--- /dev/null
+set -ex
+juju bootstrap --debug --to bootstrap.maas
+sleep 5
+juju deploy juju-gui --to 0
+juju set-constraints tags=
#placeholder for deployment script.
set -ex
-cp intel/pod5/kilo/odl/ovs-odl.yaml ./
+cp odl/juju-deployer/ovs-odl.yaml ./
echo "... Deployment Started ...."
+<<<<<<< HEAD
#placeholder for deployment script.
set -ex
+set -ex
+#need to put mutiple cases here where decide this bundle to deploy by default use the odl bundle.
+#case deploy opencontrail
+#cp ./opencontrail/01-deploybundle.sh ./01-deploybundle.sh
+#case deploy ODL bundle
+cp ./odl/01-deploybundle.sh ./01-deploybundle.sh
+#case default:
+#case ha:
+#./01-deploybundle.sh ha
+#case tip
+#./01-deploybundle.sh tip
+>>>>>>> 3b30953... Added a script to have a openstack with odl bundle.
+++ /dev/null
-#placeholder for deployment script.
-set -ex
-cp intel/pod5/kilo/odl/ha/ovs-odl.yaml ./
-echo "Deployment Started ...."
-juju set-constraints tags=
-juju-deployer -d -r 13 -c ovs-odl.yaml trusty-kilo
-echo "... Deployment finished"
+++ /dev/null
-default: maas
- # https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/config-maas.html
- maas:
- type: maas
- # maas-server specifies the location of the MAAS server. It must
- # specify the base path.
- #
- maas-server: ''
- # maas-oauth holds the OAuth credentials from MAAS.
- #
- maas-oauth: 'c6tcQz4tyS3ALajCtF:sqcWhw8MkxTjUDLZrm:hBhszBLv5EqrY8h6yktFXWUT5825ShvE'
- # maas-server bootstrap ssh connection options
- #
- # bootstrap-timeout time to wait contacting a state server, in seconds.
- bootstrap-timeout: 1800
- admin-secret: admin
- # Whether or not to refresh the list of available updates for an
- # OS. The default option of true is recommended for use in
- # production systems, but disabling this can speed up local
- # deployments for development or testing.
- #
- enable-os-refresh-update: false
- # Whether or not to perform OS upgrades when machines are
- # provisioned. The default option of true is recommended for use
- # in production systems, but disabling this can speed up local
- # deployments for development or testing.
- #
- enable-os-upgrade: false
+++ /dev/null
-#placeholder for deployment script.
-set -ex
-cp intel/pod5/kilo/master/odl/ovs-odl-tip.yaml ./
-cp intel/pod5/kilo/master/odl/source/*.yaml ./
-echo "Deployment Started ...."
-juju set-constraints tags=
-juju-deployer -d -r 13 -c ovs-odl-tip.yaml trusty-master-kilo
-echo "... Deployment finished"
+++ /dev/null
-default: maas
- # https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/config-maas.html
- maas:
- type: maas
- # maas-server specifies the location of the MAAS server. It must
- # specify the base path.
- #
- maas-server: ''
- # maas-oauth holds the OAuth credentials from MAAS.
- #
- maas-oauth: 'c6tcQz4tyS3ALajCtF:sqcWhw8MkxTjUDLZrm:hBhszBLv5EqrY8h6yktFXWUT5825ShvE'
- # maas-server bootstrap ssh connection options
- #
- # bootstrap-timeout time to wait contacting a state server, in seconds.
- bootstrap-timeout: 1800
- admin-secret: admin
- # Whether or not to refresh the list of available updates for an
- # OS. The default option of true is recommended for use in
- # production systems, but disabling this can speed up local
- # deployments for development or testing.
- #
- enable-os-refresh-update: false
- # Whether or not to perform OS upgrades when machines are
- # provisioned. The default option of true is recommended for use
- # in production systems, but disabling this can speed up local
- # deployments for development or testing.
- #
- enable-os-upgrade: false
+++ /dev/null
-#placeholder for deployment script.
-set -ex
-cp intel/pod5/kilo/master/odl/ha/ovs-odl-tip.yaml ./
-cp intel/pod5/kilo/master/odl/source/*.yaml ./
-echo "Deployment Started ...."
-juju set-constraints tags=
-juju-deployer -d -r 13 -c ovs-odl-tip.yaml trusty-master-kilo
-echo "... Deployment finished"
+++ /dev/null
-default: maas
- # https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/config-maas.html
- maas:
- type: maas
- # maas-server specifies the location of the MAAS server. It must
- # specify the base path.
- #
- maas-server: ''
- # maas-oauth holds the OAuth credentials from MAAS.
- #
- maas-oauth: 'c6tcQz4tyS3ALajCtF:sqcWhw8MkxTjUDLZrm:hBhszBLv5EqrY8h6yktFXWUT5825ShvE'
- # maas-server bootstrap ssh connection options
- #
- # bootstrap-timeout time to wait contacting a state server, in seconds.
- bootstrap-timeout: 1800
- admin-secret: admin
- # Whether or not to refresh the list of available updates for an
- # OS. The default option of true is recommended for use in
- # production systems, but disabling this can speed up local
- # deployments for development or testing.
- #
- enable-os-refresh-update: false
- # Whether or not to perform OS upgrades when machines are
- # provisioned. The default option of true is recommended for use
- # in production systems, but disabling this can speed up local
- # deployments for development or testing.
- #
- enable-os-upgrade: false
+++ /dev/null
- services:
- ubuntu:
- branch: "lp:charms/trusty/ubuntu"
- num_utils: 1
- constraints: tags=physical
- neutron-gateway:
- branch: lp:~sdn-charmers/charms/trusty/neutron-gateway/ovs-odl
- constraints: tags=neutron
- options:
- plugin: ovs-odl
- instance-mtu: 1400
- nova-compute:
- branch: lp:~openstack-charmers/charms/trusty/nova-compute/next
- num_units: 2
- constraints: tags=physical
- options:
- enable-live-migration: False
- manage-neutron-plugin-legacy-mode: False
- neutron-api:
- branch: lp:~openstack-charmers/charms/trusty/neutron-api/next
- options:
- neutron-security-groups: False
- manage-neutron-plugin-legacy-mode: False
- to: lxc:ubuntu=0
- neutron-api-odl:
- branch: lp:~openstack-charmers/charms/trusty/neutron-api-odl/vpp
- options:
- overlay-network-type: 'vxlan gre'
- security-groups: true
- odl-controller:
- branch: lp:~sdn-charmers/charms/trusty/odl-controller/trunk
- options:
- install-url: ""
- to: lxc:ubuntu=0
- openvswitch-odl:
- charm: local:trusty/openvswitch-odl
- mysql:
- charm: cs:trusty/mysql
- options:
- dataset-size: 50%
- max-connections: 20000
- to: lxc:ubuntu=0
- rabbitmq-server:
- charm: cs:trusty/rabbitmq-server
- to: lxc:ubuntu=0
- keystone:
- charm: cs:trusty/keystone
- options:
- admin-password: openstack
- admin-token: admin
- to: lxc:ubuntu=0
- openstack-dashboard:
- charm: cs:trusty/openstack-dashboard
- to: lxc:ubuntu=0
- nova-cloud-controller:
- charm: cs:trusty/nova-cloud-controller
- options:
- network-manager: Neutron
- quantum-security-groups: "yes"
- to: lxc:ubuntu=0
- glance:
- charm: cs:trusty/glance
- to: lxc:ubuntu=0
- relations:
- - ['neutron-api:neutron-plugin-api-subordinate', 'neutron-api-odl:neutron-plugin-api-subordinate']
- - ['nova-compute:neutron-plugin', 'openvswitch-odl:neutron-plugin']
- - ['neutron-gateway', 'openvswitch-odl']
- - ['openvswitch-odl:ovsdb-manager', 'odl-controller:ovsdb-manager']
- - ['neutron-api-odl:odl-controller', 'odl-controller:controller-api']
- - ['keystone:shared-db', 'mysql:shared-db']
- - ['nova-cloud-controller:shared-db', 'mysql:shared-db']
- - ['nova-cloud-controller:amqp', 'rabbitmq-server:amqp']
- - ['nova-cloud-controller:image-service', 'glance:image-service']
- - ['nova-cloud-controller:identity-service', 'keystone:identity-service']
- - ['nova-compute:cloud-compute', 'nova-cloud-controller:cloud-compute']
- - ['nova-compute:amqp', 'rabbitmq-server:amqp']
- - ['nova-compute:image-service', 'glance:image-service']
- - ['glance:shared-db', 'mysql:shared-db']
- - ['glance:identity-service', 'keystone:identity-service']
- - ['glance:amqp', 'rabbitmq-server:amqp']
- - ['neutron-api:shared-db', 'mysql:shared-db']
- - ['neutron-api:amqp', 'rabbitmq-server:amqp']
- - ['neutron-api:neutron-api', 'nova-cloud-controller:neutron-api']
- - ['neutron-api:identity-service', 'keystone:identity-service']
- - ['neutron-gateway:amqp', 'rabbitmq-server:amqp']
- - ['neutron-gateway:neutron-plugin-api', 'neutron-api:neutron-plugin-api']
- - ['neutron-gateway:quantum-network-service', 'nova-cloud-controller:quantum-network-service']
- - ['openstack-dashboard:identity-service','keystone:identity-service']
-# master
- inherits: openstack-services
- services:
- keystone:
- options:
- openstack-origin-git: include-file://keystone-master.yaml
- glance:
- options:
- openstack-origin-git: include-file://glance-master.yaml
-# cinder:
-# options:
-# openstack-origin-git: include-file://cinder-master.yaml
-# neutron-api:
-# options:
-# openstack-origin-git: include-file://neutron-master.yaml
- neutron-gateway:
- options:
- openstack-origin-git: include-file://neutron-master.yaml
-# neutron-openvswitch:
-# options:
-# openstack-origin-git: include-file://neutron-master.yaml
- openstack-dashboard:
- options:
- openstack-origin-git: include-file://horizon-master.yaml
- nova-compute:
- options:
- openstack-origin-git: include-file://nova-master.yaml
- nova-cloud-controller:
- options:
- openstack-origin-git: include-file://nova-master.yaml
- inherits: openstack-master-git
- series: trusty
- overrides:
- openstack-origin: cloud:trusty-kilo
- source: cloud:trusty-kilo
--- /dev/null
+#placeholder for deployment script.
+set -ex
+cp odl/juju-deployer/ovs-odl.yaml ./
+echo "... Deployment Started ...."
+#case openstack kilo with odl
+juju-deployer -d -r 13 -c ovs-odl.yaml trusty-kilo
+#case openstack kilo with odl ha
+#juju-deployer -d -r 13 -c ovs-odl-ha.yaml trusty-kilo
+#case openstack master tip git tree with odl
+#cp -R odl/juju-deployer/source/*.yaml ./
+#juju-deployer -d -r 13 -c ovs-odl-tip.yaml trusty-master-kilo
+echo "... Deployment finished ...."
--- /dev/null
+OpenDaylight Deployment with Juju
+This readme contains instructions for checking out and deploying Juju charms for
+The charms are targetted at Trusty.
+Checkout charms
+Charms are hosted on Launchpad.
+You need to 'sudo apt-get install bzr' first.
+Follow these steps to checkout code:
+cd <deployer dir>
+This will checkout the relevant charms into 'src' and create any Juju symlinks
+in 'charms'.
+Deploy with cloud-sh-odl
+cloud-sh-odl is a collection of development shell scripts to deploy
+and setup OpenStack with OpenDaylight using Juju's local provider. This will
+create 3 KVMs as follows:
+*KVM #1 - Keystone, Glance, Neutron Server, Nova Cloud Controller, Horizon,
+ MySQL, RabbitMQ, OpenDaylight Controller
+*KVM #2 - Neutron agents
+*KVM #3 - Nova Compute
+You'll require approx. 13Gb RAM with 40Gb+ disk space.
+Deployment can take anywhere between 20 mins to 1 hour.
+You need to 'sudo apt-get install juju juju-local uvtool', and
+logout/login in order to pick up libvirt group permissions before
+proceeding. See https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1308088.
+Follow these steps:
+ (if you don't already have a key at ~/.ssh/id_rsa).
+cp cloud-sh-odl/environments.yaml ~/.juju
+ (or create your own default local environment in your existing
+ environments.yaml file)
+cd cloud-sh-odl
+This will log to 'out.log'.
+This will deploy OpenStack and import Trusty's daily image into Glance.
+Horizon will be located on the machine 'juju status openstack-dashboard' -
+Admin credentials will be written to cloud/admin-openrc.
+The deployment can be destroyed with:
+juju destroy-environment local
+Deploy with Juju Deployer
+Juju Deployer can deploy a preset configuration of charms given a yaml
+configuration file. There is a configuration file in
+You need to 'sudo apt-get install juju-deployer' first.
+cd juju-deployer
+juju-deployer -c odl.yaml -d trusty-icehouse-odl
+Juju Deployer will branch its own copy of the remote charms.
--- /dev/null
+#!/bin/sh -e
+. ~/admin-openrc
+# adjust tiny image
+nova flavor-delete m1.tiny
+nova flavor-create m1.tiny 1 512 8 1
+# import key pair
+nova keypair-add --pub-key id_rsa.pub ubuntu-keypair
--- /dev/null
+#!/bin/sh -e
+modprobe kvm_intel
+printf "\n%s\n" kvm_intel >> /etc/modules
+service libvirt-bin restart
+sed -e 's/KSM_ENABLED=1/KSM_ENABLED=0/' -i /etc/default/qemu-kvm
+service qemu-kvm restart
--- /dev/null
+export JUJU_REPOSITORY=../charms
+CHARM_KEYSTONE_DEPLOY_OPTS="--config config.yaml"
+CHARM_MYSQL_DEPLOY_OPTS="--config config.yaml"
+CHARM_NEUTRON_API_DEPLOY_OPTS="--config config.yaml"
--- /dev/null
+ admin-password: password
+ dataset-size: 10%
+ max-connections: 1000
+ neutron-plugin: odl
+ neutron-security-groups: True
+ instance-mtu: 1400
+ plugin: odl
+ network-manager: Neutron
+ quantum-security-groups: "yes"
--- /dev/null
+#!/bin/sh -e
+exec ./openstack.sh ./config.sh 2>&1 | tee out.log
--- /dev/null
+default: local
+ local:
+ type: local
+ container: kvm
+ default-series: trusty
+ lxc-clone: true
--- /dev/null
+#!/bin/sh -e
+. ~/admin-openrc
+wget http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/trusty/current/MD5SUMS
+wget http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/trusty/current/trusty-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img
+glance image-create --name ubuntu-trusty-daily --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare --owner admin --file trusty-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img --checksum $(grep trusty-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img MD5SUMS | cut -d " " -f 1) --is-public True
--- /dev/null
+#!/bin/sh -e
+DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -qy -o Dpkg::Options::=--force-confdef -o Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold install lxc < /dev/null
+sed -e 's/^USE_LXC_BRIDGE="true"/USE_LXC_BRIDGE="false"/' -i /etc/default/lxc
+service lxc-net restart
+ifdown eth0
+mv /etc/network/interfaces.d/eth0.cfg /etc/network/interfaces.d/eth0.cfg.bak
+cat <<-"EOF" > /etc/network/interfaces.d/bridge.cfg
+ auto eth0
+ iface eth0 inet manual
+ auto lxcbr0
+ iface lxcbr0 inet dhcp
+ bridge_ports eth0
+ifup eth0 lxcbr0
--- /dev/null
+#!/bin/sh -ex
+ juju status | python -c "import yaml; import sys; print yaml.load(sys.stdin)[\"machines\"][\"$1\"][\"agent-state\"]" 2> /dev/null
+ juju status | python -c "import yaml; import sys; print yaml.load(sys.stdin)[\"services\"][\"$1\"][\"units\"][\"$1/$2\"][\"agent-state\"]" 2> /dev/null
+ cat <<-EOF
+ export OS_USERNAME=$1
+ export OS_PASSWORD=$2
+ export OS_TENANT_NAME=$3
+ export OS_AUTH_URL=$4
+ export OS_REGION_NAME=$5
+ juju status | python -c "import yaml; import sys; print yaml.load(sys.stdin)[\"services\"][\"$1\"][\"units\"][\"$1/$2\"][\"public-address\"]" 2> /dev/null
+ juju status | python -c "import yaml; import sys; print yaml.load(sys.stdin)[\"services\"][\"$1\"][\"units\"][\"$1/$2\"][\"machine\"]" 2> /dev/null
+ for machine; do
+ while [ "$(agentState $machine)" != started ]; do
+ sleep 5
+ done
+ done
+ for service; do
+ while [ "$(agentStateUnit "$service" 0)" != started ]; do
+ sleep 5
+ done
+ done
+if [ $# -ne 0 ]; then
+ . "$1"
+juju bootstrap
+waitForMachine 0
+spare_cpus=$(($(grep processor /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l) - 5))
+if [ $spare_cpus -gt 0 ]; then
+ spare_cpus=$(((spare_cpus * 3) / 4))
+ spare_cpus=0
+[ $spare_cpus -ne 0 ] && extra_cpus=$((1 + (((spare_cpus - 1) * 3) / 4))) && spare_cpus=$((spare_cpus - extra_cpus))
+juju add-machine --constraints "cpu-cores=$((1 + extra_cpus)) mem=8G root-disk=20G" --series $DEFAULT_SERIES
+juju deploy --constraints mem=1G $CHARM_NEUTRON_GATEWAY_DEPLOY_OPTS "${CHARM_NEUTRON_GATEWAY:-quantum-gateway}" neutron-gateway
+juju deploy --constraints "cpu-cores=$((1 + spare_cpus)) mem=4G root-disk=20G" $CHARM_NOVA_COMPUTE_DEPLOY_OPTS "${CHARM_NOVA_COMPUTE:-nova-compute}"
+waitForMachine 1
+juju scp lxc-network.sh 1:
+juju run --machine 1 "sudo ./lxc-network.sh"
+juju deploy --to lxc:1 $CHARM_MYSQL_DEPLOY_OPTS "${CHARM_MYSQL:-mysql}"
+juju deploy --to lxc:1 $CHARM_RABBITMQ_SERVER_DEPLOY_OPTS "${CHARM_RABBITMQ_SERVER:-rabbitmq-server}"
+juju deploy --to lxc:1 $CHARM_KEYSTONE_DEPLOY_OPTS "${CHARM_KEYSTONE:-keystone}"
+juju deploy --to lxc:1 $CHARM_NOVA_CLOUD_CONTROLLER_DEPLOY_OPTS "${CHARM_NOVA_CLOUD_CONTROLLER:-nova-cloud-controller}"
+juju deploy --to lxc:1 $CHARM_NEUTRON_API_DEPLOY_OPTS "${CHARM_NEUTRON_API:-neutron-api}"
+juju deploy --to lxc:1 $CHARM_GLANCE_DEPLOY_OPTS "${CHARM_GLANCE:-glance}"
+juju deploy --to lxc:1 $CHARM_OPENSTACK_DASHBOARD_DEPLOY_OPTS "${CHARM_OPENSTACK_DASHBOARD:-openstack-dashboard}"
+# opendaylight
+juju deploy --to lxc:1 $CHARM_ODL_CONTROLLER_DEPLOY_OPTS "${CHARM_ODL_CONTROLLER:-odl-controller}"
+# relation must be set first
+# no official way of knowing when this relation hook will fire
+waitForService mysql keystone
+juju add-relation keystone mysql
+sleep 60
+waitForService rabbitmq-server nova-cloud-controller glance
+juju add-relation nova-cloud-controller mysql
+juju add-relation nova-cloud-controller rabbitmq-server
+juju add-relation nova-cloud-controller glance
+juju add-relation nova-cloud-controller keystone
+sleep 60
+waitForService neutron-api
+juju add-relation neutron-api mysql
+juju add-relation neutron-api rabbitmq-server
+juju add-relation neutron-api keystone
+juju add-relation neutron-api nova-cloud-controller
+sleep 60
+waitForService openstack-dashboard neutron-gateway nova-compute
+juju add-relation neutron-gateway mysql
+juju add-relation neutron-gateway:amqp rabbitmq-server:amqp
+juju add-relation neutron-gateway nova-cloud-controller
+juju add-relation neutron-gateway neutron-api
+juju add-relation nova-compute:shared-db mysql:shared-db
+juju add-relation nova-compute:amqp rabbitmq-server:amqp
+juju add-relation nova-compute glance
+juju add-relation nova-compute nova-cloud-controller
+juju add-relation glance mysql
+juju add-relation glance keystone
+juju add-relation openstack-dashboard keystone
+sleep 60
+# opendaylight
+waitForService odl-controller
+juju add-relation neutron-api odl-controller
+juju add-relation neutron-gateway odl-controller
+juju add-relation nova-compute neutron-odl
+juju add-relation neutron-odl odl-controller
+sleep 60
+# enable kvm on compute
+machine=$(unitMachine nova-compute 0)
+juju scp compute.sh $machine:
+juju run --machine $machine "sudo ./compute.sh"
+mkdir -m 0700 -p cloud
+controller_address=$(unitAddress keystone 0)
+configOpenrc admin password Admin http://$controller_address:5000/v2.0 RegionOne > cloud/admin-openrc
+chmod 0600 cloud/admin-openrc
+machine=$(unitMachine nova-cloud-controller 0)
+juju scp cloud-setup.sh cloud/admin-openrc ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub $machine:
+juju run --machine $machine ./cloud-setup.sh
+machine=$(unitMachine glance 0)
+juju scp glance.sh cloud/admin-openrc $machine:
+juju run --machine $machine ./glance.sh
--- /dev/null
+#!/bin/sh -ex
+mkdir -p src/charms/trusty
+# openstack
+bzr branch lp:~openstack-charmers/charms/trusty/glance/next src/charms/trusty/glance-next
+bzr branch lp:~openstack-charmers/charms/trusty/keystone/next src/charms/trusty/keystone-next
+bzr branch lp:~sdn-charmers/charms/trusty/neutron-api/odl src/charms/trusty/neutron-api-odl
+bzr branch lp:~openstack-charmers/charms/trusty/nova-cloud-controller/next src/charms/trusty/nova-cloud-controller-next
+bzr branch lp:~sdn-charmers/charms/trusty/nova-compute/odl src/charms/trusty/nova-compute-odl
+bzr branch lp:~openstack-charmers/charms/trusty/openstack-dashboard/next src/charms/trusty/openstack-dashboard-next
+bzr branch lp:~sdn-charmers/charms/trusty/quantum-gateway/odl src/charms/trusty/quantum-gateway-odl
+# opendaylight
+bzr branch lp:~sdn-charmers/charms/trusty/odl-controller/trunk src/charms/trusty/odl-controller
+bzr branch lp:~sdn-charmers/charms/trusty/neutron-odl/trunk src/charms/trusty/neutron-odl
+mkdir -p charms/trusty
+(cd charms/trusty; ln -s ../../src/charms/trusty/* .)
--- /dev/null
+ services:
+ mysql:
+ constraints: mem=1G
+ options:
+ dataset-size: 50%
+ max-connections: 1000
+ rabbitmq-server:
+ constraints: mem=1G
+ keystone:
+ branch: lp:~openstack-charmers/charms/trusty/keystone/next
+ constraints: mem=1G
+ openstack-dashboard:
+ branch: lp:~openstack-charmers/charms/trusty/openstack-dashboard/next
+ constraints: mem=1G
+ nova-compute:
+ branch: lp:~sdn-charmers/charms/trusty/nova-compute/odl
+ constraints: mem=4G root-disk=20G
+ nova-cloud-controller:
+ branch: lp:~openstack-charmers/charms/trusty/nova-cloud-controller/next
+ constraints: mem=1G
+ options:
+ network-manager: Neutron
+ neutron-api:
+ branch: lp:~sdn-charmers/charms/trusty/neutron-api/odl
+ constraints: mem=1G
+ neutron-gateway:
+ branch: lp:~sdn-charmers/charms/trusty/quantum-gateway/odl
+ constraints: mem=1G
+ glance:
+ branch: lp:~openstack-charmers/charms/trusty/glance/next
+ constraints: mem=1G
+ relations:
+ - [ keystone, mysql ]
+ - [ nova-cloud-controller, mysql ]
+ - [ nova-cloud-controller, rabbitmq-server ]
+ - [ nova-cloud-controller, glance ]
+ - [ nova-cloud-controller, keystone ]
+ - [ neutron-api, mysql ]
+ - [ neutron-api, rabbitmq-server ]
+ - [ neutron-api, keystone ]
+ - [ neutron-api, nova-cloud-controller ]
+ - [ neutron-gateway, mysql ]
+ - [ "neutron-gateway:amqp", "rabbitmq-server:amqp" ]
+ - [ neutron-gateway, nova-cloud-controller ]
+ - [ neutron-gateway, neutron-api ]
+ - [ "nova-compute:shared-db", "mysql:shared-db" ]
+ - [ "nova-compute:amqp", "rabbitmq-server:amqp" ]
+ - [ nova-compute, glance ]
+ - [ nova-compute, nova-cloud-controller ]
+ - [ glance, mysql ]
+ - [ glance, keystone ]
+ - [ openstack-dashboard, keystone ]
+ inherits: openstack
+ services:
+ odl-controller:
+ branch: lp:~sdn-charmers/charms/trusty/odl-controller/trunk
+ constraints: mem=4G
+ neutron-odl:
+ branch: lp:~sdn-charmers/charms/trusty/neutron-odl/trunk
+ relations:
+ - [ neutron-api, odl-controller ]
+ - [ neutron-gateway, odl-controller ]
+ - [ nova-compute, neutron-odl ]
+ - [ neutron-odl, odl-controller ]
+ inherits: odl
+ series: trusty
+ services:
+ mysql:
+ charm: cs:trusty/mysql
+ rabbitmq-server:
+ charm: cs:trusty/rabbitmq-server
+ overrides:
+ instance-mtu: 1400
+ neutron-plugin: odl
+ neutron-security-groups: True
+ plugin: odl
+ quantum-security-groups: "yes"
--- /dev/null
+#placeholder for deployment script.
+set -ex
+cp opencontrail/juju-deployer/contrail.yaml ./
+echo "... Deployment Started ...."
+#case openstack kilo with odl
+juju-deployer -d -r 13 -c contrail.yaml trusty-juno-contrail
+#case openstack kilo with odl ha
+#juju-deployer -d -r 13 -c contrail-ha.yaml trusty-juno-contrail
+#case openstack master tip git tree with odl
+#cp -R odl/juju-deployer/source/*.yaml ./
+#juju-deployer -d -r 13 -c contrail-tip.yaml trusty-juno-contrail
+echo "... Deployment finished ...."
--- /dev/null
+OpenContrail Deployment with Juju
+This readme contains instructions for checking out and deploying Juju charms for
+The charms are targetted at Trusty but originally used OpenContrail Precise
+Checkout charms
+Charms are hosted on Launchpad.
+You need to 'sudo apt-get install bzr' first.
+Follow these steps to checkout code:
+cd <deployer dir>
+This will checkout the relevant charms into 'src' and create any Juju symlinks
+in 'charms'.
+Deploy with cloud-sh-contrail
+cloud-sh-contrail is a collection of development shell scripts to deploy
+and setup OpenStack with OpenContrail using Juju's local provider. This will
+create 4 KVMs as follows:
+*KVM #1 - Keystone, Glance, Neutron Server, Nova Cloud Controller, Horizon,
+ MySQL, RabbitMQ, Contrail Configuration, Contrail Control,
+ Contrail Analytics, Zookeeper
+*KVM #2 - Neutron agents
+*KVM #3 - Nova Compute with Contrail vRouter
+*KVM #4 - Cassandra
+You'll require approx. 25Gb RAM with 60Gb+ disk space.
+Deployment can take anywhere between 20 mins to 1 hour.
+You need to 'sudo apt-get install juju juju-local uvtool', and
+logout/login in order to pick up libvirt group permissions before
+proceeding. See https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1308088.
+Follow these steps:
+ (if you don't already have a key at ~/.ssh/id_rsa).
+cp cloud-sh-contrail/environments.yaml ~/.juju
+ (or create your own default local environment in your existing
+ environments.yaml file)
+cd cloud-sh-contrail
+./deploy-trusty.sh (deploys under trusty)
+./deploy-precise.sh (deploys under precise)
+This will log to 'out.log'.
+This will deploy OpenStack and import Trusty's daily image into Glance.
+Horizon will be located on the machine 'juju status openstack-dashboard' -
+Admin credentials will be written to cloud/admin-openrc.
+Upon deployment, the host's route and iptables config will be updated to send
+NAT'ed traffic to the Nova Compute node hosting Contrail's virtual gateway.
+Such changes can be disabled by not defining or commenting out the variable
+'CONFIGURE_HOST_ROUTING' in cloud-sh-contrail/config-*.sh.
+The deployment can be destroyed with:
+juju destroy-environment local
+Deploy with Juju Deployer
+Juju Deployer can deploy a preset configuration of charms given a yaml
+configuration file. There is a configuration file in
+You need to 'sudo apt-get install juju-deployer' first.
+cd juju-deployer
+juju-deployer -c contrail.yaml -d trusty-icehouse-contrail (deploy trusty)
+juju-deployer -c contrail.yaml -d precise-icehouse-contrail (deploy precise)
+Juju Deployer will branch its own copy of the remote charms.
+Post-deployment scripts exist to configure OpenStack.
+You will need 'dnsutils' package installed beforehand.
+To run:
+cd scripts
+CONFIGURE_HOST_ROUTING=true ./openstack.sh
+Setting 'CONFIGURE_HOST_ROUTING' environment variable will configure the host's
+route and iptables config to send NAT'ed traffic to the Nova Compute node
+hosting Contrail's virtual gateway. If you do not want this, run
+'./openstack.sh' directly.
--- /dev/null
+#!/bin/sh -e
+. ~/admin-openrc
+# adjust tiny image
+nova flavor-delete m1.tiny
+nova flavor-create m1.tiny 1 512 8 1
+# configure external network
+neutron net-create --router:external=True public-net
+neutron subnet-create --name public-subnet --no-gateway --allocation-pool start=,end= --disable-dhcp public-net
+# create vm network
+neutron net-create ubuntu-net
+neutron subnet-create --name ubuntu-subnet --gateway ubuntu-net
+# create pool of floating ips
+while [ $i -ne 10 ]; do
+ neutron floatingip-create public-net
+ i=$((i + 1))
+# configure security groups
+neutron security-group-rule-create --direction ingress --ethertype IPv4 --protocol icmp --remote-ip-prefix default
+neutron security-group-rule-create --direction ingress --ethertype IPv4 --protocol tcp --port-range-min 22 --port-range-max 22 --remote-ip-prefix default
+# import key pair
+nova keypair-add --pub-key id_rsa.pub ubuntu-keypair
--- /dev/null
+#!/bin/sh -e
+modprobe kvm_intel
+printf "\n%s\n" kvm_intel >> /etc/modules
+service libvirt-bin restart
+sed -e 's/KSM_ENABLED=1/KSM_ENABLED=0/' -i /etc/default/qemu-kvm
+service qemu-kvm restart
--- /dev/null
+export JUJU_REPOSITORY=../charms
+CHARM_CASSANDRA_DEPLOY_OPTS="--config config-precise.yaml"
+CHARM_CONTRAIL_ANALYTICS_DEPLOY_OPTS="--config config-precise.yaml"
+CHARM_CONTRAIL_CONFIGURATION_DEPLOY_OPTS="--config config-precise.yaml"
+CHARM_CONTRAIL_CONTROL_DEPLOY_OPTS="--config config-precise.yaml"
+CHARM_GLANCE_DEPLOY_OPTS="--config config-precise.yaml"
+CHARM_KEYSTONE_DEPLOY_OPTS="--config config-precise.yaml"
+CHARM_MYSQL_DEPLOY_OPTS="--config config-precise.yaml"
+CHARM_NEUTRON_API_DEPLOY_OPTS="--config config-precise.yaml"
+CHARM_NEUTRON_GATEWAY_DEPLOY_OPTS="--config config-precise.yaml"
+CHARM_NOVA_CLOUD_CONTROLLER_DEPLOY_OPTS="--config config-precise.yaml"
+CHARM_NOVA_COMPUTE_DEPLOY_OPTS="--config config-precise.yaml"
+CHARM_OPENSTACK_DASHBOARD_DEPLOY_OPTS="--config config-precise.yaml"
--- /dev/null
+ allow-single-node: true
+ openstack-origin: cloud:precise-icehouse
+ openstack-origin: cloud:precise-icehouse
+ openstack-origin: cloud:precise-icehouse
+ openstack-origin: cloud:precise-icehouse
+ admin-password: password
+ admin-role: admin
+ openstack-origin: cloud:precise-icehouse
+ dataset-size: 15%
+ manage-neutron-plugin-legacy-mode: false
+ openstack-origin: cloud:precise-icehouse
+ openstack-origin: cloud:precise-icehouse
+ network-manager: Neutron
+ openstack-origin: cloud:precise-icehouse
+ manage-neutron-plugin-legacy-mode: false
+ openstack-origin: cloud:precise-icehouse
+ openstack-origin: cloud:precise-icehouse
--- /dev/null
+export JUJU_REPOSITORY=../charms
+CHARM_CASSANDRA_DEPLOY_OPTS="--config config-trusty-juno.yaml"
+CHARM_CONTRAIL_ANALYTICS_DEPLOY_OPTS="--config config-trusty-juno.yaml"
+CHARM_CONTRAIL_CONFIGURATION_DEPLOY_OPTS="--config config-trusty-juno.yaml"
+CHARM_CONTRAIL_CONTROL_DEPLOY_OPTS="--config config-trusty-juno.yaml"
+CHARM_GLANCE_DEPLOY_OPTS="--config config-trusty-juno.yaml"
+CHARM_KEYSTONE_DEPLOY_OPTS="--config config-trusty-juno.yaml"
+CHARM_MYSQL_DEPLOY_OPTS="--config config-trusty-juno.yaml"
+CHARM_NEUTRON_API_DEPLOY_OPTS="--config config-trusty-juno.yaml"
+CHARM_NEUTRON_GATEWAY_DEPLOY_OPTS="--config config-trusty-juno.yaml"
+CHARM_NOVA_CLOUD_CONTROLLER_DEPLOY_OPTS="--config config-trusty-juno.yaml"
+CHARM_NOVA_COMPUTE_DEPLOY_OPTS="--config config-trusty-juno.yaml"
+CHARM_OPENSTACK_DASHBOARD_DEPLOY_OPTS="--config config-trusty-juno.yaml"
--- /dev/null
+ allow-single-node: true
+ openstack-origin: cloud:trusty-juno
+ openstack-origin: cloud:trusty-juno
+ openstack-origin: cloud:trusty-juno
+ openstack-origin: cloud:trusty-juno
+ admin-password: password
+ admin-role: admin
+ openstack-origin: cloud:trusty-juno
+ dataset-size: 15%
+ manage-neutron-plugin-legacy-mode: false
+ openstack-origin: cloud:trusty-juno
+ openstack-origin: cloud:trusty-juno
+ network-manager: Neutron
+ openstack-origin: cloud:trusty-juno
+ manage-neutron-plugin-legacy-mode: false
+ openstack-origin: cloud:trusty-juno
+ openstack-origin: cloud:trusty-juno
--- /dev/null
+export JUJU_REPOSITORY=../charms
+CHARM_CASSANDRA_DEPLOY_OPTS="--config config-trusty.yaml"
+CHARM_KEYSTONE_DEPLOY_OPTS="--config config-trusty.yaml"
+CHARM_MYSQL_DEPLOY_OPTS="--config config-trusty.yaml"
+CHARM_NEUTRON_API_DEPLOY_OPTS="--config config-trusty.yaml"
+CHARM_NOVA_CLOUD_CONTROLLER_DEPLOY_OPTS="--config config-trusty.yaml"
+CHARM_NOVA_COMPUTE_DEPLOY_OPTS="--config config-trusty.yaml"
--- /dev/null
+ allow-single-node: true
+ admin-password: password
+ admin-role: admin
+ dataset-size: 15%
+ manage-neutron-plugin-legacy-mode: false
+ network-manager: Neutron
+ manage-neutron-plugin-legacy-mode: false
--- /dev/null
+#!/bin/sh -e
+exec ./openstack.sh ./config-precise.sh 2>&1 | tee out.log
--- /dev/null
+#!/bin/sh -e
+exec ./openstack.sh ./config-trusty-juno.sh 2>&1 | tee out.log
--- /dev/null
+#!/bin/sh -e
+exec ./openstack.sh ./config-trusty.sh 2>&1 | tee out.log
--- /dev/null
+default: local
+ local:
+ type: local
+ container: kvm
+ default-series: trusty
+ lxc-clone: true
--- /dev/null
+#!/bin/sh -e
+. ~/admin-openrc
+wget http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/trusty/current/MD5SUMS
+wget http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/trusty/current/trusty-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img
+glance image-create --name ubuntu-trusty-daily --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare --owner admin --file trusty-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img --checksum $(grep trusty-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img MD5SUMS | cut -d " " -f 1) --is-public True
--- /dev/null
+#!/bin/sh -e
+DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -qy -o Dpkg::Options::=--force-confdef -o Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold install lxc < /dev/null
+sed -e 's/^USE_LXC_BRIDGE="true"/USE_LXC_BRIDGE="false"/' -i /etc/default/lxc
+service lxc-net restart
+ifdown eth0
+mv /etc/network/interfaces.d/eth0.cfg /etc/network/interfaces.d/eth0.cfg.bak
+cat <<-"EOF" > /etc/network/interfaces.d/bridge.cfg
+ auto eth0
+ iface eth0 inet manual
+ auto lxcbr0
+ iface lxcbr0 inet dhcp
+ bridge_ports eth0
+ifup eth0 lxcbr0
--- /dev/null
+#!/bin/sh -ex
+ juju status | python -c "import yaml; import sys; print yaml.load(sys.stdin)[\"machines\"][\"$1\"][\"agent-state\"]" 2> /dev/null
+ juju status | python -c "import yaml; import sys; print yaml.load(sys.stdin)[\"services\"][\"$1\"][\"units\"][\"$1/$2\"][\"agent-state\"]" 2> /dev/null
+ cat <<-EOF
+ export OS_USERNAME=$1
+ export OS_PASSWORD=$2
+ export OS_TENANT_NAME=$3
+ export OS_AUTH_URL=$4
+ export OS_REGION_NAME=$5
+ juju status | python -c "import yaml; import sys; print yaml.load(sys.stdin)[\"services\"][\"$1\"][\"units\"][\"$1/$2\"][\"public-address\"]" 2> /dev/null
+ juju status | python -c "import yaml; import sys; print yaml.load(sys.stdin)[\"services\"][\"$1\"][\"units\"][\"$1/$2\"][\"machine\"]" 2> /dev/null
+ for machine; do
+ while [ "$(agentState $machine)" != started ]; do
+ sleep 5
+ done
+ done
+ for service; do
+ while [ "$(agentStateUnit "$service" 0)" != started ]; do
+ sleep 5
+ done
+ done
+if [ $# -ne 0 ]; then
+ . "$1"
+juju bootstrap
+waitForMachine 0
+spare_cpus=$(($(grep processor /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l) - 5))
+if [ $spare_cpus -gt 0 ]; then
+ spare_cpus=$(((spare_cpus * 3) / 4))
+ spare_cpus=0
+[ $spare_cpus -ne 0 ] && extra_cpus=$((1 + (((spare_cpus - 1) * 3) / 4))) && spare_cpus=$((spare_cpus - extra_cpus))
+juju add-machine --constraints "cpu-cores=$((1 + extra_cpus)) mem=12G root-disk=20G" --series $DEFAULT_SERIES
+juju deploy --constraints mem=1G $CHARM_NEUTRON_GATEWAY_DEPLOY_OPTS "${CHARM_NEUTRON_GATEWAY:-quantum-gateway}" neutron-gateway
+[ $spare_cpus -ne 0 ] && extra_cpus=$((1 + (((spare_cpus - 1) * 3) / 4))) && spare_cpus=$((spare_cpus - extra_cpus))
+juju deploy --constraints "cpu-cores=$((1 + extra_cpus)) mem=4G root-disk=20G" $CHARM_NOVA_COMPUTE_DEPLOY_OPTS "${CHARM_NOVA_COMPUTE:-nova-compute}"
+juju add-machine --constraints "cpu-cores=$((1 + spare_cpus)) mem=8G root-disk=20G" --series $DEFAULT_SERIES
+waitForMachine 1
+juju scp lxc-network.sh 1:
+juju run --machine 1 "sudo ./lxc-network.sh"
+waitForMachine 4
+juju scp lxc-network.sh 4:
+juju run --machine 4 "sudo ./lxc-network.sh"
+juju deploy --to lxc:1 $CHARM_MYSQL_DEPLOY_OPTS "${CHARM_MYSQL:-mysql}"
+juju deploy --to lxc:1 $CHARM_RABBITMQ_SERVER_DEPLOY_OPTS "${CHARM_RABBITMQ_SERVER:-rabbitmq-server}"
+juju deploy --to lxc:1 $CHARM_KEYSTONE_DEPLOY_OPTS "${CHARM_KEYSTONE:-keystone}"
+juju deploy --to lxc:1 $CHARM_NOVA_CLOUD_CONTROLLER_DEPLOY_OPTS "${CHARM_NOVA_CLOUD_CONTROLLER:-nova-cloud-controller}"
+juju deploy --to lxc:1 $CHARM_NEUTRON_API_DEPLOY_OPTS "${CHARM_NEUTRON_API:-neutron-api}"
+juju deploy --to lxc:1 $CHARM_GLANCE_DEPLOY_OPTS "${CHARM_GLANCE:-glance}"
+juju deploy --to lxc:1 $CHARM_OPENSTACK_DASHBOARD_DEPLOY_OPTS "${CHARM_OPENSTACK_DASHBOARD:-openstack-dashboard}"
+# contrail
+juju deploy --to lxc:1 $CHARM_ZOOKEEPER_DEPLOY_OPTS "${CHARM_ZOOKEEPER:-zookeeper}"
+juju deploy --to lxc:1 $CHARM_CONTRAIL_CONTROL_DEPLOY_OPTS "${CHARM_CONTRAIL_CONTROL:-contrail-control}"
+juju deploy --to lxc:1 $CHARM_CONTRAIL_ANALYTICS_DEPLOY_OPTS "${CHARM_CONTRAIL_ANALYTICS:-contrail-analytics}"
+juju deploy --to lxc:1 $CHARM_CONTRAIL_WEBUI_DEPLOY_OPTS "${CHARM_CONTRAIL_WEBUI:-contrail-webui}"
+juju deploy --to lxc:4 $CHARM_CASSANDRA_DEPLOY_OPTS "${CHARM_CASSANDRA:-cassandra}"
+# relation must be set first
+# no official way of knowing when this relation hook will fire
+waitForService mysql keystone
+juju add-relation keystone mysql
+sleep 60
+waitForService rabbitmq-server nova-cloud-controller glance openstack-dashboard neutron-gateway nova-compute
+juju add-relation nova-cloud-controller mysql
+juju add-relation nova-cloud-controller rabbitmq-server
+juju add-relation nova-cloud-controller glance
+juju add-relation nova-cloud-controller keystone
+juju add-relation neutron-gateway mysql
+juju add-relation neutron-gateway:amqp rabbitmq-server:amqp
+juju add-relation neutron-gateway nova-cloud-controller
+juju add-relation nova-compute:shared-db mysql:shared-db
+juju add-relation nova-compute:amqp rabbitmq-server:amqp
+juju add-relation nova-compute glance
+juju add-relation nova-compute nova-cloud-controller
+juju add-relation glance mysql
+juju add-relation glance keystone
+juju add-relation openstack-dashboard keystone
+sleep 60
+waitForService neutron-api
+juju add-relation neutron-api mysql
+juju add-relation neutron-api rabbitmq-server
+juju add-relation neutron-api nova-cloud-controller
+juju add-relation neutron-api keystone
+juju add-relation neutron-api neutron-api-contrail
+sleep 60
+# contrail
+waitForService cassandra zookeeper contrail-configuration
+juju add-relation contrail-configuration:cassandra cassandra:database
+juju add-relation contrail-configuration zookeeper
+juju add-relation contrail-configuration rabbitmq-server
+juju add-relation contrail-configuration keystone
+juju add-relation contrail-configuration neutron-gateway
+sleep 60
+waitForService contrail-control contrail-analytics
+juju add-relation neutron-api-contrail contrail-configuration
+juju add-relation neutron-api-contrail keystone
+juju add-relation contrail-control:contrail-discovery contrail-configuration:contrail-discovery
+juju add-relation contrail-control:contrail-ifmap contrail-configuration:contrail-ifmap
+juju add-relation contrail-analytics:cassandra cassandra:database
+juju add-relation contrail-analytics contrail-configuration
+juju add-relation nova-compute neutron-contrail
+juju add-relation neutron-contrail:contrail-discovery contrail-configuration:contrail-discovery
+juju add-relation neutron-contrail neutron-gateway
+juju add-relation neutron-contrail:contrail-api contrail-configuration:contrail-api
+juju add-relation neutron-contrail keystone
+sleep 60
+waitForService contrail-webui
+juju add-relation contrail-webui keystone
+juju add-relation contrail-webui:contrail_api contrail-configuration:contrail-api
+juju add-relation contrail-webui:contrail_discovery contrail-configuration:contrail-discovery
+juju add-relation contrail-webui:cassandra cassandra:database
+sleep 60
+# enable kvm on compute
+machine=$(unitMachine nova-compute 0)
+juju scp compute.sh $machine:
+juju run --machine $machine "sudo ./compute.sh"
+mkdir -m 0700 -p cloud
+controller_address=$(unitAddress keystone 0)
+configOpenrc admin password Admin http://$controller_address:5000/v2.0 RegionOne > cloud/admin-openrc
+chmod 0600 cloud/admin-openrc
+machine=$(unitMachine nova-cloud-controller 0)
+juju scp cloud-setup.sh cloud/admin-openrc ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub $machine:
+juju run --machine $machine ./cloud-setup.sh
+# setup contrail routing
+juju set contrail-configuration "floating-ip-pools=[ { project: admin, network: public-net, pool-name: floatingip_pool, target-projects: [ admin ] } ]"
+juju set neutron-contrail "virtual-gateways=[ { project: admin, network: public-net, interface: vgw, subnets: [ ], routes: [ ] } ]"
+machine=$(unitMachine glance 0)
+juju scp glance.sh cloud/admin-openrc $machine:
+juju run --machine $machine ./glance.sh
+# setup host routing
+if [ -n "$CONFIGURE_HOST_ROUTING" ]; then
+ compute_address=$(unitAddress nova-compute 0)
+ sudo ip route replace via $compute_address
+ sudo iptables -C FORWARD -s -j ACCEPT 2> /dev/null || sudo iptables -I FORWARD 1 -s -j ACCEPT
+ sudo iptables -C FORWARD -d -j ACCEPT 2> /dev/null || sudo iptables -I FORWARD 2 -d -j ACCEPT
+ sudo iptables -t nat -C POSTROUTING -s ! -d -j MASQUERADE 2> /dev/null || sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s ! -d -j MASQUERADE
--- /dev/null
+#!/bin/sh -ex
+mkdir -p src/charms/trusty src/charms/precise
+# openstack
+bzr branch lp:~openstack-charmers/charms/trusty/glance/next src/charms/trusty/glance-next
+bzr branch lp:~openstack-charmers/charms/trusty/keystone/next src/charms/trusty/keystone-next
+bzr branch lp:~openstack-charmers/charms/trusty/neutron-api/vpp src/charms/trusty/neutron-api-vpp
+bzr branch lp:~openstack-charmers/charms/trusty/nova-cloud-controller/next src/charms/trusty/nova-cloud-controller-next
+bzr branch lp:~openstack-charmers/charms/trusty/nova-compute/next src/charms/trusty/nova-compute-next
+bzr branch lp:~openstack-charmers/charms/trusty/openstack-dashboard/next src/charms/trusty/openstack-dashboard-next
+bzr branch lp:~sdn-charmers/charms/trusty/quantum-gateway/contrail src/charms/trusty/quantum-gateway-contrail
+# contrail
+bzr branch lp:~sdn-charmers/charms/precise/cassandra/forced-install src/charms/precise/cassandra-forced-install
+bzr branch lp:~sdn-charmers/charms/trusty/contrail-analytics/trunk src/charms/trusty/contrail-analytics
+bzr branch lp:~sdn-charmers/charms/trusty/contrail-configuration/trunk src/charms/trusty/contrail-configuration
+bzr branch lp:~sdn-charmers/charms/trusty/contrail-control/trunk src/charms/trusty/contrail-control
+bzr branch lp:~sdn-charmers/charms/trusty/contrail-webui/trunk src/charms/trusty/contrail-webui
+bzr branch lp:~sdn-charmers/charms/trusty/neutron-api-contrail/trunk src/charms/trusty/neutron-api-contrail
+bzr branch lp:~sdn-charmers/charms/trusty/neutron-contrail/trunk src/charms/trusty/neutron-contrail
+bzr branch lp:~sdn-charmers/charms/precise/zookeeper/fix-symlink src/charms/precise/zookeeper-fix-symlink
+mkdir -p charms/trusty charms/precise
+(cd charms/trusty; ln -s ../../src/charms/trusty/* .)
+# symlink trusty charms to precise
+(cd charms/precise; ln -s ../../src/charms/trusty/* .; ln -s ../../src/charms/precise/* .)
--- /dev/null
+ services:
+ mysql:
+ constraints: mem=1G
+ options:
+ dataset-size: 50%
+ rabbitmq-server:
+ constraints: mem=1G
+ keystone:
+ branch: lp:~openstack-charmers/charms/trusty/keystone/next
+ constraints: mem=1G
+ options:
+ admin-password: password
+ openstack-dashboard:
+ branch: lp:~openstack-charmers/charms/trusty/openstack-dashboard/next
+ constraints: mem=1G
+ nova-compute:
+ branch: lp:~openstack-charmers/charms/trusty/nova-compute/next
+ constraints: mem=4G root-disk=20G
+ options:
+ manage-neutron-plugin-legacy-mode: false
+ nova-cloud-controller:
+ branch: lp:~openstack-charmers/charms/trusty/nova-cloud-controller/next
+ constraints: mem=1G
+ options:
+ network-manager: Neutron
+ neutron-gateway:
+ branch: lp:~sdn-charmers/charms/trusty/quantum-gateway/contrail
+ constraints: mem=1G
+ glance:
+ branch: lp:~openstack-charmers/charms/trusty/glance/next
+ constraints: mem=1G
+ neutron-api:
+ branch: lp:~openstack-charmers/charms/trusty/neutron-api/vpp
+ constraints: mem=1G
+ options:
+ manage-neutron-plugin-legacy-mode: false
+ relations:
+ - [ keystone, mysql ]
+ - [ nova-cloud-controller, mysql ]
+ - [ nova-cloud-controller, rabbitmq-server ]
+ - [ nova-cloud-controller, glance ]
+ - [ nova-cloud-controller, keystone ]
+ - [ nova-compute, nova-cloud-controller ]
+ - [ "nova-compute:shared-db", "mysql:shared-db" ]
+ - [ "nova-compute:amqp", "rabbitmq-server:amqp" ]
+ - [ nova-compute, glance ]
+ - [ glance, mysql ]
+ - [ glance, keystone ]
+ - [ neutron-gateway, mysql ]
+ - [ "neutron-gateway:amqp", "rabbitmq-server:amqp" ]
+ - [ neutron-gateway, nova-cloud-controller ]
+ - [ openstack-dashboard, keystone ]
+ - [ neutron-api, mysql ]
+ - [ neutron-api, rabbitmq-server ]
+ - [ neutron-api, nova-cloud-controller ]
+ - [ neutron-api, keystone ]
+ - [ neutron-api, neutron-api-contrail ]
+ inherits: openstack
+ services:
+ cassandra:
+ branch: lp:~sdn-charmers/charms/precise/cassandra/forced-install
+ series: precise
+ constraints: mem=8G root-disk=20G
+ units: 3
+ zookeeper:
+ branch: lp:~sdn-charmers/charms/precise/zookeeper/fix-symlink
+ series: precise
+ constraints: mem=1G
+ units: 3
+ contrail-configuration:
+ branch: lp:~sdn-charmers/charms/trusty/contrail-configuration/trunk
+ constraints: mem=4G
+ options:
+ vip: x.x.x.x
+ units: 2
+ contrail-control:
+ branch: lp:~sdn-charmers/charms/trusty/contrail-control/trunk
+ constraints: mem=2G
+ units: 2
+ contrail-analytics:
+ branch: lp:~sdn-charmers/charms/trusty/contrail-analytics/trunk
+ constraints: mem=4G
+ units: 2
+ contrail-webui:
+ branch: lp:~sdn-charmers/charms/trusty/contrail-webui/trunk
+ units: 2
+ neutron-api-contrail:
+ branch: lp:~sdn-charmers/charms/trusty/neutron-api-contrail/trunk
+ neutron-contrail:
+ branch: lp:~sdn-charmers/charms/trusty/neutron-contrail/trunk
+ haproxy:
+ options:
+ peering_mode: active-active
+ units: 2
+ keepalived:
+ branch: lp:~sdn-charmers/charms/trusty/keepalived/trunk
+ options:
+ virtual-ip: x.x.x.x
+ overrides:
+ admin-role: admin
+ relations:
+ - [ "contrail-configuration:cassandra", "cassandra:database" ]
+ - [ contrail-configuration, zookeeper ]
+ - [ contrail-configuration, rabbitmq-server ]
+ - [ contrail-configuration, keystone ]
+ - [ contrail-configuration, neutron-gateway ]
+ - [ neutron-api-contrail, contrail-configuration ]
+ - [ neutron-api-contrail, keystone ]
+ - [ "contrail-control:contrail-discovery", "contrail-configuration:contrail-discovery" ]
+ - [ "contrail-control:contrail-ifmap", "contrail-configuration:contrail-ifmap" ]
+ - [ "contrail-analytics:cassandra", "cassandra:database" ]
+ - [ contrail-analytics, contrail-configuration ]
+ - [ contrail-webui, keystone ]
+ - [ "contrail-webui:contrail_api", "contrail-configuration:contrail-api" ]
+ - [ "contrail-webui:contrail_discovery", "contrail-configuration:contrail-discovery" ]
+ - [ "contrail-webui:cassandra", "cassandra:database" ]
+ - [ nova-compute, neutron-contrail ]
+ - [ "neutron-contrail:contrail-discovery", "contrail-configuration:contrail-discovery" ]
+ - [ neutron-contrail, neutron-gateway ]
+ - [ "neutron-contrail:contrail-api", "contrail-configuration:contrail-api" ]
+ - [ neutron-contrail, keystone ]
+ - [ contrail-configuration, haproxy ]
+ - [ contrail-analytics, haproxy ]
+ - [ contrail-webui, haproxy ]
+ - [ haproxy, keepalived ]
+ inherits: contrail
+ series: trusty
+ services:
+ haproxy:
+ charm: cs:trusty/haproxy
+ mysql:
+ charm: cs:trusty/mysql
+ rabbitmq-server:
+ charm: cs:trusty/rabbitmq-server
+ inherits: contrail
+ series: trusty
+ services:
+ haproxy:
+ charm: cs:trusty/haproxy
+ mysql:
+ charm: cs:trusty/mysql
+ rabbitmq-server:
+ charm: cs:trusty/rabbitmq-server
+ overrides:
+ openstack-origin: cloud:trusty-juno
--- /dev/null
+ services:
+ mysql:
+ constraints: mem=1G
+ options:
+ dataset-size: 50%
+ rabbitmq-server:
+ constraints: mem=1G
+ keystone:
+ branch: lp:~openstack-charmers/charms/trusty/keystone/next
+ constraints: mem=1G
+ options:
+ admin-password: password
+ openstack-dashboard:
+ branch: lp:~openstack-charmers/charms/trusty/openstack-dashboard/next
+ constraints: mem=1G
+ nova-compute:
+ branch: lp:~openstack-charmers/charms/trusty/nova-compute/next
+ constraints: mem=4G root-disk=20G
+ options:
+ manage-neutron-plugin-legacy-mode: false
+ nova-cloud-controller:
+ branch: lp:~openstack-charmers/charms/trusty/nova-cloud-controller/next
+ constraints: mem=1G
+ options:
+ network-manager: Neutron
+ neutron-gateway:
+ branch: lp:~sdn-charmers/charms/trusty/quantum-gateway/contrail
+ constraints: mem=1G
+ glance:
+ branch: lp:~openstack-charmers/charms/trusty/glance/next
+ constraints: mem=1G
+ neutron-api:
+ branch: lp:~openstack-charmers/charms/trusty/neutron-api/vpp
+ constraints: mem=1G
+ options:
+ manage-neutron-plugin-legacy-mode: false
+ relations:
+ - [ keystone, mysql ]
+ - [ nova-cloud-controller, mysql ]
+ - [ nova-cloud-controller, rabbitmq-server ]
+ - [ nova-cloud-controller, glance ]
+ - [ nova-cloud-controller, keystone ]
+ - [ nova-compute, nova-cloud-controller ]
+ - [ "nova-compute:shared-db", "mysql:shared-db" ]
+ - [ "nova-compute:amqp", "rabbitmq-server:amqp" ]
+ - [ nova-compute, glance ]
+ - [ glance, mysql ]
+ - [ glance, keystone ]
+ - [ neutron-gateway, mysql ]
+ - [ "neutron-gateway:amqp", "rabbitmq-server:amqp" ]
+ - [ neutron-gateway, nova-cloud-controller ]
+ - [ openstack-dashboard, keystone ]
+ - [ neutron-api, mysql ]
+ - [ neutron-api, rabbitmq-server ]
+ - [ neutron-api, nova-cloud-controller ]
+ - [ neutron-api, keystone ]
+ - [ neutron-api, neutron-api-contrail ]
+ inherits: openstack
+ services:
+ cassandra:
+ branch: lp:~sdn-charmers/charms/precise/cassandra/forced-install
+ series: precise
+ constraints: mem=8G root-disk=20G
+ units: 3
+ zookeeper:
+ branch: lp:~sdn-charmers/charms/precise/zookeeper/fix-symlink
+ series: precise
+ constraints: mem=1G
+ units: 3
+ contrail-configuration:
+ branch: lp:~sdn-charmers/charms/trusty/contrail-configuration/trunk
+ constraints: mem=4G
+ options:
+ vip: x.x.x.x
+ units: 2
+ contrail-control:
+ branch: lp:~sdn-charmers/charms/trusty/contrail-control/trunk
+ constraints: mem=2G
+ units: 2
+ contrail-analytics:
+ branch: lp:~sdn-charmers/charms/trusty/contrail-analytics/trunk
+ constraints: mem=4G
+ units: 2
+ contrail-webui:
+ branch: lp:~sdn-charmers/charms/trusty/contrail-webui/trunk
+ units: 2
+ neutron-api-contrail:
+ branch: lp:~sdn-charmers/charms/trusty/neutron-api-contrail/trunk
+ neutron-contrail:
+ branch: lp:~sdn-charmers/charms/trusty/neutron-contrail/trunk
+ haproxy:
+ options:
+ peering_mode: active-active
+ units: 2
+ keepalived:
+ branch: lp:~sdn-charmers/charms/trusty/keepalived/trunk
+ options:
+ virtual-ip: x.x.x.x
+ overrides:
+ admin-role: admin
+ relations:
+ - [ "contrail-configuration:cassandra", "cassandra:database" ]
+ - [ contrail-configuration, zookeeper ]
+ - [ contrail-configuration, rabbitmq-server ]
+ - [ contrail-configuration, keystone ]
+ - [ contrail-configuration, neutron-gateway ]
+ - [ neutron-api-contrail, contrail-configuration ]
+ - [ neutron-api-contrail, keystone ]
+ - [ "contrail-control:contrail-discovery", "contrail-configuration:contrail-discovery" ]
+ - [ "contrail-control:contrail-ifmap", "contrail-configuration:contrail-ifmap" ]
+ - [ "contrail-analytics:cassandra", "cassandra:database" ]
+ - [ contrail-analytics, contrail-configuration ]
+ - [ contrail-webui, keystone ]
+ - [ "contrail-webui:contrail_api", "contrail-configuration:contrail-api" ]
+ - [ "contrail-webui:contrail_discovery", "contrail-configuration:contrail-discovery" ]
+ - [ "contrail-webui:cassandra", "cassandra:database" ]
+ - [ nova-compute, neutron-contrail ]
+ - [ "neutron-contrail:contrail-discovery", "contrail-configuration:contrail-discovery" ]
+ - [ neutron-contrail, neutron-gateway ]
+ - [ "neutron-contrail:contrail-api", "contrail-configuration:contrail-api" ]
+ - [ neutron-contrail, keystone ]
+ - [ contrail-configuration, haproxy ]
+ - [ contrail-analytics, haproxy ]
+ - [ contrail-webui, haproxy ]
+ - [ haproxy, keepalived ]
+ inherits: contrail
+ series: trusty
+ services:
+ haproxy:
+ charm: cs:trusty/haproxy
+ mysql:
+ charm: cs:trusty/mysql
+ rabbitmq-server:
+ charm: cs:trusty/rabbitmq-server
+ inherits: contrail
+ series: trusty
+ services:
+ haproxy:
+ charm: cs:trusty/haproxy
+ mysql:
+ charm: cs:trusty/mysql
+ rabbitmq-server:
+ charm: cs:trusty/rabbitmq-server
+ overrides:
+ openstack-origin: cloud:trusty-juno
--- /dev/null
+ services:
+ ubuntu:
+ branch: "lp:charms/trusty/ubuntu"
+ constraints: tags=physical
+ num_units: 2
+ mysql:
+ constraints: mem=1G
+ options:
+ dataset-size: 50%
+ max-connections: 20000
+ to:
+ - "lxc:ubuntu=0"
+ rabbitmq-server:
+ constraints: mem=1G
+ to:
+ - "lxc:ubuntu=0"
+ keystone:
+ branch: lp:~openstack-charmers/charms/trusty/keystone/next
+ constraints: mem=1G
+ options:
+ admin-password: openstack
+ admin-role: admin
+ to:
+ - "lxc:ubuntu=0"
+ openstack-dashboard:
+ branch: lp:~openstack-charmers/charms/trusty/openstack-dashboard/next
+ constraints: mem=1G
+ to:
+ - "lxc:ubuntu=0"
+ nova-compute:
+ branch: lp:~openstack-charmers/charms/trusty/nova-compute/next
+ constraints: tags=physical
+ num_units: 2
+ to:
+ - "ubuntu=0"
+ - "ubuntu=1"
+ options:
+ manage-neutron-plugin-legacy-mode: false
+ nova-cloud-controller:
+ branch: lp:~openstack-charmers/charms/trusty/nova-cloud-controller/next
+ constraints: mem=1G
+ options:
+ network-manager: Neutron
+ to:
+ - "lxc:ubuntu=0"
+ neutron-gateway:
+ branch: lp:~sdn-charmers/charms/trusty/quantum-gateway/contrail
+ constraints: tags=virtual
+ glance:
+ branch: lp:~openstack-charmers/charms/trusty/glance/next
+ constraints: mem=1G
+ to:
+ - "lxc:ubuntu=0"
+ neutron-api:
+ branch: lp:~openstack-charmers/charms/trusty/neutron-api/vpp
+ constraints: tags=virtual
+ to:
+ - "lxc:ubuntu=0"
+ options:
+ manage-neutron-plugin-legacy-mode: false
+ relations:
+ - [ keystone, mysql ]
+ - [ nova-cloud-controller, mysql ]
+ - [ nova-cloud-controller, rabbitmq-server ]
+ - [ nova-cloud-controller, glance ]
+ - [ nova-cloud-controller, keystone ]
+ - [ nova-compute, nova-cloud-controller ]
+ - [ "nova-compute:shared-db", "mysql:shared-db" ]
+ - [ "nova-compute:amqp", "rabbitmq-server:amqp" ]
+ - [ nova-compute, glance ]
+ - [ glance, mysql ]
+ - [ glance, keystone ]
+ - [ neutron-gateway, mysql ]
+ - [ "neutron-gateway:amqp", "rabbitmq-server:amqp" ]
+ - [ neutron-gateway, nova-cloud-controller ]
+ - [ openstack-dashboard, keystone ]
+ - [ neutron-api, mysql ]
+ - [ neutron-api, rabbitmq-server ]
+ - [ neutron-api, nova-cloud-controller ]
+ - [ neutron-api, keystone ]
+ - [ neutron-api, neutron-api-contrail ]
+ inherits: openstack
+ services:
+ cassandra:
+ branch: lp:~sdn-charmers/charms/precise/cassandra/forced-install
+ series: precise
+ constraints: tags=physical
+ options:
+ allow-single-node: true
+ zookeeper:
+ branch: lp:~sdn-charmers/charms/precise/zookeeper/fix-symlink
+ series: precise
+ constraints: mem=1G
+ to:
+ - "lxc:cassandra=0"
+ contrail-configuration:
+ branch: lp:~sdn-charmers/charms/trusty/contrail-configuration/ssl
+ constraints: mem=4G
+ to:
+ - "lxc:ubuntu=0"
+# options:
+# floating-ip-pools: "[ { project: admin, network: public, pool-name: floatingip_pool, target-projects: [ admin ] } ]"
+ contrail-control:
+ branch: lp:~sdn-charmers/charms/trusty/contrail-control/trunk
+ constraints: mem=2G
+ to:
+ - "lxc:ubuntu=0"
+ contrail-analytics:
+ branch: lp:~sdn-charmers/charms/trusty/contrail-analytics/trunk
+ constraints: mem=4G
+ to:
+ - "lxc:ubuntu=0"
+ contrail-webui:
+ branch: lp:~sdn-charmers/charms/trusty/contrail-webui/trunk
+ to:
+ - "lxc:ubuntu=0"
+ neutron-api-contrail:
+ branch: lp:~sdn-charmers/charms/trusty/neutron-api-contrail/trunk
+# options:
+# overlay-network-type: 'vxlan gre'
+# security-groups: true
+ neutron-contrail:
+ branch: lp:~sdn-charmers/charms/trusty/neutron-contrail/trunk
+ overrides:
+ admin-role: admin
+ relations:
+ - [ "contrail-configuration:cassandra", "cassandra:database" ]
+ - [ neutron-api-contrail, contrail-configuration ]
+ - [ neutron-api-contrail, keystone ]
+ - [ "contrail-control:contrail-discovery", "contrail-configuration:contrail-discovery" ]
+ - [ "contrail-control:contrail-ifmap", "contrail-configuration:contrail-ifmap" ]
+ - [ "contrail-analytics:cassandra", "cassandra:database" ]
+ - [ contrail-analytics, contrail-configuration ]
+ - [ contrail-webui, keystone ]
+ - [ "contrail-webui:contrail_api", "contrail-configuration:contrail-api" ]
+ - [ "contrail-webui:contrail_discovery", "contrail-configuration:contrail-discovery" ]
+ - [ "contrail-webui:cassandra", "cassandra:database" ]
+ - [ nova-compute, neutron-contrail ]
+ - [ "neutron-contrail:contrail-discovery", "contrail-configuration:contrail-discovery" ]
+ - [ neutron-contrail, neutron-gateway ]
+ - [ "neutron-contrail:contrail-api", "contrail-configuration:contrail-api" ]
+ - [ neutron-contrail, keystone ]
+ - [ contrail-configuration, zookeeper ]
+ - [ contrail-configuration, rabbitmq-server ]
+ - [ contrail-configuration, keystone ]
+ - [ contrail-configuration, neutron-gateway ]
+ inherits: contrail
+ series: precise
+ services:
+ mysql:
+ charm: cs:precise/mysql
+ rabbitmq-server:
+ charm: cs:precise/rabbitmq-server
+ overrides:
+ openstack-origin: cloud:precise-icehouse
+ inherits: contrail
+ series: trusty
+ services:
+ mysql:
+ charm: cs:trusty/mysql
+ rabbitmq-server:
+ charm: cs:trusty/rabbitmq-server
+ inherits: contrail
+ series: trusty
+ services:
+ mysql:
+ charm: cs:trusty/mysql
+ rabbitmq-server:
+ charm: cs:trusty/rabbitmq-server
+ overrides:
+ openstack-origin: cloud:trusty-juno
--- /dev/null
+#!/bin/sh -e
+. ~/admin-openrc
+# adjust tiny image
+nova flavor-delete m1.tiny
+nova flavor-create m1.tiny 1 512 8 1
+# configure external network
+neutron net-create --router:external=True public-net
+neutron subnet-create --name public-subnet --no-gateway --allocation-pool start=,end= --disable-dhcp public-net
+# create vm network
+neutron net-create ubuntu-net
+neutron subnet-create --name ubuntu-subnet --gateway ubuntu-net
+# create pool of floating ips
+while [ $i -ne 10 ]; do
+ neutron floatingip-create public-net
+ i=$((i + 1))
+# configure security groups
+neutron security-group-rule-create --direction ingress --ethertype IPv4 --protocol icmp --remote-ip-prefix default
+neutron security-group-rule-create --direction ingress --ethertype IPv4 --protocol tcp --port-range-min 22 --port-range-max 22 --remote-ip-prefix default
+# import key pair
+nova keypair-add --pub-key id_rsa.pub ubuntu-keypair
--- /dev/null
+#!/bin/sh -e
+. ~/admin-openrc
+wget http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/trusty/current/MD5SUMS
+wget http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/trusty/current/trusty-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img
+glance image-create --name ubuntu-trusty-daily --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare --owner admin --file trusty-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img --checksum $(grep trusty-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img MD5SUMS | cut -d " " -f 1) --is-public True
--- /dev/null
+#!/bin/sh -ex
+ cat <<-EOF
+ export OS_USERNAME=$1
+ export OS_PASSWORD=$2
+ export OS_TENANT_NAME=$3
+ export OS_AUTH_URL=$4
+ export OS_REGION_NAME=$5
+ juju status | python -c "import yaml; import sys; print yaml.load(sys.stdin)[\"services\"][\"$1\"][\"units\"][\"$1/$2\"][\"public-address\"]" 2> /dev/null
+ juju status | python -c "import yaml; import sys; print yaml.load(sys.stdin)[\"services\"][\"$1\"][\"units\"][\"$1/$2\"][\"machine\"]" 2> /dev/null
+mkdir -m 0700 -p cloud
+controller_address=$(unitAddress keystone 0)
+configOpenrc admin openstack admin http://$controller_address:5000/v2.0 RegionOne > cloud/admin-openrc
+chmod 0600 cloud/admin-openrc
+machine=$(unitMachine nova-cloud-controller 0)
+juju scp cloud-setup.sh cloud/admin-openrc ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub $machine:
+juju run --machine $machine ./cloud-setup.sh
+# setup contrail routing
+juju set contrail-configuration "floating-ip-pools=[ { project: admin, network: public-net, pool-name: floatingip_pool, target-projects: [ admin ] } ]"
+juju set neutron-contrail "virtual-gateways=[ { project: admin, network: public-net, interface: vgw, subnets: [ ], routes: [ ] } ]"
+machine=$(unitMachine glance 0)
+juju scp glance.sh cloud/admin-openrc $machine:
+juju run --machine $machine ./glance.sh
+# setup host routing
+if [ -n "$CONFIGURE_HOST_ROUTING" ]; then
+ compute_address=$(dig +short $(unitAddress nova-compute 0) | tail -n 1)
+ sudo ip route replace via $compute_address
+ sudo iptables -C FORWARD -s -j ACCEPT 2> /dev/null || sudo iptables -I FORWARD 1 -s -j ACCEPT
+ sudo iptables -C FORWARD -d -j ACCEPT 2> /dev/null || sudo iptables -I FORWARD 2 -d -j ACCEPT
+ sudo iptables -t nat -C POSTROUTING -s ! -d -j MASQUERADE 2> /dev/null || sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s ! -d -j MASQUERADE
--- /dev/null
+ - {name: requirements,
+ repository: 'git://github.com/openstack/requirements',
+ branch: master}
+ - {name: cinder,
+ repository: 'git://github.com/openstack/cinder',
+ branch: master}
+directory: /mnt/openstack-git
+#http_proxy: http://squid.internal:3128
+#https_proxy: http://squid.internal:3128
--- /dev/null
+ - {name: requirements,
+ repository: 'git://github.com/openstack/requirements',
+ branch: master}
+ - {name: glance,
+ repository: 'git://github.com/openstack/glance',
+ branch: master}
+directory: /mnt/openstack-git
+#http_proxy: http://squid.internal:3128
+#https_proxy: http://squid.internal:3128
--- /dev/null
+ - {name: requirements,
+ repository: 'git://github.com/openstack/requirements',
+ branch: master}
+ - {name: horizon,
+ repository: 'git://github.com/openstack/horizon',
+ branch: master}
+directory: /mnt/openstack-git
+#http_proxy: http://squid.internal:3128
+#https_proxy: http://squid.internal:3128
--- /dev/null
+ - {name: requirements,
+ repository: 'git://github.com/openstack/requirements',
+ branch: master}
+ - {name: keystone,
+ repository: 'git://github.com/openstack/keystone',
+ branch: master}
+directory: /mnt/openstack-git
+#http_proxy: http://squid.internal:3128
+#https_proxy: http://squid.internal:3128
--- /dev/null
+ - {name: requirements,
+ repository: 'git://github.com/openstack/requirements',
+ branch: master}
+ - {name: neutron-fwaas,
+ repository: 'git://github.com/openstack/neutron-fwaas',
+ branch: master}
+ - {name: neutron-lbaas,
+ repository: 'git://github.com/openstack/neutron-lbaas',
+ branch: master}
+ - {name: neutron-vpnaas,
+ repository: 'git://github.com/openstack/neutron-vpnaas',
+ branch: master}
+ - {name: neutron,
+ repository: 'git://github.com/openstack/neutron',
+ branch: master}
+directory: /mnt/openstack-git
+#http_proxy: http://squid.internal:3128
+#https_proxy: http://squid.internal:3128
--- /dev/null
+ - {name: requirements,
+ repository: 'git://github.com/openstack/requirements',
+ branch: master}
+ - {name: neutron,
+ repository: 'git://github.com/openstack/neutron',
+ branch: master}
+ - {name: nova,
+ repository: 'git://github.com/openstack/nova',
+ branch: master}
+directory: /mnt/openstack-git
+#http_proxy: http://squid.internal:3128
+#https_proxy: http://squid.internal:3128