2017-12-04 Michael PolenchukMerge "[virtual] Update dpdk scenario with pike"
2017-12-01 Michael Polenchuk[virtual] Update dpdk scenario with pike 57/48157/1
2017-12-01 Alexandru Avadaniisalt.sh: Force ocata link creation 41/48141/1
2017-11-29 Michael PolenchukMerge "AArch64: base image: pre-install salt-minion"
2017-11-28 Alexandru Avadanii[baremetal] Fix prx stale route via MaaS DHCP 63/47963/1
2017-11-28 Michael PolenchukRevert "[baremetal] Fix maas_subnets without maas_fabrics" 25/47925/3
2017-11-28 Michael Polenchuk[virtual] Update openstack version to pike 07/47507/8
2017-11-28 Michael PolenchukMerge "Add pre-{install,purge} support for base image"
2017-11-27 Alexandru Avadanii[baremetal] VCP VM base img: Switch URL to AWS S3 71/47871/1
2017-11-27 Alexandru AvadaniiAArch64: base image: pre-install salt-minion 59/47859/1
2017-11-27 Alexandru AvadaniiAdd pre-{install,purge} support for base image 05/47805/5
2017-11-27 Michael PolenchukAlign options of glusterfs nova_instances volume 39/47839/2
2017-11-27 Michael PolenchukMerge "[baremetal] MaaS: Fix adding mcp.rsa.pub"
2017-11-27 Michael PolenchukMerge "[baremetal] Retry cinder.controller on failure"
2017-11-27 Michael PolenchukMerge "Revert "Apply apache state on proxy nodes""
2017-11-26 Alexandru Avadanii[baremetal] MaaS: Fix adding mcp.rsa.pub 13/47813/1
2017-11-26 Alexandru Avadanii[baremetal] Retry cinder.controller on failure 11/47811/1
2017-11-25 Alexandru AvadaniiBring in newer glusterfs for mtime unsplit brain 01/47801/1
2017-11-24 Alexandru AvadaniiRevert "Apply apache state on proxy nodes" 79/47779/1
2017-11-24 Alexandru AvadaniiMerge "[docs] Add MCP user guide"
2017-11-24 Alexandru AvadaniiMerge "docs: Update prx nodes on network diagrams"
2017-11-24 Cristina Pauna[docs] Add MCP user guide 19/47719/2
2017-11-24 Guillermo Herrerodocs: Update prx nodes on network diagrams 61/47761/2
2017-11-24 Michael PolenchukSwitch nofeature-ha compute nodes to UCA repo 51/47751/1
2017-11-23 Alexandru Avadaniisalt.sh: Rework `git -C` for older git compat 17/47717/1
2017-11-23 Alexandru Avadanii[baremetal] Fix maas_subnets without maas_fabrics 79/47679/1
2017-11-22 Alexandru AvadaniiMerge "ci/deploy.sh: Add new `-E` arg for env erase"
2017-11-22 Michael Polenchuk[virtual] Apply nova controller state twice 59/47659/1
2017-11-21 Alexandru Avadaniici/deploy.sh: Add new `-E` arg for env erase 61/47461/11
2017-11-21 Michael PolenchukMerge "[baremetal] public gateway setup on prx nodes"
2017-11-20 Guillermo Herrero[baremetal] public gateway setup on prx nodes 41/47341/7
2017-11-18 Alexandru Avadaniipatches: linux.storage.lvm: Disable filter 57/47457/1
2017-11-17 Alexandru AvadaniiMerge "[baremetal] MaaS: Remove curtin netconfig via...
2017-11-16 Alexandru AvadaniiMerge "[baremetal] Retry keystone.client state on failure"
2017-11-16 Michael PolenchukMerge "Update opendaylight/neutron patch"
2017-11-16 Michael PolenchukMerge "[baremetal] Re-assign mgmt network to proxy...
2017-11-15 Alexandru Avadanii[baremetal] Retry keystone.client state on failure 69/47269/2
2017-11-15 Alexandru AvadaniiMerge "Enable neutron trunk ports"
2017-11-15 Michael PolenchukEnable neutron trunk ports 89/47189/2
2017-11-15 Michael PolenchukUpdate opendaylight/neutron patch 83/47183/3
2017-11-14 Alexandru Avadanii[baremetal] Re-assign mgmt network to proxy nodes 49/47149/2
2017-11-13 Alexandru Avadanii[baremetal] SaltStack Deployment Documentation 37/47137/2
2017-11-13 Alexandru Avadanii[baremetal] MaaS: Remove curtin netconfig via Salt 65/46865/3
2017-11-13 Alexandru AvadaniiMerge "AArch64: deploy.sh: Add AAVMF install prereq"
2017-11-13 Alexandru AvadaniiMerge "docs: Add details to the installation instruction"
2017-11-13 Alexandru AvadaniiMerge "deploy.sh: Check hypervisor after prereq install"
2017-11-13 Cristina Paunadocs: Add details to the installation instruction 19/47119/2
2017-11-12 Alexandru Avadanii[baremetal] prx: Fix empty Apache module list 85/47085/1
2017-11-12 Alexandru Avadaniisalt formulas: Pin via reclass instead of salt.sh 83/47083/2
2017-11-11 Alexandru Avadaniisalt.sh: Pin MaaS formula to last known stable ver 79/47079/1
2017-11-10 Alexandru AvadaniiAArch64: deploy.sh: Add AAVMF install prereq 53/47053/1
2017-11-10 Alexandru Avadaniideploy.sh: Check hypervisor after prereq install 49/47049/3
2017-11-10 Michael PolenchukApply apache state on proxy nodes 33/47033/2
2017-11-10 Michael PolenchukMerge "[baremetal] package: install python-yaml"
2017-11-09 Alexandru AvadaniiMerge "docs: add Pod Descriptor Files information"
2017-11-09 Taseer Ahmed[baremetal] package: install python-yaml 41/46941/2
2017-11-09 Michael PolenchukHandle vlan package to avoid downgrade 23/46923/2
2017-11-09 Guillermo Herrerodocs: add Pod Descriptor Files information 33/46933/2
2017-11-08 Alexandru AvadaniiMerge "lib.sh: Cleanup previous /boot/efi contents"
2017-11-08 Alexandru Avadaniilib.sh: Cleanup previous /boot/efi contents 23/46823/1
2017-11-07 Alexandru AvadaniiMaaS: Fix conflicting curtin network config 11/46811/1
2017-11-07 Alexandru AvadaniiMerge "docs: Add network layout example diagrams"
2017-11-07 Alexandru AvadaniiMerge "[maas] Conform regex to machines status output"
2017-11-07 Michael Polenchuk[maas] Conform regex to machines status output 83/46783/2
2017-11-07 Michael PolenchukRevert "Freeze the galera formula to avoid update" 77/46777/2
2017-11-03 Alexandru AvadaniiMerge "Enable glance v1 api for orchestra tests"
2017-11-03 Alexandru Avadaniisalt modules: debian_ip: Accept uppercase ifaces 85/46585/2
2017-11-03 Michael PolenchukEnable glance v1 api for orchestra tests 59/46659/1
2017-10-31 Michael PolenchukFreeze the galera formula to avoid update 77/46477/3
2017-10-31 Michael PolenchukConnect proxy nodes to public network 05/46205/3
2017-10-30 Alexandru Avadanii[virtual] Horizon: server: secure = False 37/46437/3
2017-10-30 Alexandru Avadaniidocs: Add network layout example diagrams 99/46399/8
2017-10-30 Alexandru AvadaniiMerge "lib.sh: rm Ubuntu boot entry on EFI systems"
2017-10-29 Taseer Ahmeddocs: Spelling correction 73/46373/1
2017-10-28 Alexandru Avadaniilib.sh: rm Ubuntu boot entry on EFI systems 69/46369/1
2017-10-27 Alexandru Avadaniipatches: pharos: Dynamic PXE interface index 37/46337/1
2017-10-27 Alexandru Avadaniipatches: pharos: IPMI: Trim netmask from IP 27/46327/1
2017-10-27 Alexandru AvadaniiMerge "ci/deploy.sh: Add PDF parsing dependencies"
2017-10-27 Alexandru AvadaniiMerge "lib.sh: Fix compatibility with bash 4.2"
2017-10-27 Alexandru Avadaniici/deploy.sh: Add PDF parsing dependencies 63/46263/4
2017-10-27 Alexandru AvadaniiMerge "AArch64: Switch jumpserver VMs to virtio video"
2017-10-27 Michael PolenchukMerge "Add missing installation dependency"
2017-10-27 Michael PolenchukMerge "docs: Add more info about virtual deployment"
2017-10-26 Alexandru Avadaniilib.sh: Fix compatibility with bash 4.2 75/46275/1
2017-10-26 Alexandru AvadaniiAArch64: Switch jumpserver VMs to virtio video 65/46265/1
2017-10-26 Taseer AhmedAdd missing installation dependency 43/46243/2
2017-10-26 Taseer Ahmeddocs: Add more info about virtual deployment 41/46241/4
2017-10-26 Michael PolenchukRun aodh state one by one 45/46245/1
2017-10-24 Mika Rautakumpufix for documentation: correct git checkout tag is... 79/46179/1
2017-10-23 Cristina PaunaMinor updates to documentation 29/46129/2
2017-10-21 Michael PolenchukCatch expected failures 97/46097/1
2017-10-19 Alexandru Avadanii[vcp] Increase timeout till VCP VMs online 01/45901/1
2017-10-19 Alexandru Avadaniilib.sh: Fix locals override in nested invocations 93/45893/1
2017-10-19 Michael Polenchuk[virtual] Rise memory for ovs/dpdk scenario 47/45847/1
2017-10-19 Alexandru Avadanii[baremetal] Remove infinite loops from node checks 27/45827/1
2017-10-19 Cristina PaunaUpdate the reference for scenarios 01/45801/1
2017-10-19 Alexandru Avadanii[baremetal] cmp: run linux.network before reboot 17/45717/1
2017-10-19 Alexandru Avadanii[baremetal] maas state: Wait for all nodes online 93/45693/1
2017-10-18 Alexandru Avadanii[baremetal] maas state: Retry sync_all on failure 37/45637/1
2017-10-18 Alexandru AvadaniiMerge "[baremetal] PDF-based network config"