2016-09-01 SerenaFengstop hardcoded FUNCTEST_REPO path everywhere 85/20085/3
2016-09-01 Jose LausuchMerge "unify functest_yaml obtain process"
2016-09-01 Jose LausuchMerge "Add a specific logger for orchestrator class"
2016-08-31 Morgan RichommeRemove copper from lxd scenario 47/20047/2
2016-08-31 George ParaskevopoulosRefactor SFC testcase 11/20011/4
2016-08-31 bouchervAdd a specific logger for orchestrator class 49/20049/4
2016-08-31 SerenaFengunify functest_yaml obtain process 45/19945/3
2016-08-31 Cédric OllivierRemove all logers as utils method args. 13/20013/2
2016-08-31 Cédric OllivierUse a global logger instead of method args 61/19961/2
2016-08-31 Morgan RichommeMerge "unify testcases.yaml obtain process"
2016-08-31 Morgan RichommeMerge "delete useless FUNCTEST_REPO variable"
2016-08-31 SerenaFengparser fails on virtual environement 69/19969/1
2016-08-31 Brady JohnsonFix problem with SFC test 15/19915/2
2016-08-31 Morgan RichommeCommitter promotion: Cedric Ollivier 65/19365/2
2016-08-31 Morgan RichommeMerge "Committer promotion: Serena Feng"
2016-08-31 SerenaFengunify testcases.yaml obtain process 49/19949/2
2016-08-31 SerenaFengdelete useless FUNCTEST_REPO variable 47/19947/1
2016-08-30 Morgan RichommeRelease note: add restriction for joid/domino 31/19831/5
2016-08-30 Narinder Guptadisable test case does not make sense for LXD. 09/19909/1
2016-08-30 Jose LausuchMerge "update fuel ref in tacker setup script"
2016-08-30 Morgan RichommeExclude healthcheck from lxd scenarios 75/19875/1
2016-08-30 Ferenc Cserepkeiupdate fuel ref in tacker setup script 73/19873/1
2016-08-30 Cédric OllivierAllow realtime Jenkins' console output 99/19799/5
2016-08-30 Cédric OllivierForce stdin, stdout and stderr to be totally unbuffered 95/19795/3
2016-08-30 Morgan RichommeMerge "Stop hard-coding db url"
2016-08-30 Morgan RichommeMerge "Flush stdout as it can be redirected to log"
2016-08-30 jose.lausuchExclude floating-ip related tempest tests to blacklist... 51/19751/2
2016-08-30 Cédric OllivierStop hard-coding db url 43/19843/1
2016-08-30 Cédric OllivierFlush stdout as it can be redirected to log 93/19793/3
2016-08-30 Morgan RichommeMerge "Set env vars as mandatory to push to DB"
2016-08-30 Morgan RichommeMerge "Update Release note"
2016-08-29 Morgan RichommeUpdate Release note 45/19645/5
2016-08-29 Morgan RichommeMerge "Review dev guide"
2016-08-29 Morgan RichommeReview dev guide 13/19513/10
2016-08-26 Cédric OllivierSet env vars as mandatory to push to DB 55/19655/2
2016-08-26 Morgan RichommeMerge "configuration guide review"
2016-08-26 Morgan Richommeconfiguration guide review 11/19611/2
2016-08-26 SerenaFengrefactor create shared network process to eliminate... 39/19539/4
2016-08-26 Morgan RichommeMerge "refactor create or get image process to eliminat...
2016-08-26 Morgan RichommeMerge "Stop calling in the middle of pytho...
2016-08-26 Morgan RichommeMerge "[Fuel] Skip test_server_basic_ops tempest test"
2016-08-26 SerenaFengrefactor create or get image process to eliminate redup... 29/19429/3
2016-08-24 Cédric OllivierStop calling in the middle of python scripts 23/19523/2
2016-08-24 Cédric OllivierUse by default the default ODL web port 19/19519/2
2016-08-24 Ferenc CserepkeiFixing commit f1054f8f 09/19509/1
2016-08-24 Morgan RichommeMerge "Included correct links (Colorado) to Doctor...
2016-08-24 Bertrand SouvilleIncluded correct links (Colorado) to Doctor/Promise... 55/19455/2
2016-08-24 Nikolas Hermanns[SFC] Fixing CI 43/19443/1
2016-08-23 Morgan RichommeCommitter promotion: Serena Feng 61/19361/1
2016-08-23 valentin boucherMerge "Avoid duplicating logs in"
2016-08-23 Morgan RichommeMerge "when create/get/update failed return None rather...
2016-08-23 Morgan RichommeMerge "delete useless image_exists in vping"
2016-08-23 Cédric OllivierAvoid duplicating logs in 37/19337/1
2016-08-23 SerenaFengwhen create/get/update failed return None rather than... 87/19287/2
2016-08-23 vitikkanEnable security scan for apex scenarios 15/19315/1
2016-08-23 Michael Polenchuk[Fuel] Skip test_server_basic_ops tempest test 13/19313/1
2016-08-23 Morgan RichommeMerge "refactor push_result_to_db print thing"
2016-08-23 SerenaFengrefactor push_result_to_db print thing 61/19261/4
2016-08-23 vitikkanCreate tempest resources before generating tempest... 07/19307/1
2016-08-23 Morgan RichommeMerge "doctor test support fuel installer"
2016-08-23 Morgan RichommeMerge "Add logger to push_results_to_db args"
2016-08-23 Morgan RichommeMerge "Point tempest to stable 12.1.0"
2016-08-23 Cédric OllivierAdd logger to push_results_to_db args 85/19285/1
2016-08-23 SerenaFengdelete useless image_exists in vping 79/19279/1
2016-08-23 dongwenjuandoctor test support fuel installer 69/19269/1
2016-08-22 Cédric OllivierFix typos in OpenDaylightTesting 17/19217/1
2016-08-22 Michael PolenchukMend create_image() function 05/19205/1
2016-08-22 Morgan RichommeMerge changes from topics 'dont_open_twice', 'add_logs...
2016-08-22 Morgan RichommeMerge "bugfix: push_result_to_db exception show"
2016-08-22 Cédric OllivierAvoid opening tmp files twice 91/19191/2
2016-08-22 valentin boucherMerge "Bug fix - Better way to grab file from gerrit"
2016-08-22 Cédric OllivierAdd logs (info) 83/19183/1
2016-08-22 SerenaFengbugfix: push_result_to_db exception show 37/19137/4
2016-08-22 Cédric OllivierImprove errors and status codes management 77/19177/2
2016-08-22 Michael PolenchukPoint tempest to stable 12.1.0 73/19173/1
2016-08-22 Cédric OllivierCatch exception if output.xml failed 71/19171/1
2016-08-22 Morgan RichommeMerge "Add reporting to DB in OpenDaylightTesting"
2016-08-22 Morgan RichommeMerge "Protect again changes of unix permissions"
2016-08-22 Morgan RichommeMerge "refactor vping"
2016-08-22 SerenaFengrefactor vping 17/18717/10
2016-08-21 Cédric OllivierProtect again changes of unix permissions 21/19121/1
2016-08-21 Cédric OllivierChmod 755 all py files which can be executed 19/19119/1
2016-08-19 Cédric OllivierAdd reporting to DB in OpenDaylightTesting 83/19083/4
2016-08-19 Cédric OllivierAdd exec right 87/19087/1
2016-08-19 Morgan RichommeMerge "Fix print when push_results_to_db fails"
2016-08-19 Cédric OllivierFix print when push_results_to_db fails 81/19081/1
2016-08-19 Morgan RichommeMerge "Modify data sent to testAPI"
2016-08-19 Manuel BuilBug fix - Better way to grab file from gerrit 37/19037/2
2016-08-19 Michael PolenchukPull down default instance flavor 47/19047/1
2016-08-19 Morgan RichommeMerge "functest compass usage document"
2016-08-19 Morgan RichommeMerge "Remove useless odlreport2db args"
2016-08-19 Morgan RichommeMerge "Colorado Release note"
2016-08-19 Cédric OllivierModify data sent to testAPI 39/18939/3
2016-08-19 Morgan RichommeColorado Release note 53/18853/6
2016-08-19 Ryota MIBUfix Pillow version 3.3.0 05/19005/1
2016-08-19 MatthewLifunctest compass usage document 75/18775/5
2016-08-18 Morgan RichommeMerge "complement Parser related userguide"
2016-08-18 SerenaFengcomplement Parser related userguide 43/18943/2
2016-08-18 Morgan RichommeMerge "Config guide workflow simplification"
2016-08-18 Juha HaapavirtaConfig guide workflow simplification 79/18479/7