1
2017-02-22 Jose LausuchMerge "Restore Kingbird functest"
2017-02-22 helenyaoPrepare env will exit when an error is raised 70/28770/7
2017-02-22 Cedric OllivierMerge "Undo setting CI_DEBUG to true by default"
2017-02-22 joehuangRestore Kingbird functest 03/29003/4
2017-02-22 Jose LausuchMerge "Integrate BAROMETER feature test case"
2017-02-22 Jose LausuchMerge "Add deployment_handler printout to prepare env"
2017-02-21 jose.lausuchIntegrate BAROMETER feature test case 09/28609/15
2017-02-21 jose.lausuchAdd deployment_handler printout to prepare env 33/29033/5
2017-02-21 bouchervFix neutron auth issue 53/29153/1
2017-02-21 Juan Vidal[odl-sfc] Fix wait_for_vnf returning vnf_id on timeout 47/29147/2
2017-02-21 Jose LausuchMerge "[odl-sfc] Add function get_vnf and fix endless...
2017-02-21 Juan Vidal[odl-sfc] Add function get_vnf and fix endless loop... 35/29135/1
2017-02-20 valentin boucherMerge "Remove cloudify_ims from ci daily loop"
2017-02-20 Jose LausuchMerge "Modifies to check services and cinde...
2017-02-20 Jose LausuchMerge "[odl-sfc] Add timeout to get_vnf_id and create_v...
2017-02-20 Juan Vidal[odl-sfc] Add timeout to get_vnf_id and create_vnf... 71/29071/1
2017-02-20 Romanos SkiadasUndo setting CI_DEBUG to true by default 65/29065/1
2017-02-20 bouchervRemove cloudify_ims from ci daily loop 63/29063/1
2017-02-18 jose.lausuchSwap SNAPS repo from Cablelabs to OPNFV 17/29017/1
2017-02-17 Tim RozetModifies to check services and cinder is... 65/28965/1
2017-02-17 bouchervFix flavor config and error log 09/28909/1
2017-02-16 Jose LausuchMerge "Revert "Add deployment_handler printout to prepa...
2017-02-16 Jose LausuchRevert "Add deployment_handler printout to prepare... 65/28865/1
2017-02-16 Jose LausuchMerge "[odl-sfc] Fix bug when getting the params for...
2017-02-16 Jose LausuchMerge "[odl-sfc] Add symmetric option for sfc_create"
2017-02-16 Jose LausuchMerge "Add deployment_handler printout to prepare env"
2017-02-16 George Paraskevopoulos[odl-sfc] Add symmetric option for sfc_create 37/28837/2
2017-02-16 George Paraskevopoulos[odl-sfc] Fix bug when getting the params for create_vnf 23/28823/2
2017-02-16 Helen YaoMerge "Bugfix: update from security_scan to securitysca...
2017-02-16 valentin boucherMerge "Fix auth error"
2017-02-16 bouchervFix auth error 93/28793/2
2017-02-16 Linda WangBugfix: update from security_scan to securityscanning 95/28795/1
2017-02-16 Jose LausuchMerge "Fix tempest multisite config"
2017-02-16 Serena FengMerge "Integration of NETREADY test case"
2017-02-15 jose.lausuchIntegration of NETREADY test case 15/28615/7
2017-02-15 George ParaskevopoulosAdd parameterized vnfd capabilities on vnf create 07/28707/1
2017-02-15 valentin boucherMerge "update cloudify_ims case"
2017-02-15 bouchervupdate cloudify_ims case 97/28597/4
2017-02-15 Juha KosonenFix tempest multisite config 87/28687/1
2017-02-15 Jose LausuchMerge "Releng environment in unit testing."
2017-02-15 Jose LausuchMerge "Put the Logger as Object oriented."
2017-02-14 jose.lausuchAdd deployment_handler printout to prepare env 33/28533/2
2017-02-14 Cedric OllivierMerge "Limit the substitution of ' in env vars"
2017-02-14 Morgan RichommeMerge "Fix config file name setting"
2017-02-14 Jose LausuchMerge changes from topic 'revert_write_to_file'
2017-02-14 Cédric OllivierLimit the substitution of ' in env vars 99/28599/1
2017-02-14 Juha KosonenFix config file name setting 01/28601/1
2017-02-14 Morgan RichommeMerge "Fix again unix permissions"
2017-02-14 Morgan RichommeMerge "Add ODL netvirt connectivity suites to list...
2017-02-14 Morgan RichommeMerge "Refactoring of args and parser variable"
2017-02-14 Jose LausuchMerge "delete useless file"
2017-02-13 Cédric OllivierFix again unix permissions 65/28565/1
2017-02-13 jose.lausuchBugfix: remove double quotes from environment variables 63/28563/1
2017-02-13 Jamo LuhrsenAdd ODL netvirt connectivity suites to list of robot... 13/27113/7
2017-02-13 Jose LausuchMerge "Use Exception instead of return code"
2017-02-13 valentin boucherMerge "[WIP] update cloudify_ims case"
2017-02-13 Jose LausuchMerge "Fix source_credentials in openstack_utils"
2017-02-13 Cédric OllivierAdd can_dump_request_to_file decorator 13/28513/1
2017-02-13 Cédric OllivierRevert "write test results to a local file" 11/28511/1
2017-02-13 helenyaoUse Exception instead of return code 15/28015/3
2017-02-10 Morgan RichommeMerge "Logic to trigger Security Scan project"
2017-02-10 Jose LausuchMerge "Refactor configure_tempest() function"
2017-02-10 helenyaoPut the Logger as Object oriented. 19/28419/1
2017-02-10 Jose LausuchMerge "Integrating PyTest contained in SNAPS as a repla...
2017-02-09 ashishk1994Refactoring of args and parser variable 63/27463/5
2017-02-09 Cédric OllivierFix source_credentials in openstack_utils 97/28297/5
2017-02-09 Morgan Richomme[WIP] update cloudify_ims case 71/28371/2
2017-02-09 SerenaFengdelete useless file 53/28353/1
2017-02-09 helenyaoLogic to trigger Security Scan project 19/28019/7
2017-02-08 tomsouRefactor configure_tempest() function 13/28213/3
2017-02-07 spisarskiIntegrating PyTest contained in SNAPS as a replacement... 11/28011/2
2017-02-07 Morgan RichommeExclude Moon feature for Danube 19/28219/2
2017-02-07 ashishk1994Releng environment in unit testing. 15/28215/1
2017-02-07 Jose LausuchMerge "Move api_check and connection check to healthche...
2017-02-07 Morgan RichommeMerge "bugfix for finding tempest failed testcase"
2017-02-06 Morgan RichommeMerge "Change log level when pod, scenario or build_tag...
2017-02-06 Morgan RichommeMerge "Change endpoint type for Kingbird"
2017-02-06 Jose LausuchMerge "Add netvirt to odl tests"
2017-02-06 Dimitri MazmanovChange endpoint type for Kingbird 11/28111/2
2017-02-06 Morgan RichommeChange log level when pod, scenario or build_tag cannot... 09/28109/1
2017-02-06 Jose LausuchMerge "Migrates more commands to openstack-pythonclient...
2017-02-06 Tim RozetMigrates more commands to openstack-pythonclient cmds 05/28005/2
2017-02-06 Morgan RichommeMerge "Unit tests for openstack/rally."
2017-02-04 Morgan RichommeMerge "Upgrade High level architecture config guide"
2017-02-04 MatthewLibugfix for finding tempest failed testcase 25/28025/2
2017-02-03 Morgan RichommeMerge "Add dockerfile for aarch64"
2017-02-03 Jose LausuchMerge "Fix template error log"
2017-02-03 George ParaskevopoulosFix template error log 81/27981/7
2017-02-03 Jose LausuchMerge "Freeze the rally version"
2017-02-03 Jose LausuchMerge "Get tacker client using session authentication"
2017-02-03 Jose LausuchMerge "Remove all the results from previous releases"
2017-02-03 Morgan RichommeMerge "Migrates glance commands to OSCLI"
2017-02-03 Cristina PaunaAdd dockerfile for aarch64 01/27801/3
2017-02-03 Nikolas HermannsAdd netvirt to odl tests 47/27447/3