echo "Info: Configured target hosts for kubespray"
echo "Info: Using kubespray to deploy the kubernetes cluster"
echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------"
ssh root@$OPNFV_HOST_IP "set -o pipefail; export XCI_FLAVOR=$XCI_FLAVOR; export INSTALLER_TYPE=$INSTALLER_TYPE; \
+ export IDF=/root/releng-xci/xci/var/idf.yml; export PDF=/root/releng-xci/xci/var/pdf.yml; \
cd releng-xci/.cache/repos/kubespray/; ansible-playbook \
-i opnfv_inventory/ cluster.yml -b | tee setup-kubernetes.log"
scp root@$OPNFV_HOST_IP:~/releng-xci/.cache/repos/kubespray/setup-kubernetes.log \
ansible-playbook ${XCI_ANSIBLE_PARAMS} \
-i ${XCI_PLAYBOOKS}/ configure-kubenet.yml
PATH: "{{ lookup('env', 'XCI_VENV') }}/bin"
register: vbmc_list
+ - debug: var=vbmc_list
# NOTE(NobodyCam): Space at the end of the find clause is required for proper matching.
- name: delete vm from virtualbmc if it is there
command: vbmc delete {{ vm_name }}
PATH: "{{ lookup('env', 'XCI_VENV') }}/bin"
+ - name: get list of nodes from virtualbmc
+ command: vbmc list
+ environment:
+ PATH: "{{ lookup('env', 'XCI_VENV') }}/bin"
+ register: vbmc_list2
+ - debug: var=vbmc_list2
- name: get XML of the vm
name: "{{ vm_name }}"
node3: node2
node4: master2
node5: master3
+ network:
+ # network mapping
+ network_mapping:
+ # Management network used by installer components to communicate
+ net-mgmt: mgmt
+ # Storage Network
+ net-storage: storage
+ # Internal network for communication between VNF
+ net-internal: private
+ # Public network for VNF remote acces (ext-net in Openstack)
+ net-vnf: public
pod_name: vpod1
net_config: *net_config