From: Cédric Ollivier <>
Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2020 07:54:09 +0000 (+0200)
Subject: Publish "Orange CNTT RC1 Field Trial"

Publish "Orange CNTT RC1 Field Trial"

It will be introduced during LFN Dev event.

Change-Id: I9e0a048464a8fd99131cccf2741135aacf7e839d
Signed-off-by: Cédric Ollivier <>

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+# Orange CNTT RC1 Field Trial
+[Cédric Ollivier](
+## CNTT RC1 Field Trial
+### Orange CNTT RC1 Field Trial
+- helped detecting a couple of issues in CNTT RC1
+- integrated cinder backup and nova instance_password in Orange IaaS
+- to fix 10 remaining single test failures (out 2000+ functional tests, 3 hours
+  benchmarking and 3 VNFs automatically onboarded and tested)
+- to enhance Functest juju_epc to pass proxies
+### Orange CNTT RC1 feedbacks
+- we easily executed the CNTT RC1 playbook asis and no clear bug was found in
+  CNTT RC1 Baldy
+- CNTT RC1 is now used in our Orange IaaS verification in addition to the
+  classical Functest containers
+- CNTT RC1 is also executed to verify all deployments before onboarding any VNF
+- CNTT RC1 Baldy and CNTT RC2 Baraque are listed in **Orange RFP requirements**
+  (see last ONES
+  [[1]](
+## What else?
+### Wish list
+- to integrate **more benchmarks** in CNTT conformance (e.g. disk benchmarking)
+- to switch from the current Kubernetes interoperability testing to a **true**
+  CNTT conformance suite
+- to build the first **VNF and CNF** conformance suites (**high priority**)
+**We need your contribution helps!
+### New Functest opportunities
+- to implement live monitoring of your OpenStack and Kubernetes deployments via
+  a subset of Functest (healthcheck? new Rally tasks?)
+- to implement new functest testcases to validate and verify OpenStack upgrades
+  (new Rally tasks)?
+**Try Functest Leguer, you will love it [[4]](**
+## Thank you!