2020-07-15 Cédric OllivierAdd tempest_cyborg based on cyborg tempest plugin 49/70549/1
2020-07-15 Cédric OllivierUpdate Cirros to O.5.1 45/70545/1
2020-07-14 Cédric OllivierUpdate microversions (Train) in CNTT testing 33/70533/1
2020-07-14 Cédric OllivierEnable back manage_snapshot testing in CNTT 32/70532/1
2020-07-14 Cédric OllivierEnable back RemoteStack testing from tempest_heat_cntt 31/70531/2
2020-07-07 Cédric OllivierUpdate Patrole tempest list if OVN 16/70516/1
2020-07-06 Cédric OllivierUpdate tempest blacklist if OVN 84/70484/1
2020-07-06 Cédric OllivierRemove distlib from OpenStack constraints 80/70480/1
2020-07-05 Cédric OllivierReduce Patrole extra logic 68/70468/1
2020-07-04 Cédric OllivierAvoid compiling numpy if arm 64/70464/1
2020-07-04 Cédric OllivierPatrole user -> member 63/70463/1
2020-07-04 Cédric OllivierCreate all /etc dirs per service 54/70454/1
2020-07-03 Cédric OllivierFix tempest_scenario 48/70448/1
2020-07-03 Cédric OllivierGenerate all policies for patrole 47/70447/1
2020-07-03 Cédric Olliviermin_computes_nodes is also used as max values 42/70442/1
2020-07-03 Cédric OllivierPrepare full patrole testing 40/70440/1
2020-07-03 Cédric OllivierAdd patrole user and reader testing 39/70439/1
2020-06-29 Cédric OllivierUpdate tempest_neutron_cntt regex and test count 11/70411/2
2020-06-29 Cédric OllivierSimplify hypervisor list logic in vmtp 05/70405/1
2020-06-24 Cédric OllivierRemove build data in CNTT playbook 72/70372/1
2020-06-18 Cédric OllivierAllow listing hypervisors in VMTP 59/70359/1
2020-06-15 Cédric OllivierIncrease timeout in shaker and vmtp 51/70351/1
2020-06-15 Cédric OllivierReuse OpenStack master upper-constaints.txt 49/70349/1
2020-06-15 Cédric OllivierStop leveraging on neutron plugins and extra 37/70337/1
2020-06-15 Cédric OllivierInstall py3-wheel to avoid legacy installation 36/70336/1
2020-06-15 Cédric OllivierCompile lxml with optimization in smoke 35/70335/1
2020-06-14 Cédric OllivierClone repositories instead of wgetting constraints 32/70332/2
2020-06-12 Cédric OllivierSkip EncryptionVolTypeTest in Iaas verification and... 26/70326/1
2020-06-12 Cédric OllivierRemove RemoteStack testing from tempest_heat_cntt 21/70321/1
2020-06-08 Cédric OllivierAdd missing tempest_octavia in patches 15/70315/1
2020-06-08 Cédric OllivierUpdate all patches proposed by Functest 08/70308/1
2020-06-08 Cédric OllivierUpdate aarch64 configs 96/70296/2
2020-06-07 Cedric OllivierMerge "Update functest/ci/testcases.yaml"
2020-06-07 Cedric OllivierMerge "Stop increase thread stack size"
2020-06-07 Cédric OllivierUpdate functest/ci/testcases.yaml 95/70295/1
2020-06-07 Cédric OllivierStop increase thread stack size 90/70290/2
2020-06-06 Cédric OllivierUpdate to alpine3.12 88/70288/3
2020-06-06 Cédric OllivierIncrease tempest_neutron's tests_count 86/70286/1
2020-06-05 Cédric OllivierSwitch back to concurrency = 4 in tempest testcases 77/70277/1
2020-06-05 Cédric OllivierRun VNF in parallel in Functest default playbook 72/70272/1
2020-06-04 Cédric OllivierRename patch name and removes debug logs 68/70268/2
2020-06-03 Cédric OllivierSwitching to Threading instead of multiprocessing 61/70261/1
2020-06-03 Cédric OllivierIncrease tests_count into tempest_neutron_cntt 59/70259/1
2020-06-03 Cédric OllivierSwitch to queue.Queue() in Rally 55/70255/1
2020-06-01 Cédric OllivierSwitch to SimpleQueue() 48/70248/1
2020-06-01 Cédric OllivierSwitch to fork in Python multiprocessing (python2 default) 41/70241/1
2020-05-28 Cédric OllivierTake last upstream changes into account in the regexes 31/70231/1
2020-05-28 Cédric OllivierRetry increasing Stack size 30/70230/1
2020-05-27 Cédric OllivierSkip manage_snapshot in CNTT 24/70224/1
2020-05-26 Cédric OllivierRemove test_gnocchi.GnocchiGabbiTest.test_live 18/70218/2
2020-05-25 Cédric OllivierUpdate tests_count in tempest_full_cntt 12/70212/1
2020-05-24 Cédric OllivierPrecise validation configs in Neutron 11/70211/1
2020-05-14 Cédric OllivierPrevent microversion conflicts 91/70191/2
2020-05-13 Cédric OllivierAdd other debug messages in Rally 82/70182/1
2020-05-10 Cédric OllivierIncrease tempest_neutron test_count to 512 71/70171/1
2020-05-10 Cédric OllivierUpdate shaker image 70/70170/1
2020-05-04 Cédric OllivierFix load_balancer options if ovn 49/70149/1
2020-05-04 Cédric OllivierEnable network_v6 testing in CNTT 43/70143/1
2020-05-03 Cédric OllivierUpdate all results printed in docs 42/70142/1
2020-05-03 Cédric OllivierUpdate octavia regexes 38/70138/2
2020-05-03 Cédric OllivierStop overriding tempest_conf.yaml in CNTT 30/70130/1
2020-05-02 Cédric OllivierAvoid useless ssh in juju_epc 23/70123/2
2020-05-02 Cédric OllivierSkip latest tests in tempest_full_cntt 19/70119/1
2020-05-01 Cédric OllivierRemove py27 in .travis-ci 03/70103/1
2020-05-01 Cédric OllivierExclude tests.scenario.test_octavia_lbaas in CNTT regexes 98/70098/1
2020-05-01 Cédric OllivierRename barbican->tempest_barbican & octavia->tempest_oc... 90/70090/1
2020-05-01 Cédric OllivierRemove neutron_trunk; networking_bgpvpn and networking_sfc 85/70085/1
2020-04-30 Cédric OllivierSkip LoadBalancerTest in Functest Gates 74/70074/1
2020-04-30 Cédric OllivierDebug rally race conditions 68/70068/3
2020-04-30 Cédric OllivierUpdate OpenStack release detection 66/70066/1
2020-04-29 Cédric OllivierAdd tempest_telemetry 58/70058/2
2020-04-29 Cédric OllivierUpdated from global requirements 55/70055/1
2020-04-28 Cédric OllivierRename neutron_tempest_plugin_api to tempest_neutron 14/70014/1
2020-04-28 Cédric OllivierComplete "Skip CfnInitIntegrationTest in tempest_heat" 10/70010/1
2020-04-28 Cédric OllivierIncrease neutron-tempest-api test_count to 510 09/70009/1
2020-04-27 Cédric OllivierMove static data to tempest_conf.yaml 05/70005/1
2020-04-27 Cédric OllivierSkip CfnInitIntegrationTest in tempest_heat 01/70001/1
2020-04-27 Cédric OllivierRevert "Increase Thread stack size" 95/69995/1
2020-04-27 Cédric OllivierAdd tempest_heat in CNTT smoke 90/69990/1
2020-04-26 Cédric OllivierIncrease Thread stack size 87/69987/1
2020-04-24 Cédric OllivierIncrease test_count in tempest_cinder 81/69981/1
2020-04-22 Cédric OllivierUse ujson version asked by OpenStack requirement 75/69975/1
2020-04-21 Cédric OllivierPublish "CNTT RC April 2020 and beyond" 74/69974/1
2020-04-20 Cédric OllivierProtect password in juju_epc 66/69966/2
2020-04-19 Cédric OllivierSkip new tempest_full tests (CNTT) 64/69964/1
2020-04-19 Cédric OllivierRun sequentially tempest_heat 60/69960/1
2020-04-17 Cédric OllivierTake the last neutron tempest tests into account 58/69958/1
2020-04-16 Cédric OllivierUpdate Neutron regex 56/69956/1
2020-04-14 Cédric OllivierDecrease volume size in boot_server_attach_created_volu... 51/69951/1
2020-04-12 Cedric OllivierMerge "Conform with the upstream create_and_delete_subnets"
2020-04-11 Cédric OllivierDisable VolumeBackupRestoreIntegrationTest if OVN 29/69929/1
2020-04-10 Cédric OllivierSet concurrency and containers_per_tenant to 1 20/69920/1
2020-04-10 Cédric OllivierUpdate CNTT regexes and counts 19/69919/1
2020-04-09 Cédric OllivierConform with the upstream create_and_delete_subnets 17/69917/1
2020-04-07 Cédric OllivierSkip VolumeBackupRestoreIntegrationTest in temptest_heat 14/69914/1
2020-04-06 Cédric OllivierInstall libstdc++ in functest-core 12/69912/1
2020-04-06 Cédric OllivierAdd tempest_heat (heat-tempest-plugin) 10/69910/1
2020-04-06 Cédric OllivierAdd swift sections in OVN's tempest_conf.yaml 09/69909/2
2020-04-05 Cédric OllivierRemove last skipped tests in neutron-tempest-plugin... 07/69907/1
2020-04-05 Cédric OllivierSwith to coreutils timeout 05/69905/1