Tacker is already part of the upstream setup-openstack.yml but as releng-xci
overwrites it, tacker does not get deployed. Adding it to the
setup-openstack.yml of releng-xci does not disturb the other scenarios as it
will only be deployed when the tacker container is defined which only happens
when deploying odl-sfc
Change-Id: Ifd76fc49369c114c55e966eb20658d82c99e14cb
Signed-off-by: Manuel Buil <mbuil@suse.com>
- include: os-horizon-install.yml
- include: os-swift-install.yml
- include: os-ironic-install.yml
+- include: os-tacker-install.yml
- include: os-tempest-install.yml
when: (tempest_install | default(False)) | bool or (tempest_run | default(False)) | bool