From: Deepak S <>
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2017 02:34:58 +0000 (-0700)
Subject: Updating user guide
X-Git-Tag: opnfv-5.1.RC1~20

Updating user guide

Change-Id: I80bcbe616b8f2c64151de6e588c892de6c3dc8f1
Signed-off-by: Deepak S <>

diff --git a/docs/testing/user/userguide/02-methodology.rst b/docs/testing/user/userguide/02-methodology.rst
index 5550fec9..01cbb276 100644
--- a/docs/testing/user/userguide/02-methodology.rst
+++ b/docs/testing/user/userguide/02-methodology.rst
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Abstract
 This chapter describes the methodology/overview of SampleVNF project from
-the perspective of a :term:`VNF` and verifying the :term:`NFVI`
+the perspective of a :term:`VNF` and :term:`NFVI` Characterization
diff --git a/docs/testing/user/userguide/03-architecture.rst b/docs/testing/user/userguide/03-architecture.rst
index 3654c43a..62a17349 100755
--- a/docs/testing/user/userguide/03-architecture.rst
+++ b/docs/testing/user/userguide/03-architecture.rst
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Architecture
-This chapter describes the samplevnf  software architecture.
+This chapter describes the samplevnf software architecture.
 we will introduce it VNFs. More technical details will be introduced in this chapter.
@@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ VNF supported
       Intel® DPPD - PROX is an application built on top of DPDK which allows
       creating software architectures, such as the one depicted below, through
       small and readable configuration files.
+      This VNF can act as L2FWD, L3FWD, BNG etc.
 Test Framework
@@ -111,3 +112,5 @@ SampleVNF Directory structure
 *VNFs/* - all VNF source code directory.
 *VNF_Catalogue/* - Collection of all  Open Source VNFs
+*heat_template/* - Sample HEAT templates for VNFs
diff --git a/docs/testing/user/userguide/04-installation.rst b/docs/testing/user/userguide/04-installation.rst
index 9a31ecdc..3b925759 100644
--- a/docs/testing/user/userguide/04-installation.rst
+++ b/docs/testing/user/userguide/04-installation.rst
@@ -108,6 +108,11 @@ The connectivity could be
      TG:port 0 <------> VNF:Port 0
      TG:port 1 <------> VNF:Port 1
+     For correalted traffic, use below configuration
+     TG_1:port 0 <------> VNF:Port 0
+                        VNF:Port 1 <------> TG_2:port 0 (UDP Replay)
+     (TG_2(UDP_Replay) reflects all the traffic on the given port)
 2) Multi port pair :  More than one pair of traffic
@@ -120,7 +125,9 @@ The connectivity could be
      For correalted traffic, use below configuration
      TG_1:port 0 <------> VNF:Port 0
-                        VNF:Port 1 <------> TG_2:port 0 (UDP Replay)
+                          VNF:Port 1 <------> TG_2:port 0 (UDP Replay)
+     TG_1:port 1 <------> VNF:Port 2
+                          VNF:Port 3 <------> TG_2:port 1 (UDP Replay)
      (TG_2(UDP_Replay) reflects all the traffic on the given port)
 * Bare-Metal
@@ -148,9 +155,7 @@ Build VNFs on the DUT:
 Auto Build - Using script to build VNFs
      * Interactive options:
          ./tools/ -i
          Follow the steps in the screen from option [1] –> [9] and
          select option [8] to build the vnfs.
@@ -179,52 +184,42 @@ Auto Build - Using script to build VNFs
          [8] Build all VNFs (vACL, vCGNAPT, vFW, UDP_Replay, DPPD-PROX)
          [9] Exit Script
-     * non-Interactive options:
+     * non-Interactive options:
          ./tools/ -s -d=<dpdk version eg 17.02>
 Manual Build
       1. Download DPDK supported version from
-        unzip dpdk-$ and apply dpdk patches only in case of 16.04 (Not required for other DPDK versions)
-        cd dpdk
-        make config T=x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc O=x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc
-        cd x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc
-        make -j
-      2. Setup huge pages
-        For 1G/2M hugepage sizes, for example 1G pages, the size must be specified
-        explicitly and can also be optionally set as the default hugepage size
-        for the system. For example, to reserve 8G of hugepage memory in the form
-        of eight 1G pages, the following options should be passed to the
-        kernel: * default_hugepagesz=1G hugepagesz=1G hugepages=8 hugepagesz=2M hugepages=2048
-      3. Add this to Go to /etc/default/grub configuration file.
-        Append “default_hugepagesz=1G hugepagesz=1G hugepages=8 hugepagesz=2M hugepages=2048”to the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX entry.
-      4. Setup Environment Variable
-        export RTE_SDK=<samplevnf>/dpdk
-        export RTE_TARGET=x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc
-        export VNF_CORE=<samplevnf>
-        or using ./tools/
-      5. Build vACL VNFs
-        cd <samplevnf>/VNFs/vACL
-        make clean
-        make
-        The vACL executable will be created at the following location
-        <samplevnf>/VNFs/vACL/build/vACL
+         *$
+         * unzip dpdk-$ and apply dpdk patches only in case of 16.04 (Not required for other DPDK versions)
+         * cd dpdk
+         * make config T=x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc O=x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc
+         * cd x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc
+         * make -j
+      2. Add this to Go to /etc/default/grub configuration file to setup hugepages.
+         * Append “default_hugepagesz=1G hugepagesz=1G hugepages=8 hugepagesz=2M hugepages=2048” to the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX entry.
+      3. Setup Environment Variable
+         * export RTE_SDK=<samplevnf>/dpdk
+         * export RTE_TARGET=x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc
+         * export VNF_CORE=<samplevnf> or using ./tools/
+      4. Build SampleVNFs e.g, vACL
+         * cd <samplevnf>/VNFs/vACL
+         * make clean
+         * make
+         * The vACL executable will be created at the following location
+           <samplevnf>/VNFs/vACL/build/vACL
 2) Standalone virtualization/Openstack:
    Build VM image from script in  yardstick
-     1) git clone
-     2) cd yardstick and run
-        ./tools/yardstick-img-modify tools/
+     1) git clone
+     2) cd samplevnf and run
+        ./tools/samplevnf-img-dpdk-samplevnf-modify tools/
+        Image available in: /tmp/workspace/samplevnf/xenial-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img 
 To run VNFs. Please refer chapter `05-How_to_run_SampleVNFs.rst`
diff --git a/docs/testing/user/userguide/05-How_to_run_SampleVNFs.rst b/docs/testing/user/userguide/05-How_to_run_SampleVNFs.rst
index 29c76e69..3835a439 100644
--- a/docs/testing/user/userguide/05-How_to_run_SampleVNFs.rst
+++ b/docs/testing/user/userguide/05-How_to_run_SampleVNFs.rst
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ SUT requirements:
    | OS        | Ubuntu 16.04 LTS |
-   | kernel    |  4.4.0-34-generic|
+   | kernel    | 4.4.0-34-generic |
    | DPDK      | 17.02            |
@@ -75,12 +75,19 @@ SRIOV or OVS) setup based on the test profile.
 The connectivity could be
 1) Single port pair : One pair ports used for traffic
      e.g. Single port pair link0 and link1 of VNF are used
      TG:port 0 <------> VNF:Port 0
      TG:port 1 <------> VNF:Port 1
+     For correalted traffic, use below configuration
+     TG_1:port 0 <------> VNF:Port 0
+                          VNF:Port 1 <------> TG_2:port 0 (UDP Replay)
+     (TG_2(UDP_Replay) reflects all the traffic on the given port)
 2) Multi port pair :  More than one pair of traffic
      e.g. Two port pair link 0, link1, link2 and link3 of VNF are used
      TG:port 0 <------> VNF:Port 0
@@ -90,8 +97,11 @@ The connectivity could be
      For correalted traffic, use below configuration
      TG_1:port 0 <------> VNF:Port 0
-                        VNF:Port 1 <------> TG_2:port 0 (UDP Replay)
+                          VNF:Port 1 <------> TG_2:port 0 (UDP Replay)
+     TG_1:port 1 <------> VNF:Port 2
+                          VNF:Port 3 <------> TG_2:port 1 (UDP Replay)
      (TG_2(UDP_Replay) reflects all the traffic on the given port)
  * Bare-Metal
    Refer: to setup the DUT for VNF to run
@@ -114,17 +124,19 @@ Setup Traffic generator
 Step 0: Preparing hardware connection
     Connect Traffic generator and VNF system back to back as shown in previous section
-    TRex port 0 ↔ (VNF Port 0) ↔ (VNF Port 1) ↔ TRex port 1
+    ::
+        TRex port 0 ↔ (VNF Port 0) ↔ (VNF Port 1) ↔ TRex port 1
 Step 1: Setting up Traffic generator (TRex)
     TRex Software preparations
-    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-    * Install the OS (Bare metal Linux, not VM!)
-    * Obtain the latest TRex package: wget
-    * Untar the package: tar -xzf latest
-    * Change dir to unzipped TRex
-    * Create config file using command: sudo python -i
+    **************************
+     * Install the OS (Bare metal Linux, not VM!)
+     * Obtain the latest TRex package: wget
+     * Untar the package: tar -xzf latest
+     * Change dir to unzipped TRex
+     * Create config file using command: sudo python -i
        In case of Ubuntu 16 need python3
        See paragraph config creation for detailed step-by-step
@@ -140,89 +152,87 @@ Step 2: Procedure to build SampleVNFs
 Auto Build
 * Interactive options:
-              ./tools/ -i
-              Follow the steps in the screen from option [1] –> [9] and select option [8] to build the vnfs.
-              It will automatically download selected DPDK version and any required patches and will setup everything and build VNFs.
-              Following are the options for setup:
-              ----------------------------------------------------------
-              Step 1: Environment setup.
-              ----------------------------------------------------------
-              [1] Check OS and network connection
-              [2] Select DPDK RTE version
-              ----------------------------------------------------------
-              Step 2: Download and Install
-              ----------------------------------------------------------
-              [3] Agree to download
-              [4] Download packages
-              [5] Download DPDK zip
-              [6] Build and Install DPDK
-              [7] Setup hugepages
-              [8] Download civetweb
-              ----------------------------------------------------------
-              Step 3: Build VNFs
-              ----------------------------------------------------------
-              [9] Build all VNFs (vACL, vCGNAPT, vFW, UDP_Replay, DPPD-PROX)
-              [10] Exit Script
+   ./tools/ -i
+   Follow the steps in the screen from option [1] –> [9] and select option [8] to build the vnfs.
+   It will automatically download selected DPDK version and any required patches and will setup everything and build VNFs.
+   Following are the options for setup:
+   ----------------------------------------------------------
+   Step 1: Environment setup.
+   ----------------------------------------------------------
+   [1] Check OS and network connection
+   [2] Select DPDK RTE version
+   ----------------------------------------------------------
+   Step 2: Download and Install
+   ----------------------------------------------------------
+   [3] Agree to download
+   [4] Download packages
+   [5] Download DPDK zip
+   [6] Build and Install DPDK
+   [7] Setup hugepages
+   [8] Download civetweb
+   ----------------------------------------------------------
+   Step 3: Build VNFs
+   ----------------------------------------------------------
+   [9] Build all VNFs (vACL, vCGNAPT, vFW, UDP_Replay, DPPD-PROX)
+   [10] Exit Script
 * Non-Interactive options:
-              ./tools/ -s -d=<dpdk version eg 17.02>
+   ./tools/ -s -d=<dpdk version eg 17.02>
+   if system is behind the proxy
+   ./tools/ -s -d=<dpdk version eg 17.02> -p=<proxy>
 Manual Build
-           1) Download DPDK supported version from
-    $
-              unzip dpdk-$ and apply dpdk patches only in case of 16.04 (Not required for other DPDK versions)
-              cd dpdk
-              make config T=x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc O=x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc
-              cd x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc
-              make
-           2) Download civetweb 1.9 version from the following link
-              unzip
-              mv civetweb-master civetweb
-              cd civetweb
-              make lib
-           3) Setup huge pages
-              For 1G/2M hugepage sizes, for example 1G pages, the size must be
-              specified explicitly and can also be optionally set as the
-              default hugepage size for the system. For example, to reserve 8G
-              of hugepage memory in the form of eight 1G pages, the following
-              options should be passed to the kernel: * default_hugepagesz=1G
-              hugepagesz=1G hugepages=8 hugepagesz=2M hugepages=2048
-           4) Add this to Go to /etc/default/grub configuration file.
-              Append “default_hugepagesz=1G hugepagesz=1G hugepages=8 hugepagesz=2M hugepages=2048”
-              to the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX entry.
-           5) Setup Environment Variable
-              export RTE_SDK=<samplevnf>/dpdk
-              export RTE_TARGET=x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc
-              export VNF_CORE=<samplevnf>
-              or using ./tools/
-           6) Build VNFs
-              cd <samplevnf>
-              make
-              or to build individual VNFs
-                cd <samplevnf>/VNFs/
-                make clean
-                make
-                The vFW executable will be created at the following location
-                <samplevnf>/VNFs/vFW/build/vFW
+   1) Download DPDK supported version from
+      unzip dpdk-$ and apply dpdk patches only in case of 16.04 (Not required for other DPDK versions)
+      cd dpdk
+      make config T=x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc O=x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc
+      cd x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc
+      make
+   2) Download civetweb 1.9 version from the following link
+      unzip
+      mv civetweb-master civetweb
+      cd civetweb
+      make lib
+   3) Setup huge pages
+      For 1G/2M hugepage sizes, for example 1G pages, the size must be
+      specified explicitly and can also be optionally set as the
+      default hugepage size for the system. For example, to reserve 8G
+      of hugepage memory in the form of eight 1G pages, the following
+      options should be passed to the kernel: * default_hugepagesz=1G
+      hugepagesz=1G hugepages=8 hugepagesz=2M hugepages=2048
+   4) Add this to Go to /etc/default/grub configuration file.
+      Append “default_hugepagesz=1G hugepagesz=1G hugepages=8 hugepagesz=2M hugepages=2048”
+      to the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX entry.
+   5) Setup Environment Variable
+      export RTE_SDK=<samplevnf>/dpdk
+      export RTE_TARGET=x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc
+      export VNF_CORE=<samplevnf>
+      or using ./tools/
+   6) Build VNFs
+      cd <samplevnf>
+      make
+      or to build individual VNFs
+        cd <samplevnf>/VNFs/
+        make clean
+        make
+        The vFW executable will be created at the following location
+        <samplevnf>/VNFs/vFW/build/vFW
 Virtual Firewall - How to run
@@ -234,58 +244,57 @@ a) Bind ports to DPDK
-        For DPDK versions 17.xx
-        1) cd <samplevnf>/dpdk
-        2) ./usertools/ --status <--- List the network device
-        3) ./usertools/ -b igb_uio <PCI Port 0> <PCI Port 1>
-        .. _More details:
+    For DPDK versions 17.xx
+    1) cd <samplevnf>/dpdk
+    2) ./usertools/ --status <--- List the network device
+    3) ./usertools/ -b igb_uio <PCI Port 0> <PCI Port 1>
+    .. _More details:
 b) Prepare script to enalble VNF to route the packets
-          cd <samplevnf>/VNFs/vFW/config
-          Open -> Replace the bold items based on your setting.
-           link 0 config <VNF port 0 IP eg> 8
-           link 0 up
-           link 1 down
-           link 1 config <VNF port 0 IP eg> 8
-           link 1 up
-           ; routeadd <net/host> <port #> <ipv4 nhip address in decimal> <Mask>
-           routeadd net 0 <traffic generator port 0 IP eg> 0xff000000
-           routeadd net 1 <traffic generator port 1 IP eg> 0xff000000
-           ; IPv4 static ARP; disable if dynamic arp is enabled.
-           p 1 arpadd 0 <traffic generator port 0 IP eg> <traffic generator port 0 MAC>
-           p 1 arpadd 1  <traffic generator port 1 IP eg> <traffic generator port 1 MAC>
-           p action add 0 accept
-           p action add 0 fwd 0
-           p action add 0 count
-           p action add 1 accept
-           p action add 1 fwd 1
-           p action add 1 count
-           p action add 2 drop
-           p action add 2 count
-           p action add 0 conntrack
-           p action add 1 conntrack
-           p action add 2 conntrack
-           p action add 3 conntrack
-           ; IPv4 rules
-           p vfw add 1 <traffic generator port 0 IP eg> 8 <traffic generator port 1 IP eg> 8 0 65535 67 69 0 0 2
-           p vfw add 2 <traffic generator port 0 IP eg> 8 <traffic generator port 1 IP eg> 8 0 65535 0 65535 0 0 1
-           p vfw add 2 <traffic generator port 1 IP eg> 8 <traffic generator port 0 IP eg> 8 0 65535 0 65535 0 0 0
-           p vfw applyruleset
+    cd <samplevnf>/VNFs/vFW/config
+    Open -> Replace the bold items based on your setting.
+    link 0 config <VNF port 0 IP eg> 8
+    link 0 up
+    link 1 down
+    link 1 config <VNF port 0 IP eg> 8
+    link 1 up
+    ; routeadd <net/host> <port #> <ipv4 nhip address in decimal> <Mask>
+    routeadd net 0 <traffic generator port 0 IP eg> 0xff000000
+    routeadd net 1 <traffic generator port 1 IP eg> 0xff000000
+    ; IPv4 static ARP; disable if dynamic arp is enabled.
+    p 1 arpadd 0 <traffic generator port 0 IP eg> <traffic generator port 0 MAC>
+    p 1 arpadd 1  <traffic generator port 1 IP eg> <traffic generator port 1 MAC>
+    p action add 0 accept
+    p action add 0 fwd 0
+    p action add 0 count
+    p action add 1 accept
+    p action add 1 fwd 1
+    p action add 1 count
+    p action add 2 drop
+    p action add 2 count
+    p action add 0 conntrack
+    p action add 1 conntrack
+    p action add 2 conntrack
+    p action add 3 conntrack
+    ; IPv4 rules
+    p vfw add 1 <traffic generator port 0 IP eg> 8 <traffic generator port 1 IP eg> 8 0 65535 67 69 0 0 2
+    p vfw add 2 <traffic generator port 0 IP eg> 8 <traffic generator port 1 IP eg> 8 0 65535 0 65535 0 0 1
+    p vfw add 2 <traffic generator port 1 IP eg> 8 <traffic generator port 0 IP eg> 8 0 65535 0 65535 0 0 0
+    p vfw applyruleset
 c) Run below cmd to launch the VNF. Please make sure both hugepages and ports to be used are bind to dpdk.
-          cd <samplevnf>/VNFs/vFW/
-          ./build/vFW -p 0x3 -f ./config/VFW_SWLB_SinglePortPair_4Thread.cfg  -s ./config/
+    cd <samplevnf>/VNFs/vFW/
+    ./build/vFW -p 0x3 -f ./config/VFW_SWLB_SinglePortPair_4Thread.cfg  -s ./config/
 step 4: Run Test using traffic geneator
@@ -319,58 +328,58 @@ a) Bind ports to DPDK
-        For DPDK versions 17.xx
-        1) cd <samplevnf>/dpdk
-        2) ./usertools/ --status <--- List the network device
-        3) ./usertools/ -b igb_uio <PCI Port 0> <PCI Port 1>
-        .. _More details:
+    For DPDK versions 17.xx
+    1) cd <samplevnf>/dpdk
+    2) ./usertools/ --status <--- List the network device
+    3) ./usertools/ -b igb_uio <PCI Port 0> <PCI Port 1>
+    .. _More details:
 b) Prepare script to enalble VNF to route the packets
-          cd <samplevnf>/VNFs/vACL/config
-          Open -> Replace the bold items based on your setting.
-           link 0 config <VNF port 0 IP eg> 8
-           link 0 up
-           link 1 down
-           link 1 config <VNF port 0 IP eg> 8
-           link 1 up
-           ; routeadd <port #> <ipv4 nhip address in decimal> <Mask>
-           routeadd net 0 <traffic generator port 0 IP eg> 0xff000000
-           routeadd net 1 <traffic generator port 1 IP eg> 0xff000000
-           ; IPv4 static ARP; disable if dynamic arp is enabled.
-           p 1 arpadd 0 <traffic generator port 0 IP eg> <traffic generator port 0 MAC>
-           p 1 arpadd 1  <traffic generator port 1 IP eg> <traffic generator port 1 MAC>
-           p action add 0 accept
-           p action add 0 fwd 0
-           p action add 0 count
-           p action add 1 accept
-           p action add 1 fwd 1
-           p action add 1 count
-           p action add 2 drop
-           p action add 2 count
-           p action add 0 conntrack
-           p action add 1 conntrack
-           p action add 2 conntrack
-           p action add 3 conntrack
-           ; IPv4 rules
-           p acl add 1 <traffic generator port 0 IP eg> 8 <traffic generator port 1 IP eg> 8 0 65535 67 69 0 0 2
-           p acl add 2 <traffic generator port 0 IP eg> 8 <traffic generator port 1 IP eg> 8 0 65535 0 65535 0 0 1
-           p acl add 2 <traffic generator port 1 IP eg> 8 <traffic generator port 0 IP eg> 8 0 65535 0 65535 0 0 0
-           p acl applyruleset
+    cd <samplevnf>/VNFs/vACL/config
+    Open -> Replace the bold items based on your setting.
+    link 0 config <VNF port 0 IP eg> 8
+    link 0 up
+    link 1 down
+    link 1 config <VNF port 0 IP eg> 8
+    link 1 up
+    ; routeadd <port #> <ipv4 nhip address in decimal> <Mask>
+    routeadd net 0 <traffic generator port 0 IP eg> 0xff000000
+    routeadd net 1 <traffic generator port 1 IP eg> 0xff000000
+    ; IPv4 static ARP; disable if dynamic arp is enabled.
+    p 1 arpadd 0 <traffic generator port 0 IP eg> <traffic generator port 0 MAC>
+    p 1 arpadd 1  <traffic generator port 1 IP eg> <traffic generator port 1 MAC>
+    p action add 0 accept
+    p action add 0 fwd 0
+    p action add 0 count
+    p action add 1 accept
+    p action add 1 fwd 1
+    p action add 1 count
+    p action add 2 drop
+    p action add 2 count
+    p action add 0 conntrack
+    p action add 1 conntrack
+    p action add 2 conntrack
+    p action add 3 conntrack
+    ; IPv4 rules
+    p acl add 1 <traffic generator port 0 IP eg> 8 <traffic generator port 1 IP eg> 8 0 65535 67 69 0 0 2
+    p acl add 2 <traffic generator port 0 IP eg> 8 <traffic generator port 1 IP eg> 8 0 65535 0 65535 0 0 1
+    p acl add 2 <traffic generator port 1 IP eg> 8 <traffic generator port 0 IP eg> 8 0 65535 0 65535 0 0 0
+    p acl applyruleset
 c) Run below cmd to launch the VNF. Please make sure both hugepages and ports to be used are bind to dpdk.
-        cd <samplevnf>/VNFs/vFW/
-        ./build/vFW -p 0x3 -f ./config/IPv4_swlb_acl_1LB_1t.cfg  -s ./config/
+    cd <samplevnf>/VNFs/vFW/
+    ./build/vFW -p 0x3 -f ./config/IPv4_swlb_acl_1LB_1t.cfg  -s ./config/
 step 4: Run Test using traffic geneator
@@ -404,70 +413,72 @@ Step 3: Bind the datapath ports to DPDK
-        For DPDK versions 17.xx
-        1) cd <samplevnf>/dpdk
-        2) ./usertools/ --status <--- List the network device
-        3) ./usertools/ -b igb_uio <PCI Port 0> <PCI Port 1>
-        .. _More details:
+    For DPDK versions 17.xx
+    1) cd <samplevnf>/dpdk
+    2) ./usertools/ --status <--- List the network device
+    3) ./usertools/ -b igb_uio <PCI Port 0> <PCI Port 1>
+    .. _More details:
  b) Prepare script to enalble VNF to route the packets
-          cd <samplevnf>/VNFs/vCGNAPT/config
-          Open -> Replace the bold items based on your setting.
+    cd <samplevnf>/VNFs/vCGNAPT/config
+    Open -> Replace the bold items based on your setting.
-           link 0 config <VNF port 0 IP eg> 8
-           link 0 up
-           link 1 down
-           link 1 config <VNF port 0 IP eg> 8
-           link 1 up
+    link 0 config <VNF port 0 IP eg> 8
+    link 0 up
+    link 1 down
+    link 1 config <VNF port 0 IP eg> 8
+    link 1 up
-           ; uncomment to enable static NAPT
-           ;p <cgnapt pipeline id> entry addm <prv_ipv4/6> prvport> <pub_ip> <pub_port> <phy_port> <ttl> <no_of_entries> <end_prv_port> <end_pub_port>
-           ;p 5 entry addm 1234 1 0 500 65535 1234 65535
+    ; uncomment to enable static NAPT
+    ;p <cgnapt pipeline id> entry addm <prv_ipv4/6> prvport> <pub_ip> <pub_port> <phy_port> <ttl> <no_of_entries> <end_prv_port> <end_pub_port>
+    ;p 5 entry addm 1234 1 0 500 65535 1234 65535
-           ; routeadd <net/host> <port #> <ipv4 nhip address in decimal> <Mask>
-           routeadd net 0 <traffic generator port 0 IP eg> 0xff000000
-           routeadd net 1 <traffic generator port 1 IP eg> 0xff000000
+    ; routeadd <net/host> <port #> <ipv4 nhip address in decimal> <Mask>
+    routeadd net 0 <traffic generator port 0 IP eg> 0xff000000
+    routeadd net 1 <traffic generator port 1 IP eg> 0xff000000
-           ; IPv4 static ARP; disable if dynamic arp is enabled.
-           p 1 arpadd 0 <traffic generator port 0 IP eg> <traffic generator port 0 MAC>
-           p 1 arpadd 1  <traffic generator port 1 IP eg> <traffic generator port 1 MAC>
-       For dynamic cgnapt. Please use UDP_Replay as one of the traffic generator
-          (TG1) (port 0) --> (port 0) VNF (CGNAPT) (Port 1) --> (port0)(UDPReplay)
+    ; IPv4 static ARP; disable if dynamic arp is enabled.
+    p 1 arpadd 0 <traffic generator port 0 IP eg> <traffic generator port 0 MAC>
+    p 1 arpadd 1  <traffic generator port 1 IP eg> <traffic generator port 1 MAC>
+    For dynamic cgnapt. Please use UDP_Replay as one of the traffic generator
+       (TG1) (port 0) --> (port 0) VNF (CGNAPT) (Port 1) --> (port0)(UDPReplay)
  c) Run below cmd to launch the VNF. Please make sure both hugepages and ports to be used are bind to dpdk.
-        cd <samplevnf>/VNFs/vCGNAPT/
-        ./build/vCGNAPT -p 0x3 -f ./config/sample_swlb_2port_2WT.cfg  -s ./config/
+    cd <samplevnf>/VNFs/vCGNAPT/
+    ./build/vCGNAPT -p 0x3 -f ./config/sample_swlb_2port_2WT.cfg  -s ./config/
+ d) Run UDP_replay to reflect the traffic on public side.
+    cmd: ./build/UDP_Replay -c 0x7 -n 4 -w <pci> -w <pci> -- --no-hw-csum -p <portmask> --config='(port, queue, cpucore)'
+    e.g ./build/UDP_Replay -c 0x7 -n 4 -w 0000:07:00.0 -w 0000:07:00.1 -- --no-hw-csum -p 0x3 --config='(0, 0, 1)(1, 0, 2)'
 step 4: Run Test using traffic geneator
-        On traffic generator system:
+    On traffic generator system:
+    cd <trex eg v2.28/stl>
+    Update the to generate the traffic.
-        cd <trex eg v2.28/stl>
-        Update the to generate the traffic.
-        class STLBench(object):
-        ip_range = {}
-        ip_range['src'] = {'start': '<traffic generator port 0 IP eg>', 'end': '<traffic generator port 0 IP eg>'}
-        ip_range['dst'] = {'start': '<traffic generator port 1 IP eg>', 'end': '<public ip e.g>'}
-        cd <trex eg v2.28>
-        Run the TRex server: sudo ./t-rex-64 -i -c 7
-        In another shell run TRex console: trex-console
-        The console can be run from another computer with -s argument, --help for more info.
-        Other options for TRex client are automation or GUI
-        In the console, run "tui" command, and then send the traffic with commands like:
-        start -f stl/ -m 50% --port 0 3 -t size=590,vm=var1
-        For more details refer:
+    class STLBench(object):
+    ip_range = {}
+    ip_range['src'] = {'start': '<traffic generator port 0 IP eg>', 'end': '<traffic generator port 0 IP eg>'}
+    ip_range['dst'] = {'start': '<traffic generator port 1 IP eg>', 'end': '<public ip e.g>'}
+    cd <trex eg v2.28>
+    Run the TRex server: sudo ./t-rex-64 -i -c 7
+    In another shell run TRex console: trex-console
+    The console can be run from another computer with -s argument, --help for more info.
+    Other options for TRex client are automation or GUI
+    In the console, run "tui" command, and then send the traffic with commands like:
+    start -f stl/ -m 50% --port 0 3 -t size=590,vm=var1
+    For more details refer:
 UDP_Replay - How to run
@@ -479,19 +490,19 @@ Step 3: Bind the datapath ports to DPDK
-        For DPDK versions 17.xx
-        1) cd <samplevnf>/dpdk
-        2) ./usertools/ --status <--- List the network device
-        3) ./usertools/ -b igb_uio <PCI Port 0> <PCI Port 1>
-        .. _More details:
+    For DPDK versions 17.xx
+    1) cd <samplevnf>/dpdk
+    2) ./usertools/ --status <--- List the network device
+    3) ./usertools/ -b igb_uio <PCI Port 0> <PCI Port 1>
+    .. _More details:
  b) Run below cmd to launch the VNF. Please make sure both hugepages and ports to be used are bind to dpdk.
-          cd <samplevnf>/VNFs/UDP_Replay/
-          cmd: ./build/UDP_Replay -c 0x7 -n 4 -w <pci> -w <pci> -- --no-hw-csum -p <portmask> --config='(port, queue, cpucore)'
-          e.g ./build/UDP_Replay -c 0x7 -n 4 -w 0000:07:00.0 -w 0000:07:00.1 -- --no-hw-csum -p 0x3 --config='(0, 0, 1)(1, 0, 2)'
+    cd <samplevnf>/VNFs/UDP_Replay/
+    cmd: ./build/UDP_Replay -c 0x7 -n 4 -w <pci> -w <pci> -- --no-hw-csum -p <portmask> --config='(port, queue, cpucore)'
+    e.g ./build/UDP_Replay -c 0x7 -n 4 -w 0000:07:00.0 -w 0000:07:00.1 -- --no-hw-csum -p 0x3 --config='(0, 0, 1)(1, 0, 2)'
 step 4: Run Test using traffic geneator
@@ -592,6 +603,7 @@ application is configured using a .cfg file. The core mask and number
 of channels is derived from this config. For example, to run the
 application from the source directory execute:
   user@target:~$ ./build/prox -f ./config/nop.cfg
 Provided example configurations
@@ -604,24 +616,29 @@ A quick description of these example configurations is provided below.
 Additional details are provided in the example configuration files.
 Basic configurations, mostly used as sanity check:
-- config/nop.cfg
-- config/nop-rings.cfg
-- gen/nop-gen.cfg
+  - config/nop.cfg
+  - config/nop-rings.cfg
+  - gen/nop-gen.cfg
 Simplified BNG (Border Network Gateway) configurations, using different
 number of ports, with and without QoS, running on the host or in a VM:
-- config/bng-4ports.cfg
-- config/bng-8ports.cfg
-- config/bng-qos-4ports.cfg
-- config/bng-qos-8ports.cfg
-- config/bng-1q-4ports.cfg
-- config/bng-ovs-usv-4ports.cfg
-- config/bng-no-cpu-topology-4ports.cfg
-- gen/bng-4ports-gen.cfg
-- gen/bng-8ports-gen.cfg
-- gen/bng-ovs-usv-4ports-gen.cfg
+  - config/bng-4ports.cfg
+  - config/bng-8ports.cfg
+  - config/bng-qos-4ports.cfg
+  - config/bng-qos-8ports.cfg
+  - config/bng-1q-4ports.cfg
+  - config/bng-ovs-usv-4ports.cfg
+  - config/bng-no-cpu-topology-4ports.cfg
+  - gen/bng-4ports-gen.cfg
+  - gen/bng-8ports-gen.cfg
+  - gen/bng-ovs-usv-4ports-gen.cfg
 Light-weight AFTR configurations:
-- config/lw_aftr.cfg
-- gen/lw_aftr-gen.cfg
+  - config/lw_aftr.cfg
+  - gen/lw_aftr-gen.cfg
diff --git a/docs/testing/user/userguide/06-How_to_use_REST_api.rst b/docs/testing/user/userguide/06-How_to_use_REST_api.rst
index 53726464..658f99d3 100644
--- a/docs/testing/user/userguide/06-How_to_use_REST_api.rst
+++ b/docs/testing/user/userguide/06-How_to_use_REST_api.rst
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 .. (c) opnfv, national center of scientific research "demokritos" and others.
-REST API - Readme
@@ -65,128 +65,81 @@ Civetweb exposes a few functions which are used to resgister custom handlers
 for different URI’s that are implemented.
 Typical usage is shown below
-VNF Application init()
-Initialize the civetweb library
-Start the web server
-ctx = mg_start(NULL, 0, options);
-Once the civetweb server is started we can register our URI’s as show below
-mg_set_request_handler(ctx, "/config", static_cfg_handler, 0);
-In the above example “/config” is the URI & static_cfg_handler() is
-the handler that gets called when a user invokes this URI through
-the HTTP client. API's have been mostly implemented for existing VNF's
-like vCGNAPT, vFW & vACL. you might want to implement custom handlers
-for your VNF.
 URI definition for different VNF’s
-URI           				REST Method	     Arguments			Description
-/vnf                  			GET  		       	None           		Displays top level methods available
-/vnf/config           			GET         		None           		Displays the current config set
-                                        POST                    pci_white_list:         Command success/failure
-                                                                num_worker(o):
-                                                                vnf_type(o):
-                                                                pkt_type (o):
-                                                                num_lb(o):
-                                                                sw_lb(o):
-                                                                sock_in(o):
-                                                                hyperthread(o) :
-/vnf/config/arp                         GET                     None                    Displays ARP/ND info
-                                        POST                    action: <add/del/req>   Command success/failure
-                                                                ipv4/ipv6: <address>
-                                                                portid: <>
-                                                                macaddr: <> for add
-/vnf/config/link                        GET                     None
-                                        POST                    link_id:<>              Command success/failure
-                                                                state: <1/0>
-/vnf/config/link/<link id>              GET                     None
-                                        POST                    ipv4/ipv6: <address>    Command success/failure
-                                                                depth: <>
-/vnf/config/route                       GET                     None                    Displays gateway route entries
-                                        POST                    portid: <>              Adds route entries for default gateway
-                                                                nhipv4/nhipv6: <addr>
-                                                                depth: <>
-                                                                type:"net/host"
-/vnf/config/rules(vFW/vACL only)        GET                     None                    Displays the methods /load/clear
-/vnf/config/rules/load                  GET                     None                    Displays if file was loaded
-                                        PUT                     <script file
-                                                                with cmds>              Executes each command from script file
-/vnf/config/rules/clear                 GET                     None                    Command success/failure clear the stat
-/vnf/config/nat(vCGNAPT only)           GET                     None                    Displays the methods /load/clear
-/vnf/config/nat/load                    GET                     None                    Displays if file was loaded
-                                        PUT                     <script file
-                                                                 with commands>         Executes each command from script file
-/vnf/config/nat/clear                   GET                     None                    Command success/failure clear the stats
-/vnf/log                                GET                     None                    This needs to be implemented for each VNF
-                                                                                        just keeping this as placeholder.
-/vnf/dbg                                GET                     None                    Will display methods supported like /pipelines/cmd
-/vnf/dbg/pipelines                      GET                     None                    Displays pipeline information(names)
-                                                                                        of each pipelines
-/vnf/dbg/pipelines/<pipe id>            GET                     None                    Displays debug level for particular pipeline
-/vnf/dbg/cmd                            GET                     None                    Last executed command parameters
-                                        POST                    cmd:                    Command success/failure
-                                                                dbg:
-                                                                d1:
-                                                                d2:
+  +---------------------------------+-----------------+--------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+
+  |        **URI**        	         | **REST Method** |      **Arguments**       |**Description**                                    |
+  +---------------------------------+-----------------+--------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+
+  |/vnf                  			     |   GET  		     | 	None           		      |Displays top level methods available                 |
+  +---------------------------------+-----------------+--------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+
+  |/vnf/config           		  	   |   GET         	 |  None           	 	      |Displays the current config set                      |
+  |                                 |   POST          |  pci_white_list:         |                                                    |
+  |                                 |                 |    num_worker(o):        |                                                    |
+  |                                 |                 |    vnf_type(o):          |                                                    |
+  |                                 |                 |    pkt_type (o):         |                                                    |
+  |                                 |                 |    num_lb(o):            |                                                    |
+  |                                 |                 |    sw_lb(o):             |                                                    |
+  |                                 |                 |    sock_in(o):           |                                                    |
+  |                                 |                 |    hyperthread(o):       |                                                    |
+  +---------------------------------+-----------------+--------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+
+  |/vnf/config/arp                  |   GET           |  None                    |Displays ARP/ND info                                |
+  |                                 |   POST          |  action: <add/del/req>   |                                                    |
+  |                                 |                 |    ipv4/ipv6: <address>  |                                                    |
+  |                                 |                 |    portid: <>            |                                                    |
+  |                                 |                 |    macaddr: <> for add   |                                                    |
+  +---------------------------------+-----------------+--------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+
+  |/vnf/config/link                 |   GET           |  None                    |                                                    |
+  |                                 |   POST          |  link_id:<>              |                                                    |
+  |                                 |                 |  state: <1/0>            |                                                    |
+  +---------------------------------+-----------------+--------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+
+  |/vnf/config/link/<link id>       |   GET           |  None                    |                                                    |
+  |                                 |   POST          |  ipv4/ipv6: <address>    |                                                    |
+  |                                 |                 |  depth: <>               |                                                    |
+  +---------------------------------+-----------------+--------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+
+  |/vnf/config/route                |   GET           |  None                    |Displays gateway route entries                      |
+  |                                 |   POST          |  portid: <>              |Adds route entries for default gateway              |
+  |                                 |                 |  nhipv4/nhipv6: <addr>   |                                                    |
+  |                                 |                 |  depth: <>               |                                                    |
+  |                                 |                 |  type:"net/host"         |                                                    |
+  +---------------------------------+-----------------+--------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+
+  |/vnf/config/rules(vFW/vACL only) |   GET           |  None                    |Displays the methods /load/clear                    |
+  +---------------------------------+-----------------+--------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+
+  |/vnf/config/rules/load           |   GET           |  None                    |Displays if file was loaded                         |
+  |                                 |   PUT           |  <script file            |                                                    |
+  |                                 |                 |  with cmds>              |Executes each command from script file              |
+  +---------------------------------+-----------------+--------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+
+  |/vnf/config/rules/clear          |   GET           |  None                    |                                                    |
+  +---------------------------------+-----------------+--------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+
+  |/vnf/config/nat(vCGNAPT only)    |   GET           |  None                    |Displays the methods /load/clear                    |
+  +---------------------------------+-----------------+--------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+
+  |/vnf/config/nat/load             |   GET           |  None                    |Displays if file was loaded                         |
+  |                                 |   PUT           |  <script file with cmds> |                                                    |
+  +---------------------------------+-----------------+--------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+
+  |/vnf/config/nat/clear            |   GET           |  None                    |                                                    |
+  +---------------------------------+-----------------+--------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+
+  |/vnf/log                         |   GET           |  None                    |This needs to be implemented for each VNF           |
+  |                                 |                 |                          |          just keeping this as placeholder.         |
+  +---------------------------------+-----------------+--------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+
+  |/vnf/dbg                         |   GET           |  None                    |Will display methods supported like /pipelines/cmd  |
+  +---------------------------------+-----------------+--------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+
+  |/vnf/dbg/pipelines               |   GET           |  None                    |Displays pipeline information(names)                |
+  +---------------------------------+-----------------+--------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+
+  |/vnf/dbg/pipelines/<pipe id>     |   GET           |  None                    |Displays debug level for particular pipeline        |
+  +---------------------------------+-----------------+--------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+
+  |/vnf/dbg/cmd                     |   GET           |  None                    |Last executed command parameters                    |
+  |                                 |   POST          |  cmd:                    |                                                    |
+  |                                 |                 |    dbg:                  |                                                    |
+  |                                 |                 |    d1:                   |                                                    |
+  |                                 |                 |    d2:                   |                                                    |
+  +---------------------------------+-----------------+--------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+
+  PUT/POST - Command success/failure
 API Usage
-1. Initialization
-In order to integrate to your VNF these are the steps required
-In your VNF application init
-        Initialize the rest api
-        struct mg_context *ctx = rest_api_init(&app);
-        rest api's for cgnapt
-        rest_api_<vnf>_init(ctx, &app);
-void rest_api_<vnf>_init(struct mg_context *ctx, struct app_params *app)
-        myapp = app;
-        VNF specific command registration
-        mg_set_request_handler(,,,);
-2. Run time Usage
+1. Run time Usage
 An application(say vFW) with REST API support is run as follows
@@ -194,114 +147,112 @@ with just PORT MASK as input. The following environment variables
 need to be set before launching the application(To be run from
 samplevnf directory).
-export VNF_CORE=`pwd`
-export RTE_SDK=`pwd`/dpdk-16.04
-export RTE_TARGET=x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc
+  ./build/vFW (Without the -f & -s option)
-./build/vFW (Without the -f & -s option)
+1. When VNF(vCGNAPT/vACL/vFW) is launched it waits for user to provide the /vnf/config REST method.
-1. When VNF(vCGNAPT/vACL/vFW) is launched it waits for user to provide the
-/vnf/config REST method. A typical curl command if used will look like below
-shown. This with minimal parameter. For more options please refer to above REST
-methods table.
+  ::
+    e.g curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"pci_white_list": "0000:08:00.0 0000:08:00.1"}' http://<IP>/vnf/config
-e.g curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"pci_white_list": "0000:08:00.0
- 0000:08:00.1"}' http://<IP>/vnf/config
+    Note: the config is mostly implemented based on existing VNF's. if new parameters
+          are required in the config we need to add that as part of the vnf_template.
-Note: the config is mostly implemented based on existing VNF's. if new parameters
-are required in the config we need to add that as part of the vnf_template.
+    Once the config is provided the application gets launched.
-Once the config is provided the application gets launched.
+    Note for CGNAPT we can add public_ip_port_range as follows, the following e.g gives
+    a multiport configuration with 4 ports, 2 load balancers, worker threads 10, multiple
+    public_ip_port_range being added, please note the "/" being used to seperate multiple
+    inputs for public_ip_port_range.
-Note for CGNAPT we can add public_ip_port_range as follows, the following e.g gives
-a multiport configuration with 4 ports, 2 load balancers, worker threads 10, multiple
-public_ip_port_range being added, please note the "/" being used to seperate multiple
-inputs for public_ip_port_range.
-e.g curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"pci_white_list": "0000:05:00.0 0000:05:00.2 0000:07:00.0 0000:07:00.2",
-                "num_lb":"2", "num_worker":"10","public_ip_port_range_0": "04040000:(1, 65535)/04040001:(1, 65535)",
-                "public_ip_port_range_1": "05050000:(1, 65535)/05050001:(1, 65535)" }'
+    e.g curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"pci_white_list": "0000:05:00.0 0000:05:00.2 0000:07:00.0 0000:07:00.2",
+        "num_lb":"2", "num_worker":"10","public_ip_port_range_0": "04040000:(1, 65535)/04040001:(1, 65535)",
+        "public_ip_port_range_1": "05050000:(1, 65535)/05050001:(1, 65535)" }'
 2. Check the Link IP's using the REST API (vCGNAPT/vACL/vFW)
-e.g curl <IP>/vnf/config/link
-This would indicate the number of links enabled. You should enable all the links
-by using following curl command for links 0 & 1
+   ::
+     e.g curl <IP>/vnf/config/link
+     This would indicate the number of links enabled. You should enable all the links
+     by using following curl command for links 0 & 1
-e.g curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"linkid": "0", "state": "1"}'
-curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"linkid": "1", "state": "1"}'
+     e.g curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"linkid": "0", "state": "1"}'
+     http://<IP>/vnf/config/link
+     curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"linkid": "1", "state": "1"}'
+     http://<IP>/vnf/config/link
 3. Now that links are enabled we can configure IP's using link method as follows (vCGNAPT/vACL/vFW)
-e.g  curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"ipv4":"<IP to be configured>","depth":"24"}'
-curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"ipv4":"IP to be configured","depth":"24"}'
+   ::
+     e.g  curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"ipv4":"<IP to be configured>","depth":"24"}'
+     http://<IP>/vnf/config/link/0
+     curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"ipv4":"IP to be configured","depth":"24"}'
+     http://<IP>/vnf/config/link/1
-Once the IP's are set in place time to add NHIP for ARP Table. This is done using for all the ports
+     Once the IP's are set in place time to add NHIP for ARP Table. This is done using for all the ports required.
+     /vnf/config/route
-curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"portid":"0", "nhipv4":"IPV4 address",
- "depth":"8", "type":"net"}' http://<IP>/vnf/config/route
+     curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"portid":"0", "nhipv4":"IPV4 address",
+     "depth":"8", "type":"net"}' http://<IP>/vnf/config/route
 4. Adding arp entries we can use this method (vCGNAPT/vACL/vFW)
+   ::
+     /vnf/config/arp
-curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"action":"add", "ipv4":"",
+     e.g
+     curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"action":"add", "ipv4":"",
                  "portid":"0", "macaddr":"00:00:00:00:00:01"}'
-curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"action":"add", "ipv4":"",
+     curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"action":"add", "ipv4":"",
                  "portid":"1", "macaddr":"00:00:00:00:00:02"}'
 5. Adding route entries we can use this method (vCGNAPT/vACL/vFW)
+   ::
+     /vnf/config/route
-e.g curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"type":"net", "depth":"8", "nhipv4":"",
+     e.g curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"type":"net", "depth":"8", "nhipv4":"",
-curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"type":"net", "depth":8", "nhipv4":"",
+     curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"type":"net", "depth":8", "nhipv4":"",
 5. In order to load the rules a script file needs to be posting a script.(vACL/vFW)
+   ::
+     /vnf/config/rules/load
-Typical example for loading a script file is shown below
-curl -X PUT -F 'image=@<path to file>' http://<IP>/vnf/config/rules/load
+     Typical example for loading a script file is shown below
+     curl -X PUT -F 'image=@<path to file>' http://<IP>/vnf/config/rules/load
-typically arpadd/routeadd commands can be provided as part of this to
-add static arp entries & adding route entries providing the NHIP's.
+     typically arpadd/routeadd commands can be provided as part of this to
+     add static arp entries & adding route entries providing the NHIP's.
 6. The following REST api's for runtime configuring through a script (vCGNAPT Only)
+   ::
+     /vnf/config/rules/clear
+     /vnf/config/nat
+     /vnf/config/nat/load
 7. For debug purpose following REST API's could be used as described above.(vCGNAPT/vACL/vFW)
+   ::
+     /vnf/dbg
+     e.g curl
-e.g curl
+     /vnf/dbg/pipelines
+     e.g curl
-e.g curl
+     /vnf/dbg/pipelines/<pipe id>
+     e.g curl<id>
-/vnf/dbg/pipelines/<pipe id>
-e.g curl<id>
+     /vnf/dbg/cmd
 8. For stats we can use the following method (vCGNAPT/vACL/vFW)
-e.g curl <IP>/vnf/stats
+   ::
+     /vnf/stats
+     e.g curl <IP>/vnf/stats
 9. For quittiong the application (vCGNAPT/vACL/vFW)
-e.g curl <IP>/vnf/quit
+   ::
+     /vnf/quit
+     e.g curl <IP>/vnf/quit
diff --git a/docs/testing/user/userguide/07-Config_files.rst b/docs/testing/user/userguide/07-Config_files.rst
index 9061ee57..4f3811ec 100644
--- a/docs/testing/user/userguide/07-Config_files.rst
+++ b/docs/testing/user/userguide/07-Config_files.rst
@@ -20,9 +20,127 @@ Following are the example configuration files for sampleVNFs.
 vCGNAPT Config files
+The reference configuration files explained here are for Software and Hardware
+loadbalancing with IPv4 traffic type and single port pair.
+For other configurations liek IPv6 and Multi-port, refer to example config
+files provided as part of the source code in config(VNFs/vCGNAPT/config) folder
+of the VNFs.
+1. SWLB, IPv4, Single Port Pair, 1WT:
+  ::
+    [EAL]
+    w = 05:00.0
+    w = 05:00.1
+    [PIPELINE0]
+    type = MASTER
+    core = 0
+    [PIPELINE1]
+    type = ARPICMP
+    core = 1
+    pktq_in = SWQ0
+    pktq_out = SWQ7
+    pktq_in_prv = RXQ0.0
+    prv_to_pub_map = (0, 1)
+    [PIPELINE2]
+    type = TIMER
+    core = 2
+    n_flows = 1048576
+    [PIPELINE3]
+    type = TXRX
+    core = 3
+    pipeline_txrx_type = RXRX
+    dest_if_offset = 176
+    pktq_in = RXQ0.0 RXQ1.0
+    pktq_out = SWQ1 SWQ2 SWQ0
+    [PIPELINE4]
+    type = LOADB
+    core = 4
+    pktq_in = SWQ1 SWQ2
+    pktq_out = SWQ3 SWQ4
+    outport_offset = 136; 8
+    n_vnf_threads = 1
+    prv_que_handler = (0,)
+    [PIPELINE5]
+    type = CGNAPT
+    core = 5
+    pktq_in = SWQ3 SWQ4
+    pktq_out = SWQ5 SWQ6
+    phyport_offset = 204
+    n_flows = 1048576
+    key_offset = 192;64
+    key_size = 8
+    hash_offset = 200;72
+    timer_period = 100
+    max_clients_per_ip = 65535
+    max_port_per_client = 10
+    public_ip_port_range = 98103214:(1, 65535)
+    vnf_set = (3,4,5)
+    pkt_type = ipv4
+    cgnapt_meta_offset = 128
+    prv_que_handler = (0,)
+    [PIPELINE6]
+    type = TXRX
+    core = 6
+    pipeline_txrx_type = TXTX
+    dest_if_offset = 176
+    pktq_in = SWQ5 SWQ6
+    pktq_out = TXQ0.0 TXQ1.0
+2. HWLB, IPv4, Single Port Pair, 1 WT:
+This configuration doesn't require LOADB and TXRX pipelines
+  [EAL]
+  w = 05:00.0
+  w = 05:00.1
+  type = MASTER
+  core = 0
+  type = ARPICMP
+  core = 1
+  pktq_in = SWQ0
+  pktq_out = TXQ0.0 TXQ1.0
+  pktq_in_prv = RXQ0.0
+  prv_to_pub_map = (0, 1)
+  type = TIMER
+  core = 2
+  n_flows = 1048576
+  type = CGNAPT
+  core = 3
+  pktq_in = RXQ0.0 RXQ1.0
+  pktq_out = TXQ0.1 TXQ1.1 SWQ0
+  phyport_offset = 204
+  n_flows = 1048576
+  key_offset = 192;64
+  key_size = 8
+  hash_offset = 200;72
+  timer_period = 100
+  max_clients_per_ip = 65535
+  max_port_per_client = 10
+  public_ip_port_range = 98103214:(1, 65535)
+  vnf_set = (3,4,5)
+  pkt_type = ipv4
+  cgnapt_meta_offset = 128
+  prv_que_handler = (0,)
 vFW Config files
@@ -355,6 +473,3 @@ of the VNFs.
     n_flows = 1000000
     pkt_type = ipv4
     traffic_type = 4
diff --git a/docs/testing/user/userguide/09-prox.rst b/docs/testing/user/userguide/09-prox.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4d5444c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/testing/user/userguide/09-prox.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,479 @@
+.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
+.. License.
+.. (c) OPNFV, Intel Corporation and others.
+PROX - Packet pROcessing eXecution engine.
+Change since previous release, support has been added for the following:
+8 workloads for automated dataplane benchmarking using DATS
+Support DPDK 17.05
+L4 stateful traffic generation and flow extraction tool
+lua configuration files for easy table population
+New modes: impair, lb5tuple, mirror,  nat, decapnsh, encapnsh and genl4
+helper script for automated VM core pinning for Qemu
+New screens for viewing information regarding DPDK rings (screen 5) and L4 generation (screen 6)
+Improved command editing using libedit
+Improved ncurses display
+Rename of dppd-bng zip file to dppd-prox
+Latency histogram collection
+        +----------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------+
+        |   **RUNTIME COMMAND**                        |           **DESCRIPTION**                                                 |      **EXAMPLE**           |
+        +----------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------+
+        |quit                                          | Stop all cores and quit                                                   |                            |
+        +----------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------+
+        |help <substr>                                 | Show list of commands that have <substr> as a substring.                  |                            |
+        |                                              | If no substring is provided, all commands are shown.                      |                            |
+        +----------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------+
+        |verbose <level>                               | Set the verbosity level of some printed messages.                         |                            |
+        |                                              | Possible values are: 0 (default value, error messages only),              |  verbose 1                 |
+        |                                              | 1 (+ warnings), 2 (+ info) and 3 (+ debugging)                            |                            |
+        +----------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------+
+        |thread info <core_id> <task_id>               | Show task specific information                                            |                            |
+        +----------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------+
+        |update interval <value>                       | Update statistics refresh rate, in msec (must be >=10).                   |                            |
+        |                                              | Default is 1 second                                                       |  update interval 500       |
+        +----------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------+
+        |rx tx info                                    | Print connections between tasks on all cores                              |                            | 
+        +----------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------+
+        |start <core list>|all <task_id>               | Start cores specified in <core list> or all cores.                        |  start all                 |
+        |                                              | If <task_id> is not specified, all tasks for the specified cores          |  start 1                   |
+        |                                              | will be started.                                                          |  start 1s0-4s0             |
+        +----------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------+
+        |stop <core list>|all <task_id>                | Stop cores specified in <core list> or all cores.                         |                            |
+        |                                              | If <task_id> is not specified, all tasks for the specified                |  stop 1                    |
+        |                                              | cores will be stopped.                                                    |                            |
+        +----------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------+
+        |dump <coreid> <taskid> <nbpkts>               | Create a hex dump of <nb_packets> from <task_id> on <core_id>             |  dump 2 1 5                |
+        |                                              | showing how packets have changed between RX and TX.                       |                            |
+        +----------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------+
+        |dump_rx <coreid> <taskid> <nbpkts>            | Create a hex dump of <nb_packets> from <task_id> on <coreid> at RX        | dump_rx 2 1 5              |
+        +----------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------+
+        |dump_tx <coreid> <taskid> <nbpkts>            | Create a hex dump of <nb_packets> from <task_id> on <coreid> at TX        | dump_tx 2 1 5              |
+        +----------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------+
+        |rx distr start                                | Start gathering statistical distribution of received packets              |                            |
+        +----------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------+
+        |rx distr stop                                 | Stop gathering statistical distribution of received packets               |                            |
+        +----------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------+
+        |rx distr reset                                | Reset gathered statistical distribution of received packets               |                            |
+        +----------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------+
+        |rx distr show                                 | Display gathered statistical distribution of received packets             |                            |
+        +----------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------+
+        |rate <port id> <queue id> <rate>              | Set transmit rate in Mb/s. This does not include preamble, SFD and IFG    | rate 0 0 1000              |
+        +----------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------+
+        |count <core id> <task id> <count>             | Generate <count> packets, then pause generating                           | count  1 0 5               |
+        +----------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------+
+        |pkt_size <coreid> <taskid> <pktsize>          | Set the packet size to <pkt_size>                                         | pkt_size 1 3 255           |       
+        +----------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------+
+        |speed <core_id> <task_id> <speed percentage>  | Change the speed to <speed percentage> of a                               |
+        |                                              | 10 Gbps line at which packets are being generated                         | speed 1 0 50               |
+        |                                              | on core <core_id> in task <task_id>                                       |
+        +----------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------+
+        |speed_byte <core_id> <task_id> <speed>        | Change speed to <speed>. The speed is specified in units of bytes per sec |                            |
+        +----------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------+
+        |set value <core_id> <task_id> <offset>        | Set <value_len> bytes to <value> at offset <offset> in packets            |                            |
+        | <value> <value_len>                          | generated on <core_id> <task_id>                                          | set value 4 1 14 10 1      |
+        +----------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------+
+        | reset values all                             | Undo all `set value` commands on all cores/tasks                          |                            |
+        +----------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------+
+        |reset values <core id> <task id>  | Undo all `set value` commands on specified core/task                                  |                            |
+        +----------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------+
+        |arp add <core id> <task id> <port id>         |                                                                           |                            |
+        | <gre id> <svlan> <cvlan> <ip addr>           |                                                                           |                            |
+        | <mac addr> <user>                            | Add a single ARP entry into a CPE table on <core id>/<task id>            |                            |
+        +----------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------+
+        |rule add <core id> <task id> svlan_id&mask    |                                                                           |                            |
+        | cvlan_id&mask ip_proto&mask                  |                                                                           |                            |
+        | source_ip/prefix destination_ip/prefix       |                                                                           |                            |
+        | range dport_range action                     | Add a rule to the ACL table on <core id>/<task id>                        |                            |
+        +----------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------+
+        |route add <core id> <task id>                 |                                                                           |                            |
+        | <ip/prefix> <next hop id>                    | Add a route to the routing table on core <core id> <task id>              | route add 9   |
+        +----------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------+
+        |reset stats                                   | Reset all statistics                                                      |                            |
+        +----------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------+
+        |tot stats                                     | Print total RX and TX packets                                             |                            |
+        +----------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------+
+        |tot ierrors per sec                           | Print total number of ierrors per second                                  |                            |
+        +----------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------+
+        |pps stats                                     | Print RX and TX packet rate in unit of packet per second                  |                            |
+        +----------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------+
+        |lat stats <core id> <task id>                 | Print min,max,avg latency as measured during last sampling interval       | lat stats 1 0              |
+        +----------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------+
+        |lat packets <core id> <task id>               | Print the latency for each of the last set of packets                     |                            |
+        +----------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------+
+        |core stats <core id> <task id>                | Print rx/tx/drop for task <task id> running on core <core id>             |                            |
+        +----------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------+
+        |port_stats <port id>                          | Print rate for no_mbufs, ierrors, rx_bytes, tx_bytes, rx_pkts,            |                            |
+        |                                              | tx_pkts and totals for RX, TX, no_mbufs ierrors for port <port id>        |                            |
+        +----------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------+
+        |ring info all                                 | Get information about ring, such as ring size and                         |                            |
+        |                                              | number of elements in the ring                                            |                            |
+        +----------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------+
+        |ring info <core id> <task id>                 |  Get information about ring on core <core id>                             |                            |
+        |                                              |  in task <task id>, such as ring size and number of elements in the ring  | ring info 1 0              |
+        +----------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------+
+        |port info <port id> [brief]                   | Get port related information, such as MAC address, socket,                |                            |
+        |                                              | number of descriptors..., . Adding `brief` after command                  |                            |
+        |                                              | prints short version of output.                                           | port info 1                |
+        +----------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------+
+        |port up <port id>                             | Set the port up (all ports are up at startup)                             | port up 1                  |
+        +----------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------+
+        |port down <port id>                           | Set the port down                                                         | port down 1                |
+        +----------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------+
+        |port xstats <port id>                         | Get extra statistics for the port                                         | port xstats 1              |
+        +----------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------+
+        |version                                       | Show version                                                              |                            |
+        +----------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------+
+        |port_stats <port id>                          |  Print rate for no_mbufs, ierrors, rx_bytes, tx_bytes, rx_pkts,           |                            |
+        |                                              | tx_pkts and totals for RX, TX, no_mbufs ierrors for port <port id>        |                            |
+        +----------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------+
+While PROX is running, F1 to F6 change the view on the system. Pressing F1 switches to the main screen showing per core statistics. When PROX is started,
+this is the screen shown by default. Pressing F2 switches to show port-based information. Pressing F3 shows information (i.e. occupancy, memory usage, ...)
+about memory pools. If there are tasks with mode=lat, F4 displays latency measurements made during the last second by each of those tasks.
+F5 displays DPDK ring information. F6 is for L4 generation. If no command has been entered, numbers 1 to 6 can also be used to change the view on the system.
+This is provided to allow changing screens in environments that do not pass function keys to PROX.
+Page Up and Page Down can be used to view per core statistics that would otherwise not fit on the screen. Escape quits PROX.
+The history of previously entered commands can be navigated using the Up and Down arrows. Statistics can be reset with F12.
+Run PROX with the "--help" argument to display the usage text and the list of supported options as shown below.
+PROX supports many compilation flags to enable or disable features. For these flags, refer to the Makefile.
+Refer to the README file for more information on how to run PROX for specific use cases.
+  Usage: ./build/prox [-f CONFIG_FILE] [-l LOG_FILE] [-p] [-o DISPLAY] [-v] [-a|-e] [-m|-s|-i] [-n] [-w DEF] [-q] [-k] [-d] [-z] [-r VAL] [-u] [-t]
+        -f CONFIG_FILE : configuration file to load, ./prox.cfg by default
+        -l LOG_FILE : log file name, ./prox.log by default
+        -p : include PID in log file name if default log file is used
+        -o DISPLAY: Set display to use, can be 'curses' (default), 'cli' or 'none'
+        -v verbosity : initial logging verbosity
+        -a : autostart all cores (by default)
+        -e : don't autostart
+        -n : Create NULL devices instead of using PCI devices, useful together with -i
+        -m : list supported task modes and exit
+        -s : check configuration file syntax and exit
+        -i : check initialization sequence and exit
+        -u : Listen on UDS /tmp/prox.sock
+        -t : Listen on TCP port 8474
+        -q : Pass argument to Lua interpreter, useful to define variables
+        -w : define variable using syntax varname=value
+             takes precedence over variables defined in CONFIG_FILE
+        -k : Log statistics to file "stats_dump" in current directory
+        -d : Run as daemon, the parent process will block until PROX is not initialized
+        -z : Ignore CPU topology, implies -i
+        -r : Change initial screen refresh rate. If set to a lower than 0.001 seconds,
+                  screen refreshing will be disabled
+The configuration file is divided into multiple sections, each of which is used to define some parameters and options.
+Sections are created using the [section name] syntax. The list of sections, where # represents an integer, is as follows:
+    [eal options]
+    [port #]
+    [variables]
+    [defaults]
+    [global]
+    [core #]
+In each section, entries are created using the key=value syntax.
+Comments are created using the ; symbol: all characters from the ;
+symbol to the end of line are ignored. A # symbol at the beginning of the section name comments
+the whole section out: all entries in the section are treated as comments and are ignored. For example:
+  [#core 1]
+  ; this is a comment
+  parameter name=parameter value ; this entry is ignored because the section is commented out
+The following parameters are supported:
+  -m  ; Specifies the amount of memory used. If not provided, all hugepages will be used.
+  -n  ; Specifies the number of memory channels. Use -n4 for latest Intel Xeon based platforms
+  -r  ; Specifies the number of memory ranks.
+  eal ; Specifies DPDK EAL extra options. Those options will be passed blindly to DPDK.
+[PORT #]
+DPDK ports are usually referenced by their port_id, i.e. an integer starting from 0.
+Using port_id in the configuration file is tedious, since the same port_id can appear at
+different places (rx port, tx port, routing tables),
+and those ports might change (e.g. if cables are swapped).
+In order to make the configuration file easier to read and modify,
+DPDK ports are given a name with the name= option.
+The name serves as the reference, and in addition, it will show up in the display at runtime.
+        ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        name         inet0           Use inet0 to later refer to this port
+        mac          hardware        value can be: hardware, random or a literal MAC address
+        rx desc      256             number of descriptors to allocate for reception
+        tx desc      256             number of descriptors to allocate for transmission
+        promiscuous  yes             enable promiscuous mode
+        strip crc    yes             enable CRC stripping
+        rss          yes             enable RSS
+        lsc          no              While lsc is disabled for drivers known to not provide support,
+                                     this option explicitely overrides these settings.
+        rx_ring      dpdk_ring_name  use DPDK ring as an interface (receive side)
+        tx_ring      dpdk_ring_name  use DPDK ring as an interface (transmit side)
+Variables can be defined in the configuration file using the $varname=value syntax.
+Variables defined on the command line (-w varname=value) take precedence and do not
+create conflicts with variables defined in the configuration file. Variables are
+used in the configuration file using the $varname syntax: each instance of $varname
+is replaced by its associated value. This is typically useful if the same parameter
+must be used at several places. For instance, you might want to have multiple load
+balancers, all transmitting to the same set of worker cores.
+The list of worker cores could then be defined once in a variable:
+  [variables]
+  $wk=1s0-5s0
+Then, a load balancer definition would use the variable:
+  [core 6s0]
+  name=LB
+  task=0
+  mode=lbnetwork
+  tx cores=$wk task=0
+  ...
+And the section defining the worker cores would be:
+  [core $wk]
+  name=worker
+  task=0
+  mode=qinqencapv4
+  ...
+The default value of some options can be overridden using the [defaults] section:
+  -----------------------------------
+  mempool       size      16K number of mbufs per task, relevant when task receives from a port.
+                          this is the n argument provided to rte_mempool_create()
+  qinq tag      0xa888    Set qinq tag for all tasks. The result of adding this option is the
+                          same as adding qinq tag= to each task
+  memcache size 128       number of mbufs cached per core, default is 256 this is the cache_size
+                          argument provided to rte_mempool_create()
+The following parameters are supported:
+  -------------------------------------------------
+  name               BNG                Name of the configuration, which will be shown in the title box at runtime.
+  start time         10                 Time in seconds after which average statistics will be started.
+                                        Default value is 0.
+  duration time      30                 Runtime duration in seconds, counted after start time.
+                                        This is typically useful to automate testing using
+                                        different parameters: PROX automatically exits when the
+                                        runtime duration has elapsed. Initialization and start time
+                                        are not included in this runtime duration.
+                                        For example, if start time is set to 10 and duration time is set to 30,
+                                        the total execution time (after initialization) will be 40 seconds.
+                                        Default value is 0, which means infinity and prevents PROX from automatically exiting.
+  shuffle            yes                When this parameter is set to yes, the order of mbufs
+                                        within mempools is randomized to simulate a system that has
+                                        been warmed up. Default value is no.
+  gre cfg            /path/to/file.csv  Path to CSV file that provides QinQ-to-GRE mapping.
+                                        Default value is gre_table.csv in same directory as
+                                        configuration file. Fields are GRE key and QinQ value (computed as SVLAN * 4096 + CVLAN).
+  pre cmd            ls                 Arbitrary system commands to run while reading cfg. This option can occur multiple times.
+  user cfg           /path/to/file.csv  Path to CSV file that provides QinQ-to-User mapping.
+                                        Default value is user_table.csv in same directory as configuration file.
+                                        Fields are SVLAN, CVLAN and User-Id.
+  next hop cfg       /path/to/file.csv  Path to CSV file that provides Next-Hop details.
+                                        Default value is next_hop.csv in same directory as configuration file.
+                                        Fields are Next-Hop index (as returned by LPM lookup),
+                                        Out-Port index, Next-Hop IP (unused), Next-Hop MAC and MPLS label.
+  ipv4 cfg           /path/to/file.csv  Path to CSV file that provides IPv4 LPM routing table.
+                                        Default value is ipv4.csv in same directory as configuration file.
+                                        Fields are IPv4 subnet (in CIDR notation) and Next-Hop index.
+  dscp cfg           /path/to/file.csv  Path to CSV file that provides mapping for QoS classification,
+                                        from DSCP to Traffic Class and Queue.
+                                        Default value is dscp.csv in same directory as configuration file.
+                                        Fields are DSCP (0-63), Traffic Class (0-3) and Queue (0-3).
+  ipv6 tunnel cfg    /path/to/file.csv  Path to CSV file that provides lwAFTR binding table.
+                                        Default value is ipv6_tun_bind.csv in same directory as configuration file.
+                                        Fields are lwB4 IPv6 address, next hop MAC address towards lwB4,
+                                        IPv4 Public address and IPv4 Public Port Set.
+  acl cfg            /path/to/file.csv  Path to CSV file that provides ACL rules.
+                                        Default value is rules.csv in same directory as configuration file.
+                                        Fields are SVLAN value & mask, CVLAN value & mask, IP protocol value & mask,
+                                        source IPv4 subnet (in CIDR notation), destination IPv4 subnet (in CIDR notation),
+                                        source port range, destination port range, and action (drop, allow, rate limit).
+  unique mempool     yes
+  per socket
+[CORE #]
+Cores can be configured by means of a set of [core #] sections, where # represents either:
+an absolute core number: e.g. on a 10-core, dual socket system with hyper-threading, cores are numbered from 0 to 39;
+a core number, the letter 's', and a socket number: this allows selecting per-socket cores, independently from their interleaved numbering;
+a core number and the letter 'h': this allows selecting the hyper-thread sibling of the specified core;
+a dash-separated range of core numbers;
+a comma-separated list of core numbers;
+any combination of the above;
+or a variable whose value complies with the above syntax.
+The socket and hyper-thread syntax makes it easier to use the same configuration file on several platforms,
+even if their core numbering differs (e.g. interleaving rule or number of cores per socket).
+Each core can be assigned with a set of tasks, each running one of the implemented packet processing modes.
+The following parameters are supported:
+.. image:: images/prox_core.png
+   :width: 1024px
+   :alt: SampleVNF supported topology
+DPDK must be installed prior to running make in the PROX directory.
+The README file shipped with PROX describes what versions of DPDK are supported,
+and if any patches are needed for the chosen DPDK version.
+The following packages need to be installed. (Example for destributions that are using rpm)
+  sudo yum install net-tools wget gcc unzip libpcap-devel ncurses-devel libedit-devel pciutils lua-devel kernel-devel 
+  Jump Start
+The following instructions are here to help customers to start using PROX.
+It's by no means a complete guide, for detailed instructions on how to install and use
+DPDK please refer to its documentation.
+Your mileage may vary depending on a particular Linux distribution and hardware in use.
+Edit grub default configuration:
+  vi /etc/default/grub
+Add the following to the kernel boot parameters
+  default_hugepagesz=1G hugepagesz=1G hugepages=8
+Rebuild grub config and reboot the system:
+  grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
+  reboot
+Verify that hugepages are available
+    cat /proc/meminfo
+    ...
+    HugePages_Total:  8
+    HugePages_Free:   8
+    Hugepagesize:     1048576 kB
+    ...
+Re-mount huge pages
+  mkdir -p /mnt/huge
+  umount `awk '/hugetlbfs/ { print $2 }' /proc/mounts` >/dev/null 2>&1
+  mount -t hugetlbfs nodev /mnt/huge/
+Add the following to the end of ~/.bashrc file
+  export RTE_SDK=/root/dpdk
+  export RTE_TARGET=x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc
+  export RTE_UNBIND=$RTE_SDK/tools/
+Re-login or source that file
+  . ~/.bashrc
+Build DPDK
+  git clone
+  cd dpdk
+  git checkout v1.8.0
+  make install T=$RTE_TARGET
+Load uio module
+  lsmod | grep -w "^uio" >/dev/null 2>&1 || sudo modprobe uio
+  sleep 1
+Load igb_uio module
+  lsmod | grep -w "^igb_uio" >/dev/null 2>&1 || sudo insmod $RTE_SDK/$RTE_TARGET/kmod/igb_uio.ko
+Discover network devices available on the system:
+  lspci | grep Ethernet
+Prior launching PROX, ports that are to be used by it must be bound to the igb_uio driver.
+The following command will bind all Intel® Ethernet Converged Network Adapter X710 ports to igb_uio:
+  lspci | grep X710 | cut -d' ' -f 1 | sudo xargs -I {} python2.7 $RTE_UNBIND --bind=igb_uio {}
+The following command will bind all Intel® 82599 10 Gigabit Ethernet Controller ports to igb_uio:
+  lspci | grep 82599 | cut -d' ' -f 1 | sudo xargs -I {}  python2.7 $RTE_UNBIND --bind=igb_uio {}
+Download and extract the PROX archive
+  wget
+  unzip
+  cd dppd-prox-v021
+Build the PROX
+  make
+The set of sample configuration files can be found in:
+  ./config/*
+PROX generation sample configs are in:
+  ./gen/*
+To launch PROX one may use the following command as an example, assuming the current directory is where you've just built PROX:
+  ./build/prox -f ./config/handle_none.cfg
diff --git a/docs/testing/user/userguide/images/prox_core.png b/docs/testing/user/userguide/images/prox_core.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5d85454d
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/testing/user/userguide/images/prox_core.png differ
diff --git a/docs/testing/user/userguide/index.rst b/docs/testing/user/userguide/index.rst
index 8d797627..e8acf532 100644
--- a/docs/testing/user/userguide/index.rst
+++ b/docs/testing/user/userguide/index.rst
@@ -20,5 +20,6 @@ SampleVNF User Guide
+   09-Prox