This patch fixes bug that is currently blocking the daily build.
Change-Id: If3624ea4e93bc42c5fe633b0c30d506f2b70efd0
Signed-off-by: Thomas F Herbert <>
echo =============================================
echo =======Build ovs rpm with DPDK and test in VM.
echo -d -g master -p none -t
+$BUILD_BASE/ -d -g master -p none -t
# Build special version of ovs with patches --TODO
# copy artifacts.
if [[ "$JOB_NAME" =~ "daily" ]]; then
+ $BUILD_BASE/../ci/
if [ -d $TMP_RELEASE_DIR ]; then
# Destroy VM if one has been deployed. Also remove any local installation of
# DPDK and OVS
-sudo ../ci/
+sudo $BUILD_BASE/../ci/
exit 0