source "${DEPLOY_DIR}/"
source "${DEPLOY_DIR}/"
+source "${DEPLOY_DIR}/"
[ ! "${TERM:-unknown}" = 'unknown' ] || export TERM=vt220
source "${DEPLOY_DIR}/"
source "${DEPLOY_DIR}/"
source "${DEPLOY_DIR}/"
+source "${DEPLOY_DIR}/"
+source "${DEPLOY_DIR}/"
# END of variables to customize
virtinst_install "${MCP_STORAGE_DIR}"
-if ! virsh list >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+if ! ${VIRSH} list >/dev/null 2>&1; then
notify_e "[ERROR] This script requires hypervisor access"
export SSH_KEY=${SSH_KEY:-"/var/lib/opnfv/mcp.rsa"}
+export VIRSH=${VIRSH:-'virsh -c qemu:///system'}
# Derived from INSTALLER_IP
#!/bin/bash -e
-# shellcheck disable=SC2155,SC1001,SC2015,SC2128
+# shellcheck disable=SC2155,SC2015
# Copyright (c) 2018 Mirantis Inc., Enea AB and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# Library of shell functions
+# Library of common shell functions used by build/deploy scripts, states etc.
-function generate_ssh_key {
- local mcp_ssh_key=$(basename "${SSH_KEY}")
- local user=${USER}
- if [ -n "${SUDO_USER}" ] && [ "${SUDO_USER}" != 'root' ]; then
- user=${SUDO_USER}
- fi
- if [ -f "${SSH_KEY}" ]; then
- cp "${SSH_KEY}" .
- ssh-keygen -f "${mcp_ssh_key}" -y > "${mcp_ssh_key}.pub"
- fi
- [ -f "${mcp_ssh_key}" ] || ssh-keygen -f "${mcp_ssh_key}" -N ''
- sudo install -D -o "${user}" -m 0600 "${mcp_ssh_key}" "${SSH_KEY}"
-function get_base_image {
- local base_image=$1
- local image_dir=$2
- mkdir -p "${image_dir}"
- wget --progress=dot:giga -P "${image_dir}" -N "${base_image}"
-function __kernel_modules {
- # Load mandatory kernel modules: loop, nbd
- local image_dir=$1
- test -e /dev/loop-control || sudo modprobe loop
- if sudo modprobe nbd max_part=8 || sudo modprobe -f nbd max_part=8; then
- return 0
- fi
- if [ -e /dev/nbd0 ]; then return 0; fi # nbd might be inbuilt
- # CentOS (or RHEL family in general) do not provide 'nbd' out of the box
- echo "[WARN] 'nbd' kernel module cannot be loaded!"
- if [ ! -e /etc/redhat-release ]; then
- echo "[ERROR] Non-RHEL system detected, aborting!"
- echo "[ERROR] Try building 'nbd' manually or install it from a 3rd party."
- exit 1
- fi
- # Best-effort attempt at building a non-maintaned kernel module
- local __baseurl
- local __subdir
- local __uname_r=$(uname -r)
- local __uname_m=$(uname -m)
- if [ "${__uname_m}" = 'x86_64' ]; then
- __baseurl=''
- __subdir='Source/SPackages'
- __srpm="kernel-${__uname_r%.${__uname_m}}.src.rpm"
- else
- __baseurl=''
- __subdir="Source/${__uname_m}/Source/SPackages"
- # NOTE: fmt varies across releases (e.g. kernel-alt-4.11.0-44.el7a.src.rpm)
- __srpm="kernel-alt-${__uname_r%.${__uname_m}}.src.rpm"
- fi
- local __found='n'
- local __versions=$(curl -s "${__baseurl}/" | grep -Po 'href="\K7\.[\d\.]+')
- for ver in ${__versions}; do
- for comp in os updates; do
- local url="${__baseurl}/${ver}/${comp}/${__subdir}/${__srpm}"
- if wget "${url}" -O "${image_dir}/${__srpm}" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
- __found='y'; break 2
- fi
- done
- done
- if [ "${__found}" = 'n' ]; then
- echo "[ERROR] Can't find the linux kernel SRPM for: ${__uname_r}"
- echo "[ERROR] 'nbd' module cannot be built, aborting!"
- echo "[ERROR] Try 'yum upgrade' or building 'nbd' krn module manually ..."
- exit 1
- fi
- rpm -ivh "${image_dir}/${__srpm}" 2> /dev/null
- # shellcheck disable=SC2016
- echo '%_topdir %(echo $HOME)/rpmbuild' > ~/.rpmmacros
- (
- cd ~/rpmbuild/SPECS
- rpmbuild -bp --nodeps --target="${__uname_m}" kernel*.spec
- cd ~/rpmbuild/BUILD/"${__srpm%.src.rpm}"/linux-*
- sed -i 's/^.*\(CONFIG_BLK_DEV_NBD\).*$/\1=m/g' .config
- #
- if grep -Rq 'REQ_TYPE_DRV_PRIV' drivers/block; then
- sed -i 's/REQ_TYPE_SPECIAL/REQ_TYPE_DRV_PRIV/g' drivers/block/nbd.c
- fi
- gunzip -c "/boot/symvers-${__uname_r}.gz" > Module.symvers
- make prepare modules_prepare
- make M=drivers/block -j
- modinfo drivers/block/nbd.ko
- sudo mkdir -p "/lib/modules/${__uname_r}/extra/"
- sudo cp drivers/block/nbd.ko "/lib/modules/${__uname_r}/extra/"
- )
- sudo depmod -a
- sudo modprobe nbd max_part=8 || sudo modprobe -f nbd max_part=8
-function mount_image {
- local image=$1
- local image_dir=$2
- OPNFV_MNT_DIR="${image_dir}/ubuntu"
- # Find free nbd, loop devices
- for dev in '/sys/class/block/nbd'*; do
- if [ "$(cat "${dev}/size")" = '0' ]; then
- OPNFV_NBD_DEV=/dev/$(basename "${dev}")
- break
- fi
- done
- OPNFV_LOOP_DEV=$(sudo losetup -f)
- OPNFV_MAP_DEV=/dev/mapper/$(basename "${OPNFV_NBD_DEV}")p1
- [ -n "${OPNFV_NBD_DEV}" ] && [ -n "${OPNFV_LOOP_DEV}" ] || exit 1
- qemu-img resize "${image_dir}/${image}" 3G
- sudo qemu-nbd --connect="${OPNFV_NBD_DEV}" --aio=native --cache=none \
- "${image_dir}/${image}"
- sudo kpartx -av "${OPNFV_NBD_DEV}"
- sleep 5 # /dev/nbdNp1 takes some time to come up
- # Hardcode partition index to 1, unlikely to change for Ubuntu UCA image
- if sudo growpart "${OPNFV_NBD_DEV}" 1; then
- sudo kpartx -u "${OPNFV_NBD_DEV}"
- sudo e2fsck -pf "${OPNFV_MAP_DEV}"
- sudo resize2fs "${OPNFV_MAP_DEV}"
- fi
- # grub-update does not like /dev/nbd*, so use a loop device to work around it
- sudo losetup "${OPNFV_LOOP_DEV}" "${OPNFV_MAP_DEV}"
- mkdir -p "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}"
- sudo mount "${OPNFV_LOOP_DEV}" "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}"
- sudo mount -t proc proc "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}/proc"
- sudo mount -t sysfs sys "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}/sys"
- sudo mount -o bind /dev "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}/dev"
- sudo mkdir -p "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}/run/resolvconf"
- sudo cp /etc/resolv.conf "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}/run/resolvconf"
- echo "GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=true" | \
- sudo tee -a "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}/etc/default/grub"
- sudo sed -i -e 's/^\(GRUB_TIMEOUT\)=.*$/\1=1/g' -e 's/^GRUB_HIDDEN.*$//g' \
- "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}/etc/default/grub"
-function apt_repos_pkgs_image {
- local apt_key_urls=(${1//,/ })
- local all_repos=(${2//,/ })
- local pkgs_i=(${3//,/ })
- local pkgs_r=(${4//,/ })
- [ -n "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}" ] || exit 1
- # APT keys
- if [ "${#apt_key_urls[@]}" -gt 0 ]; then
- for apt_key in "${apt_key_urls[@]}"; do
- sudo chroot "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}" /bin/bash -c \
- "wget -qO - '${apt_key}' | apt-key add -"
- done
- fi
- # Additional repositories
- for repo_line in "${all_repos[@]}"; do
- # <repo_name>|<repo prio>|deb|[arch=<arch>]|<repo url>|<dist>|<repo comp>
- local repo=(${repo_line//|/ })
- [ "${#repo[@]}" -gt 5 ] || continue
- # NOTE: Names and formatting are compatible with Salt linux.system.repo
- cat <<-EOF | sudo tee "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}/etc/apt/preferences.d/${repo[0]}"
- Package: *
- Pin: release a=${repo[-2]}
- Pin-Priority: ${repo[1]}
- echo "${repo[@]:2}" | sudo tee \
- "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}/etc/apt/sources.list.d/${repo[0]}.list"
- done
- # Install packages
- if [ "${#pkgs_i[@]}" -gt 0 ]; then
- sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" \
- chroot "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}" apt-get update
- sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" FLASH_KERNEL_SKIP="true" \
- chroot "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}" apt-get install -y "${pkgs_i[@]}"
- fi
- # Remove packages
- if [ "${#pkgs_r[@]}" -gt 0 ]; then
- sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" FLASH_KERNEL_SKIP="true" \
- chroot "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}" apt-get purge -y "${pkgs_r[@]}"
- fi
- # Disable cloud-init metadata service datasource
- sudo mkdir -p "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d"
- echo "datasource_list: [ NoCloud, None ]" | sudo tee \
- "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/95_real_datasources.cfg"
-function cleanup_mounts {
- # Remove any mounts, loop and/or nbd devs created while patching base image
- if [ -n "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}" ] && [ -d "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}" ]; then
- if [ -f "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}/boot/grub/grub.cfg" ]; then
- # Grub thinks it's running from a live CD
- sudo sed -i -e 's/^\s*set root=.*$//g' -e 's/^\s*loopback.*$//g' \
- "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}/boot/grub/grub.cfg"
- fi
- sudo rm -f "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}/run/resolvconf/resolv.conf"
- sync
- if mountpoint -q "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}"; then
- sudo umount -l "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}" || true
- fi
- fi
- if [ -n "${OPNFV_LOOP_DEV}" ] && \
- sudo losetup "${OPNFV_LOOP_DEV}" 1>&2 > /dev/null; then
- sudo losetup -d "${OPNFV_LOOP_DEV}"
- fi
- if [ -n "${OPNFV_NBD_DEV}" ]; then
- sudo kpartx -d "${OPNFV_NBD_DEV}" || true
- sudo qemu-nbd -d "${OPNFV_NBD_DEV}" || true
- fi
-function cleanup_uefi {
- # Clean up Ubuntu boot entry if cfg01, kvm nodes online from previous deploy
- local cmd_str="ssh ${SSH_OPTS} ${SSH_SALT}"
- ping -c 1 -w 1 "${SALT_MASTER}" || return 0
- [ ! "$(hostname)" = 'cfg01' ] || cmd_str='eval'
- ${cmd_str} "sudo salt -C 'kvm* or cmp*' \
- \"which efibootmgr > /dev/null 2>&1 && \
- efibootmgr | grep -oP '(?<=Boot)[0-9]+(?=.*ubuntu)' | \
- xargs -I{} efibootmgr --delete-bootnum --bootnum {}; \
- rm -rf /boot/efi/*\"" || true
-function cleanup_vms {
- # clean up existing nodes
- for node in $(virsh list --name | grep -P '\w{3}\d{2}'); do
- virsh destroy "${node}"
- done
- for node in $(virsh list --name --all | grep -P '\w{3}\d{2}'); do
- virsh domblklist "${node}" | awk '/^.da/ {print $2}' | \
- xargs --no-run-if-empty -I{} sudo rm -f {}
- virsh undefine "${node}" --remove-all-storage --nvram || \
- virsh undefine "${node}" --remove-all-storage
- done
-function prepare_vms {
- local base_image=$1; shift
- local image_dir=$1; shift
- local repos_pkgs_str=$1; shift # ^-sep list of repos, pkgs to install/rm
- local vnodes=("$@")
- local image=base_image_opnfv_fuel.img
- local vcp_image=${image%.*}_vcp.img
- local _o=${base_image/*\/}
- local _h=$(echo "${repos_pkgs_str}.$(md5sum "${image_dir}/${_o}")" | \
- md5sum | cut -c -8)
- local _tmp
- cleanup_uefi
- cleanup_vms
- get_base_image "${base_image}" "${image_dir}"
- IFS='^' read -r -a repos_pkgs <<< "${repos_pkgs_str}"
- echo "[INFO] Lookup cache / build patched base image for fingerprint: ${_h}"
- _tmp="${image%.*}.${_h}.img"
- if [ "${image_dir}/${_tmp}" -ef "${image_dir}/${image}" ]; then
- echo "[INFO] Patched base image found"
- else
- rm -rf "${image_dir}/${image%.*}"*
- if [[ ! "${repos_pkgs_str}" =~ ^\^+$ ]]; then
- echo "[INFO] Patching base image ..."
- cp "${image_dir}/${_o}" "${image_dir}/${_tmp}"
- __kernel_modules "${image_dir}"
- mount_image "${_tmp}" "${image_dir}"
- apt_repos_pkgs_image "${repos_pkgs[@]:0:4}"
- cleanup_mounts
- else
- echo "[INFO] No patching required, using vanilla base image"
- ln -sf "${image_dir}/${_o}" "${image_dir}/${_tmp}"
- fi
- ln -sf "${image_dir}/${_tmp}" "${image_dir}/${image}"
- fi
- # Create config ISO and resize OS disk image for each foundation node VM
- for node in "${vnodes[@]}"; do
- ./ -k "$(basename "${SSH_KEY}").pub" \
- -u '' -h "${node}" "${image_dir}/mcp_${node}.iso"
- cp "${image_dir}/${image}" "${image_dir}/mcp_${node}.qcow2"
- qemu-img resize "${image_dir}/mcp_${node}.qcow2" 100G
- # Prepare dedicated drive for cinder on cmp nodes
- if [[ "${node}" =~ ^(cmp) ]]; then
- qemu-img create "${image_dir}/mcp_${node}_storage.qcow2" 100G
- fi
- done
- # VCP VMs base image specific changes
- if [[ ! "${repos_pkgs_str}" =~ \^{3}$ ]] && [ -n "${repos_pkgs[*]:4}" ]; then
- echo "[INFO] Lookup cache / build patched VCP image for md5sum: ${_h}"
- _tmp="${vcp_image%.*}.${_h}.img"
- if [ "${image_dir}/${_tmp}" -ef "${image_dir}/${vcp_image}" ]; then
- echo "[INFO] Patched VCP image found"
- else
- echo "[INFO] Patching VCP image ..."
- cp "${image_dir}/${image}" "${image_dir}/${_tmp}"
- __kernel_modules "${image_dir}"
- mount_image "${_tmp}" "${image_dir}"
- apt_repos_pkgs_image "${repos_pkgs[@]:4:4}"
- cleanup_mounts
- ln -sf "${image_dir}/${_tmp}" "${image_dir}/${vcp_image}"
- fi
- fi
-function jumpserver_pkg_install {
- local req_type=$1
- if [ -n "$(command -v apt-get)" ]; then
- pkg_type='deb'; pkg_cmd='sudo apt-get install -y'
- else
- pkg_type='rpm'; pkg_cmd='sudo yum install -y --skip-broken'
- fi
- eval "$(parse_yaml "./requirements_${pkg_type}.yaml")"
- for section in 'common' "$(uname -i)"; do
- section_var="${req_type}_${section}[*]"
- pkg_list+=" ${!section_var}"
- done
- # shellcheck disable=SC2086
- ${pkg_cmd} ${pkg_list}
-function jumpserver_check_requirements {
- # shellcheck disable=SC2178
- local vnodes=$1; shift
- local br=("$@")
- local err_br_not_found='Linux bridge not found!'
- local err_br_virsh_net='is a virtual network, Linux bridge expected!'
- local warn_br_endpoint="Endpoints might be inaccessible from external hosts!"
- # MaaS requires a Linux bridge for PXE/admin
- if [[ "${vnodes}" =~ mas01 ]]; then
- if ! brctl showmacs "${br[0]}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- notify_e "[ERROR] PXE/admin (${br[0]}) ${err_br_not_found}"
- fi
- # Assume virsh network name matches bridge name (true if created by us)
- if virsh net-info "${br[0]}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- notify_e "[ERROR] ${br[0]} ${err_br_virsh_net}"
- fi
- fi
- # If virtual nodes are present, public should be a Linux bridge
- if [ "$(echo "${vnodes}" | wc -w)" -gt 2 ]; then
- if ! brctl showmacs "${br[3]}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- if [[ "${vnodes}" =~ mas01 ]]; then
- # Baremetal nodes *require* a proper public network
- notify_e "[ERROR] Public (${br[3]}) ${err_br_not_found}"
- else
- notify_n "[WARN] Public (${br[3]}) ${err_br_not_found}" 3
- notify_n "[WARN] ${warn_br_endpoint}" 3
- fi
- fi
- if virsh net-info "${br[3]}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- if [[ "${vnodes}" =~ mas01 ]]; then
- notify_e "[ERROR] ${br[3]} ${err_br_virsh_net}"
- else
- notify_n "[WARN] ${br[3]} ${err_br_virsh_net}" 3
- notify_n "[WARN] ${warn_br_endpoint}" 3
- fi
- fi
- fi
-function create_networks {
- local all_vnode_networks=("mcpcontrol" "$@")
- # create required networks, including constant "mcpcontrol"
- for net in "${all_vnode_networks[@]}"; do
- if virsh net-info "${net}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- virsh net-destroy "${net}" || true
- virsh net-undefine "${net}"
- fi
- # in case of custom network, host should already have the bridge in place
- if [ -f "virsh_net/net_${net}.xml" ] && \
- [ ! -d "/sys/class/net/${net}/bridge" ]; then
- virsh net-define "virsh_net/net_${net}.xml"
- virsh net-autostart "${net}"
- virsh net-start "${net}"
- fi
- done
- # create veth pairs for relevant networks (mcpcontrol, pxebr, mgmt)
- for i in $(seq 0 2 4); do
- sudo ip link del "veth_mcp$i" || true
- sudo ip link add "veth_mcp$i" type veth peer name "veth_mcp$((i+1))"
- sudo ip link set "veth_mcp$i" up mtu 9000
- sudo ip link set "veth_mcp$((i+1))" up mtu 9000
- sudo brctl addif "${all_vnode_networks[$((i/2))]}" "veth_mcp$i"
- done
-function create_vms {
- local image_dir=$1; shift
- # vnode data should be serialized with the following format:
- # <name0>,<ram0>,<vcpu0>[,<sockets0>,<cores0>,<threads0>[,<cell0name0>,<cell0memory0>,
- # <cell0cpus0>,<cell1name0>,<cell1memory0>,<cell1cpus0>]]|<name1>,...'
- IFS='|' read -r -a vnodes <<< "$1"; shift
- # AArch64: prepare arch specific arguments
- local virt_extra_args=""
- if [ "$(uname -i)" = "aarch64" ]; then
- # No Cirrus VGA on AArch64, use virtio instead
- virt_extra_args="$virt_extra_args --video=virtio"
- fi
- # create vms with specified options
- for serialized_vnode_data in "${vnodes[@]}"; do
- if [ -z "${serialized_vnode_data}" ]; then continue; fi
- IFS=',' read -r -a vnode_data <<< "${serialized_vnode_data}"
- # prepare VM CPU model, count, topology (optional), NUMA cells (optional, requires topo)
- local virt_cpu_args=' --cpu host-passthrough'
- local idx=6 # index in serialized data
- while [ -n "${vnode_data[${idx}]}" ]; do
- virt_cpu_args+=",${vnode_data[${idx}]}.memory=${vnode_data[$((idx + 1))]}"
- virt_cpu_args+=",${vnode_data[${idx}]}.cpus=${vnode_data[$((idx + 2))]}"
- idx=$((idx + 3))
- done
- virt_cpu_args+=" --vcpus vcpus=${vnode_data[2]}"
- if [ -n "${vnode_data[5]}" ]; then
- virt_cpu_args+=",sockets=${vnode_data[3]},cores=${vnode_data[4]},threads=${vnode_data[5]}"
- fi
- # prepare network args
- local vnode_networks=("$@")
- if [[ "${vnode_data[0]}" =~ ^(cfg01|mas01) ]]; then
- net_args=" --network network=mcpcontrol,model=virtio"
- # 3rd interface gets connected to PXE/Admin Bridge (cfg01, mas01)
- vnode_networks[2]="${vnode_networks[0]}"
- else
- net_args=" --network bridge=${vnode_networks[0]},model=virtio"
- fi
- for net in "${vnode_networks[@]:1}"; do
- net_args="${net_args} --network bridge=${net},model=virtio"
- done
- # dedicated storage drive for cinder on cmp nodes
- virt_extra_storage=
- if [[ "${vnode_data[0]}" =~ ^(cmp) ]]; then
- virt_extra_storage="--disk path=${image_dir}/mcp_${vnode_data[0]}_storage.qcow2,format=qcow2,bus=virtio,cache=none,io=native"
- fi
- [ ! -e "${image_dir}/virt-manager" ] || VIRT_PREFIX="${image_dir}/virt-manager/"
- # shellcheck disable=SC2086
- ${VIRT_PREFIX}virt-install --name "${vnode_data[0]}" \
- ${virt_cpu_args} --accelerate \
- ${net_args} \
- --ram "${vnode_data[1]}" \
- --disk path="${image_dir}/mcp_${vnode_data[0]}.qcow2",format=qcow2,bus=virtio,cache=none,io=native \
- ${virt_extra_storage} \
- --os-type linux --os-variant none \
- --boot hd --vnc --console pty --autostart --noreboot \
- --disk path="${image_dir}/mcp_${vnode_data[0]}.iso",device=cdrom \
- --noautoconsole \
- ${virt_extra_args}
- done
-function update_mcpcontrol_network {
- # set static ip address for salt master node, MaaS node
- local amac=$(virsh domiflist mas01 2>&1| awk '/mcpcontrol/ {print $5; exit}')
- [ -z "${amac}" ] || virsh net-update "mcpcontrol" add ip-dhcp-host \
- "<host mac='${amac}' name='mas01' ip='${MAAS_IP}'/>" --live --config
-function reset_vms {
- local vnodes=("$@")
- local cmd_str="ssh ${SSH_OPTS} ${SSH_SALT}"
- # reset non-infrastructure vms, wait for them to come back online
- for node in "${vnodes[@]}"; do
- if [[ ! "${node}" =~ (cfg01|mas01) ]]; then
- virsh reset "${node}"
- fi
- done
- for node in "${vnodes[@]}"; do
- if [[ ! "${node}" =~ (cfg01|mas01) ]]; then
- wait_for 20.0 "${cmd_str} sudo salt -C '${node}*' saltutil.sync_all"
- fi
- done
-function start_vms {
- local vnodes=("$@")
- # start vms
- for node in "${vnodes[@]}"; do
- virsh start "${node}"
- sleep $((RANDOM%5+1))
- done
-function prepare_containers {
- local image_dir=$1
- [ -n "${image_dir}" ] || exit 1
- [ -n "${MCP_REPO_ROOT_PATH}" ] || exit 1
- docker-compose --version > /dev/null 2>&1 || COMPOSE_PREFIX="${image_dir}/"
- "${COMPOSE_PREFIX}docker-compose" -f docker-compose/docker-compose.yaml down
- if [[ ! "${MCP_DOCKER_TAG}" =~ 'verify' ]]; then
- "${COMPOSE_PREFIX}docker-compose" -f docker-compose/docker-compose.yaml pull
- fi
- sudo rm -rf "${image_dir}/"{salt,hosts,pki} "${image_dir}/nodes/"*
- mkdir -p "${image_dir}/salt/"{master.d,minion.d}
- touch "${image_dir}/hosts"
-function start_containers {
- local image_dir=$1
- [ -n "${image_dir}" ] || exit 1
- docker-compose --version > /dev/null 2>&1 || COMPOSE_PREFIX="${image_dir}/"
- "${COMPOSE_PREFIX}docker-compose" -f docker-compose/docker-compose.yaml up -d
-function check_connection {
- local total_attempts=60
- local sleep_time=5
- set +e
- echo '[INFO] Attempting to get into Salt master ...'
- # wait until ssh on Salt master is available
- # shellcheck disable=SC2034
- for attempt in $(seq "${total_attempts}"); do
- # shellcheck disable=SC2086
- ssh ${SSH_OPTS} "ubuntu@${SALT_MASTER}" uptime
- case $? in
- 0) echo "${attempt}> Success"; break ;;
- *) echo "${attempt}/${total_attempts}> ssh server ain't ready yet, waiting for ${sleep_time} seconds ..." ;;
- esac
- sleep $sleep_time
- done
- set -e
-function parse_yaml {
- local prefix=$2
- local s
- local w
- local fs
- s='[[:space:]]*'
- w='[a-zA-Z0-9_]*'
- fs="$(echo @|tr @ '\034')"
- sed -e 's|---||g' -ne "s|^\($s\)\($w\)$s:$s\"\(.*\)\"$s\$|\1$fs\2$fs\3|p" \
- -e "s|^\($s\)\($w\)$s[:-]$s\(.*\)$s\$|\1$fs\2$fs\3|p" "$1" |
- awk -F"$fs" '{
- indent = length($1)/2;
- vname[indent] = $2;
- for (i in vname) {if (i > indent) {delete vname[i]}}
- if (length($3) > 0) {
- vn=""; for (i=0; i<indent; i++) {vn=(vn)(vname[i])("_")}
- printf("%s%s%s=(\"%s\")\n", "'"$prefix"'",vn, $2, $3);
- }
- }' | sed 's/_=/+=/g'
function wait_for {
# Execute in a subshell to prevent local variable override during recursion
-function do_udev_cfg {
- local _conf='/etc/udev/rules.d/99-opnfv-fuel-vnet-mtu.rules'
- #
- echo 'SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add|change", KERNEL=="vnet*", RUN+="/bin/sh -c '"'/bin/sleep 1; /sbin/ip link set %k mtu 9000'\"" |& sudo tee "${_conf}"
- echo 'SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add|change", KERNEL=="*-nic", RUN+="/bin/sh -c '"'/bin/sleep 1; /sbin/ip link set %k mtu 9000'\"" |& sudo tee -a "${_conf}"
- sudo udevadm control --reload
- sudo udevadm trigger
-function do_sysctl_cfg {
- local _conf='/etc/sysctl.d/99-opnfv-fuel-bridge.conf'
- #
- if modprobe br_netfilter bridge; then
- echo 'net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-arptables = 0' |& sudo tee "${_conf}"
- echo 'net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables = 0' |& sudo tee -a "${_conf}"
- echo 'net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables = 0' |& sudo tee -a "${_conf}"
- # Some distros / sysadmins explicitly blacklist br_netfilter
- sudo sysctl -q -p "${_conf}" || true
- fi
+function cleanup_uefi {
+ # Clean up Ubuntu boot entry if cfg01, kvm nodes online from previous deploy
+ local cmd_str="ssh ${SSH_OPTS} ${SSH_SALT}"
+ ping -c 1 -w 1 "${SALT_MASTER}" || return 0
+ [ ! "$(hostname)" = 'cfg01' ] || cmd_str='eval'
+ # NOTE: Targeting nodes by hostname is fragile and should be refactored to
+ # also cover corner cases like noha scenarios on AArch64 baremetal's 'ctl01'
+ ${cmd_str} "sudo salt -C 'kvm* or cmp*' \
+ \"which efibootmgr > /dev/null 2>&1 && \
+ efibootmgr | grep -oP '(?<=Boot)[0-9]+(?=.*ubuntu)' | \
+ xargs -I{} efibootmgr --delete-bootnum --bootnum {}; \
+ rm -rf /boot/efi/*\"" || true
function get_nova_compute_pillar_data {
echo "${value}"
-function docker_install {
- local image_dir=$1
- # Mininum effort attempt at installing Docker if missing
- if ! docker --version; then
- curl -fsSL -o
- sudo sh
- rm
- # On RHEL distros, the Docker service should be explicitly started
- sudo systemctl start docker
- else
- DOCKER_VER=$(docker version --format '{{.Server.Version}}')
- if [ "${DOCKER_VER%%.*}" -lt 2 ]; then
- notify_e "[ERROR] Docker version ${DOCKER_VER} is too old, please upgrade it."
- fi
- fi
- # Distro-provided docker-compose might be simply broken (Ubuntu 16.04, CentOS 7)
- if ! docker-compose --version > /dev/null 2>&1; then
- COMPOSE_BIN="${image_dir}/docker-compose"
- notify_n "[WARN] Using docker-compose ${COMPOSE_VERSION} in ${COMPOSE_BIN}" 3
- if [ ! -e "${COMPOSE_BIN}" ]; then
- sudo curl -L "${COMPOSE_URL}/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o "${COMPOSE_BIN}"
- sudo chmod +x "${COMPOSE_BIN}"
- fi
- fi
-function virtinst_install {
- local image_dir=$1
- VIRT_VER=$(virt-install --version 2>&1)
- if [ "${VIRT_VER//./}" -lt 140 ]; then
- VIRT_TGZ="${image_dir}/virt-manager.tar.gz"
- VIRT_VER='1.4.3'
- VIRT_URL="${VIRT_VER}.tar.gz"
- notify_n "[WARN] Using virt-install ${VIRT_VER} from ${VIRT_TGZ}" 3
- if [ ! -e "${VIRT_TGZ}" ]; then
- curl -L "${VIRT_URL}" -o "${VIRT_TGZ}"
- mkdir -p "${image_dir}/virt-manager"
- tar xzf "${VIRT_TGZ}" -C "${image_dir}/virt-manager" --strip-components=1
- fi
- fi
--- /dev/null
+#!/bin/bash -e
+# Copyright (c) 2018 Mirantis Inc., Enea AB and others.
+# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+# Library of shell functions used by build / deploy scripts on jumpserver:
+# - distro package requirements installation (e.g. DEB, RPM);
+# - other package requirements from custom sources (e.g. docker);
+# - jumpserver prerequisites validation (e.g. network bridges);
+# - distro configuration (e.g. udev, sysctl);
+# etc.
+# private helper functions
+function __parse_yaml {
+ local prefix=$2
+ local s
+ local w
+ local fs
+ s='[[:space:]]*'
+ w='[a-zA-Z0-9_]*'
+ fs="$(echo @|tr @ '\034')"
+ sed -e 's|---||g' -ne "s|^\($s\)\($w\)$s:$s\"\(.*\)\"$s\$|\1$fs\2$fs\3|p" \
+ -e "s|^\($s\)\($w\)$s[:-]$s\(.*\)$s\$|\1$fs\2$fs\3|p" "$1" |
+ awk -F"$fs" '{
+ indent = length($1)/2;
+ vname[indent] = $2;
+ for (i in vname) {if (i > indent) {delete vname[i]}}
+ if (length($3) > 0) {
+ vn=""; for (i=0; i<indent; i++) {vn=(vn)(vname[i])("_")}
+ printf("%s%s%s=(\"%s\")\n", "'"$prefix"'",vn, $2, $3);
+ }
+ }' | sed 's/_=/+=/g'
+# public functions
+function jumpserver_pkg_install {
+ local req_type=$1
+ if [ -n "$(command -v apt-get)" ]; then
+ pkg_type='deb'; pkg_cmd='sudo apt-get install -y'
+ else
+ pkg_type='rpm'; pkg_cmd='sudo yum install -y --skip-broken'
+ fi
+ eval "$(__parse_yaml "./requirements_${pkg_type}.yaml")"
+ for section in 'common' "$(uname -i)"; do
+ section_var="${req_type}_${section}[*]"
+ pkg_list+=" ${!section_var}"
+ done
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+ ${pkg_cmd} ${pkg_list}
+function jumpserver_check_requirements {
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2178
+ local vnodes=$1; shift
+ local br=("$@")
+ local err_br_not_found='Linux bridge not found!'
+ local err_br_virsh_net='is a virtual network, Linux bridge expected!'
+ local warn_br_endpoint="Endpoints might be inaccessible from external hosts!"
+ # MaaS requires a Linux bridge for PXE/admin
+ if [[ "${vnodes}" =~ mas01 ]]; then
+ if ! brctl showmacs "${br[0]}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ notify_e "[ERROR] PXE/admin (${br[0]}) ${err_br_not_found}"
+ fi
+ # Assume virsh network name matches bridge name (true if created by us)
+ if ${VIRSH} net-info "${br[0]}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ notify_e "[ERROR] ${br[0]} ${err_br_virsh_net}"
+ fi
+ fi
+ # If virtual nodes are present, public should be a Linux bridge
+ if [ "$(echo "${vnodes}" | wc -w)" -gt 2 ]; then
+ if ! brctl showmacs "${br[3]}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ if [[ "${vnodes}" =~ mas01 ]]; then
+ # Baremetal nodes *require* a proper public network
+ notify_e "[ERROR] Public (${br[3]}) ${err_br_not_found}"
+ else
+ notify_n "[WARN] Public (${br[3]}) ${err_br_not_found}" 3
+ notify_n "[WARN] ${warn_br_endpoint}" 3
+ fi
+ fi
+ if ${VIRSH} net-info "${br[3]}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ if [[ "${vnodes}" =~ mas01 ]]; then
+ notify_e "[ERROR] ${br[3]} ${err_br_virsh_net}"
+ else
+ notify_n "[WARN] ${br[3]} ${err_br_virsh_net}" 3
+ notify_n "[WARN] ${warn_br_endpoint}" 3
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+function docker_install {
+ local image_dir=$1
+ # Mininum effort attempt at installing Docker if missing
+ if ! docker --version; then
+ curl -fsSL -o
+ sudo sh
+ rm
+ # On RHEL distros, the Docker service should be explicitly started
+ sudo systemctl start docker
+ else
+ DOCKER_VER=$(docker version --format '{{.Server.Version}}')
+ if [ "${DOCKER_VER%%.*}" -lt 2 ]; then
+ notify_e "[ERROR] Docker version ${DOCKER_VER} is too old, please upgrade it."
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Distro-provided docker-compose might be simply broken (Ubuntu 16.04, CentOS 7)
+ if ! docker-compose --version > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ COMPOSE_BIN="${image_dir}/docker-compose"
+ notify_n "[WARN] Using docker-compose ${COMPOSE_VERSION} in ${COMPOSE_BIN}" 3
+ if [ ! -e "${COMPOSE_BIN}" ]; then
+ sudo curl -L "${COMPOSE_URL}/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o "${COMPOSE_BIN}"
+ sudo chmod +x "${COMPOSE_BIN}"
+ fi
+ fi
+function virtinst_install {
+ local image_dir=$1
+ VIRT_VER=$(virt-install --version 2>&1)
+ if [ "${VIRT_VER//./}" -lt 140 ]; then
+ VIRT_TGZ="${image_dir}/virt-manager.tar.gz"
+ VIRT_VER='1.4.3'
+ VIRT_URL="${VIRT_VER}.tar.gz"
+ notify_n "[WARN] Using virt-install ${VIRT_VER} from ${VIRT_TGZ}" 3
+ if [ ! -e "${VIRT_TGZ}" ]; then
+ curl -L "${VIRT_URL}" -o "${VIRT_TGZ}"
+ mkdir -p "${image_dir}/virt-manager"
+ tar xzf "${VIRT_TGZ}" -C "${image_dir}/virt-manager" --strip-components=1
+ fi
+ fi
+function do_udev_cfg {
+ local _conf='/etc/udev/rules.d/99-opnfv-fuel-vnet-mtu.rules'
+ #
+ echo 'SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add|change", KERNEL=="vnet*", RUN+="/bin/sh -c '"'/bin/sleep 1; /sbin/ip link set %k mtu 9000'\"" |& sudo tee "${_conf}"
+ echo 'SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add|change", KERNEL=="*-nic", RUN+="/bin/sh -c '"'/bin/sleep 1; /sbin/ip link set %k mtu 9000'\"" |& sudo tee -a "${_conf}"
+ sudo udevadm control --reload
+ sudo udevadm trigger
+function do_sysctl_cfg {
+ local _conf='/etc/sysctl.d/99-opnfv-fuel-bridge.conf'
+ #
+ if modprobe br_netfilter bridge; then
+ echo 'net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-arptables = 0' |& sudo tee "${_conf}"
+ echo 'net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables = 0' |& sudo tee -a "${_conf}"
+ echo 'net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables = 0' |& sudo tee -a "${_conf}"
+ # Some distros / sysadmins explicitly blacklist br_netfilter
+ sudo sysctl -q -p "${_conf}" || true
+ fi
+function generate_ssh_key {
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2155
+ local mcp_ssh_key=$(basename "${SSH_KEY}")
+ local user=${USER}
+ if [ -n "${SUDO_USER}" ] && [ "${SUDO_USER}" != 'root' ]; then
+ user=${SUDO_USER}
+ fi
+ if [ -f "${SSH_KEY}" ]; then
+ cp "${SSH_KEY}" .
+ ssh-keygen -f "${mcp_ssh_key}" -y > "${mcp_ssh_key}.pub"
+ fi
+ [ -f "${mcp_ssh_key}" ] || ssh-keygen -f "${mcp_ssh_key}" -N ''
+ sudo install -D -o "${user}" -m 0600 "${mcp_ssh_key}" "${SSH_KEY}"
--- /dev/null
+#!/bin/bash -e
+# shellcheck disable=SC2155,SC1001,SC2015,SC2128
+# Copyright (c) 2018 Mirantis Inc., Enea AB and others.
+# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+# Library of shell functions used by deploy script on jumpserver:
+# - base cloud image (used by FN VMs and VCP VMs) processing:
+# * download;
+# * tooling for offline image modification (without libguestfs);
+# * package pre-installation (requires nbd, loop krn mods);
+# - virtualized hosts processing:
+# * virsh-managed VMs boilerplate;
+# * salt master container tooling;
+# * virsh & docker network plumbing;
+# etc.
+# private helper functions
+function __get_base_image {
+ local base_image=$1
+ local image_dir=$2
+ mkdir -p "${image_dir}"
+ wget --progress=dot:giga -P "${image_dir}" -N "${base_image}"
+function __kernel_modules {
+ # Load mandatory kernel modules: loop, nbd
+ local image_dir=$1
+ test -e /dev/loop-control || sudo modprobe loop
+ if sudo modprobe nbd max_part=8 || sudo modprobe -f nbd max_part=8; then
+ return 0
+ fi
+ if [ -e /dev/nbd0 ]; then return 0; fi # nbd might be inbuilt
+ # CentOS (or RHEL family in general) do not provide 'nbd' out of the box
+ echo "[WARN] 'nbd' kernel module cannot be loaded!"
+ if [ ! -e /etc/redhat-release ]; then
+ echo "[ERROR] Non-RHEL system detected, aborting!"
+ echo "[ERROR] Try building 'nbd' manually or install it from a 3rd party."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # Best-effort attempt at building a non-maintaned kernel module
+ local __baseurl
+ local __subdir
+ local __uname_r=$(uname -r)
+ local __uname_m=$(uname -m)
+ if [ "${__uname_m}" = 'x86_64' ]; then
+ __baseurl=''
+ __subdir='Source/SPackages'
+ __srpm="kernel-${__uname_r%.${__uname_m}}.src.rpm"
+ else
+ __baseurl=''
+ __subdir="Source/${__uname_m}/Source/SPackages"
+ # NOTE: fmt varies across releases (e.g. kernel-alt-4.11.0-44.el7a.src.rpm)
+ __srpm="kernel-alt-${__uname_r%.${__uname_m}}.src.rpm"
+ fi
+ local __found='n'
+ local __versions=$(curl -s "${__baseurl}/" | grep -Po 'href="\K7\.[\d\.]+')
+ for ver in ${__versions}; do
+ for comp in os updates; do
+ local url="${__baseurl}/${ver}/${comp}/${__subdir}/${__srpm}"
+ if wget "${url}" -O "${image_dir}/${__srpm}" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ __found='y'; break 2
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+ if [ "${__found}" = 'n' ]; then
+ echo "[ERROR] Can't find the linux kernel SRPM for: ${__uname_r}"
+ echo "[ERROR] 'nbd' module cannot be built, aborting!"
+ echo "[ERROR] Try 'yum upgrade' or building 'nbd' krn module manually ..."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ rpm -ivh "${image_dir}/${__srpm}" 2> /dev/null
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2016
+ echo '%_topdir %(echo $HOME)/rpmbuild' > ~/.rpmmacros
+ (
+ cd ~/rpmbuild/SPECS
+ rpmbuild -bp --nodeps --target="${__uname_m}" kernel*.spec
+ cd ~/rpmbuild/BUILD/"${__srpm%.src.rpm}"/linux-*
+ sed -i 's/^.*\(CONFIG_BLK_DEV_NBD\).*$/\1=m/g' .config
+ #
+ if grep -Rq 'REQ_TYPE_DRV_PRIV' drivers/block; then
+ sed -i 's/REQ_TYPE_SPECIAL/REQ_TYPE_DRV_PRIV/g' drivers/block/nbd.c
+ fi
+ gunzip -c "/boot/symvers-${__uname_r}.gz" > Module.symvers
+ make prepare modules_prepare
+ make M=drivers/block -j
+ modinfo drivers/block/nbd.ko
+ sudo mkdir -p "/lib/modules/${__uname_r}/extra/"
+ sudo cp drivers/block/nbd.ko "/lib/modules/${__uname_r}/extra/"
+ )
+ sudo depmod -a
+ sudo modprobe nbd max_part=8 || sudo modprobe -f nbd max_part=8
+function __mount_image {
+ local image=$1
+ local image_dir=$2
+ OPNFV_MNT_DIR="${image_dir}/ubuntu"
+ # Find free nbd, loop devices
+ for dev in '/sys/class/block/nbd'*; do
+ if [ "$(cat "${dev}/size")" = '0' ]; then
+ OPNFV_NBD_DEV=/dev/$(basename "${dev}")
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ OPNFV_LOOP_DEV=$(sudo losetup -f)
+ OPNFV_MAP_DEV=/dev/mapper/$(basename "${OPNFV_NBD_DEV}")p1
+ [ -n "${OPNFV_NBD_DEV}" ] && [ -n "${OPNFV_LOOP_DEV}" ] || exit 1
+ qemu-img resize "${image_dir}/${image}" 3G
+ sudo qemu-nbd --connect="${OPNFV_NBD_DEV}" --aio=native --cache=none \
+ "${image_dir}/${image}"
+ sudo kpartx -av "${OPNFV_NBD_DEV}"
+ sleep 5 # /dev/nbdNp1 takes some time to come up
+ # Hardcode partition index to 1, unlikely to change for Ubuntu UCA image
+ if sudo growpart "${OPNFV_NBD_DEV}" 1; then
+ sudo kpartx -u "${OPNFV_NBD_DEV}"
+ sudo e2fsck -pf "${OPNFV_MAP_DEV}"
+ sudo resize2fs "${OPNFV_MAP_DEV}"
+ fi
+ # grub-update does not like /dev/nbd*, so use a loop device to work around it
+ sudo losetup "${OPNFV_LOOP_DEV}" "${OPNFV_MAP_DEV}"
+ mkdir -p "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}"
+ sudo mount "${OPNFV_LOOP_DEV}" "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}"
+ sudo mount -t proc proc "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}/proc"
+ sudo mount -t sysfs sys "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}/sys"
+ sudo mount -o bind /dev "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}/dev"
+ sudo mkdir -p "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}/run/resolvconf"
+ sudo cp /etc/resolv.conf "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}/run/resolvconf"
+ echo "GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=true" | \
+ sudo tee -a "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}/etc/default/grub"
+ sudo sed -i -e 's/^\(GRUB_TIMEOUT\)=.*$/\1=1/g' -e 's/^GRUB_HIDDEN.*$//g' \
+ "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}/etc/default/grub"
+function __apt_repos_pkgs_image {
+ local apt_key_urls=(${1//,/ })
+ local all_repos=(${2//,/ })
+ local pkgs_i=(${3//,/ })
+ local pkgs_r=(${4//,/ })
+ [ -n "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}" ] || exit 1
+ # APT keys
+ if [ "${#apt_key_urls[@]}" -gt 0 ]; then
+ for apt_key in "${apt_key_urls[@]}"; do
+ sudo chroot "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}" /bin/bash -c \
+ "wget -qO - '${apt_key}' | apt-key add -"
+ done
+ fi
+ # Additional repositories
+ for repo_line in "${all_repos[@]}"; do
+ # <repo_name>|<repo prio>|deb|[arch=<arch>]|<repo url>|<dist>|<repo comp>
+ local repo=(${repo_line//|/ })
+ [ "${#repo[@]}" -gt 5 ] || continue
+ # NOTE: Names and formatting are compatible with Salt linux.system.repo
+ cat <<-EOF | sudo tee "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}/etc/apt/preferences.d/${repo[0]}"
+ Package: *
+ Pin: release a=${repo[-2]}
+ Pin-Priority: ${repo[1]}
+ echo "${repo[@]:2}" | sudo tee \
+ "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}/etc/apt/sources.list.d/${repo[0]}.list"
+ done
+ # Install packages
+ if [ "${#pkgs_i[@]}" -gt 0 ]; then
+ sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" \
+ chroot "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}" apt-get update
+ sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" FLASH_KERNEL_SKIP="true" \
+ chroot "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}" apt-get install -y "${pkgs_i[@]}"
+ fi
+ # Remove packages
+ if [ "${#pkgs_r[@]}" -gt 0 ]; then
+ sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" FLASH_KERNEL_SKIP="true" \
+ chroot "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}" apt-get purge -y "${pkgs_r[@]}"
+ fi
+ # Disable cloud-init metadata service datasource
+ sudo mkdir -p "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d"
+ echo "datasource_list: [ NoCloud, None ]" | sudo tee \
+ "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/95_real_datasources.cfg"
+function __cleanup_vms {
+ # clean up existing nodes
+ for node in $(${VIRSH} list --name | grep -P '\w{3}\d{2}'); do
+ ${VIRSH} destroy "${node}"
+ done
+ for node in $(${VIRSH} list --name --all | grep -P '\w{3}\d{2}'); do
+ ${VIRSH} domblklist "${node}" | awk '/^.da/ {print $2}' | \
+ xargs --no-run-if-empty -I{} sudo rm -f {}
+ ${VIRSH} undefine "${node}" --remove-all-storage --nvram || \
+ ${VIRSH} undefine "${node}" --remove-all-storage
+ done
+# public functions
+function prepare_vms {
+ local base_image=$1; shift
+ local image_dir=$1; shift
+ local repos_pkgs_str=$1; shift # ^-sep list of repos, pkgs to install/rm
+ local vnodes=("$@")
+ local image=base_image_opnfv_fuel.img
+ local vcp_image=${image%.*}_vcp.img
+ local _o=${base_image/*\/}
+ local _h=$(echo "${repos_pkgs_str}.$(md5sum "${image_dir}/${_o}")" | \
+ md5sum | cut -c -8)
+ local _tmp
+ [ -n "${image_dir}" ] || exit 1
+ cleanup_uefi
+ __cleanup_vms
+ __get_base_image "${base_image}" "${image_dir}"
+ IFS='^' read -r -a repos_pkgs <<< "${repos_pkgs_str}"
+ echo "[INFO] Lookup cache / build patched base image for fingerprint: ${_h}"
+ _tmp="${image%.*}.${_h}.img"
+ if [ "${image_dir}/${_tmp}" -ef "${image_dir}/${image}" ]; then
+ echo "[INFO] Patched base image found"
+ else
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2115
+ rm -rf "${image_dir}/${image%.*}"*
+ if [[ ! "${repos_pkgs_str}" =~ ^\^+$ ]]; then
+ echo "[INFO] Patching base image ..."
+ cp "${image_dir}/${_o}" "${image_dir}/${_tmp}"
+ __kernel_modules "${image_dir}"
+ __mount_image "${_tmp}" "${image_dir}"
+ __apt_repos_pkgs_image "${repos_pkgs[@]:0:4}"
+ cleanup_mounts
+ else
+ echo "[INFO] No patching required, using vanilla base image"
+ ln -sf "${image_dir}/${_o}" "${image_dir}/${_tmp}"
+ fi
+ ln -sf "${image_dir}/${_tmp}" "${image_dir}/${image}"
+ fi
+ # Create config ISO and resize OS disk image for each foundation node VM
+ for node in "${vnodes[@]}"; do
+ ./ -k "$(basename "${SSH_KEY}").pub" \
+ -u '' -h "${node}" "${image_dir}/mcp_${node}.iso"
+ cp "${image_dir}/${image}" "${image_dir}/mcp_${node}.qcow2"
+ qemu-img resize "${image_dir}/mcp_${node}.qcow2" 100G
+ # Prepare dedicated drive for cinder on cmp nodes
+ if [[ "${node}" =~ ^(cmp) ]]; then
+ qemu-img create "${image_dir}/mcp_${node}_storage.qcow2" 100G
+ fi
+ done
+ # VCP VMs base image specific changes
+ if [[ ! "${repos_pkgs_str}" =~ \^{3}$ ]] && [ -n "${repos_pkgs[*]:4}" ]; then
+ echo "[INFO] Lookup cache / build patched VCP image for md5sum: ${_h}"
+ _tmp="${vcp_image%.*}.${_h}.img"
+ if [ "${image_dir}/${_tmp}" -ef "${image_dir}/${vcp_image}" ]; then
+ echo "[INFO] Patched VCP image found"
+ else
+ echo "[INFO] Patching VCP image ..."
+ cp "${image_dir}/${image}" "${image_dir}/${_tmp}"
+ __kernel_modules "${image_dir}"
+ __mount_image "${_tmp}" "${image_dir}"
+ __apt_repos_pkgs_image "${repos_pkgs[@]:4:4}"
+ cleanup_mounts
+ ln -sf "${image_dir}/${_tmp}" "${image_dir}/${vcp_image}"
+ fi
+ fi
+function create_networks {
+ local all_vnode_networks=("mcpcontrol" "$@")
+ # create required networks, including constant "mcpcontrol"
+ for net in "${all_vnode_networks[@]}"; do
+ if ${VIRSH} net-info "${net}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ ${VIRSH} net-destroy "${net}" || true
+ ${VIRSH} net-undefine "${net}"
+ fi
+ # in case of custom network, host should already have the bridge in place
+ if [ -f "virsh_net/net_${net}.xml" ] && \
+ [ ! -d "/sys/class/net/${net}/bridge" ]; then
+ ${VIRSH} net-define "virsh_net/net_${net}.xml"
+ ${VIRSH} net-autostart "${net}"
+ ${VIRSH} net-start "${net}"
+ fi
+ done
+ # create veth pairs for relevant networks (mcpcontrol, pxebr, mgmt)
+ for i in $(seq 0 2 4); do
+ sudo ip link del "veth_mcp$i" || true
+ sudo ip link add "veth_mcp$i" type veth peer name "veth_mcp$((i+1))"
+ sudo ip link set "veth_mcp$i" up mtu 9000
+ sudo ip link set "veth_mcp$((i+1))" up mtu 9000
+ sudo brctl addif "${all_vnode_networks[$((i/2))]}" "veth_mcp$i"
+ done
+function create_vms {
+ local image_dir=$1; shift
+ # vnode data should be serialized with the following format:
+ # <name0>,<ram0>,<vcpu0>[,<sockets0>,<cores0>,<threads0>[,<cell0name0>,<cell0memory0>,
+ # <cell0cpus0>,<cell1name0>,<cell1memory0>,<cell1cpus0>]]|<name1>,...'
+ IFS='|' read -r -a vnodes <<< "$1"; shift
+ # AArch64: prepare arch specific arguments
+ local virt_extra_args=""
+ if [ "$(uname -i)" = "aarch64" ]; then
+ # No Cirrus VGA on AArch64, use virtio instead
+ virt_extra_args="$virt_extra_args --video=virtio"
+ fi
+ # create vms with specified options
+ for serialized_vnode_data in "${vnodes[@]}"; do
+ if [ -z "${serialized_vnode_data}" ]; then continue; fi
+ IFS=',' read -r -a vnode_data <<< "${serialized_vnode_data}"
+ # prepare VM CPU model, count, topology (optional), NUMA cells (optional, requires topo)
+ local virt_cpu_args=' --cpu host-passthrough'
+ local idx=6 # index in serialized data
+ while [ -n "${vnode_data[${idx}]}" ]; do
+ virt_cpu_args+=",${vnode_data[${idx}]}.memory=${vnode_data[$((idx + 1))]}"
+ virt_cpu_args+=",${vnode_data[${idx}]}.cpus=${vnode_data[$((idx + 2))]}"
+ idx=$((idx + 3))
+ done
+ virt_cpu_args+=" --vcpus vcpus=${vnode_data[2]}"
+ if [ -n "${vnode_data[5]}" ]; then
+ virt_cpu_args+=",sockets=${vnode_data[3]},cores=${vnode_data[4]},threads=${vnode_data[5]}"
+ fi
+ # prepare network args
+ local vnode_networks=("$@")
+ if [[ "${vnode_data[0]}" =~ ^(cfg01|mas01) ]]; then
+ net_args=" --network network=mcpcontrol,model=virtio"
+ # 3rd interface gets connected to PXE/Admin Bridge (cfg01, mas01)
+ vnode_networks[2]="${vnode_networks[0]}"
+ else
+ net_args=" --network bridge=${vnode_networks[0]},model=virtio"
+ fi
+ for net in "${vnode_networks[@]:1}"; do
+ net_args="${net_args} --network bridge=${net},model=virtio"
+ done
+ # dedicated storage drive for cinder on cmp nodes
+ virt_extra_storage=
+ if [[ "${vnode_data[0]}" =~ ^(cmp) ]]; then
+ virt_extra_storage="--disk path=${image_dir}/mcp_${vnode_data[0]}_storage.qcow2,format=qcow2,bus=virtio,cache=none,io=native"
+ fi
+ [ ! -e "${image_dir}/virt-manager" ] || VIRT_PREFIX="${image_dir}/virt-manager/"
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+ ${VIRT_PREFIX}virt-install --name "${vnode_data[0]}" \
+ ${virt_cpu_args} --accelerate \
+ ${net_args} \
+ --ram "${vnode_data[1]}" \
+ --disk path="${image_dir}/mcp_${vnode_data[0]}.qcow2",format=qcow2,bus=virtio,cache=none,io=native \
+ ${virt_extra_storage} \
+ --os-type linux --os-variant none \
+ --boot hd --vnc --console pty --autostart --noreboot \
+ --disk path="${image_dir}/mcp_${vnode_data[0]}.iso",device=cdrom \
+ --noautoconsole \
+ ${virt_extra_args}
+ done
+function update_mcpcontrol_network {
+ # set static ip address for salt master node, MaaS node
+ local amac=$(${VIRSH} domiflist mas01 2>&1| awk '/mcpcontrol/ {print $5; exit}')
+ [ -z "${amac}" ] || ${VIRSH} net-update "mcpcontrol" add ip-dhcp-host \
+ "<host mac='${amac}' name='mas01' ip='${MAAS_IP}'/>" --live --config
+function reset_vms {
+ local vnodes=("$@")
+ local cmd_str="ssh ${SSH_OPTS} ${SSH_SALT}"
+ # reset non-infrastructure vms, wait for them to come back online
+ for node in "${vnodes[@]}"; do
+ if [[ ! "${node}" =~ (cfg01|mas01) ]]; then
+ ${VIRSH} reset "${node}"
+ fi
+ done
+ for node in "${vnodes[@]}"; do
+ if [[ ! "${node}" =~ (cfg01|mas01) ]]; then
+ wait_for 20.0 "${cmd_str} sudo salt -C '${node}*' saltutil.sync_all"
+ fi
+ done
+function start_vms {
+ local vnodes=("$@")
+ # start vms
+ for node in "${vnodes[@]}"; do
+ ${VIRSH} start "${node}"
+ sleep $((RANDOM%5+1))
+ done
+function prepare_containers {
+ local image_dir=$1
+ [ -n "${image_dir}" ] || exit 1
+ [ -n "${MCP_REPO_ROOT_PATH}" ] || exit 1
+ docker-compose --version > /dev/null 2>&1 || COMPOSE_PREFIX="${image_dir}/"
+ "${COMPOSE_PREFIX}docker-compose" -f docker-compose/docker-compose.yaml down
+ if [[ ! "${MCP_DOCKER_TAG}" =~ 'verify' ]]; then
+ "${COMPOSE_PREFIX}docker-compose" -f docker-compose/docker-compose.yaml pull
+ fi
+ sudo rm -rf "${image_dir}/"{salt,hosts,pki} "${image_dir}/nodes/"*
+ mkdir -p "${image_dir}/salt/"{master.d,minion.d}
+ touch "${image_dir}/hosts"
+function start_containers {
+ local image_dir=$1
+ [ -n "${image_dir}" ] || exit 1
+ docker-compose --version > /dev/null 2>&1 || COMPOSE_PREFIX="${image_dir}/"
+ "${COMPOSE_PREFIX}docker-compose" -f docker-compose/docker-compose.yaml up -d
+function check_connection {
+ local total_attempts=60
+ local sleep_time=5
+ set +e
+ echo '[INFO] Attempting to get into Salt master ...'
+ # wait until ssh on Salt master is available
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2034
+ for attempt in $(seq "${total_attempts}"); do
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+ ssh ${SSH_OPTS} "ubuntu@${SALT_MASTER}" uptime
+ case $? in
+ 0) echo "${attempt}> Success"; break ;;
+ *) echo "${attempt}/${total_attempts}> ssh server ain't ready yet, waiting for ${sleep_time} seconds ..." ;;
+ esac
+ sleep $sleep_time
+ done
+ set -e
+function cleanup_mounts {
+ # Remove any mounts, loop and/or nbd devs created while patching base image
+ if [ -n "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}" ] && [ -d "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}" ]; then
+ if [ -f "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}/boot/grub/grub.cfg" ]; then
+ # Grub thinks it's running from a live CD
+ sudo sed -i -e 's/^\s*set root=.*$//g' -e 's/^\s*loopback.*$//g' \
+ "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}/boot/grub/grub.cfg"
+ fi
+ sudo rm -f "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}/run/resolvconf/resolv.conf"
+ sync
+ if mountpoint -q "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}"; then
+ sudo umount -l "${OPNFV_MNT_DIR}" || true
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ -n "${OPNFV_LOOP_DEV}" ] && \
+ sudo losetup "${OPNFV_LOOP_DEV}" 1>&2 > /dev/null; then
+ sudo losetup -d "${OPNFV_LOOP_DEV}"
+ fi
+ if [ -n "${OPNFV_NBD_DEV}" ]; then
+ sudo kpartx -d "${OPNFV_NBD_DEV}" || true
+ sudo qemu-nbd -d "${OPNFV_NBD_DEV}" || true
+ fi