LOG = doctor_log.Logger('doctor').getLogger()
-# TODO (r-mibu): fix doctor logger or consider logfile option
-LOG_FILE = LOG.handlers[0].baseFilename
class DoctorTest(object):
# NOTE (umar) copy remote monitor.log file when monitor=collectd
self.check_host_status(self.down_host.name, 'down')
- notification_time = calculate_notification_time(LOG_FILE)
+ notification_time = calculate_notification_time(LOG.filename)
if notification_time < 1 and notification_time > 0:
LOG.info('doctor test successfully, notification_time=%s' % notification_time)
test_dir = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0]
reg = '(?<=doctor set link down at )\d+.\d+'
- linkdown = float(match_rep_in_file(reg, LOG_FILE).group(0))
+ linkdown = float(match_rep_in_file(reg, LOG.filename).group(0))
reg = '(.* doctor mark vm.* error at )(\d+.\d+)'
- vmdown = float(match_rep_in_file(reg, LOG_FILE).group(2))
+ vmdown = float(match_rep_in_file(reg, LOG.filename).group(2))
reg = '(.* doctor mark host.* down at )(\d+.\d+)'
- hostdown = float(match_rep_in_file(reg, LOG_FILE).group(2))
+ hostdown = float(match_rep_in_file(reg, LOG.filename).group(2))
reg = '(?<=doctor monitor detected at )\d+.\d+'
- detected = float(match_rep_in_file(reg, LOG_FILE).group(0))
+ detected = float(match_rep_in_file(reg, LOG.filename).group(0))
reg = '(?<=doctor consumer notified at )\d+.\d+'
- notified = float(match_rep_in_file(reg, LOG_FILE).group(0))
+ notified = float(match_rep_in_file(reg, LOG.filename).group(0))
# TODO(yujunz) check the actual delay to verify time sync status
# expected ~1s delay from $trigger to $linkdown