SHELL := /bin/bash
TOP := $(shell pwd)
-UBUNTU_DIR := $(shell dirname $(MIRROR_UBUNTU_ROOT))
-TMP_ROOT_DIR := $(shell echo "$(UBUNTU_DIR)" | cut -d "/" -f2)
+TMP_ROOT_DIR := $(shell echo "$(MIRROR_UBUNTU_ROOT)" | cut -d "/" -f2)
# Enable use of exact repo commit if defined, else use Fuel main branch
sudo fuel-mirror --debug --config ./opnfv-config.yaml create --group ubuntu --pattern=ubuntu
sudo chmod -R 755 /var/www/nailgun
cp -Rp /var/www/nailgun .
- if [ "$(UBUNTU_DIR)" != "/" ]; then \
- mv nailgun/mirrors$(UBUNTU_DIR)/ubuntu nailgun/mirrors/ubuntu;\
- rm -rf nailgun/mirrors/$(TMP_ROOT_DIR);\
+ # On the end we want to have ubuntu repository in mirrors/ubuntu directory
+ -if [ "$(MIRROR_UBUNTU_ROOT)" != "/ubuntu/" ]; then \
+ mkdir -p nailgun/mirrors/ubuntu;\
+ mv nailgun/mirrors$(MIRROR_UBUNTU_ROOT)* nailgun/mirrors/ubuntu;\
+ [ "$(MIRROR_UBUNTU_ROOT)" != "/" ] && rm -rf nailgun/mirrors/$(TMP_ROOT_DIR);\
# Store artifact in cache straight away if caching is enabled
# (no .cacheid will be present unless this is a cached build)