In the OpenStack-Ansible installers we are using the XCI ssl
certificates for the endpoints but in kubespray we are generating them
on the fly. In order to keep both setups as close as possible, we can
use the XCI certificates in kubespray as well.
Change-Id: I1ca55127fe747618205394c02b3d44bb573435f4
Signed-off-by: Markos Chandras <>
name: ansible
version: "{{ xci_kube_ansible_pip_version }}"
+ - name: Configure SSL certificates
+ include_tasks: "{{ xci_path }}/xci/playbooks/manage-ssl-certs.yml"
- name: Manage SSH keys
include_tasks: "{{ xci_path }}/xci/playbooks/manage-ssh-keys.yml"
when: xci_flavor == 'ha'
- role: "haproxy_server"
haproxy_service_configs: "{{ haproxy_default_services}}"
+ haproxy_user_ssl_cert: "/etc/ssl/certs/xci.crt"
+ haproxy_user_ssl_key: "/etc/ssl/private/xci.key"
when: xci_flavor == 'ha'