{% else %}
- [ 'kubernetes-master:kube-api-endpoint', 'kubernetes-worker:kube-api-endpoint' ]
{% endif %}
- - [ 'kubernetes-master:cluster-dns', 'kubernetes-worker:kube-dns' ]
- [ 'kubernetes-master:certificates', 'easyrsa:client' ]
- [ 'kubernetes-master:etcd', 'etcd:db' ]
- [ 'kubernetes-worker:certificates', 'easyrsa:client' ]
echo "modifying default quotas for admin user"
#Modify quotas for the tenant to allow large deployments
-openstack quota set --instances 400 --cores 800 --ram 404800 --secgroups 4000 --floating-ips -1 --secgroup-rules -1 $TENANT_ID
+PROJECT_ID=`openstack quota show -f value -c project`
+openstack quota set --instances 400 --cores 800 --ram 404800 --secgroups 4000 --floating-ips -1 --secgroup-rules -1 $PROJECT_ID
### need to find how to change quota for the project not the tenant
### modify default quota the same way..
-openstack quota set --class --instances 400 --cores 800 --ram 404800 --secgroups 4000 --floating-ips -1 --secgroup-rules -1 $TENANT_ID
+#openstack quota set --class --instances 400 --cores 800 --ram 404800 --secgroups 4000 --floating-ips -1 --secgroup-rules -1 $TENANT_ID
echo "Uploading images to glance"