.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
.. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
+.. include:: ../projects/functest/userguide/introduction.rst
.. include:: ../projects/functest/configguide/configguide.rst
can provide all scenarios, the practical challenge of achieving that goal for any given feature and
release results in some disparity.
+Brahmaputra scenario overeview
+The following table provides an overview of the installation tools and available scenario's
+in the Brahmaputra release of OPNFV.
+.. image:: ../images/brahmaputrascenariomatrix.jpg
+ :alt: OPNFV Brahmaputra Scenario Matrix
Scenario Naming
To set up a Jenkins slave for automated deployment to your lab, refer to the `Jenkins slave connect guide.
-Brahmaputra scenario overeview
-The following table provides an overview of the installation tools and available scenario's
-in the Brahmaputra release of OPNFV.
-.. image:: ../images/brahmaputrascenariomatrix.jpg
- :alt: OPNFV Brahmaputra Scenario Matrix
.. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
.. (c) Christopher Price (Ericsson AB)
-Using the test frameworks in OPNFV
+.. deprecated for Brahmaputra
-Testing is one of the key activities in OPNFV, validation can include component level testing,
-system testing, automated deployment validation and performance charecteristics testing.
+.. ==================================
+.. Using the test frameworks in OPNFV
+.. ==================================
-The following sections outline how to use the test projects delivering automated
-test suites and frameworks in the in the Brahmaputra release of OPNFV.
+.. Testing is one of the key activities in OPNFV, validation can include component level testing,
+.. system testing, automated deployment validation and performance charecteristics testing.
+.. The following sections outline how to use the test projects delivering automated
+.. test suites and frameworks in the in the Brahmaputra release of OPNFV.
.. <project>/docs/userguide/testusage.rst files will be imported below by the build script.