2021-03-25 Cedric OllivierMerge "Blacklist all alpha testing"
2021-03-25 Cédric OllivierBlacklist all alpha testing 69/72269/1
2021-03-25 Sylvain Desbureaux Provide support for air gapped env for e2e 63/72263/7
2021-03-25 Sylvain DesbureauxProvide support for air gapped env for ims 62/72262/8
2021-03-24 Sylvain DesbureauxProvide support for air gapped env for security 61/72261/2
2021-03-22 Cédric OllivierAdd missing blackslashing 45/72245/1
2021-03-21 Cédric OllivierAdd sig_node 41/72241/1
2021-03-21 Cédric OllivierAdd sig_cluster_lifecycle 26/72226/1
2021-03-21 Cédric OllivierAdd sig_instrumentation 25/72225/1
2021-03-21 Cédric OllivierAdd sig_scheduling 24/72224/1
2021-03-21 Cédric OllivierAdd sig_cli 23/72223/1
2021-03-21 Cédric OllivierAdd sig-apps 22/72222/1
2021-03-21 Cédric OllivierAdd sig-auth 21/72221/1
2021-03-21 Cédric OllivierAdd sig-api-machinery 20/72220/1
2021-03-19 Sylvain DesbureauxProvide support for air gapped env for rally 62/72162/4
2021-03-15 Cédric OllivierFix tag (3.4.13-0) 57/72157/1
2021-02-17 Cédric Olliviernit: highlight the release 89/72089/1
2021-02-17 Cédric OllivierMove former wiki to 87/72087/1
2021-02-11 Cédric OllivierAdd Cargo as build dev 79/71979/1
2021-02-10 Cédric OllivierForce legacy pip resolver 78/71978/1
2021-02-10 Cédric OllivierFix alpine version 56/71956/1
2021-02-10 Cédric OllivierUpgrade system first 50/71950/1
2021-02-04 Cédric OllivierAllow parameterizing K8s versions 45/71845/1
2021-01-26 Cédric OllivierRename sig_network_feature -> sig_network_features 00/71800/2
2021-01-25 Cédric OllivierExport GINKGO_PARALLEL=y 97/71797/2
2021-01-25 Cédric OllivierRun rally first 96/71796/1
2021-01-25 Cédric OllivierAdd sig-storage 95/71795/1
2021-01-25 Cédric OllivierAdd sig_network 94/71794/1
2021-01-25 Cédric OllivierAdd sig_network_feature 93/71793/1
2021-01-21 Cédric OllivierUpdate to alpine:3.13 90/71790/1
2021-01-10 Cédric OllivierUpdate cnf-conformance to v0.9.19 72/71772/1
2021-01-09 Cédric OllivierSwitch to latest (v1.21.0-alpha.0) 70/71770/1
2020-12-11 Cédric OllivierUpdate to latest Kubernetes release 44/71744/1
2020-12-10 Cédric OllivierUse pip==20.2.4 in tox venv 36/71736/1
2020-11-27 Cédric OllivierSync with xrally_kubernetes 30/71530/1
2020-11-22 Cédric OllivierAllow offline testing via xrally_kubernetes 54/71454/3
2020-11-22 Cédric OllivierReduce cnf-conformance criteria 48/71448/1
2020-11-21 Cédric OllivierUpdate cnf_conformance to v0.9.4 41/71441/2
2020-11-20 Cédric OllivierSkip cnf_conformance till helm repos are fixed 33/71433/1
2020-11-20 Cédric OllivierForce Kubernetes 11.0 to please xrall_kubernetes 32/71432/1
2020-11-12 Cédric OllivierAdd timeout as needed by Gitlab CI/CD 80/71380/3
2020-11-09 Cédric OllivierSplit Gates in a dedicated site.yml 48/71348/2
2020-09-23 Cédric OllivierSplit kube_bench_master and kube_bench_node in site... 72/71172/1
2020-09-22 Cédric OllivierStop hardcoding ims- as generate_name 71/71171/1
2020-09-20 Cédric OllivierRedirect helm false warnings to logs 60/71160/1
2020-09-16 Cédric OllivierAdd helm_vims in site.cntt.yml 44/71144/1
2020-09-15 Cédric OllivierPublish helm_vims also based on clearwater-docker 31/71131/1
2020-09-15 Cédric OllivierIncrease timeout in vIMS 30/71130/1
2020-09-14 Cédric OllivierDon't run disruptive hunter checks 21/71121/1
2020-09-13 Cédric OllivierSplit kube-bench master and node 07/71107/3
2020-09-13 Cédric Ollivierself.details must be a dict 02/71102/1
2020-09-12 Cédric OllivierImprove kube_bench output 97/71097/1
2020-09-12 Cédric OllivierEnhance kube-hunter result postprocessing 88/71088/1
2020-09-12 Cédric OllivierAvoid running VNF testing if deployment failed 87/71087/1
2020-09-11 Cédric OllivierAdd clusterIP: None in ims svc.yaml 82/71082/1
2020-09-10 Cédric OllivierRemove clusterIP: None in ims svc.yaml 76/71076/1
2020-09-10 Cédric OllivierAllow setting e2e non blocking taints via env vars 69/71069/1
2020-09-10 Cédric OllivierAdd in 65/71065/1
2020-09-09 Cédric OllivierPublish CNTT RC2 playbook 55/71055/1
2020-09-08 Cédric OllivierAdd helper to download all images 51/71051/3
2020-09-08 Cédric OllivierSet all image tags 45/71045/2
2020-09-08 Cédric OllivierRemove latest in all images 39/71039/1
2020-09-08 Cédric OllivierRemove all imagePullPolicy: Always in ims depl yaml 16/71016/1
2020-09-07 Cédric OllivierOverride default Xtesting logs in cnf-conformance 02/71002/1
2020-09-06 Cédric OllivierDecreate cnf-conformance criteria 84/70984/1
2020-09-06 Cédric OllivierSlightly generalize ginkgo params 78/70978/1
2020-09-06 Cédric OllivierPublish k8s_quick as proposed by sonobuoy 73/70973/1
2020-09-06 Cédric OllivierConform with latest sonubuoy's non disruptive list 70/70970/1
2020-09-06 Cédric OllivierUpdate Xtesting to 0.91.0 65/70965/1
2020-09-04 Cédric OllivierAllow skipping arm and arm64 if cnf-conformance 17/70917/1
2020-09-04 Cédric OllivierAdd cnf-conformance in functest-kubernetes-cnf 14/70914/3
2020-08-30 Cédric OllivierIncrease cassandra timeouts 98/70898/1
2020-08-23 Cédric OllivierStop pushing all details in Test DB 64/70864/1
2020-08-23 Cédric OllivierSet output logs in Rally testcases 59/70859/2
2020-08-23 Cédric OllivierFix kube-hunter command 58/70858/1
2020-08-22 Cédric OllivierFix last hardcoded concurrencies 51/70851/1
2020-08-22 Cédric OllivierAdd xrally_kubernetes_full 44/70844/1
2020-08-18 Cedric OllivierMerge "Add tempo waiting for ellis account"
2020-08-17 Cédric OllivierAdd tempo waiting for ellis account 20/70820/1
2020-08-17 Cédric OllivierSafely decode e2e.test output 75/70775/3
2020-08-17 Cédric OllivierSwitch to latest K9S v1.19 rc 03/70803/1
2020-08-16 Cédric OllivierFix arm -> arm64 92/70792/1
2020-08-16 Cédric OllivierLeverage alpine rather than golang 87/70787/1
2020-08-16 Cédric OllivierStop compiling K8s testing binaries 86/70786/1
2020-08-14 Cédric OllivierUpdate golang to 1.15 in site.yaml 78/70778/1
2020-08-14 Cédric OllivierUpdate golang to 1.15 76/70776/1
2020-08-13 Cédric OllivierConform with Functest pylint config 69/70769/1
2020-08-13 Cedric OllivierMerge "Make K8s security tests namespace aware"
2020-08-13 Cédric OllivierEase modifying the test list in E2E testing 59/70759/3
2020-08-13 Cédric OllivierMake K8s security tests namespace aware 64/70764/1
2020-08-13 Cédric OllivierMake K8s_vims namespace aware 54/70754/2
2020-08-11 Cédric OllivierRemove GOFLAGS in Dockerfile 40/70740/1
2020-08-11 Cédric OllivierRemove useless repo in site.yaml 16/70716/1
2020-08-11 Cédric OllivierStop building smoke if arm and arm64 15/70715/1
2020-08-11 Cédric OllivierDon't build arm containers on TravisCI 13/70713/2
2020-08-11 Cédric OllivierCompile all Functest K8s containers for arm v7 and v8 09/70709/1
2020-08-06 Cédric OllivierOnly upgrade py3-distlib 84/70684/1
2020-08-06 Cédric OllivierUpdated from global requirements 76/70676/2
2020-08-06 Cédric OllivierInstall py3-wheel in functest-kubernetes-core 74/70674/2
2020-08-06 Cédric OllivierInstall py3-distlib from Alpine Edge 78/70678/1