${INSTALLER_CMD} ${install_map[@]}
- # Note(cinerama): If pip is linked to pip3, the rest of the install
- # won't work. Remove the alternatives. This is due to ansible's
- # python 2.x requirement.
- if [[ $(readlink -f /etc/alternatives/pip) =~ "pip3" ]]; then
- sudo -H update-alternatives --remove pip $(readlink -f /etc/alternatives/pip)
- fi
# We need to prepare our virtualenv now
virtualenv --quiet --no-site-packages ${XCI_VENV}
set +u
for role in idf['xci']['installers'][self.installer]['nodes_roles'][host]:
self.add_to_group(role, hostname)
- pdf_host_info = filter(lambda x: x['name'] == host, pdf['nodes'])[0]
- native_vlan_if = filter(lambda x: x['vlan'] == 'native', pdf_host_info['interfaces'])
+ pdf_host_info = list(filter(lambda x: x['name'] == host, pdf['nodes']))[0]
+ native_vlan_if = list(filter(lambda x: x['vlan'] == 'native', pdf_host_info['interfaces']))
self.add_hostvar(hostname, 'ansible_host', native_vlan_if[0]['address'])
self.add_hostvar(hostname, 'ip', native_vlan_if[0]['address'])
host_networks[hostname] = {}
# Now add the additional groups
for parent in idf['xci']['installers'][self.installer]['groups'].keys():
- map(lambda x: self.add_group(x, parent), idf['xci']['installers'][self.installer]['groups'][parent])
+ for host in idf['xci']['installers'][self.installer]['groups'][parent]:
+ self.add_group(host, parent)
# Read additional group variables
- name: install virtualbmc
name: virtualbmc
- version: 1.3 # >1.3 needs zmq dependency.
+ version: 1.5 # >1.3 needs zmq dependency.
virtualenv: "{{ lookup('env', 'XCI_VENV') }}"
+- name: Create directory for the config of vbmc
+ file:
+ path: /etc/virtualbmc
+ state: directory
+- name: Place the config for virtualbmc
+ copy:
+ src: virtualbmc.conf
+ dest: /etc/virtualbmc/virtualbmc.conf