exit 0
+# skip the deployment if the scenario is not supported on this distro
+if ! sed -n "/^- scenario: $DEPLOY_SCENARIO$/,/^$/p" $OPNFV_SCENARIO_REQUIREMENTS | grep -q $DISTRO; then
+ echo "# SKIPPED: Scenario $DEPLOY_SCENARIO is NOT supported on $DISTRO"
+ exit 0
echo "Hello World!"
exit 0
+# skip the deployment if the scenario is not supported on this distro
+if ! sed -n "/^- scenario: $DEPLOY_SCENARIO$/,/^$/p" $OPNFV_SCENARIO_REQUIREMENTS | grep -q $DISTRO; then
+ echo "# SKIPPED: Scenario $DEPLOY_SCENARIO is NOT supported on $DISTRO"
+ exit 0
echo "Hello World!"
exit 0
+# skip the deployment if the scenario is not supported on this distro
+if ! sed -n "/^- scenario: $DEPLOY_SCENARIO$/,/^$/p" $OPNFV_SCENARIO_REQUIREMENTS | grep -q $DISTRO; then
+ echo "# SKIPPED: Scenario $DEPLOY_SCENARIO is NOT supported on $DISTRO"
+ exit 0
ssh -F $HOME/.ssh/xci-vm-config ${DISTRO}_xci_vm "cd releng-xci && ./xci_test.sh"
exit 0
+# skip the deployment if the scenario is not supported on this distro
+if ! sed -n "/^- scenario: $DEPLOY_SCENARIO$/,/^$/p" $OPNFV_SCENARIO_REQUIREMENTS | grep -q $DISTRO; then
+ echo "# SKIPPED: Scenario $DEPLOY_SCENARIO is NOT supported on $DISTRO"
+ exit 0
# The start-new-vm.sh script will copy the entire releng-xci directory