+++ /dev/null
-# SPDX-license-identifier: Apache-2.0
-# Copyright (c) 2016 Ericsson AB and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-set -o errexit
-set -o nounset
-set -o pipefail
-# check to see if ucs login info file exists
-if [ -e ~/.ssh/ucs_creds ];then
- source ~/.ssh/ucs_creds
- echo "Unable to find UCS credentials for LF lab reconfiguration...Exiting"
- exit 1
-# clone releng
-echo "Cloning releng repo..."
-if ! GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY=true git clone https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/releng; then
- echo "Unable to clone releng repo...Exiting"
- exit 1
-# log info to console
-echo "Starting the lab reconfiguration for $INSTALLER_TYPE..."
-echo "--------------------------------------------------------"
-# create venv
-# disable nounset because 'activate' script contains unbound variable(s)
-set +o nounset
-# enter venv
-source $WORKSPACE/releng/utils/lab-reconfiguration/venv/bin/activate
-# set nounset back again
-set -o nounset
-# verify we are in venv
-if [[ ! $(which python | grep venv) ]]; then
- echo "Unable to activate venv...Exiting"
- exit 1
-python $WORKSPACE/releng/utils/lab-reconfiguration/reconfigUcsNet.py -i $ucs_host -u $ucs_user -p $ucs_password -f $WORKSPACE/releng/utils/lab-reconfiguration/fuel.yaml
-# while undergoing reboot
-sleep 30
-# check to see if slave is back up
-while [ "$ping_counter" -lt 20 ]; do
- if [[ $(ping -c 5 ]]; then
- ping_flag=1
- break
- fi
- ((ping_counter++))
- sleep 10
-if [ "$ping_flag" -eq 1 ]; then
- echo "Slave is pingable, now wait 180 seconds for services to start"
- sleep 180
- echo "Slave did not come back up after reboot: please check lf-pod2"
- exit 1
-set +o nounset
-echo "--------------------------------------------------------"
-echo "Done!"
rtd-token: 38f40bf6c08fd4bccb930871bc29b08404cf98b0
- - 'fuel-deploy-generic-daily-{stream}'
- '{project-name}-rtd-jobs'
-# job templates
-- job-template:
- name: 'fuel-deploy-generic-daily-{stream}'
- concurrent: true
- disabled: '{obj:disabled}'
- properties:
- - logrotate-default
- - throttle:
- enabled: true
- max-per-node: 1
- option: 'project'
- - build-blocker:
- use-build-blocker: true
- blocking-jobs:
- - 'fuel-os-.*?-daily-.*'
- - 'fuel-deploy-generic-daily-.*'
- block-level: 'NODE'
- parameters:
- - project-parameter:
- project: '{project}'
- branch: '{branch}'
- - '{installer}-defaults':
- gs-pathname: '{gs-pathname}'
- - string:
- name: GIT_BASE
- default: https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/$PROJECT
- description: 'Git URL to use on this Jenkins Slave'
- - string:
- default: 'os-odl-nofeature-ha'
- - node:
- name: SLAVE_NAME
- description: 'Slave name on Jenkins'
- allowed-slaves:
- - ericsson-pod2
- - lf-pod2
- - ericsson-pod1
- default-slaves:
- - ericsson-pod2
- scm:
- - git-scm
- wrappers:
- - build-name:
- builders:
- - shell:
- !include-raw-escape: ./fuel-deploy.sh
+++ /dev/null
-# jenkins job templates for Fuel
-- project:
- name: fuel-weekly
- project: fuel
- installer: fuel
- # -------------------------------
- # -------------------------------
- master: &master
- stream: master
- branch: '{stream}'
- disabled: false
- gs-pathname: ''
- fraser: &fraser
- stream: fraser
- branch: 'stable/{stream}'
- disabled: false
- gs-pathname: '/{stream}'
- # -------------------------------
- # -------------------------------
- # CI PODs
- # -------------------------------
- pod:
- - baremetal:
- slave-label: fuel-baremetal
- <<: *master
- - virtual:
- slave-label: fuel-virtual
- <<: *master
- - baremetal:
- slave-label: fuel-baremetal
- <<: *fraser
- - virtual:
- slave-label: fuel-virtual
- <<: *fraser
- # -------------------------------
- # scenarios
- # -------------------------------
- scenario:
- # HA scenarios
- - 'os-nosdn-nofeature-ha':
- auto-trigger-name: 'weekly-trigger-disabled'
- jobs:
- - 'fuel-{scenario}-{pod}-weekly-{stream}'
- - 'fuel-deploy-{pod}-weekly-{stream}'
-# job templates
-- job-template:
- name: 'fuel-{scenario}-{pod}-weekly-{stream}'
- disabled: '{obj:disabled}'
- concurrent: false
- properties:
- - logrotate-default
- - throttle:
- enabled: true
- max-total: 4
- max-per-node: 1
- option: 'project'
- - build-blocker:
- use-build-blocker: true
- blocking-jobs:
- - 'fuel-os-.*?-{pod}-daily-.*'
- - 'fuel-os-.*?-{pod}-weekly-.*'
- - 'fuel-verify-.*'
- block-level: 'NODE'
- wrappers:
- - build-name:
- name: '$BUILD_NUMBER - Scenario: $DEPLOY_SCENARIO'
- triggers:
- - '{auto-trigger-name}'
- parameters:
- - project-parameter:
- project: '{project}'
- branch: '{branch}'
- - '{installer}-defaults':
- gs-pathname: '{gs-pathname}'
- - '{slave-label}-defaults':
- installer: '{installer}'
- - string:
- default: '{scenario}'
- builders:
- - description-setter:
- description: "Built on $NODE_NAME"
- - trigger-builds:
- - project: 'fuel-deploy-{pod}-weekly-{stream}'
- current-parameters: false
- predefined-parameters:
- DEPLOY_SCENARIO={scenario}
- same-node: true
- block: true
- - trigger-builds:
- - project: 'functest-fuel-{pod}-weekly-{stream}'
- current-parameters: false
- predefined-parameters:
- DEPLOY_SCENARIO={scenario}
- same-node: true
- block: true
- block-thresholds:
- build-step-failure-threshold: 'never'
- failure-threshold: 'never'
- unstable-threshold: 'FAILURE'
- publishers:
- - email-fuel-ptl
- - email-jenkins-admins-on-failure
-- job-template:
- name: 'fuel-deploy-{pod}-weekly-{stream}'
- disabled: '{obj:disabled}'
- concurrent: true
- properties:
- - logrotate-default
- - throttle:
- enabled: true
- max-total: 4
- max-per-node: 1
- option: 'project'
- - build-blocker:
- use-build-blocker: true
- blocking-jobs:
- - 'fuel-deploy-{pod}-daily-.*'
- - 'fuel-deploy-generic-daily-.*'
- - 'fuel-deploy-{pod}-weekly-.*'
- - 'fuel-deploy-generic-weekly-.*'
- block-level: 'NODE'
- parameters:
- - project-parameter:
- project: '{project}'
- branch: '{branch}'
- - '{installer}-defaults':
- gs-pathname: '{gs-pathname}'
- - '{slave-label}-defaults':
- installer: '{installer}'
- - testapi-parameter
- - string:
- default: 'os-odl-nofeature-ha'
- scm:
- - git-scm
- wrappers:
- - build-name:
- name: '$BUILD_NUMBER - Scenario: $DEPLOY_SCENARIO'
- builders:
- - description-setter:
- description: "Built on $NODE_NAME"
- - track-begin-timestamp
- - shell:
- !include-raw-escape: ./fuel-deploy.sh
- publishers:
- - email-fuel-ptl
- - email-jenkins-admins-on-failure
- - report-provision-result
-# trigger macros
-# ----------------------------------------------
-# Triggers for job running on fuel-baremetal against master branch
-# ----------------------------------------------
-# HA Scenarios
-- trigger:
- name: 'fuel-os-nosdn-nofeature-ha-baremetal-weekly-master-trigger'
- triggers:
- - timed: ''