+ # Create spaces
+ for sp in admin tenant-data public-api tenant-api tenant-public; do
+ maas $PROFILE spaces create name=$sp || true
+ done
+ NET_FABRIC_NAME=$(maas $PROFILE subnets read | jq -r ".[] | select(.cidr==\"$SUBN_CIDR\")".vlan.fabric)
+ NET_FABRIC_ID=$(maas $PROFILE fabric read $NET_FABRIC_NAME | jq -r ".id")
- NETID_LIST=$(maas $PROFILE subnets read | jq ".[].id")
- for NETID in $NETW; do
- maas $PROFILE subnet delete $NETID_LIST
+ CIDR_LIST=$(cat labconfig.json | jq --raw-output ".opnfv.spaces[]".cidr | grep -v null)
+ for CIDR in $CIDR_LIST; do
+ NETID=$(maas $PROFILE subnets read | jq ".[] | select(.cidr==\"$CIDR\")".id)
+ maas $PROFILE subnet delete $NETID
+ done
+ USED_CIDR_LIST=$(cat labconfig.json | jq --raw-output ".opnfv.spaces[]".cidr | grep -v null)
+ CIDR_LIST=$(maas $PROFILE networks read | jq -r ".[].description")
+ for CIDR in $CIDR_LIST; do
+ if [[ $USED_CIDR_LIST != *$CIDR* ]]; then
+ NETID=$(maas $PROFILE subnets read | jq ".[] | select(.cidr==\"$CIDR\")".id)
+ maas $PROFILE subnet delete $NETID
+ fi
# Based on first node we get the fabric mapping
NODE_0_MAC_LIST=$(cat labconfig.json | jq --raw-output ".lab.racks[0].nodes[0].nics[] ".mac[] | sort -u)
for MAC in $NODE_0_MAC_LIST; do
- # Create a new fabric
- FABRIC_ID=$(maas $PROFILE fabrics create name=opnfv$FAB_ID| jq --raw-output ".id")
# Get the spaces attached to a mac
IF_SPACES=$(cat labconfig.json | jq --raw-output ".lab.racks[0].nodes[$NODE_ID].nics[] | select(.mac[] | contains(\"$MAC\")) ".spaces[])
+ if [[ $IF_SPACES == *admin* ]]; then
+ # Reuse fabric 0 to be sure the interface i hosted by the jumphost (assuming it is the first one)
+ maas $PROFILE fabric update $FABRIC_ID name=opnfv$FAB_ID
+ else
+ # Create a new fabric
+ FABRIC_ID=$(maas $PROFILE fabrics create name=opnfv$FAB_ID| jq --raw-output ".id")
+ fi
# Create the network attached to a space
for SPACE in $IF_SPACES; do
# First check if this space have a vlan
# Create it if needed
if ([ $SP_VLAN ] && [ "$SP_VLAN" != "null" ]); then
maas $PROFILE vlans create $FABRIC_ID vid=$SP_VLAN
- VID="vid=$SP_VLAN"
+ VID_REQ="vid=$SP_VLAN"
- VID=""
+ VID=0
+ VID_REQ=""
# Create the network
case "$SPACE" in
# If we have a network, we create it
if ([ $SUBNET_CIDR ] && [ "$SUBNET_CIDR" != "null" ]); then
- maas $PROFILE subnets create fabric=$FABRIC_ID cidr=$SUBNET_CIDR $VID
+ JUJU_SPACE_ID=$(maas $PROFILE spaces read | jq -r ".[] | select(.name==\"$JUJU_SPACE\")".id)
+ # If subnet exist move it, else create it (to avoid issues with network discovery by maas)
+ if maas $PROFILE subnet read $SUBNET_CIDR; then
+ TARGET_VLAN=$(maas $PROFILE vlans read $FABRIC_ID | jq -r ".[] | select(".vid"==$VID)".id)
+ maas $PROFILE subnet update $SUBNET_CIDR vlan=$TARGET_VLAN
+ else
+ maas $PROFILE subnets create fabric=$FABRIC_ID cidr=$SUBNET_CIDR $VID_REQ space=$JUJU_SPACE_ID
+ fi
# Add the Gateway
GW=$(cat labconfig.json | jq ".opnfv.spaces[] | select(.type==\"$SPACE\")".gateway | cut -d \" -f 2)
if ([ $GW ] && [ "$GW" != "null" ]); then
+ # Increment the fabric ID
- enabledhcp=$2
- space=$3
- API_KEY=`sudo maas-region apikey --username=ubuntu`
- maas $PROFILE ipranges create type=reserved \
- start_ip=$IP_RES_RANGE_LOW end_ip=$IP_RES_RANGE_HIGH \
- comment='This is a reserved range' || true
- maas $PROFILE ipranges create type=dynamic \
- comment='This is a reserved dynamic range' || true
- FABRIC_ID=$(maas $PROFILE subnet read $TEMP_CIDR | jq '.vlan.fabric_id')
- PRIMARY_RACK_CONTROLLER=$(maas $PROFILE rack-controllers read | jq -r '.[0].system_id')
- if [ "$space" == "admin" ]; then
- MY_GATEWAY=`cat labconfig.json | jq '.opnfv.spaces[] | select(.type=="admin")'.gateway | cut -d \" -f 2 `
- #MY_NAMESERVER=`cat deployconfig.json | jq '.opnfv.upstream_dns' | cut -d \" -f 2`
- if ([ $MY_GATEWAY ] && [ "$MY_GATEWAY" != "null" ]); then
- maas $PROFILE subnet update $TEMP_CIDR gateway_ip=$MY_GATEWAY || true
- fi
- #maas $PROFILE subnet update $TEMP_CIDR dns_servers=$MY_NAMESERVER || true
- #below command will enable the interface with internal-api space.
- SPACEID=$(maas $PROFILE space read internal-api | jq '.id')
- maas $PROFILE subnet update $TEMP_CIDR space=$SPACEID || true
- if [ "$enabledhcp" == "true" ]; then
- maas $PROFILE vlan update $FABRIC_ID $VLAN_UNTTAGED dhcp_on=True primary_rack=$PRIMARY_RACK_CONTROLLER || true
- fi
- elif [ "$space" == "data" ]; then
- MY_GATEWAY=`cat labconfig.json | jq '.opnfv.spaces[] | select(.type=="data")'.gateway | cut -d \" -f 2 `
- if ([ $MY_GATEWAY ] && [ "$MY_GATEWAY" != "null" ]); then
- maas $PROFILE subnet update $TEMP_CIDR gateway_ip=$MY_GATEWAY || true
- fi
- #below command will enable the interface with data-api space for data network.
- SPACEID=$(maas $PROFILE space read admin-api | jq '.id')
- maas $PROFILE subnet update $TEMP_CIDR space=$SPACEID || true
- if [ "$enabledhcp" == "true" ]; then
- maas $PROFILE vlan update $FABRIC_ID $VLAN_UNTTAGED dhcp_on=True primary_rack=$PRIMARY_RACK_CONTROLLER || true
- fi
- elif [ "$space" == "public" ]; then
- MY_GATEWAY=`cat labconfig.json | jq '.opnfv.spaces[] | select(.type=="data")'.public | cut -d \" -f 2 `
- if ([ $MY_GATEWAY ] && [ "$MY_GATEWAY" != "null" ]); then
- maas $PROFILE subnet update $TEMP_CIDR gateway_ip=$MY_GATEWAY || true
- fi
- #below command will enable the interface with public-api space for data network.
- SPACEID=$(maas $PROFILE space read public-api | jq '.id')
- maas $PROFILE subnet update $TEMP_CIDR space=$SPACEID || true
- if [ "$enabledhcp" == "true" ]; then
- maas $PROFILE vlan update $FABRIC_ID $VLAN_UNTTAGED dhcp_on=True primary_rack=$PRIMARY_RACK_CONTROLLER || true
- fi
- elif [ "$space" == "storage" ]; then
- MY_GATEWAY=`cat labconfig.json | jq '.opnfv.spaces[] | select(.type=="data")'.storage | cut -d \" -f 2 `
- if ([ $MY_GATEWAY ] && [ "$MY_GATEWAY" != "null" ]); then
- maas $PROFILE subnet update $TEMP_CIDR gateway_ip=$MY_GATEWAY || true
- fi
- #below command will enable the interface with public-api space for data network.
- SPACEID=$(maas $PROFILE space read storage-data | jq '.id')
- maas $PROFILE subnet update $TEMP_CIDR space=$SPACEID || true
- if [ "$enabledhcp" == "true" ]; then
- maas $PROFILE vlan update $FABRIC_ID $VLAN_UNTTAGED dhcp_on=True primary_rack=$PRIMARY_RACK_CONTROLLER || true
- fi
- fi
if [ "$virtinstall" -eq 1 ]; then
netw=" --network bridge=virbr0,model=virtio"
- brid=`brctl show | grep 8000 | cut -d "8" -f 1 | tr "\n" " " | tr "\t" " " | tr -s " "`
+ brid=`brctl show | grep 8000 | cut -d "8" -f 1 | tr "\n" " " | tr " " " " | tr -s " "`
for feature in $brid; do
-#configure MAAS with the different options.
+# configure MAAS with the different options.
+sleep 30
# functioncall with subnetid to add and second parameter is dhcp enable
# third parameter will define the space. It is required to have admin
-if [ $SUBNET_CIDR ]; then
- enablesubnetanddhcp $SUBNET_CIDR true admin
- echo "atleast admin network should be defined"
- echo "MAAS configuration can not continue"
- exit 2
-if [ $SUBNETDATA_CIDR ]; then
- enablesubnetanddhcp $SUBNETDATA_CIDR false data
-if [ $SUBNETPUB_CIDR ]; then
- enablesubnetanddhcp $SUBNETPUB_CIDR false public
-if [ $SUBNETSTOR_CIDR ]; then
- enablesubnetanddhcp $SUBNETSTOR_CIDR false storage
+getfabrichostingnet $SUBNET_CIDR
+sleep 30
#just make sure rack controller has been synced and import only
# just whether images have been imported or not.
echo ">>> Configuring node $NODE_NAME [$NODE_ID][$NODE_SYS_ID]"
# Recover the network interfaces list and configure each one
# with sorting the list, we have hardware interface first, than the vlan interfaces
- IF_LIST=$(cat labconfig.json | jq --raw-output ".lab.racks[0].nodes[$NODE_ID].nics[] ".ifname )
+ IF_LIST=$(cat labconfig.json | jq --raw-output ".lab.racks[0].nodes[$NODE_ID].nics[] ".ifname | sort -u )
for IF_NAME in $IF_LIST; do
# get the space of the interface
IF_SPACE=$(cat labconfig.json | jq --raw-output ".lab.racks[0].nodes[$NODE_ID].nics[] | select(.ifname==\"$IF_NAME\") ".spaces[])
# in case of interface renaming
- if ([ $IF_NEWNAME ] && [ "$IF_NEWNAME" != "null" ]); then
- # rename interface if needed
- IF_MACLOWER=$( cat labconfig.json | jq ".lab.racks[0].nodes[$NODE_ID].nics[] | select(.ifname==\"$IF_NEWNAME\")".mac[0])
- IF_ID=$( maas ubuntu interfaces read $NODE_SYS_ID | jq ".[] | select(.mac_address==$IF_MAC)".id)
- if ([ $IF_ID ] && [ "$IF_ID" != "null" ]); then
- maas $PROFILE interface update $NODE_SYS_ID $IF_ID name=$IF_NEWNAME
- fi
- fi
# In case of a VLAN interface
if ([ $IF_VLAN ] && [ "$IF_VLAN" != "null" ]); then
echo " >>> Configuring VLAN $IF_VLAN"
INTERFACE=$(maas $PROFILE interfaces read $NODE_SYS_ID | jq ".[] | select(.vlan.fabric_id==$FABRICID)".id)
maas $PROFILE interfaces create-vlan $NODE_SYS_ID vlan=$VLANID parent=$INTERFACE || true
+ else
+ # rename interface if needed
+ IF_MACLOWER=$( cat labconfig.json | jq ".lab.racks[0].nodes[$NODE_ID].nics[] | select(.ifname==\"$IF_NEWNAME\")".mac[0])
+ IF_ID=$( maas ubuntu interfaces read $NODE_SYS_ID | jq ".[] | select(.mac_address==$IF_MAC)".id)
+ maas $PROFILE interface update $NODE_SYS_ID $IF_ID name=$IF_NEWNAME
# Configure the interface
if ([ $SUBNET_CIDR ] && [ "$SUBNET_CIDR" != "null" ]); then