+Baremetal Usage
+The previous deployments are based on VMs, i.e. controllers and computes are
+VMs. It is also possible to deploy on baremetal and for that a pdf and idf file
+which describes the hardware needs to be provided to the sandbox script:
+clone OPNFV releng-xci repository
+ git clone https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/releng-xci.git
+change into directory where the sandbox script is located
+ cd releng-xci/xci
+set the sandbox flavor
+ export XCI_FLAVOR=noha
+set the version to use for openstack-ansible
+set where the logs should be stored
+ export LOG_PATH=/home/jenkins/xcilogs
+execute sandbox script
+ ./xci-deploy.sh -i var/ericsson-pod2-idf.yml -p var/ericsson-pod2-pdf.yml
User Variables
source "$XCI_PATH/xci/installer/${INSTALLER_TYPE}/env" &>/dev/null || true
# source xci configuration
source $XCI_PATH/xci/config/env-vars
- # source the baremetal variable
+ # baremetal variable to true if the vendor in the pdf is not libvirt
grep -o vendor.* ${PDF} | grep -q libvirt && export BAREMETAL=false || export BAREMETAL=true