2020-12-07 Cédric OllivierRemove neutron from upper-constraints 42/71642/1
2020-12-07 Cédric OllivierUpdate NovaServers.boot_server_associate_and_dissociate... 40/71640/1
2020-12-04 Cédric OllivierRemove Rally Router testing if no tenant resources 26/71626/1
2020-12-04 Cédric OllivierStop setting floating_ips in tempest_conf.yaml 20/71620/1
2020-12-02 Cédric OllivierRemove list_routers call if no tenant network 07/71607/1
2020-12-02 Cédric OllivierUpdate Shaker image as proposed in 05/71605/1
2020-11-29 Cédric OllivierClean obsolete OPNFV contraints. 56/71556/1
2020-11-28 Cédric OllivierStop duplicating connect_method 49/71549/1
2020-11-27 Cédric OllivierReplace by 42/71542/1
2020-11-27 Cédric OllivierProtect vs false detected external networks if l2-only 32/71532/1
2020-11-26 Cédric OllivierSkip dataplane benchmarkign if no tenant resources 24/71524/1
2020-11-26 Cédric OllivierRemove former allow_no_fip logic 18/71518/1
2020-11-26 Cédric OllivierAllow running cloudify without tenant network resources. 12/71512/1
2020-11-26 Cédric OllivierAllow running tempest without tenant network resources. 06/71506/1
2020-11-24 Cédric OllivierRemove rtd-requirements.txt 80/71480/1
2020-11-23 Cédric OllivierRemove snaps from rtd requirements 66/71466/1
2020-11-19 Cédric OllivierForce nics in NovaServers.boot_server_and_list_interfaces 21/71421/1
2020-11-18 Cédric OllivierUse EXTERNAL_NETWORK as a fallback if no tenant network 12/71412/1
2020-11-15 Cédric OllivierFix branch when calling 99/71399/1
2020-11-14 Cédric OllivierAllow connecting vm to the external network 92/71392/1
2020-11-12 Cédric OllivierAdd timeout as needed by Gitlab CI/CD 86/71386/1
2020-11-09 Cédric OllivierRun vnfs in parallel 61/71361/1
2020-11-09 Cédric OllivierSplit Gates in a dedicated site.yml 60/71360/1
2020-11-03 Cédric OllivierUpdate tempest_custom in userguide 39/71339/1
2020-10-10 Cédric OllivierUpdate all results in docs 48/71248/2
2020-10-10 Cédric OllivierSwith to active abot_charm repo 47/71247/1
2020-10-06 Cédric OllivierUpdate upper-constraints 41/71241/1
2020-10-06 Cédric OllivierInclude key tempest 25.0 fix 38/71238/1
2020-10-06 Cédric OllivierAdd Victoria in OpenStack release detection 35/71235/1
2020-10-04 Cédric OllivierModify smoke and benchmarking in Docker From 13/71213/2
2020-10-04 Cédric OllivierSet Rally and Tempest plugin versions 09/71209/1
2020-10-04 Cédric OllivierPrepare Functest Leguer containers 05/71205/2
2020-10-04 Cédric OllivierSet default branch in .gitreview 04/71204/1
2020-09-16 Cédric OllivierEnable back Patrole volume testing 54/71154/1
2020-09-16 Cédric OllivierAdd helm_vims in release notes and console outputs 43/71143/1
2020-09-13 Cédric OllivierUpdate kube_bench split in doc 15/71115/1
2020-09-08 Cédric OllivierUpdate tempest_neutron test_count to 523 15/71015/1
2020-09-07 Cédric OllivierSkip patrole volume testing 12/71012/1
2020-09-07 Cédric OllivierSkip test_backup_crossproject_*_negative 11/71011/1
2020-09-06 Cédric OllivierUpdate Functest Kubernetes outputs 96/70996/2
2020-09-06 Cédric OllivierRemove build date which fails spellcheck 89/70989/1
2020-09-05 Cédric OllivierUpdate Xtesting to 0.91.0 59/70959/3
2020-08-30 Cédric OllivierSkip obsolete Patrole tests 05/70905/1
2020-08-30 Cédric OllivierFix functest/ci/testcases.yaml 04/70904/1
2020-08-30 Cédric OllivierUpdate tempest_full_cntt regexes 97/70897/1
2020-08-23 Cédric OllivierUpdate K8s test case results in doc 69/70869/2
2020-08-17 Cédric OllivierDelete vgpu testcase 05/70805/3
2020-08-17 Cédric OllivierUse lower bound for py3-distlib version 13/70813/2
2020-08-17 Cédric OllivierBoot a VM to run juju 04/70804/2
2020-08-06 Cedric OllivierMerge "Only upgrade py3-distlib"
2020-08-06 Cédric OllivierOnly upgrade py3-distlib 82/70682/1
2020-08-06 Cedric OllivierMerge "Use alpine edge for py3-distlib only"
2020-08-06 Cédric OllivierUse alpine edge for py3-distlib only 80/70680/1
2020-08-05 Cédric OllivierUpdated from global requirements 77/70677/1
2020-08-05 Cédric OllivierUpdate docs links 68/70668/1
2020-08-01 Cédric OllivierReduce ImportImagesTest regex 39/70639/1
2020-08-01 Cédric OllivierConform with git format-patch for last tempest patch 24/70624/1
2020-08-01 Cédric OllivierRevert ssh_timeout to 196 in Functest 23/70623/1
2020-08-01 Cédric OllivierIncrease check_console_loop to 12 22/70622/1
2020-07-30 Cédric OllivierUpdate tempest_cinder_cntt test_counts to 11 10/70610/1
2020-07-30 Cédric OllivierApply new Create-new-server-test_reboot_server_hard... 06/70606/1
2020-07-28 Cédric OllivierSkip ImportImagesTest.test_image_import in CNTT 94/70594/1
2020-07-27 Cédric OllivierAdd nics net-id when booting dd load test 91/70591/1
2020-07-26 Cédric OllivierPrint data to debug ServerActionsTestJSON.test_reboot_s... 86/70586/1
2020-07-25 Cédric OllivierCreate new server test_reboot_server_hard 67/70567/4
2020-07-24 Cédric OllivierRename ext_network to floating_network in Rally tasks 83/70583/1
2020-07-23 Cédric OllivierIncreate neutron_tempest count to 517 80/70580/1
2020-07-23 Cédric OllivierAdd VMTasks.dd_load_test in Rally test cases 78/70578/1
2020-07-23 Cédric OllivierRename ext_network to floating_network in Rally tasks 77/70577/1
2020-07-20 Cédric OllivierAdd Patrole compute testing 65/70565/1
2020-07-20 Cédric OllivierSkip Patrole test_show_auto_allocated_topology 64/70564/1
2020-07-19 Cédric OllivierUse alpine edge 63/70563/1
2020-07-19 Cédric OllivierUse default ssh_timeout (300) in Functest 58/70558/1
2020-07-16 Cédric OllivierAdd tempest_cyborg in Functest ansible role 55/70555/1
2020-07-15 Cédric OllivierAdd tempest_cyborg based on cyborg tempest plugin 49/70549/1
2020-07-15 Cédric OllivierUpdate Cirros to O.5.1 45/70545/1
2020-07-14 Cédric OllivierUpdate microversions (Train) in CNTT testing 33/70533/1
2020-07-14 Cédric OllivierEnable back manage_snapshot testing in CNTT 32/70532/1
2020-07-14 Cédric OllivierEnable back RemoteStack testing from tempest_heat_cntt 31/70531/2
2020-07-07 Cédric OllivierUpdate Patrole tempest list if OVN 16/70516/1
2020-07-06 Cédric OllivierUpdate tempest blacklist if OVN 84/70484/1
2020-07-06 Cédric OllivierRemove distlib from OpenStack constraints 80/70480/1
2020-07-05 Cédric OllivierReduce Patrole extra logic 68/70468/1
2020-07-04 Cédric OllivierAvoid compiling numpy if arm 64/70464/1
2020-07-04 Cédric OllivierPatrole user -> member 63/70463/1
2020-07-04 Cédric OllivierCreate all /etc dirs per service 54/70454/1
2020-07-03 Cédric OllivierFix tempest_scenario 48/70448/1
2020-07-03 Cédric OllivierGenerate all policies for patrole 47/70447/1
2020-07-03 Cédric Olliviermin_computes_nodes is also used as max values 42/70442/1
2020-07-03 Cédric OllivierPrepare full patrole testing 40/70440/1
2020-07-03 Cédric OllivierAdd patrole user and reader testing 39/70439/1
2020-06-29 Cédric OllivierUpdate tempest_neutron_cntt regex and test count 11/70411/2
2020-06-29 Cédric OllivierSimplify hypervisor list logic in vmtp 05/70405/1
2020-06-24 Cédric OllivierRemove build data in CNTT playbook 72/70372/1
2020-06-18 Cédric OllivierAllow listing hypervisors in VMTP 59/70359/1
2020-06-15 Cédric OllivierIncrease timeout in shaker and vmtp 51/70351/1
2020-06-15 Cédric OllivierReuse OpenStack master upper-constaints.txt 49/70349/1
2020-06-15 Cédric OllivierStop leveraging on neutron plugins and extra 37/70337/1
2020-06-15 Cédric OllivierInstall py3-wheel to avoid legacy installation 36/70336/1
2020-06-15 Cédric OllivierCompile lxml with optimization in smoke 35/70335/1