pushd $tempdir/openstack-ansible &> /dev/null
source scripts/sources-branch-updater-lib.sh
printme "Synchronize roles and packages"
-update_ansible_role_requirements "master" "true" "true"
+update_ansible_role_requirements "${OPENSTACK_OSA_VERSION:-master}" "true" "true"
# Construct the ansible-role-requirements-file
echo """---
exit 1
+if [[ ${OPENSTACK_OSA_VERSION} =~ "stable/" ]]; then
+ echo ""
+ echo "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
+ echo "WARNING: We have detected that you are trying to use a stable OpenStack-Ansible."
+ echo "This will likely not work because, unless you know what you are doing, you are going"
+ echo "to be mixing roles and services from the master branch with a stable OpenStack-Ansible."
+ echo "This is _NOT_ supported in any way but we can try to make it work for you."
+ echo "Either way you are on your own so please do not report bugs as they will be considered invalid."
+ echo "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
+ echo ""
+ sleep 15
+ trap - ERR
+ ${XCI_PATH}/xci/scripts/update-osa-version-files.sh ${OPENSTACK_OSA_VERSION}
# TODO: The xci playbooks can be put into a playbook which will be done later.
# Clone OPNFV scenario repositories