--- /dev/null
+name = parser
+summary = OPNFV Parser Project
+author = OPNFV
+author-email = opnfv-tech-discuss@lists.opnfv.org
+home-page = https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/parser
+classifier =
+ Environment :: OPNFV
+ Intended Audience :: Information Technology
+ Intended Audience :: System Administrators
+ License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License
+ Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux
+ Programming Language :: Python
+ Programming Language :: Python :: 2
+ Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
+ Programming Language :: Python :: 3
+ Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5
--- /dev/null
+# this will used to integrate with other components in parser
+# such as verigraph
+minversion = 1.6
+envlist = py27,pep8
+skipsdist = True
+usedevelop = True
+install_command = pip install -U {opts} {packages}
+setenv =
+ VIRTUAL_ENV={envdir}
+deps = -r{toxinidir}/requirements.txt
+whitelist_externals =
+ bash
+commands =
+ bash -c 'cd tosca2heat/heat-translator; tox'
+whitelist_externals =
+ bash
+commands =
+ bash -c 'cd tosca2heat/tosca-parser; tox'