# Whether to run vsperf after the install has completed
#vsperf: false
+ # Specify a device for ceph to use for the OSDs. By default a virtual disk
+ # is created for the OSDs. This setting allows you to specify a different
+ # target for the OSDs. The setting must be valid on all overcloud nodes.
+ # The controllers and the compute nodes all have OSDs setup on them and
+ # therefore this device name must be valid on all overcloud nodes.
+ #ceph_device: /dev/sdb
# Set performance options on specific roles. The valid roles are 'Compute', 'Controller'
# and 'Storage', and the valid sections are 'kernel' and 'nova'
- OpenDaylight
- HA Proxy
- Pacemaker & VIPs
+- Ceph Monitors and OSDs
Stateless OpenStack services
All running statesless OpenStack services are load balanced by HA Proxy.
start up order and Virtual IPs associated with specific services are running
on the proper host.
+Ceph Monitors & OSDs
+ The Ceph monitors run on each of the control nodes. Each control node also
+ has a Ceph OSD running on it. By default the OSDs use an autogenerated
+ virtual disk as their target device. A non-autogenerated device can be
+ specified in the deploy file.
VM Migration is configured and VMs can be evacuated as needed or as invoked
by tools such as heat as part of a monitored stack deployment in the overcloud.
-OPT_DEPLOY_SETTINGS = ['performance', 'vsperf']
+OPT_DEPLOY_SETTINGS = ['performance', 'vsperf', 'ceph_device']
VALID_ROLES = ['Controller', 'Compute', 'ObjectStorage']
VALID_PERF_OPTS = ['kernel', 'nova', 'vpp']
+if [[ -n "${deploy_options_array['ceph_device']}" ]]; then
+ sed -i '/ExtraConfig/a\\ ceph::profile::params::osds: {\\x27${deploy_options_array['ceph_device']}\\x27: {}}' opnfv-environment.yaml
sudo sed -i '/CephClusterFSID:/c\\ CephClusterFSID: \\x27$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid)\\x27' /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/storage-environment.yaml
sudo sed -i '/CephMonKey:/c\\ CephMonKey: \\x27'"\$(ceph-authtool --gen-print-key)"'\\x27' /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/storage-environment.yaml
sudo sed -i '/CephAdminKey:/c\\ CephAdminKey: \\x27'"\$(ceph-authtool --gen-print-key)"'\\x27' /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/storage-environment.yaml