2016-12-15 Morgan RichommeMerge "Create internship dir in docs"
2016-12-14 Morgan RichommeBug fix: precise testcase name to push results into DB 55/25955/1
2016-12-14 Morgan RichommeMerge "Conform SFC test case to FeatureBase"
2016-12-14 Morgan RichommeMerge "Adapt Copper to Abstraction framework"
2016-12-14 helenyaoAuthenticate clients with keystoneauth1.session 25/25725/12
2016-12-14 Morgan RichommeAdapt Copper to Abstraction framework 07/24907/4
2016-12-14 Morgan RichommeCreate internship dir in docs 03/25903/4
2016-12-13 Morgan RichommeMerge "rename openstack to components"
2016-12-13 jose.lausuchConform SFC test case to FeatureBase 57/24757/10
2016-12-13 Jose LausuchMerge "Rename add_floating_ip arg to floatingip_addr"
2016-12-13 Morgan Richommerename openstack to components 83/25883/1
2016-12-13 Morgan RichommeMerge "CI-Build-Fix: Move the connection check to smoke"
2016-12-13 Morgan RichommeMerge "Add timing decorator utility"
2016-12-13 George ParaskevopoulosAdd timing decorator utility 97/25797/2
2016-12-13 Jose LausuchMerge "Add host aggregate / av zones util functions"
2016-12-13 helenyaoCI-Build-Fix: Move the connection check to smoke 39/25839/1
2016-12-13 Romanos SkiadasRename add_floating_ip arg to floatingip_addr 33/25833/1
2016-12-13 helenyaoUpgraded the virtualenv 19/25819/1
2016-12-12 Morgan RichommeMerge "Move api_check test in smoke category"
2016-12-12 George ParaskevopoulosInstall releng as a python module 89/25789/1
2016-12-12 helenyaoSupport rally configuration for both Newton and Mitaka 67/25667/3
2016-12-12 Morgan RichommeMove api_check test in smoke category 83/25783/1
2016-12-09 Morgan RichommeSnaps integration 51/25751/1
2016-12-09 George ParaskevopoulosAdd host aggregate / av zones util functions 75/25675/2
2016-12-09 Serena FengMerge "abstract umbrella part to make integration code...
2016-12-09 Morgan RichommeMerge "Added test cases for running the Python Tests...
2016-12-08 spisarskiAdded test cases for running the Python Tests included... 43/25443/2
2016-12-08 helenyaoUpdate the logic to support both Newton and Mitaka 65/25665/1
2016-12-07 Romanos SkiadasRevert commits that handle tacker objects 07/25607/1
2016-12-07 Morgan RichommeMerge "Get rid of easy_install in unit test"
2016-12-07 helenyaoGet rid of easy_install in unit test 09/25509/5
2016-12-07 helenyaoBugfix: fix the wrong class name 97/25597/1
2016-12-07 SerenaFengabstract umbrella part to make integration code simpler 01/24801/8
2016-12-06 Morgan RichommeMerge "test-requirements.txt is added for unit test."
2016-12-06 Morgan RichommeMerge "Concatenate the RUN commands"
2016-12-06 Morgan RichommeMerge "Sort multi-line arguments alphanumerically"
2016-12-06 Morgan RichommeMerge "Tacker objects in openstack snapshot"
2016-12-06 Morgan RichommeMerge "Tacker objects in openstack clean"
2016-12-06 helenyaotest-requirements.txt is added for unit test. 11/25511/9
2016-12-05 Morgan RichommeMerge "Fix Pep8 issues related to \"
2016-12-05 George ParaskevopoulosTacker objects in openstack clean 79/25479/3
2016-12-05 George ParaskevopoulosTacker objects in openstack snapshot 75/25475/4
2016-12-05 Morgan RichommeFix Pep8 issues related to \ 01/25401/8
2016-12-05 George ParaskevopoulosFix typo in openstack_tacker 85/25485/1
2016-12-05 helenyaoConcatenate the RUN commands 63/25463/2
2016-12-05 helenyaoSort multi-line arguments alphanumerically 67/25467/1
2016-12-02 helenyaoRename TestCasesBase into TestcaseBase 91/25391/5
2016-12-02 Morgan RichommeMerge "Update release notes with arm results"
2016-12-02 Morgan RichommeMerge "remove functest_repo from TestBase, move it...
2016-12-02 cristinapaunaUpdate release notes with arm results 19/25419/2
2016-12-02 Morgan RichommeMerge "Allow unit testing w/o internet connectivity"
2016-12-02 Morgan Richommeremove functest_repo from TestBase, move it to vPingBase 99/25399/2
2016-12-02 Morgan RichommeMerge "Revert "solve failure testcases are not pushed...
2016-12-01 Morgan RichommeMerge "Remove Notion of SKIP in test cases"
2016-11-30 Morgan RichommeRevert "solve failure testcases are not pushed to testD... 09/25109/3
2016-11-30 Jose LausuchMerge "Fix tacker util script"
2016-11-30 Morgan RichommeRemove Notion of SKIP in test cases 23/25123/2
2016-11-30 Cédric OllivierAllow unit testing w/o internet connectivity 87/25187/2
2016-11-29 Morgan Richommebug fix: bad path after refactoring 49/25149/1
2016-11-29 George ParaskevopoulosFix tacker util script 75/25075/3
2016-11-28 Morgan RichommeMerge "Lifted requirements.pip one level up to meet...
2016-11-28 Morgan RichommeMerge "Bugfix: fix the wrong script path for healthcheck."
2016-11-26 helenyaoBugfix: fix the wrong path for vping_ssh 17/24917/1
2016-11-26 helenyaoBugfix: fix the wrong script path for healthcheck. 15/24915/1
2016-11-26 helenyaoLifted requirements.pip one level up to meet the basic... 79/24879/3
2016-11-25 Morgan RichommeMerge smoke and sdn_controllers into smoke 05/24905/1
2016-11-25 jose.lausuchAdd suffix '_DIR' to some constants that point to direc... 75/24875/5
2016-11-25 Morgan Richommefile/dir renaming for consistency 65/24865/6
2016-11-25 SerenaFengAdapt Parser test case to the new template 63/24663/9
2016-11-25 Morgan RichommeMerge "Consider criteria as exit condition in odl test"
2016-11-24 jose.lausuchFix bug repos_dir -> REPOS_DIR 71/24871/1
2016-11-24 Morgan RichommeConsider criteria as exit condition in odl test 63/24863/1
2016-11-24 helenyaoExtracted all global parameters into 19/24619/19
2016-11-24 Jose LausuchMerge "Conform SDNVPN test case to TestCaseBase"
2016-11-24 Jose LausuchMerge "bugfix: correct test report status"
2016-11-24 SerenaFengbugfix: correct test report status 25/24825/1
2016-11-23 jose.lausuchAdapt check_os to OpenStack Newton 63/24763/2
2016-11-23 jose.lausuchConform SDNVPN test case to TestCaseBase 65/24765/2
2016-11-23 Morgan RichommeMerge "solve failure testcases are not pushed to testDB...
2016-11-23 Morgan RichommeMerge "Adapt vping testcases to the new template"
2016-11-23 SerenaFengAdapt vping testcases to the new template 41/24541/6
2016-11-23 Jose LausuchMerge "bugfix: domino test can not be executed"
2016-11-23 SerenaFengsolve failure testcases are not pushed to testDB problem 45/24745/2
2016-11-22 Jose LausuchMerge "Fix path for Promise testcase call"
2016-11-22 jose.lausuchFix path for Promise testcase call 81/24681/1
2016-11-22 jose.lausuchFix path for Tacker installation 79/24679/1
2016-11-22 jose.lausuchSwitch SFC call to sfc repository 53/24553/2
2016-11-22 SerenaFengbugfix: domino test can not be executed 65/24665/2
2016-11-22 jose.lausuchCreate directory and empty files for the new openstack... 57/24657/1
2016-11-21 Morgan RichommeMerge "Adapt Domino to Test Abstraction"
2016-11-18 Jose LausuchMerge "Update Promise repository"
2016-11-18 George ParaskevopoulosCreate ovs log artifact on odl-sfc fail 57/24557/1
2016-11-18 Morgan RichommeAdapt Domino to Test Abstraction 61/24561/1
2016-11-18 jose.lausuchUpdate Promise repository 31/24431/2
2016-11-16 Morgan RichommeMerge "Remove Harcoded version for ruby (vIMS)"
2016-11-16 Morgan RichommeMerge "Wrap the Functest and install it as module by...
2016-11-16 Morgan RichommeMerge "Add script to enable Docker Remote API by updati...
2016-11-15 Morgan RichommeRemove Harcoded version for ruby (vIMS) 67/24367/1
2016-11-14 spisarskiInstalling SNAPS library to Docker image. 31/24331/1
2016-11-14 Manuel BuilBug fix odl-sfc 19/24319/1