2016-10-06 George ParaskevopoulosRemove old tacker setup 99/22699/3
2016-09-27 Morgan RichommeMerge "Move sfc custom flavor creation"
2016-09-27 George ParaskevopoulosMove sfc custom flavor creation 95/22395/2
2016-09-27 Morgan RichommeMerge "make logger in vping a local variable"
2016-09-26 SerenaFengmake logger in vping a local variable 57/22457/1
2016-09-26 Jose LausuchMerge "SFC test: Add port 80 to security groups"
2016-09-26 George ParaskevopoulosSFC test: Add port 80 to security groups 27/22427/2
2016-09-26 SerenaFengvPing ssh outpust wrong logger 31/22431/1
2016-09-22 jose.lausuchFix tag version for documentation 31/22331/1
2016-09-22 George ParaskevopoulosIncrement counter in sfc_colorado1 05/22305/1
2016-09-22 George ParaskevopoulosOpen secgroups and add check_ssh in sfc_colorado1 39/22239/4
2016-09-21 Morgan RichommeMerge "Update release note"
2016-09-21 Jose LausuchMerge "Add SSH connectivity check"
2016-09-21 George ParaskevopoulosAdd SSH connectivity check 75/21275/4
2016-09-21 Morgan RichommeUpdate release note 71/22171/2
2016-09-21 Morgan RichommeAdd odl_sfc test in apex as the scenario is run 65/22165/1
2016-09-20 Morgan RichommeMerge "Review release note for COlorado"
2016-09-20 Morgan RichommeReview release note for COlorado 67/21867/2
2016-09-20 Manuel BuilBug fix for the SFC-CI test case 89/21789/9
2016-09-20 jose.lausuch[ODL-SFC] Bugfix: replace string "22" by "22/tcp" 57/21857/1
2016-09-20 jose.lausuch[ODL-SFC] Open port 22 in default secgroup for sfc... 33/21833/2
2016-09-19 jose.lausuchRemove parser test case from bgpvpn scenarios 91/21491/1
2016-09-19 Morgan RichommeMerge "Remove TODO in Functest user guide - Add links...
2016-09-19 cristinapaunaStyle the headers for release-notes 41/21441/1
2016-09-19 cristinapaunaUpdate results on ARM 19/21419/3
2016-09-19 Morgan RichommeRemove TODO in Functest user guide 05/21405/2
2016-09-19 Morgan RichommeMerge "Updated results info for os-odl_l2-fdio-noha"
2016-09-17 Frank BrocknersUpdated results info for os-odl_l2-fdio-noha 95/21295/3
2016-09-16 blsawsAdd user guide link for copper 13/21313/6
2016-09-16 cristinapaunaFix formatting error 65/21265/1
2016-09-16 cristinapaunaUpdate release notes with ARM results 57/21257/1
2016-09-16 Morgan RichommeMerge "Added support for custom images and flavors...
2016-09-16 Bertrand SouvilleCorrected Promise links (According to final opnfvdocs... 41/21241/1
2016-09-15 Morgan RichommeMerge "Update release Note"
2016-09-15 juraj.linkesAdded support for custom images and flavors in tempest 93/21193/2
2016-09-15 Morgan RichommeUpdate release Note 45/21145/11
2016-09-15 juraj.linkesfixed updating of hugepage flavors 89/21189/1
2016-09-15 Morgan RichommeExclude Doctor from Functest for fuel scenarios 63/20663/2
2016-09-14 Morgan RichommeExclude copper, doctor and security_scan from apex... 35/21135/3
2016-09-14 George ParaskevopoulosAdd delay after SF floating IP assignment 27/21127/1
2016-09-14 Jose LausuchMerge "Include latest tag for Multisite Kingbird"
2016-09-14 Ashish SinghInclude latest tag for Multisite Kingbird 17/21117/1
2016-09-14 Jose LausuchMerge "Push FAIL to DB for onos-sfc"
2016-09-14 Jose LausuchMerge "Added missing parameter into logger warning...
2016-09-14 vitikkanAdded missing parameter into logger warning message 75/21075/2
2016-09-14 wuwenbin2Push FAIL to DB for onos-sfc 51/20851/8
2016-09-14 Romanos SkiadasAdd utils for getting bgpvpn information 93/21093/1
2016-09-13 Morgan RichommeMerge "Doc for Xreview by other test projects"
2016-09-13 Morgan RichommeDoc for Xreview by other test projects 15/20315/5
2016-09-13 Morgan RichommeMerge "Refactored support for flavor and image hugepage...
2016-09-13 juraj.linkesRefactored support for flavor and image hugepages based... 13/21013/3
2016-09-13 George ParaskevopoulosSFC testcase IP tables policy 73/20773/2
2016-09-13 Morgan RichommeMerge "[ODL-SFC] Add push resulst to DB"
2016-09-13 Morgan RichommeMerge "Add CI link for ARM"
2016-09-13 cristinapaunaAdd CI link for ARM 03/21003/1
2016-09-13 jose.lausuch[SDNVPN] Disable Rally Sanity test case for bgpvpn... 97/20997/3
2016-09-13 jose.lausuch[ODL-SFC] Add push resulst to DB 29/20929/5
2016-09-12 Jose LausuchMerge "Added support for creating images and flavors...
2016-09-12 juraj.linkesAdded support for creating images and flavors with... 97/20897/1
2016-09-12 Morgan RichommeExclude Tempest basicops case also in noha scenarios 79/20879/1
2016-09-09 Jose LausuchMerge "Optimize onos-sfc"
2016-09-09 wuwenbin2Optimize onos-sfc 23/20323/7
2016-09-08 Morgan RichommeMerge "make use of functest_utils.get_parameter_from_yaml"
2016-09-08 jose.lausuch[Promise] Use the repository from github 77/20677/1
2016-09-08 Morgan RichommeMerge "Exclude some Rally/Nova tests from lxd noha...
2016-09-08 Morgan RichommeExclude some Rally/Nova tests from lxd noha scenario 49/20649/1
2016-09-08 vitikkanTempest release verion updated 12.1.0 -> 12.2.0 37/20637/1
2016-09-08 SerenaFengmake use of functest_utils.get_parameter_from_yaml 69/20569/4
2016-09-07 Morgan RichommeMerge "remove imported FUNCTEST_REPO object"
2016-09-07 Morgan RichommeExclude Rally/Nova tests for lxd scenario 59/20559/1
2016-09-07 SerenaFengremove imported FUNCTEST_REPO object 01/20501/2
2016-09-06 jose.lausuchMerge "Clone the proper branches in the dockerfile"
2016-09-06 jose.lausuchClone the proper branches in the dockerfile 33/20433/7
2016-09-06 Morgan RichommeMerge "Fix image format set for rally test cases"
2016-09-06 Juha KosonenFix image format set for rally test cases 69/20469/1
2016-09-06 Morgan RichommeRemove source-sans-pro directory, fonts not used and... 53/20453/1
2016-09-06 Jose LausuchMerge "Reduce logging in the SFC test case"
2016-09-06 George ParaskevopoulosReduce logging in the SFC test case 29/20429/5
2016-09-06 jose.lausuchMerge "[Promise] Fix bug opening the json result file"
2016-09-06 jose.lausuch[Promise] Fix bug opening the json result file 43/20443/1
2016-09-06 Jose LausuchMerge "Add support of arm for doctor"
2016-09-06 cristinapaunaAdd support of arm for doctor 71/20371/5
2016-09-06 jose.lausuchMerge "[Promise test case] Use proper way to get parame...
2016-09-06 Morgan RichommeMerge "Add blacklist handling for rally test cases"
2016-09-05 jose.lausuch[Promise test case] Use proper way to get parameters... 41/20341/3
2016-09-05 Juha KosonenAdd blacklist handling for rally test cases 61/20361/1
2016-09-05 Carlos GoncalvesRedirect dominio's output to a log file 51/20351/2
2016-09-05 Morgan RichommeMerge "solve bidirectional dependencies between ci...
2016-09-05 jose.lausuchMerge "[Doctor test case] Redirect output to a log...
2016-09-05 Morgan RichommeMerge "Switch print to"
2016-09-05 jose.lausuch[Doctor test case] Redirect output to a log file 29/20329/2
2016-09-05 vitikkanRevert excluding floating IP cases from odl_l3 13/20313/1
2016-09-05 SerenaFengsolve bidirectional dependencies between ci and utils... 61/20261/2
2016-09-02 Morgan RichommeMerge "Exclude test cases that use floating IP from...
2016-09-02 vitikkanExclude test cases that use floating IP from odl_l3... 29/20229/1
2016-09-02 jose.lausuchMerge "Print all the Copper test output to a log file"
2016-09-02 jose.lausuchPrint all the Copper test output to a log file 73/20173/2
2016-09-02 jose.lausuchMerge "Print all the Parser test output to a log file"
2016-09-02 jose.lausuchPrint all the Parser test output to a log file 77/20177/2
2016-09-02 jose.lausuchMerge "Add print-to-a-file option when executing a...