function PodsController($scope, $http, $filter, $state, testapiApiUrl,
raiseAlert) {
var ctrl = this;
ctrl.url = testapiApiUrl + '/pods';
ctrl.create = create;
function create() {
ctrl.showError = false;
- var pods_url = ctrl.url;
- var body = {
- name:,
- mode: ctrl.mode,
- role: ctrl.role,
- details: ctrl.details
- };
- ctrl.podsRequest =
- $, body).error(function (error) {
- ctrl.showError = true;
- ctrl.error =
- 'Error creating the new pod from server: ' +
- angular.toJson(error);
- });
+ if( != ""){
+ var pods_url = ctrl.url;
+ var body = {
+ name:,
+ mode: ctrl.mode,
+ role: ctrl.role,
+ details: ctrl.details
+ };
+ ctrl.podsRequest =
+ $, body).error(function (error) {
+ ctrl.showError = true;
+ ctrl.error =
+ 'Error creating the new pod from server: ' +
+ angular.toJson(error);
+ });
+ }
+ else{
+ ctrl.showError = true;
+ ctrl.error = 'Name is missing.'
+ }